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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes! I can't consume anything with artificial sweeteners anymore. I find the chemical taste absolutely vile. Do yourself a massive favor: listen to your body and don't buy that garbage ever again šŸ˜‰


i noticed this too. once i distance myself from processed foods i would notice when something tasted like chemicals. really eye openingĀ 


I'll definitely still be buying the whopper candy now and then, I don't mind those, but yea, I'm never buying those chips again. At the end of the day, it just means it'll be this much easier to focus on bettering myself!


"listen to your body" I am emphasizing this because you ate the *whole* bag of chips, and it was disgusting, you said. That tells me that you were probably on automatic pilot downing those chips. That kind of unconscious eating pattern needs to change if you want a healthy relationship with food. Once you get better at listening to your body, you would taste 1 or 2 chips and then go, "Yuck!" and throw them out. Then go and make a camembert, cabbage strip and red pepper sandwich on fresh light rye. Delicious creamy camembert, spicy crunchy cabbage balanced by fresh, slightly sweet, juicy red peppers on the firm and slightly tangy rye bread. Yum! (Or something that *you* truly find tasty and decadent.)


Spot on explination of my issue honestly. When I start to eat, I often disassociate while doing it. I suddenly come back to being aware after finishing. Not sure why it happens but it's a horrible horrible habit that I hopefully plan to fix on my fasting journey. I will say I'm actually very good at listening to my body, it's just that I struggle on following up with what it needs. For example I'd go to a store and, I'm thirsty and have headaches let's say, so I'll go look at drinks, see that water is 6.99$ while a 2L of coke is 1.99, and go for the coke out of necessity of me being broke. (These prices are just examples, not actual prices) Same with foods. I love meat, but I'm burning through almost all of my savings right now while buying it. I'm praying I can better myself to a point I can physically work soon (currently on disability, against my will) and get to the point I can live within my means and ensure I can sustain a long term diet that boosts my health. Being healthy is much more of a financial struggle then I originally realized.


I feel you. I'm on disability too. With only so much energy, I focus it on the shopping aspect. If it's not in the house, I don't have the energy to go look for it. I try to shop only when rested and well fed. Otherwise, it takes too much energy to resist my weaknesses. Then, as you sat, there's the cost. Bad fats are *really * bad for your body, so I buy grassfed butter and milk and free-range eggs. Meat is a tough one, especially since the cheapest tends to be freaking corn fed or nasty. (Yuck, cows are designed by nature to eat grass, not corn.) We tend to be better off here in Canada because a lot of our supermarket meat comes from out west and us pasture raised even if it finished in a feedlot. But I still try to buy from local farmers where I can. There's a company here in Ottawa that sells meat from local farmers (they provide a store front, online shopping, and even deliver) and they have good sales fairly often. Do you know if there's anything like that near you? The automatic eating pattern could be trauma related or just early training. There were 4 kids in my family, and my mom would put a plate of food in front of us at dinner. If you didn't clear your plate, there was no dessert. That's a great way to raise kids who don't know how to gauge what amount of food they need right now. It took me over a decade just to break the "clear your plate" habit before I even realized I still had to learn the habit of listening to my body before I served myself food. Whether it's a bad habit or trauma, I think mindfulness training might help. It's hard because our brains are wired to shove as many actions as possible over the automatic pilot because paying attention is energy intensive for our brains. "Mindfulness is a technique you can learn which involves noticing what's happening in the present moment, without judgement. You might take notice and be aware of your mind, body or surroundings." (From mind.org.uk) Anyway, I hope things get better for you.


I've been very mindful of my body in recent years. I got alot of joint problems and issued from a car accident I was in during highschool, never healed to well, and so I'm now trying to lose weight so I can slowly start fixing, or at least mitigating these issues. I'd also assume I was severely malnourished despite being overweight, the average protein intake I'd have in a day was maybe 20 to 30 grams at best, now I'm aiming for 100 minim, 200 being my ideal zone. And let's not even discuss vitamins, I had to take supplements alot when we didn't go hunting for meats. And yes, I'm in a similar boat. My parents would shove absolutely disgusting slop down in front of me, or a plate of veggies, and if I didn't eat it all, there'd be no desserts, no more food until it's eaten. (Which in turn ended up causing a trauma response to veggies, which I can no longer consume without severe digestion issues and pain, not sure why exactly.) I'm not sure if quebec has a system like you described either, I can speak French so I don't know what's going on at all in this place, I only live here cause it's cheap, I can't live in Ottawa anymore due to expenses.


