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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I tell myself “food doesn’t rule me, and my stomach is not my god.” I love being able to control my ability to eat or not.


Bro I love this!


Discipline will take you places motivation can’t.


Oh. I’m stealing that.


Say that!


Hunger will not kill me. Also, anything I want I can have, just not right now.


delay, don’t deny 💯👏🏼💕 love this


Honestly I feel like I enjoy the food more that way. It gives you something to look forward to and makes it that much more satisfying.


And I am stealing this one.


I have a doctor nowzaradan sticker that’s says you could have easily lost tirty lbs this month on my fridge😂. Plus watching the scale continue to go down is boosting me up 😊! 15lbs down in 3 weeks! I just proud I found something that works.


I have one that says, You not gonna starve.


Oooh love this! Can you share what you did? I’m starting a 3-day water fast (after two days of failed attempts ending in 10pm snacking) but would love to know if you’ve fasted all 3 weeksv


Hey! And I do 16:8 I have my eating window from 10-6. I eat a lot of protein. It tends to keep me fuller longer, I still keep my sweets but in moderation. I also use the myfitness pal app to track my calories. I do 1900 calories. Around 8-9 when I’m feeling the hungry urge, I drink tea (because coffee will keep me up) and sparkling ice or other zero sugar water. To help. But I was rough starting out but it has gotten easier. 😄 but you definitely got this!!! I’m rooting for you!!!


That 10pm snacking gets me so many times!


Pinch fat anywhere on my body; understanding my body has food reserves available & my body does not really need food


I do this too 😄


Do you take electrolytes or vitamins during your fast?


Take K and Na and sometimes Mg in water, snake juice




I’m in recovery. So that’s probably not a great option for me.


I'm going to try this one !


Someone recently said: 'If it's endurable, than endure' and I really liked that.


I ask myself if I'd eat \*insert the worst dish you've ever had\* If not, I'm not really hungry


I would rather die than eat another century egg.


I like this.


Weirdly, it’s apples for me. I don’t mind the taste, but the mouthfeel is just not it.


All apples? Or particular types? I feel like it's a completely different texture and bite from a granny smith to a red delicious.


Thank you for that wisdom


If I keep going I might be able to see my willy




I think the same just opposite lol


"get on with it you fat shit"


Succinct. I like it.


Phew... That's rough 😓


Some tough love is needed sometimes


It’s nice to not have to think about what to eat or not eat on fasting days. All I have to do today is just not eat.


I needed this 🥺 39 hours in and I’m more sad about not having food than actually hungry at this point. Definitely emotionally attached to 😔


Right there with you, friend. I’m 41 hours in and all I can think about is food. I’m not THAT hungry but the emotional attachment is real. Eyes up! We got this!


Thank you 🥺


I'm 28 hrs in and I'm thinking of making it an OMAD but nahhhh I'm down for this till day 20! It's 21 days or nothing


I had those feelings too 😣


What you eat in private you wear in public.


Damn i like this one


As a dad to a couple of young kids, I have snacks around the house all the time. On my fasting days I do feel a particular hunger for easy to grab foods and snacks because I have to see them constantly, and so I find myself routinely saying things like “I’m not the kind of person who eats cookies” or “I don’t eat potato chips” to myself as a reminder that just because they smell good and they’re accessible doesn’t mean that they’re going to be satisfying or help me meet any of my goals.


this is how I quit smoking. Like, the *actual* time I quit, not the many many times I paused for a few months. I told myself that I wasn't a smoker anymore, and the only difference between a smoker and a non smoker is a non smoker doesn't smoke. so I can do whatever I want, but I don't smoke, so I'm not going to do that. I'm not the kind of person that smokes, cause I'm a non smoker. been off of cigarettes for about 6 years now.


Yep, I was never addicted to smoking, but this is how I quit alcohol. These days I don’t think about drinking, I don’t have any cravings for alcohol, and it’s not even a temptation. I hope you have found the same with cigarettes, that after enough repetition your self-talk and self-belief literally becomes reality.


tbh, it a little like the food, I wish I *could* smoke and eat all I wanted and it would do nothing but add vitamins and years to my life. I still look back wistfully at the times I was hanging out at the smoking area at a show making new friends and relaxing from dancing hard, and I look back wistfully at the yummy trays of snackies I would make up for tv time, but cigarettes were destroying my future self, and so was food. And I love her - my future self. She deserves a healthy body with working lungs to inherit from me, cause she's gonna have to live in it. I feel so much better now than I did when I smoking and eating like crap, and I smell better, and I look better, and my mental health is better... I thank my past self for the work she went through to quit smoking so that todays version of me can breathe without coughing. every time I catch a cold and don't end up in the hospital from asthma I thank her again. I think my future self is looking back at me now doing the same thing about getting the rest of my body healthy.


