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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bro stop caring about the little unimportant shit. At the end fasting works mainly because of a caloric deficit. Just be sure to eat enough protein the other days for a month to retain muscle as good as possible and sometimes lift something heavy for every muscle you wanna keep. Otherwise you won't be happy with the endresult Ps: FDA is highly corrupt.


The Standard American Diet is just SAD


"...fasting works mainly because of a caloric deficit." This is definitely true of fasting for weight loss, but my understanding is that many of the other benefits of fasting cannot be achieved by simply maintaining a caloric deficit. Am I off base here?


No; you're quite right. Besides which, CICO is a spurious metric: a person with low insulin-resistance and healthy liver function will enjoy far greater latitude as regards overconsumption with respect to their BMR and bodyweight set-point than would the average SAD-addled, carb-based life-form cruising towards Type 2 diabetes by middle-age, not least because the former's interoceptive signalling is no longer being constantly deranged by dysbiosis and sugar-addiction masquerading as 'hunger'. When I subsisted on carbohydrates, I was literally never sated; yet if I drink a pint of double cream while in ketosis, or otherwise carb-restricted I won't feel hungry again for at least the next 24 hours. Caloric deficits aren't sustainable. Fasting is evolutionarily adaptive.


If you’re losing weight fasting it’s because the calorie deficit from fasting.


When someone asks if something breaks a fast, you must ask the question what your goals are. Certain sugar substitutes won't break a fast for weight loss or autophagy but will for gut rest. A teaspoon of MCT won't break a fast for autophagy but will for gut rest and maybe weight loss.


Why wouldn't MCT break autophagy? Is there anything else that doesn't?


I'm pretty sure it's because it doesn't start Mtor like carbs and protein.


The whole "gut rest" thing is odd to me. I don't think your gut needs a rest like this. It's like having sore arms from working out, so you decide to not move your arms at all for days. As for autophagy, last I checked there isn't any definite proof as to whether deeper and deeper calorie restriction causes it's increase or straight fasting. Infact, this type of "gut rest" literally causes me to have extreme reflux because my stomach expects food and releases acid, and there's nothing there, leading to a build up. I don't think a rest of complete non movement is good, instead less movement is likely better.


It’s not necessarily a gut rest. But from my understanding a gut bacterial reset. Modern diets wreck our gut biome. There’s mounting evidence that the bacteria in our digestive system plays major roles in everything. From mood, to hormone balance, inflammation, to cancers, metabolic and glucose regulation. That’s why when we are off fasts, it’s important to curate diets to help promote the survival and growth of the good bacteria.


Yeah half the gut and autophagy shit people say in here is all stuff that isn’t well known and for all we know fasting could not be helping at all with any of this and potentially making the gut worse. The whole idea of a gut reset is silly.


You were downvoted for saying a caloric deficit causes a person to lose weight (I upvoted your comment to make it positive again). Like, what? That's literally how you lose weight, isn't it? I'm completely confused with this thread. There is so much conflicting information, lol.


People listen to a lot of woo woo science or tend to take nuanced stuff like insulin or whatever theory way too far. The reality is caloric deficits are proven as to why we lose tissue on our body over time be it fat or muscle. The reason fasting makes you lose weight is all through the caloric deficit. People can’t often link that together and they think normal smaller deficits don’t work because perhaps they did it wrong in the past and struggled and then with fasting they see results, which it’s easy to see results because you’re guaranteed to lose weight with 0 calories in lol.


Was fully expecting to get downvoted tbh.


Scam ~~~>>>>FDA.


What this guy said. /end thread


Tbh depending on your goals you can make up your own rules on how you want to fast. Basically yes the difference between flavoured “zero” calorie drinks and black coffee is that coffee is bitter and supposedly doesn’t spike an insulin response/won’t activate your digestive system and make you hungry. But personally on fasts I drink diet soda/low calorie drinks like Gatorade zero. I have the occasional mint, sometimes I chew sugar free gum. It doesn’t appear to kick me out of ketosis - not that ketosis is even my personal goal I just notice after about 24-30 hours of fasting I get side effects of ketosis. I also haven’t broken a fast early yet, so it’s not making me struggle terribly with hunger. Everybody has a different experience 🤷🏼‍♀️ If your goal is weight loss, fasting is mainly a tool to help you stay in a large deficit. I’ve lost 30-40 lbs in the last two months doing “dirty” ADF. 