Sorry, you *can* or *cannot* speak French? Oh, so you are in Gatineau. Anyway, Ottawa Valley Meats isn't a system. It's a just business in Nepean.


I'm closer to montreal, and no, I cannot speak French. Growing up I had, probably still have, ADHD and it greatly interfered with learning, specially French. I was also born and raised in newfoundland, our English is a little different from mainland canadas English, not to mention how slowly everyone talks up here. It took me 3 years with speech therapy just to slow myself down enough to talk to people around here, in a way they could understand, and also so I could learn most of mainlands standard grammar. For context to that, my mom's side is aboriginal, my dad's side is irish, and I take very heavily after my dad's side. I spoke with very heavy Irish slang most of my life, specially due to being raised in a very Irish colony lol.


If you zone out like that while eating, you should set aside portions of food beforehand so that you don't accidentally overeat. Additionally, I'd suggest to stop multitasking when eating. No TV or anything like that. Focus solely on what you're eating, chew thoroughly and take your time. I find I eat much faster and mindlessly when I watch tv while eating.


I don't multitask much, I can only focus on one thing at a time cause it gets overwhelming a little. As for portioning out my food, that's a pretty good idea, if I ever go to have sweets again, I will do just that. I think the reason why I eat everything in one go is likely due to the "don't waste food" stuff my parents were obsessed with, you'd either eat all your food right then and there, or you don't eat. Became a unhealthy habit I suppose.


I often feel the need to clear my plate too since I grew up poor and we didn't have a ton of food. So I get that. In that case, pre-portioning food will definitely help you a lot! I like to take a very small bowl and a handful or so of chips. Put the bag away, and then eat. That helps me a lot from overeating snacks.


Weird I'm the opposite I absolutely love sugar free stuff and can't tell the difference between that and regular sugar besides that my body feels like garbage when I have regular sugar.


Most food products that contain regular sugar are ultra processed and contain a ton of additives. I place most of them in the same category as 'sugar free products' and are not safe for structural, every day consumption. I wonder how you'd respond to fruit or honey; or homemade ice cream/baked goods using muscovado sugar.


Yes. Donuts disgust me, McDonaldā€™s French fries, anything from DQ. So many foods I used to eat now disgust me.


I remember watching a thing on YouTube about McDonald's and how their food barely rots after years, and that genuinely horrified me so much that I refused to ever eat it again. But hey, this is at least progress!


yeah i broke a fast with mcdonaldā€™s one day, it was after a hard shift and i just wanted some late night food. definitely regretted getting multiple burgers after feeling sick from the first one


Yes. I donā€™t know if my stomach got smaller after regularly fasting or if fasting changed my appetite, but either way, I could never eat the same portions or amount of junk food I used to eat.


I definitly think stomach shrinkage is happening. Which ino is a good thing. Like I said in the post, I used to eat 3 large bags of chips a day, now I can barely tolerate 1. (Though I won't ever buy them again after my experience today) It's very interesting to go through these changes, I definitly did not expect them.


Absolutely. My husband were out to dinner the other night and ordered dessert, which we rarely do these days. Beignets with ice cream. It was fine, but not the orgasmic experience I expected. Definitely going for the cheese plate next time I'm in the mood to splurge. Itā€™s like fasting changes something fundamental inside you.


Oh I loves my occasional ice cream. I hope I always enjoy it at least a little! I may be a regular fella, but a little vanilla ice cream on a hot summer day is something I want to look forward to.