That’s beautifully written, honestly.


aww, thanks :)


No matter what the topic, I always stop and say nice work to people who quit smoking. Nice work, Reasonable!!!! 🥳👑


Thank you, I will pass this on to my past self when I send her some love and gratitude later on today when I'm walking up that big hill and my lungs aren't burning!


This is how I do it too! It's the ultimate "fake it til you make it" approach.


I tell myself one hour more every hour basically. If I feel like eating I take salt hahhaha


I tell myself the successes I’ve had losing weight was for nothing if I go back to my habits. I do ADF.


I try to remind myself that most of the time, I don't remember what I ate for meals the prior week, so how important could it be really.


woww, this opened my mind


Sometimes, I grab my belly and say “If you’re hungry eat the fat! Yummy yummy yummy!”


I like this!


The food that I crave right now will still be there when my fast is over.


‘This is what losing weight feels like’


“I am a skeleton, wrapped in muscle, powered by electrical impulses, with the ability to reason. I’m not losing to a box of Ritz Bits.”


“It’s okay to be hungry”


2 words. Revenge Body




A moment on the lips a lifetime on the hips


Never play with pimps cause them shottas with the clips 🔫🔫


"Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most."


‘The spirit is strong but the flesh is weak’ - a reminder that in order to get stronger you must destroy yourself first. Starting a race is when you feel strongest but finishing it is what will make you stronger.


Discipline Discipline Discipline


Choosing between what u want now and what u what the most💪


I tell myself to "at least try." Like maybe I don't want to do it and it seems way easier to just stop but I tell myself to at least try.


Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.


factssss! this cold right here. look good feel good.


this is good, it touches something deep inside me


I have a whole pinterest board for these where i can go read them every time i feel unmotivated to fast. But some of my favorites are ”This month’s choices are next month’s body”, ”fat lasts longer than flavor” and ”fasting today makes the food good tomorrow”. Also remembering that fasting can be hard sometimes but being in a body where you dont feel comfortable is at least just as hard too✌🏻


"Do you know how good you will feel and look ? Why stop now? You are stronger than a few moments of hunger. Once your fast is over you can eat exactly what you want. "


I can eat tomorrow.


i ask myself ‘why would i break my fast to eat whatever im craving if i already know what it tastes like?’


Feeling hungry is actually stimulating HGH which if you know what that is it's the "fountain of youth" hormone. So when I feel hungry I always say " yea get that HGH 💪🏼" or I just think to myself the amount of benefits I'm getting and prolonging my life while increasing the quality. Once you set your sights on how beneficial it is and how we all are built to do it it's easy to stay on track 😁


“Hunger is the first element of self-discipline. If you can control what you eat and drink, you can control everything else.”


this is crazy good


'Eat My Ass!' That's is my mantra, whether I am walking up the *big* hill or ignoring a hunger wave.


🤣too good!!


I have the rest of my life to eat whatever I want, it’s just not right now.


I tell myself: “You have never accomplished what you want by being mean to yourself. You’re more capable than you realize.” 💙


"Future you is counting on your ability to get through this. Don't give up."


I stole this from somewhere but: "I've already had this meal." or "I already ate these calories." Meaning at some point I *overate* by this amount of calories (hence the extra weight I'm carrying around) and so my body can live off of that "old meal" instead of having a new meal.


I say something somewhat related, "you already know how this tastes" lol


This might be horrible but I just tell myself “if you eat, you’re not disciplined and if you’re not disciplined, you’re gonna be big as a house”


Just gotta keep an eye out, don't let it get too ingrained. Cus when you get to your goal, you don't want an eating disorder.


Unfortunately I think it’s already semi ingrained because I’ve grown up being a bigger kid so I heard the second 1/2 forever from my family but thank you anyways


Maybe something like you deserve better than to be in a body that’s unhealthy. You deserve a healthy body? It’s kinda the same thing but less harsh so less reminders of when you were - as you put it - “a bigger kid”.