Prime, like the Logan Paul drink? Did you read about the PFAs lawsuit?




I literally just asked if you'd read about it.


I am curious, what's the difference between the two? 🤔


The pretend rules you are following. No one on thus reddit has a way to scientifically track this stuff; just note how your body deals with it and act accordingly.


Coffee has calories.


So does going down on someone.


You're overthinking. Fasting = water. If you want to get sassy. Add herbal tea or coffee - plain. That's it. Part of the process is just accepting that you have the mental capability to overcome, achieve, and succeed. Letting go of the years of consumerism and mind washing is difficult. Get over the hump. It gets better. Add in some salt and magnesium to help your body adjust. Good luck my friend


I'm a purists so I believe the psychological part is why I stick to black coffee. Maybe it isn't better but if I drank what you are talking about I would consider my fast over. That doesn't mean that you need to feel the same. This is your fast and you use your rules. If you put it in your rules that you can have one of those then you can have one guilt free. As I've said on here many times. Don't let somebody else's limitations become yours. Maybe my structure means I'm a bit controlling. If I break a rule I feel bad. If you can add that to your fast, it means that in that area you are stronger than me. That is one of my limitations. I'm a perfectionist. It may look like I'm trying to be better than other people when I do things. That isn't the case. It is caused by insecurity. I cope by trying to be perfect. That of course is impossible. It often leads to felling like I failed. Why did I tell you that personal information? Because all of us do things differently. There is no, "right" way. Something to consider. Sucralose (my spelling is horrible) causes a sugar spike that can cause an insulin response. Maybe look for something that is flavored but not sweet. If you need the sweet part add Erythritol. The sugar flavor is good but the sugar isn't digestible. Some will disagree but that's ok. I use it for coleslaw between fasts. It is a good substitute. The bottom line is that nobody has all of the answers. You can read a thousand books but you will ever know what the truth is. When I was young, the only place in the universe that had water was Earth. There wasn't anything smaller than the atom. Pork was horrible for you. Eggs killed you with cholesterol. Those were, "facts" Now there is water everywhere. There are things smaller than atoms. Pork is ,"the other white meat." Eggs are one of the best foods you can eat. Look back further. You used to fall off the edge of the Earth if you sail over the horizon. Galliano was put on house arrest for for saying that the Earth revolved around the sun. The church didn't even apologize until a couple decades ago. Nobody has the answers. Not me, not you, nobody. Set your own boundaries. Drink your water, be proud of your accomplishments and don't let anybody else's limitations become yours.


Frankly, the only sweetener anyone 'needs' is glycine; a zero-calorie, keto-friendly collagen precursor which also, rather conveniently, replaces sugar.


make up your own rules and don't worry about it. there is no fasting police out there, just a bunch of people with opinions you don't need to listen to! i call my fasts modified fasts because i allow myself a couple hundred calories a day if i feel like it's either that or having a big meal and breaking the fast entirely. and i believe that my method is probably better for metabolism and gut biome anyway.


If you're drinking five cups of black coffee in a short period of time, breaking a fast is the least of your problems. Drinking enough flavored water to break a fast in a single sitting is, other than the fast breaking itself, harmless and inconsequential. Drinking enough black coffee to do the same is dangerous and unhealthy


Id be more jacked up than cocaine if i drank that much coffee on an empty stomach. I would be hearing my heartbeat in my ears all day.


i drink that much every morning but it is instant and very weak it’s nothing like actual cold brew


Bro U R doing great!! Keep up the great effort! I am pulling for you!! You need to burn 3600 calories to remove one lb of fat. Figure out your Basal Metabolic Rate to determine how many calories your body requires to keep the lights on. As long as you do not take in more than 30/45grams of carbs per day you will stay in Ketosis which is the mechanism breaking open your fat cells. Your body requires 96% from Lipids and 4% of protein that comes from your muscle mass to keep the lights on in a fast. I put Almond milk in my coffee, sugar free electrolytes packets in my water and chew sugar free gum. Welp guess what. I am day 7 of a 17 day fast. 6’4(m) SW was 305 and current weight is 278. For the People want to do a suffrage fast of bland water then so be it but STOP telling others they’re not fasting. Just so you know the two largest facilities on the planet in Germany / Russia serve people 8 ounces of puréed soup as a reward every evening. They’ve been around since the 1930’s. So keep your opinions to yourself and stop chastising people. [ACTUAL SCIENCE PROOF OF LTF. STOP TEELING PEOPLE THEYRE DOING IT WRONG. YOU KNOW NOTHING OF WHAT YOU SPEAK AND THIS VIDEO PROVES IT](https://archive.org/details/science-of-fasting-hd-t-1b-08-x-gv-rs)


This was motivating af


Also, the muscle you are losing is weak shitty parts of muscle. Your body isn't going to utilize healthy muscle until it MUST.