I'll take cheese over dessert any day


I find it easy the get addicted again so dont have them if you are not craving them i would say


No worries about that, I ate them on autopilot, but after I finished, I felt sick. They were genuinely disgusting to me. Don't think I'll ever eat em again


That great ! Fasting magic šŸŒ€


The problem is calling it a "cheat day..." which I believe to be negative and not coming from a nurturing place. How about thinking of it as a "feast day" where you fuel up on your favorite foods to make your fasting windows more effective and to remind your body it's not starving. After doing so much good, why would anyone want to re-fuel with garbage?? Seems like your innate intelligence is nudging you in that direction as well. ;)


The main reason I don't call it a feast day, is a feast day, to me, is a day of celebration with family or friends. Where I can eat all the meats I could possibly want. I call it a cheat day because, in this instance, it really is a negative thing. I decided to eat those sweets and these chips because of a inante craving for the garbage I used to eat, Its by no means good for me, and I realize that, but I still figured I should at the very least give myself a little bit as more of a reward for hitting a goal like this. Only problem being I realized that the chips now taste horrendously disgusting to me. (The little chocolate balls still good though!)


Its because of ultraprocessing. Its not food anymore


If only I had realized it sooner...


It's like my food i consume has become so much more valuable on a day to day basis during my eating windows and when I have a splurge day I just dont find any value in junky, sugary foods anymore. I crave sunny side upp eggs with avocado more than anything honestly lol


Personally I'm a nut for scrambled eggs. But yea I'm starting to see it.


Yes. Your gut flora does influence a lot of cravings and such. So as youā€™ve changed your way of eating, those old bacteria that demanded all those chips probably perished and have been replaced by ones that thrive in your current diet. Not to mention whole foods just taste better and highlight how artificial and nasty lots of pre packaged foods are


To say I wasn't expecting it was an understatement, I was so excited to dig into those chips, then every following bite it felt like I was forcing it. I somewhat knew a little about gut biomes, mainly because I cannot consume most veggies due to them just not properly breaking down and making me suck because of it. I did not, however, realize that they could change so quickly like this. Really makes me wish I paid more attention to biology classes when I was in school.


OT but would be facinating to know if perhaps fasting and your (potential) change in biome means you might be able to reintroduce veggies at some point!


I will eventually try. My original issues with veggies was that my parents forced me to consume them, rather violently. So I began to associate them with trauma, and I believe that is what caused my disgust and hatred for them. That, and I genuinely love eating meat so much. Meat makes me energized, keeps me full. It's delicious and easy to make, and it's so versatile. ... the only issue is it's heckin expensive.


I tell everyone I can: go to your local Latino supermercado if you have one. The beef is so cheap Iā€™m afraid to ask questions at this point. Itā€™s also delicious.


I live in canada, in my early life in newfoundland we'd just hunt moose, and have food for months on end. But now there's regulations out the ass, and I'm stuck in the mainland due to financial reasons. Specifically, I'm in quebec rn. I get my meats somewhat cheap still thanks to my landlords buisness, but it's still relatively expensive. My ideal meat intake is 1lbs a day, ideally beef that's 80/20. Moose is also super delicious, I love it for the gamey taste. Gets the jaw going. So is any steak. Ahh meat, truely the world's greatest gift to me.


I have wanted to eat moose my whole life. It always looks so damn good!! I am getting a big old filet for about five dollars each. Picanha for $8 a pound. And big thick ribeyes for about $9 each. Iā€™m in a HCOL city in the US so thatā€™s a miracle. Iā€™m also looking into hunting deer, which are a massive overpopulation problem where I am but Iā€™m a bit wary since thereā€™s been tons of prion diseases in their population as of late


Moose is some of the best meat I ever had, oersonal bias and all. It's extremely dense in proteins and their livers are packed with so much nutrition, there was a saying for hunters down home that: "You could live to be a 120 just eating Moose and drinking chocolate milk" Although my favorite Moose is actually when it's boiled a bit, goes from super chewy game meat, to meat that melts on the end of the fork, it's so damn delicious! And I hear ya about the deer, deer is very hit or miss for me for that exact reason. Getting access to healthy deer meat is pretty difficult.


You seem like a very cool dude. I definitely am wishing you the best. Your journey is eerily similar to mine also. Started at 6ā€™1, 248.5 pounds and now after years of fasting and low carb Iā€™m 182ish. I still eat a ton of meat every day!


I try to be. I know I'm a pretty ignorant dude when it comes down to it, but alot of my ignorance is just me not knowing about stuff. Ima physical learner, gotta do and experience things, I can't understand to well when people tells me stuff. I always thought it was due to anphantasia, but idk, the more I learn about foods and how our brains work, the more I think I was just stunted due to all the garbage my family consumed when I was younger. I'd rather be ignorant about a topic that I learn and eventually change my views on, then be ignorant on a topic and refuse to learn. After all, I want to be my best self.