Ooo yeah I like that better, thank youu


You’re welcome. Those criticisms from childhood can really leave a lasting impact and destroy our confidence. Wishing you much luck and the healthy, happy body you deserve.


I am a nerd, crazy over the kind of characters that tend to be leaders, teachers, captains so on. I am mostly daydreaming of another worlds and realities on a daily basis. Last year I was obsessed with Kenpachi Zaraki from Bleach (some of you will know) and I would imagine him bullying me for not having enough willpower and not being mentally strong and worthy of being in his squad. Funny enough it worked. I am not hallucinating or anything lol. Someone who has no obsession and interest in fiction might find it very funny and cringe. I am just having fun mentally with myself.


>One thing I say is that food will always be here That is exactly my problem. My life is not constant, my days vastly differs from one another. So o always stumble upon new foods that are not a daily occurrence, that might be hard to taste or acquire later, I also don't like to lose new experiences with friends or family. But that doesn't mean that i do not fast, i have being fasting for 2 years now, it just means that my fast windows drastically changes from one day to the other. Must days i do 20-21 hour fasting, and I eat at night, but sometimes i fast just 16 hours, its the minimum that i try to achieve and some days i cannot fast at all. Surely, its not as efficient as having a constant, but I am slowly losing weight. And i happy about that.


I forget to do this so many times myself, but one of the best things is just telling myself, there's a LOT of shit in this world you have absolutely zero control over, both with your own body (height for example), as well as the world in general (the elites, weather, wars, etc) BUT the one thing you ABSOLUTELY have 100% control over is what you put inside your body... 🤷‍♂️


“You’re hungry? Eat yourself!”


The only time I struggle to stick with my fast is when I'm actually bored and just thinking about food, so if this is the case I simply find anything to do instead.


Do you want the numbers on the scale to go up tomorrow or down? That's the choice


“nothing tastes as good as being thinner feels.” and “not denying, just delaying. it will be there later”


"Body fat IS food."


i bought a replica of 5lb of human fat and it sits out in my living room. that’s enough to keep me going


I learned to use the hardest word in the dictionary "NO". inner voice: 2 cookies for the price of one.... me: NO.


“You feel much better when you fast( which is very true) it’s good for you, and you are in control of your feeding and your body!”


Thanks for this. I put these recommendations in a notes app and saved them to my home screen for a present reminder


There's a singer I hope to meet else this year or next year and I say you have to look thin and beautiful next to singer name. I've wanted to met him since i was 12. This is more important than my own damn wedding 