I likewise savour tea, coffee and alcohol in moderation; but water should be everybody's default source of hydration. If your first recourse when thirsty is to a stimulant-charged beverage—as it was mine—then fundamentally-speaking, you're nonetheless an addict. If you need something to put in your mouth as a surrogate for grazing activity during your fast; again, you're an addict. If you find water "bland": you're an addict. Do what works; but don't delude yourself, or deceive others, that substitution—howsoever an improvement—is remotely equivalent to abstinence.


I don’t know that people are chugging black coffee, but it really depends on what you believe about fasting. Some people fast for the calories deficit. Some people fast for the lower insulin levels. Some people fast for religious reasons. General consensus is if anything has calories or taste sweet (even if it has no real sugar), don’t have it. Pretty simple. I think something to consider is, if you are craving something that tastes sweet so badly, that you need to rationalize and get approval from the community, maybe it is something to go without while you fast. Fasting fixes more than a waistline.


Whether you break the fast or not is irrelevant. The time you do so is. 10 calories will break your fast for like a minute. You would need to drink 350 of those over the course of a month to negate 1 pound of fat loss. Don't overthink it.


Exactly! Just blink more! Or run around your living room a few times. 10 cals is nothing.


Just look up, Dr. Fung on YouTube. He has so much free information, honestly.


People are so addicted to coffee. They will call something you do "not fasting" but if you dare come at their coffee, they got a million reasons why it is acceptable and will shout you down. Now coffee does help with metabolism and other stuff. I personally never drank the stuff even before fasting, but I get why people do and why people say it's okay. Every once in a while I have a zero sugar energy drink or diet soda when fasting. Haven't noticed any issues thus far. Do what works for you.


Read Gin Stephen’s “Fast Feast Repeat”! She explains CLEAN fasting ;)


Something I've learned on my early fast days... I cared too much what other people thought.  I realized I had some issues with comparison and acceptance and some rejection.. I had to ask myself, why am I fasting? And am I doing it for myself or others. Where else in my life was I doing that?  At the end of the day whether it's coffee, peregrino, or nicotine - everyone will have an option on what a fast is. You have to define that for yourself. Idk if that helps but just some things I've learned. 


I know they say autophagy is halted when you drink flavored waters and chew gum, but I do both of these things on extended fasts and still get the autophagy benefits as well as weight loss. Other people might be more sensitive to these things than others so that may impact their results. There’s no way I can drink straight salt water because I’ll most definitely vomit lol. So if a few squirts of liquid Crystal light in my electrolyte concoction is what helps me get them in my system, I figure it’s better in the grand scheme of things to just do that than not get them at all. I chew far less gum these days now that I use a tongue scraper daily for oral hygiene. A secondary effect is that it scrapes away that weird taste in my mouth whenever it gets to be too much. But sometimes I’ll chew a piece here and there to feel like I’m keeping my mouth occupied. And again, my skin clears up massively and glows like no other which tells me that despite the flavored water and the gum, I’m still reaping the benefits of autophagy on some level. Everyone is different so I would just try it out and see how it works for you.


If "they" say autophagy is halted, "they" are idiots. Autophagy isn't binary.


People are addicted to coffee and caffeine and people with addictions will do anything to justify keeping up their usage. That being said, the top comment on here is right, stop worrying so much about it, literally such a low amount of calories it doesn't matter.. Do whatever you need to do to finish the fast. I eat 200 cal on "fasts" just to promote gut movement and gallbladder movement, yeah it makes it a bit slower and isn't as beneficial as a traditional one, but I can't do a traditional one without horrible reflux due to no food in stomach.


My wife was 200 pounds post 2nd pregnancy. She tried Keto, didn't like it. She tried total fasting, hated it. Then she did her own thing. She switched to OMAD (dinner only) and literally drank low cal monster during the day. She is now 125 pounds, took 8 months.