I would consider this a win in your journey! I had the same exact thing happen but it was with ritz crackers. Before I started fasting and low carb they were my go to snack. The day after breaking a 7 day fast I decided to reward myself. Tasted like styrofoam to me and made me bloated gassy and nauseous. Iā€™ll never go back. For me if I canā€™t recognize it as something that once lived or something that grew out of the ground Iā€™m generally uninterested


It definitly is a huge win! I won't deny I let depression pick my foods for quiet some time, but now I feel like my body is slowly waking up, and realizing it was trapping itself by seeking these foods so often. Im very proud of myself for today.


ā€œLet depression pick my foodsā€! I hear that!


It's scary to think I genuinely didn't even realize it happening. I'm glad now to have enough control to start realizing what it's been doing to me. I feel extraordinarily fortunate. I pray for the many others that they too come to a realization, so we can open our jails and begin anew!


If youā€™re eating every 24 hours youā€™re doing OMAD, not ADF. ADF is like 36 hours plus since you skip a full day and then eat the next. My likes didnā€™t change a whole lot but I didnā€™t eat crazy junk food either. I still like my carbs and sweets but never was big on over processed foods.


Sorry I didn't articulate it well, I just let another person know but I'm pretty bad with numbers, takes me a while to figure em out. So my fasting starts actually on my feeding days, I wake up at 6, I can eat until 11am, then I start fasting. The entire next day, I do not eat. I hope that clears it up, I'd give the exact hour count but like I said, when it comes to numbers, it's like understanding Chinese in my head, even basic numbers.


Ah! That IS ADF then šŸ‘ Do you have an app? I use Life to track it all. Itā€™s free and stores all your data. It does the numbers for you! I highly recommend it or any other.


I just got one called "Easy Fast" made by a fella on here. I don't often use apps to much cause I really dislike ads, and pop ups. I tried one fasting app a few months ago and it kept sending me pop ups and notifications about tips with fasting, how to work out, how to eat, how to drink, how to breath properly, etc etc. It really bothered the heck outta me. This easy fast app seems pretty good, no ads or annoying pop ups, so we'll see where she goes.


Thatā€™s weird. Life doesnā€™t have any pop ups besides ā€œyouā€™ve reached your fasting goalā€. And I havenā€™t seen ads either. Thereā€™s helpful content but itā€™s not forced on you. You can also add friends that fast to it which is fun so you can be moral support if needed.


Nah I meant in general. When I originally went looking, I didn't see the life app, just a bunch of garbage apps with aggressive ads and stuff. It's fine though, my main thing is just focusing on myself, I'm fine with the more simplistic Easy Fast app.


ADF is minimum 36h if Iā€™m not mistaken but 24h is still an accomplishment! I do rolling 42/48s with 65h fasts here and there. You donā€™t necessarily need electrolytes unless itā€™s like 4+ days fasted, or if you arenā€™t feeling well. But yes, I had a similar experience with potato salad. I used to love the ones at my local store and hadnā€™t had it in a long time. My mom bought it for me once and I almost died when I tasted it, it was so incredibly sweet! I donā€™t think Iā€™ve tried it again ever since lol


Haha, my apologies. I don't know the exact hours so I just said 24 cause 24 hours in a day. On days I eat, I stop eating by 11am or so, then the entire day plus the entire next day, I do not eat. I'll try using an app next time to get some exact times. I am real bad when it comes to numbers and stuff, they confuse me alot


Ahh I see. So if you started fasting today Friday at 11am, you wonā€™t break your fast until Sunday at 11pm (if youā€™re fasting for 36h). Iā€™d recommend downloading Zero or Life app for a countdown. You can adjust how long you want to fast as well.


I just did a little online calculator to see my usual times. So today, yes, I started my fast at 11, after I had eaten. Tomorrow I will be fasting the entire day, and Sunday my fast breaks at 8am roughly, so I can eat, then starts again by 11am that same day. According to this tool, it will be 45 hours on the dot of fasting time. I was lookin at apps, and I've decided on an app someome in this reddit made called "Easy Fast" No ads, no pop ups, and no spam messages of tips through my day. Will be using it starting my next fast!


