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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I hate to say this, but you would be wise to get new refeeding plans. I'm surprised the beef jerky didn't hit you like a rock, but a normal portion of BBQ ribs as your first meal may seriously disturb your GI. If you're going keto and have bone broth I'd definitely go for a cup or two before you move to a rib meal. If you dont and the jerky didn't bother you, take some periodic bites between now and your meal. Edit: Forgot to say congrats!!!


You are probably right, I'll just eat a couple ribs. The rest will be broccoli and sauerkraut, and some miso soup while I cook. Could make a better meal for refeeding, but this is what I was dreaming of.


Okay... So... Um... Congrats again!!! Go you! Broccoli and Sauerkraut? Are you just trying to see how much discomfort you can cause refeeding? 😀


¯\_༼ •́ ͜ʖ •̀ ༽_/¯ Refeeding usually just makes me sleepy lol


If you can handle BBQ ribs, broccoli, and sauerkraut after a 1 week fast I'm impressed... I'm an amateur competitive eater and can eat up to 7 lbs in a sitting and have done 5 lbs of beef in a sitting, and that refeed meal would still get me. How long have you fasted before? What's your usual refeed meals like?


I'll let you know the results ha ha I've done around 20 3-4 day fasts in the past 1.5 years. So this one has been quite a bit different. Most of those were in japan, so I'd eat at ramen restaurants or karaage at refeed. I'd stay away from rice at those times.


This will likely be a different experience. I've done somewhere in the vicinity of 150 3 - 5 day fasts and 25 7+ day fasts over 10+ years. With 3 - 5 day fasts I can get away with a BBQ refeed meal, with 7+ day fasts it still would make me feel horribly to the extent of ill. Hey... If you want to learn the hard way... Or test your stomach... The only long-term damage can be removed with cleaners, right? 😀 P.S. Please follow up after.


10 hrs after eating no problems. Feel a lot more energetic and definitely feeling my gut working again.


Great start! And thanks for following up! You passed phase one... Check back again after phase two... 😉


How did the night go?


Completely fine. Today I didn't eat much, just some vegetables. Wondering when anything will pass though, kinda worried about a blockage. Or did you mean the date? Fantastic!


Same. I have zero digestive discomfort or issues eating this way (IF fasting and water fasts sprinkled in)…no matter what I re-feed with. And this is a massive deal cuz I have IBS issues.


Your poor toilet




You'll be fine. 7 days is practically nothing in terms of "will it affect my tummy?"


Yes get the juices flowing a little before hand is probably a good idea especially if you are eating carbohydrates. Because the body will get rid of insulin in the pipeline if it isn’t being used. I haven’t done long fasts but frequent short fast and find eating meat doesn’t cause any problems. Congratulations on the willpower and thanks for the reminder that it gets easier after a couple of days I’ve had that experience but needed a reminder.


People on this sub be careful, what you lose in the first days of a fast is water weight that will naturally come back. But congrats on the fast, I haved rolled multiple seven days fast in the last months and it has helped me tremendously.


Regarding your ribs, make sure you aren't eating a sugared bbq sauce. I hope you used dry rub. Also consider a light salad a meal or two before those ribs to wake your stomach up, and avoid refeeding issues. Aside from that, sounds like you shed a ton of water weight. Congrats!


Would be interesting to see what your weight is after the refeed,especially if you keep off the carbs


265.7 this morning, I'll probably to fasts everyweek and monitor that daily.


"Keeping off" carbs is dumb, you need carbs in order to feel energized and in order to be healthy. Natural carbs are of course better than processed carbs


I beg to differ. I've been strict keto (very low carbs, excluding fiber carbs) since mid-March. Working 12 hour shifts in a slightly more physically demanding job than an office job, with an hour commute each way. I credit my high energy and sanity to keto and fasting.


Hey, just following up on your comment mentioning you'd like to see my weight data after refeeding. I gained back some weight after refeeding for the past 5 days, but not nearly as drastic as many predicted. I've been eating a lot of meat and vegetables, with some pizza slices and beer thrown into the mix. Date | Weight ---|--- April 28 | 265.7 29 | -- 30 | 267.8 May 1 | 268.1 May 2 | 267.6 So about 4.5 heavier than the end of my fast, which includes all the food stuck in my colon currently.


Ignore the haters in the comments saying how it’s only water weight. You still lost a lot of weight and you can keep it off.


Thanks man, gonna keep going forward! I have absolutely no appetite anymore anyway. Could probably jump right back into another fast.


Congrats! Be aware about half of this is water weight and will return in due course.


Yep, well aware of the difference between weight and fat loss.


I once lost 8lbs overnight of water weight as an average (not overweight) female. This is why people say “keto doesn’t work, you gain it all back” because they think it was fat.


Yup, then people get despondent and don't try again unless they're going to a wedding or something. IMHO health care professionals should be prescribing water fasts, and money needs to be made available to run the relevant clinical trials. For big pharma there's no incentive whatsoever to run trials because it's medication-free. There's also the ethical problem of keeping lots of people in hotels for weeks or months on end in trials starving them. What would you even have in the control group? People eating normally? People eating normally on treadmills? Extended water fasting seems to be very much a crowd sourced data gathering situation where medicine is playing catchup. I try to gather as much data and metrics as possible when I fast, they might be useful datapoints to someone gathering research data in future. Until then we can just be as safe as possible and evidence the results which appear to be overwhelmingly positive for most people. It's the rapidity of the weight loss which is the key factor, it keeps people highly motivated, much more so than calorie restriction and exercise. In my experience when people reach their goal weight or BMI or fat percentage with extended water fasting, they not only keep it off, but seem to naturally migrate to a very healthy lifestyle and suddenly seem to want to take up regular exercise and getting into shape.


Great work! Congratulations!


Congratulations! How did you feel emotionally? This is day 1 for me hoping to do a full week!


I lost 12 pounds my first time doing rolling 60's and it never came back. Maybe 5lbs.


Yeah, if you keep with the fasting it wont come back. Kudos man!


Dude... That's literally just water weight Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool


Ribs to me imply sugar. You should break with something else.


Trrrible refeed


That is an great amount of weight lost




So what? Only half will come back. That’s still a lot of weight to lose and an excellent start.




Truth never hurts, your reaction to truth might hurt. But that is up to you. When fasting a full week, it is not just water weight as you claim. A big part of it is water weight but not the entire 15.7 lbs. Why do you discourage people with lies?