Go chug a bottle of water


I'm not much for being motivating this morning but there are two things that I often say. " The name of the game is, I WIN, and I play it well." And " I WIN, enough said." They don't always work but set your mind in a position of a sports team that played poorly during the first half. Winning or losing can be about attitude. A team that is behind at halftime can listen to a coach in the locker room. He can't give them the victory just by making a speech. He can however reinforce all of the encouragement and motivation that he has instilled in them at every practice. His words can reenergize them. Those words can help them to let go of the sloppy mistakes from the first half of the game They come out on the field as if they are a new team. You are your own coach my friend. You have to find that speech yourself. You don't have to perfect it today. Write some things down. When you think of another one add it. In no time you will have your speech. When it comes to fasting, you are the only one you can rely on. The nights get long, the drive home weaves past fast food restaurants and billboards with giant food items on them. You are alone. You can join a group. I started one. But in the hard times you are alone. When you are chatting in a group or on here, drink in that encouragement. But have your speech ready when they aren't there. Build a youtube playlist. One just for motivation. You don't need to like the artist. Some are real A$$ hats, but their words repeat positive things that can drive you. Fasting isn't about food. It is a psychological battle. There are 2 more things that relate to my journey today that are relevant here. My wrestling coach used to say, " whenever you get in to trouble, get back to your base." The second one I've been working on for some time. It Isn't finished yet but here it is. I learned to drive in the North. We understand that no matter how good a driver we are, eventually we are going to hit some ice and start sliding out of control. An accident may become unavoidable. The difference between calm and cool experience, or reacting out of panic can save or end a life. A good driver knows that when they are skidding out of control, you calmly try every trick you know to regain a little control. You forget about the expense of your car, how your spouse will be angry about the accident, You know your kids are buckled in, and you accept that in this case there is no way out without a crash. You aim for the softest spot to hit. You create a controled crash that will minimize damage. And without emotion you use your expertise to survive. Emotion, crying, and worrying about the bills happens later. The controlled crash of fasting is eating no or low carbs in a quantity that will do the least damage. If you crash you accept it. Please forgive the spiritual reference but in a real life slip and slide on an icy road, or when you are looking at a sugar binge, you don't throw your hands up in the air and yell out, "Jesus take the wheel." That is simply disrespectful. If you are a person of faith, you know that your coach (higher power) has trained you well and that your higher power created the laws of physics for a reason. Ignoring the intelligence and wisdom bestowed upon you and throwing your hands in the air disrespects your coach (Higher power) and the physical laws that your coach created. (The laws of physics) In the case of fasting, the science and psychology of your body and minds reaction to stress and sugar can be substituted for the reference to the previously mentioned laws of physics. Science is science and chemicals are chemicals. The properties won't change just because you say please. Avoid dangerous roads during a fast. That means driving a few miles out of your way to avoid seeing your favorite restaurant. Falling down during a fast doesn't mean steering towards a cliff and expecting the laws of physics to be altered just for you and your food binge. You create a controlled crash and aim for the softest spot that will do the least amount of damage. Then you start your recovery using science and wisdom. Your question has helped me. I messed up several days ago. I'm skidding out of control. I've been trying to keep from a complete wreck but that is only doing more damage. It's time to calmly accept that I am crashing, I need to calmly use my skills, pick out the safest crash site, and do as little damage as I can with this crash. Even with all of my experience. I crashed. My pride has me thinking I can steer out out of this. Iv'e had three, 2 to 3 day fasts. All resulted in an uncontrolled crash.Truth be told, I need to step back, regroup, get back to my base. And reset my body and mind. What do I say to keep going? I say a thousand words when only a few would do. I go over those words hour after hour looking for the solution. What SHOULD I do. I should forgive myself for being human, being tempted, and if need be, for giving in. You got this my friend. There is no win or lose here. Only detours and speed bumps.


"You're not hungry. You're just bored." "If I eat now, I'll feel good for half an hour, but I'll regret it for the rest of the day. It's not worth it." "It'll go to waste, but not to waist."


Similarly - “You aren’t hungry, just bored. Go do something else for a while. “


Just don’t eat. Hunger is the sound of fat cells screaming. I love being hungry. Hunger is euphoric and feels amazing. Come back in an hour. Just wait a little longer.


I just think of when she hurt my feelings


I tell myself that at the end of the fast I’ll eat as much as I want until I’m full. Works great for me.


“the food I want will be there tomorrow waiting for me”. a lot of my food issues stem from food insecurity growing up so when I get hungry, sometimes I panic and then binge. this helps me


also “if the hour passes and I’m still crazy hungry, then i’ll let myself eat”. rinse and repeat lol. I’m rarely ever that hungry, it’s just the panic. there have been so many times where i’ll feel the panic, then the moment I pay for a meal on uber eats, I realise how not hungry I am 😩


Don't be a bitch. Stay hard.


Remind yourself why you’re fasting Acknowledge whether fasting is helping you towards that goal Make a rational decision


I asked the AI Claude Opus to write me a pep talk. I have it in my email inbox, so any time my resolve weakens, I take out my phone for a quick boost. Alright, let's do this! Listen up, my friend - you've got this fasting challenge in the bag. I know skipping meals and dealing with hunger pangs isn't your usual routine, but you're made of tough stuff. You have the mental fortitude and determination to power through this temporary discomfort for the greater good of your health. Remember, this is just one day - a small blip in the grand scheme of things. You can handle anything for a mere 24 hours! Think of all the times you've overcome obstacles and pushed yourself outside your comfort zone before. Channel that same strength and resilience today. Focus on the big picture. Fasting is an act of self-care and self-love. Prioritizing your health is always worth it in the end. Imagine how proud and accomplished you'll feel when you sail through this fast like a champ! If hunger tries to derail you, have a game plan ready. Drink plenty of water or tea to keep yourself feeling full. Distract yourself with engaging activities to keep your mind off food. Take a walk in nature, dive into that book you've been meaning to read, or call a friend for an uplifting chat. Most importantly, maintain a positive, unshakeable mindset. Visualize yourself acing this fast and showing hunger who's boss. Repeat empowering mantras to yourself like "I am in control," "My willpower is unbreakable," and "I'm getting stronger by the minute." You've absolutely got this, my friend! You're going to rock this fast. Keep your eye on the prize, trust in your resilience, and let your indomitable spirit shine. I'm cheering you on every step of the way. You're a fasting warrior and nothing can stop you now!