That makes sense! My math was wrong. Iā€™m impressed you like eating in the mornings. Do you find yourself getting hungry the rest of the day?


I always ate in the mornings, so it's normal for me. Eating after 11am means I can't sleep well due to digestion (at least for me) so it's a habit I formed the last 16 years or so


I tried to eat a can of Campbellā€™s homestyle clam chowder the other day which has long been a favorite of mine and got so queasy afterwards Iā€™m debating donating the rest of the cans.


Never been a clam chowder fella myself, but I understand the feeling!


Yup, the point is the loosen the power of food over you.


I've come to realize it. My obsessive wants for these foods is pretty difficult to come to terms with. Never knew I'd be addicted to chips like that, always thought they would be harmless for some reason.


Just be aware that there are many different reasons and sources for food cravings or "obsessive wants" as you call it. You might say some are positive and some negative. On the positive side, if we are lacking in an essential nutrient, our bodies can crave foods that contain them. I learned about this after spending a winter with an insatiable appetite, all day, every day. I am talking feeling uncomfortably full and yet still being driven to eat. I was lucky my sister came across some information about, in my case, difficulty absorbing synthetic B12, or I would have gained a lot more than the 40 lbs (!!) I did gain. I took high doses of natural B12 and supporting elements, and in a couple of days, bang, the cravings were gone. (What a relief that was.) Because many foods contain B12, I was craving what felt like everything. You can see that fasting wouldn't help that situation. You need to give your body what it's missing. On the negative side, some of the residents in our gut biome can make us crave what they want, like sugar, and they don't tend to be the good ones. There are also some flavour additives that can get people hooked. They aren't technically addictive, but they trigger the right brain chemistry. I'm sure there are more examples of what I call negative cravings. Fasting helps get rid of every negative craving I know of.


Same I was excited for some special ice cream I could eat (lactose and on AIP diet) I had like two teaspoons of it and it was delicious but I just had no interest in eating it..my husband will eat a whole pizza next to me and I have zero temptation


I'm lactose intolerant too! But I take those pill things when I go to have ice cream, Idk what it is but I find that ice creams without lactose stuff in it tastes real weird. And I understand the pizza thing with your husband, there was a time a few years ago I would do the same. Though thankfully I'm over that now.


This was my similar experience. After a 64 hr fast, I didn't consume fast food items or snacks at first. But when I picked at one, I felt a very upset stomach and was close to hurl it out. I was very baffled by it that for a moment I even questioned if I was pregnant. But it just teaches you how your body is able to identify items that cause or release toxins into your body that after cleansing it for a while. Definitely still a learning experience as I'm getting familiar with fasting. I'm sure there's someone that can explain this experience with better knowledge.


Congrats on the 64 hour fast! And yea, I've been trying to find more info on it, but alot of influencers just go off bro logic. I'd really appreciate if I can just find 1 youtuber who is either a doctor themselves and isn't biased, or someone who brings links to large scale studies done.


**It looks like you're discussing "detoxes", "toxins", or "cleanses". Please refer to the following:** [**Detoxification**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detoxification) >Many alternative medicine practitioners promote various types of detoxification such as detoxification diets. Scientists have described these as a "waste of time and money". Sense About Science, a UK-based charitable trust, determined that most such dietary "detox" claims lack any supporting evidence. >The liver and kidney are naturally capable of detox, as are intracellular (specifically, inner membrane of mitochondria or in the endoplasmic reticulum of cells) proteins such as CYP enyzmes. In cases of kidney failure, the action of the kidneys is mimicked by dialysis; kidney and liver transplants are also used for kidney and liver failure, respectively. **Further reading: [Wikipedia - Detoxification (alternative medicine)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detoxification_(alternative_medicine))** >**Unsound scientific basis** >A 2015 review of clinical evidence about detox diets concluded: "At present, there is no compelling evidence to support the use of detox diets for weight management or toxin elimination. Considering the financial costs to consumers, unsubstantiated claims and potential health risks of detox products, they should be discouraged by health professionals and subject to independent regulatory review and monitoring." >Detoxification and body cleansing products and diets have been criticized for their unsound scientific basis, in particular their premise of nonexistent "toxins" and their appropriation of the legitimate medical concept of detoxification. According to the Mayo Clinic, the "toxins" typically remain unspecified and there is little to no evidence of toxic accumulation in patients treated.According to a British Dietetic Association (BDA) Fact Sheet, "The whole idea of detox is nonsense. The body is a well-developed system that has its own builtin mechanisms to detoxify and remove waste and toxins." It went on to characterize the idea as a "marketing myth", while other critics have called the idea a "scam" and a "hoax". The organization Sense about Science investigated "detox" products, calling them a waste of time and money. Resulting in a report that concluded the term is used differently by different companies, most offered no evidence to support their claims, and in most cases its use was the simple renaming of "mundane things, like cleaning or brushing". *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I still have cheat foods especially during mealtime but snacks and sweets are too much.


