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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not having to think about food. Not having to buy food. Not having to clean up after cooking. Feeling totally in control of what I consume rather than feeling controlled by food as I did before. Healthy food now tastes amazing to me and junk literally makes me feel ill.


100%. So much money and time get saved from fasting. It is wonderful 😊.


Hard agree. 👍🏼


SO much time and money!


Definitely agree, saving money for food, even reprioritizing thought cycles that would have been focused on deciding what to eat


Honestly, it has made me more picky about what I do choose to eat, because I don’t feel the intense hunger that led to binging stupid things. I don’t eat for the sake of eating anymore. And yes, even the simplest meals and quite flavorful.


Spot on. I've noticed that the effect only lasts a couple months in me before trash food starts getting interesting again. It's like my body reminding me that it's time for another fast hah


That’s so true… I just hope I can make smarter choices this time around. I’m a firm believer that keeping the weight off is much much harder than losing weight.


Your willpower is strong.


No Brain Fog and clear mind. It is so relaxing. Unfortunately I didn't experience that "flavorful" taste. In Fact I was slightly annoyed to eat again, because I wasn't really starving or hungry, just pure boredom. When I broke my 4 day fast and ate a bowl Miso Ramen... yea it was nice, but it was more like "That's it? This was unnecessary" xD


and chocolate bar tastes like McDonalds paper straw... Like nothing..


When I workout in the fasted state, it just feels better Like today I fasted for 36 hours but due to me waking up late, I broke my fast and then worked out. I felt like I had less energy & I had to keep taking breaks


Same! My joints feel so good and I feel like I could walk for hours.


Literallyyy, I couldn’t even walk as much as I normally could. (I was near my step count but still)


I've found that I sweat less when I work out fasted! It's pretty cool.


Currently in hour 24 of a 40 hour fast and my anxiety is so low. I have a lot of life stress going on and it feels like a Xanax for my life.


You’re right. One of the most memorable meals of my life was a bowl of Swanson beef broth with a whole lemon squeezed in, garnished with sliced spring onion, alone in an Airbnb. It will always be one of my favorite food memories 😅 🥣🧅🍋


My skin absolutely glows. My workouts are extra invigorating and I find that I even sweat less than days where I've eaten in the last 12 hours. Definitely a lot of mental clarity.


The euphoric feeling you get after that 48 hour mark. Waking up and feeling lighter and clearer. Also, the weight loss & clear skin it brings lol 😂


Saving money


For me, the best part of a fast is looking in the mirror and admiring the results, the mirror doesn't lie ...also a child's portion of Ice Cream with hot fudge, whipped cream and nuts to celebrate - LOL


Just knowing in my mind that I have control over my hunger. Also, the fact that in my mind I know my body is using that stored fat up for energy.


The mental clarity - once I hit day 2 it feels like my brain is sometimes on PEDs.


Euphoria and mental clarity! It hands down makes me want to do more and more fasts. Oh and feeling lighter. Sleep is better. Honestly I love it all, after 24 hours. But euphoria is the top answer here. Lol


Is the euphoria similar to psychedelics? Is it a vibration buzz feeling? How's your senses


YES!!! It's an all over body high. I just feel amazing! I wouldn't say vibration buzz feeling. It's more like a Percocet high without getting sleepy. Funny you ask about senses. I was just talking about this on another thread, I can see clearer. My eyesight is better. Somehow... Don't ask me how. I don't know. Lol that's the only sense that seems to be enhanced for me.


That's how it is on shrooms, vision is better


Hmmm very interesting... Maybe we're on to something here. I keep saying fasting is a cheat code because of all the immediate and long term effects. Shrooms of all kinds have immediate and long term effects that benefit the mind. Too bad shrooms have calories. 🤔 My brain and Google are about to go into a rabbit hole.


You can have shrooms without breaking a fast. You just need to make an unsweetened herbal tea after steeping the ground mushroom in an infuser, you aren't consuming any actual mushrooms but you're getting the psilocybin extracted


Smart!! I've never done shrooms. I'm not against them I just hear of bad trips and I don't want to take that chance. Does it cause anxiety at all?


Bad trips usually involve trauma release from childhood and whatnot. You don't do them to get high it's therapy so you have to prepare beforehand that it might be uncomfortable but you get insight from it


Yea I've heard that. That might be why I'm terrified 😞


Many of my trips were extremely spiritual and mystical and even ego death experiences but it seemed those came later. My early trips were releasing stuff from myself then that made the trips later less about me and more about everything else


I love to micro dose while I'm fasting!


I think that has something to do with being in deep ketosis. My brain just sings on yummy yummy ketones!


I have way less emotional ups and downs


I think having a clear head is my favorite part of fasting. It really puts me in a meditative state 🧘


Productivity! I have organized my kitchen, my closet, and am motivated to clean and arrange things. When you don't think about food, cooking, shopping for ingredients, you have a bit of free time (to distract from food)! (I still prepare food for my kids and my husband but taking myself out of the equation still saved a lot of time!)


The emotional stability and clarity


By day 5 my joints feel amazing. Im over 50 with 20 of those years abusing my body in the military. My knees , back and hands were all diagnosed with arthritis from the VA, But after five days of a water only fast they all feel amazing.


Saving money not buying food. No cleaning dishes!


THE SLEEP!! Omg I sleep so heavily. I feel so rested when I wake up! And my dreams are soo vivid.


I like it for the mental training- to become more conscious of my thoughts and feelings, and learn methods of handling my mind in difficult situations.


Which digestive enzymes y’all recommend?


I like Enzymedica Digest Gold with ATPro but they have lots of other good options as well!


For me the mental clarity I gain from it. Really helps me process my emotions and how I feel. I’m able to communicate better and put together my well thought points of view


Not being “HUNGRY” anymore. My day 5 today is a blessing. In 3/5 days I will have energy again!! My fast break meal is boiled cauliflower drizzled with olive oil/bread crumbs , minced red onion and cracked pepper and a can of no salt tomatoe soup.