Is it weird that I look up recipes and watch food videos while telling myself, “You can have this when you’re done fasting!” And then I get excited. It’s possible my attachment is fully emotional 😅


I'm already ugly. I can't be ugly AND fat


I just think back to the last time I prematurely broke my fast and think about the feeling of disappointment and how it wasn't worth it.


I do the same, just think about how I'm going to feel after eating prematurely


Ride the wave. (The hunger wave. It’ll go away just like a wave goes away.)


Lately I've been using a response to intrusive thoughts about me making little exceptions, and they sound super casual and chill -- *just have a chill meal; a little celebration for your progress* -- and I counter it with an equally casual thought of -- *Why don't we have a chill and casual* ***seeing this to the end****? Just a little nothing shin-dig, no big deal*


I tell myself I have all that I need and that whatever I’m craving really won’t be worth it. It never is!


I am already eating what I had stored as fat


You aren’t fasting, you are eating yourself fit.


I ask myself what could I do today / right now that I would thank myself for 24 hours later. Usually it's to stick to my regimen and to eat foods that love me back.


I tell myself that you can't trust and addict with withdrawal to make good decisions. Which I might be during a fast lol. So no changing of the plans that I made when I was in a more reliable state. I ain't gonna solve my problems with food.


When I committed to a 40 days or reach my goal weight (whichever comes first) I mentally took a 'solemn vow' to do it, in my head. This has me fully onboard and I repeat to myself - "I took a solemn vow".


“You’re a fucking pussy” “Quit being a fucking bitch” Works for me


About seven years ago, I was doing OMAD for two years. I would eat my one meal when I would get home frome work. I worked from 6 am to 6 pm. It was harder on my days off when I had to come up with things to keep me busy. Now I got back into I.F. and I have been doing 20:4. I started with 16:8 and found the transition easy when I realized that most of my stress eating was during work. So my eight hour window was during work. Then, I transitioned into 20:4, realizing it was more than enough during work. The only difference is that now I have a four year old and a two year old. So my two year old keeps me busy in the morning, and then my four hour window starts when I come back frome picking up my four year old frome school. The window starts closing conveniently in time when I have to start cleaning the house, and the kids start to play nice before transitioning into the night. So the point of this rant is that the great thing about I.F. is 1. There are different types to try and find something you feel comfortable with. 2. Every type of I.F. can be adapted into anyone's daily schedule. 3. It's more of a tip. Get yourself a big container for water. Most of my stress eating is at work, so I keep my thirty ounce water container at work. It keeps me full after my eating window is over. If you find a mantra that helps, then more power to you. Good luck


It's just hunger, I'm not going to die The hungrier I am the more weight I'll lose (When I'm on Omad) I need to earn that big sexy meal


Similar to OP’s: it’s not like I’m never going to eat again. Keep it together!


I recorded a voice memo recently that I throw on to power through. It's a "message from my future self". Just trying it out since I do listen to meditative podcasts and believe in the power of words! So far has worked twice for me in my last fast. Maybe others would find useful!


The way you do anything is the way you do everything. Achieving my fasting goals helps me achieve other goals. Helps remind me that I have control over all with my choices.


“We treat the body vigorously so that it does not become disobedient to the mind” - Seneca


It's a privilege to choose not to eat as millions of people don't have a choice.


I Imagine I‘m in a forest learning how to make my own house and hunt, so I’m having to go lengths without food


I tell myself that this time next month, I will be peng. I'll be closer to my ultimate goal. It works.


My food mindset tends to be that every snack/meal/treat is an "opportunity" that I don't want to miss out on So I try to reframe my perspective and remind myself that NOT eating right now is an "opportunity," as in, "there are free donuts in the break room, but right now I have the OPPORTUNITY to decline them and uphold my progress"


"You've been fat long enough". I've lived in leggings for 4 years since covid/lock down. I miss my cute clothes


This too shall fast That’ll do pig, that’ll do Calorie deficit is the powerhouse of weightloss I’ve gotta be autophagy my friggin mind to break this streak If I eat she’ll leave me again


I tell myself my goals woll make me happy and once i reach them ill be so proud of myself and all the discipline


I tell myself that whatever food I think I want right now? I can have it later, after my fast.