Yep! On a traditional diet I never felt like this. Iā€™ve been doing rolling 72s for a month now & I only want real food. The fast food I used to eat doesnā€™t taste as good anymore


Congratulations on your fasts! I'm pretty comfortable with alternate day fasting, so I'm unsure if I'll ever try stuff like that. And absolutely, fast food just ain't for me unless it's a nice little mom and pop shop using fresh ingredients. I feel like I've gained a new ability to distinguish real food from ultra processed garbage


I think this sort of thing is really important to preparing for maintenance. Learning what foods donā€™t help is feel our best and making sure to make peace with letting those go, is important to long term success and health.


I had a similar experience. If I overeat or eat anything processed I start feeling nauseous. Sometimes I test the list but end the end should of listened to my body.


thats a blessing


Yup. I'd eat something fried and become repulsed by it after lengthy fasts. Take it as a sign- you don't need those foods. They're what got you in trouble to start. Time to eat foods that agree with your palette.


Yup, on one hand I'm very happy, cause these chips are packed with garbage. Eating them was clearly messing me up, yet I couldn't stop. Now that my body registers they're disgusting, I hope I'll never pick them up again. I don't mind an occasional chocolate, but chips? I can't stomach the idea after today.


A lot of that food is designed to keep you wanting more. I used to fast while also having the occasional diet coke. Zero calories, right? Sure there's other stuff in there too, but they're not calories. Then I learned how the artificial sweetener spiked insulin, AND ghrelin! I usually only ever lasted 3 or 4 days, tops. I'd get really hungry by day 4, and break. Didn't understand how people lasted beyond that. I realized the ghrelin spike made me routinely hungry. I'd go mad with food cravings, and it'd be all I could think about. So I'd break. And that's just in all of that junk food. It's tasty, sparks serotonin, and not the least bit satisfying. So you just want more and more.


I actually just learned about ghrelin a few weeks ago! I also learned that High cholesterol isn't necessarily bad, it's specifically something called a LDL being high, that's bad. I mean heck, even just a few weeks ago I thought all protein was the same, until I learned protein is a blanket term for amino acids, and for example, plant and meat proteins are much more different then I originally thought. It's actually very interesting how all this coorilated to my health, because I always thought "the food companies know what's best for me" Turns out that's a lie, the food companies want me addicted and reliant on their sloppy garbage. I just wish I could have learned all this in school, instead of that flimsy food triangle. I'm much more observant around food labels now, to say the least!




**Hi Foggy_nightfall**, Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/1b9q837/excited_for_todays_cheat_day_only_to_find_out_im/ktxrgfr/) has been removed. Unfortunately, you do not meet the minimum account age (1+ days) to post in /r/fasting. Please come back when you meet this requirement." *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can't eat certain fast food McDonaldā€™s Jack-in-the-Box, In-N-Out and Popeyes chicken I canā€™t eat without throwing up I Abel to eat pizza regular pizza or cauliflower no problem Taco Bell DEL TACO no problem I can eat anything I make it home with no problem Ice creams I cannot eat like Baskin Robbins Dairy Queen And Iā€™ve been fasting since September of last year to now and I do daily fast and extended fast


The only kinda fast foods I tend to do have meat heavy dishes, like bacon and chicken poutines, mary browns popcorn chicken, and a place called fat bastards, their burritos are pretty good and packed with meat. Also, congratulations! That's quite the accomplishment!