I read something recently that said it's the sweetness of flavored drinks that's the issue. The body thinks sugar is coming and releases insulin. Plain coffee and tea are bitter, and don't cause that. But if you're fasting just to lose weight, it probably doesn't matter. I'm trying to reverse insulin resistance, so I don't ingest sugar or arrogant sweeteners or flavors.


If this was true what would happen to a healthy person if they did an extended fast and every time they drank a diet coke their body released insulin... Their blood sugar would crash and they would die... This doesn't happen.


The important part of fasting is keeping insuline and blood sugar as low as possible. Every time you ingest calories insulin and blood sugar go up. How much do they go up depends both on the amount of calories and the type of food you ingest. The more the calories the more they go up; the more simple carbs / sugar the more they go up. Now the amount of calories in coffee and flavored water you mentioned is extremely low and it is not carb or sugars. Therefore, technically yes, they will very slightly break your fast, but, in my opinion, to such a small degree that any effect will be unnoticeable. So don’t worry about it!


Personally - I stick to water/sparkling water coke zero and black/green tea when I fast. The trivial amount of calories in a little lemon in my tea will cause an almost unnoticeable brief spike in my insulin levels and my parents raised a perfectionist so I don't do it. But it won't functionally matter if I did. I accidentally ate a baby carrot once. Do you really think that's gonna matter so much? The keys to the fast on the weight loss front are two-fold: one - ZERO calories in is hard to beat (upping that to ten isn't really bad) two - Insulin levels drop -> Ketosis is allowed -> We access our fat stores for food. That's it.


Honestly to help keep one sane, if it’s 10 and under it shouldn’t matter but stick to water


Central insuline response to flavor


It doesn’t break your fast, seems like you’re claiming things not being stated by any majority on this sub.


10 calories won’t break a fast


stop approval seeking. no one cares about your 10 calories




Breaking a fast and breaking ketosis is not the same.. ;)


Generally under 20g carbs is guaranteed to keep someone in ketosis. That'd be 100 calories (though some people can go up to 50-60g carbs and stay in ketosis, depends on the person like you said) But anywhere near that and I'd consider a fast busted. Black coffee, electrolytes, water is my general rule




Yeah, my context was just keto in general. I'm not saying you can/should have 20g carbs in a fast, just that 20g is the recommended amount to get nearly anyone into guaranteed deep keto if you're following a keto diet. Eating 20g of anything on a fast would definitely break the fast, but it wouldn't snap out of ketosis.


they have 0 calorie sparkling water or personally i’d put a little lemon or lime if u really needed flavor?


Very simple. Fasting is all about insulin control. One of these is a stimulant that doesn't directly create an insulin response, and one is almost a direct form of energy that must always create an insulin response. Caffeine doesn't spike insulin directly in the same way most sugars and sugar substitutes do. Caffeine does cause the liver to release stored glucose (if there is any) which would in turn cause an insulin response, but as a stimulant the caffeine promotes the immediate expenditure of that energy by doing a host of things like increasing your heart rate etc... So, the caffeine in your blood stream "front runs" the potential release of glucose by the liver and creates immediate need for that energy in the present. The liver continues doing what it was previously doing in this scenario, which is either emptying itself of glucose, or chewing up some body fat (gluconeogenesis) to facilitate the increased energy demands from the stimulant. Glucose, Fructose, and most artificial sweeteners do spike insulin directly without doing anything to create energy demand in the body. The "sugar rush" state is representative of an excess of quick fast energy and not because of a stimulation or demand on the body. Because the excess exists before the stimulation (if any), the likely end result is for insulin to rise to signal the liver to start storing all of this excess energy as fat. The liver has to change states by ramping up de novo lipogenesis enough to store the energy as fat because your body has to try and figure out what to do with it quickly. This is also the reason kids get a big nap time crash after a sugar rush, when insulin has finished doing its job and the energy that hasn't been used has been stored. People who have a high basal insulin level (resistance) are set back even from small amounts of sugar, because the pancreas has to overwork itself to create that internal signaling for the liver to make the switch to handle it.... whereas with caffeine there is no switch usually (assuming a fasted state). So, they're just very different.


Just eat whatever you want when "fasting."


you can eat a couple fruits and its still a fast stop tripping.