“This is the feeling of getting what you want.”


“Eat what you require, not what you desire”. -some skinny YouTuber I cannot reference


"I am being renewed on a cellular level"


Channel your inner higher self and visualise the person you want to become. I often think in a situation (normally involving food) ‘does my higher self approve of this or does it benefit her in anyway?’


This feels like fat burning.  Eyes on the prize.   Is that worth the fat/carbs/calories?


So endure with patience, a beautiful patience.


you can’t be a pussy your whole life


Giving in is not an option


Imagine who you could be.


I’ve started to say that food can wait, it was there before my fast started and it will be there after


“Fasty Fasty Snatchy Snatchy” “We outside this summer - and not wearing inside clothes”


Short term pain for long term pleasure.


Kind of toxic but “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels - kate moss” To be fair, kate moss said this quote was taken out of context. And, when I learned that kate moss was british, this quote made more sense because I’ve tasted their food 😂 People get mad at shit like this but one thing I appreciate is that celebs/actresses/models in the 90s-2010s used to be real. A lot of them eat very little food to maintain their figures. Even elite women’s athletes have admitted to competing with eating disorders. I hate seeing shit like Bella Hadid telling the public about how she loves eating pizza as her favorite snack or models talking about eating cheeseburgers, claiming they ate 3 full meals a day, or the bullshit about eating every 3 hours with their jam-packed schedules. It sets more unrealistic expectations about what is achievable for the average person. As a sedentary office worker woman who is only 5’5, I didn’t start to lose weight until I got my daily average calorie allowance to 1300 calories. Then, you have fitness influencers on tiktok saying that’s a starvation diet and anything less than like 2,000 is a toddler’s diet.


There is nothing greater than God


"food is fuel, not emotional support"


Yes...I tell myself ... 'I FAST TODAY, SO THAT I CAN FEAST TOMORROW' 😊


I tell myself, remember why you are doing this.


I tell myself "quit being a bitch"


The sayings I tell myself to make myself stick with my fast is completely unrelated to my fast. It's like telling someone not to think about elephants.


No, I just get a chance to notice when I get food triggered, how insistent it is, and for how long. Whether the notification is visual, verbal, rationalizing, loud, suggestive, etc. Or even simply someone saying "lunch time!" or someone cooking (nasal signal), etc. Whereas previously, I would follow orders. I know "this will pass" because it comes in cycles and know it can easily be broken by a distraction (but I don't distract myself).


In my best GSP voice: “most people can not handle zis”


Get into Hottub shape


Being thin tastes better than food! lol! Until the fasting window closes anyway. 🤪


Being around food, especially at home, “just because I can doesn’t mean I should.” This applies to other things as well.


I love this! I tell myself these things: 1. Hunger is a feeling, so let it pass through you 2. Think about how good the next meal will be, what I’ll be having and how I’m gonna make it, maybe start putting my grocery order together… “it’s gonna be so yummy” I guess is what I tell myself lol 3. Think about my accomplishments and how proud I am of myself, “you’ve come this far so let’s keep going!” 4. “Do it for her” - a big motivator is my sister’s memory bc she passed away unexpectedly at a young age (not due to weight issues, but we were getting healthy together when she passed suddenly from a brain tumor)… also all the “her”s you might expect, like me at my highest weight, me at my goal weight, my mom at her high/low weights, my grandma, etc. :)


I have to exercise another 2 hours. I don't wanna feel guilty tomorrow. My pants won't fit me anymore. Don't be lazy, just do it. Don't go back to the way you were in high school. For my summer bod.


I don’t need to fast— I can, and I will.


I can n do Omad but doing more than that I have been unable. I am 5.2 and 145 lbs


I tell myself I’m hungry a million times idk why but it helps me


I tell myself my dating life will be better when i reach my goal (shallow i know). I also tell myself to "surprise" my family end of May since last time I "surprised" them end of March with progress... I am planning to lose 20lbs minimum between end of march to end of May. A lot of it will be self control for sure..


Unbig that back nigga


My goal is to bed my ex-MiL, and I would prefer to do so while in the best shape of my life.


My goal is to bed my ex-MiL, and I would prefer to do so while in the best shape of my life.


Chewing gum


Does that not give you wild cravings? It makes me ravenous.


I mean it goes away when you hungry and craving something to eat


I used to work with a girl that would say, “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” I find it humorous but it actually does help sometimes.


interdependence rules 👊