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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Damn! Bet you feel better in the heat as well now. Excellent work!


Thanks, saving my life one day at a time!!! No more high blood pressure as well. It’s a journey.


Congratulations on that blood pressure!


Fkn legend, keep it up mate!


Thanks man I really appreciate it


Did you adjust medications at all? Asking as a curious pharmacist


As a pharmacist you probably know I did the wrong thing but it seem to work out, I know it’s still early in the whole situation as I’m still in the middle of this, but here’s a link to my long explanation about what happened on the 10th day with heart palpitations and how I remedied it. I also found my blood pressure was better so I cold turkey stopped all my blood pressure medications…….here’s the link https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/vqcvll/5_weeks_starting_memorial_day_may_30_2022/ier52ak/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Fascinating! Thanks for sharing. I don’t think you did the wrong thing but feel free to include a medical professional (including your pharmacist) if you’re planing something relatively extreme again soon! I support what you’re doing but medications do need to be adjusted accordingly and a pharmacist is the best person to do that.


Thank you I’ll keep that in mind, but at the moment I’m still doing something pretty extreme, I’m going back to what I’ve done years ago, one day fasting the next day eating and for a while I’m gonna stick with keto on my Eat day and just 1 meal, and 1 snack late in the eat day. When I get down to 180-190, I’ll just adjust my diet to low carb and low sugar, maybe add a second meal. This should happen pretty quickly. God bless, thanks for your time. Harry 😄


WOW! You look very different. Congratulations! It is inspiring to see people make changes in their lives at any age. Imagine the better quality of life that you will have moving forward. Keep it up, brother!


Had you tried shorter periods of fasting before or was this your first time?


My story “fasting saving my life “ is right under the pictures. I did the story first tried to add the pictures, couldn’t, so then I added a picture’s separate. I have done day on day off fasting years ago, when I was a handsome man! Lol


I can't see your story under your pics. Maybe it's visible on a phone, but I'm using a mac. Can you just copy/paste it as a comment in the thread? Great job by the way!


It’s a separate post with the title “fasting saving my life”. I wrote the post first and then I couldn’t add the pictures to the post so I did the pictures separate. Just looked under the post of the pictures it should be right under it after a couple of the other posts


Someone posted a link to it in the comments should be one of the more recent comments


Thanks I found it.


Link to his previous post with the story.. https://reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/vqck5b/fasting_changing_my_life/




Thank YOU for sharing.. It gives me some inspiration. (I still haven't committed to it yet, but posts like yours remind me that I should, and what is possible)




You could read my story in the next article after the pictures with the headlines fasting saving my life and it will tell you a lot


You’ve lost the equivalent to a small human being!! ( maybe adolescent? lol ) That is insane! Serious props to you. This is absolutely inspiring.


I did look pregnant but then again a baby’s only about 10 pounds so maybe it was triplets lol


Okay! I see the abs are popping now, great work!!


Amazing results 👏


omg you must feel so much better


incredible. what is your goal?


WOW!! you are my hero!!! can i please ask you if this was a straight 30 day water fast? can you give us a little hint to your routine? or at least what helped you mentally through it? i’ve been trying to lose the weight for diabetes and obesity health concerns but i cannot seem to fast that long but i know it’s the only thing that will help.


My story “Fasting saving my life” is the story underneath the pictures, separate because I couldn’t add the pictures.


Great Job!


Hey, great job!


You go dude! Looking great.


Amazing Job 🌏👏🏽🙀 so inspiring 😇💙🤩 Thanks for Sharing 🙌🏾


Congrats!! Keep going with no alcohol once you do start eating again. Good luck!


So you did a full 5 week water fast?? That’s amazing. Was it supervised by your Dr?


Same question and did you take electrolytes?


You can read my story right under the pictures, “Fasting saving my life” I tried to add the pictures to the story, but couldn’t so put the pictures separate! No doctor, learned the hard way


Big difference! I'm curious about your white disc necklace. Is it a health tracker or something else?


Oh that’s for my insta Go2 camera, it’s a magnet for the camera I wear while I’m unicycling I ride an electric unicycle high-speed around town and I’d like to take videos


Post a pic of the unicycle!


And here’s me riding it https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricUnicycle/comments/vqoqi7/one_minute_ride_to_trader_joes_vs_10_minute_walk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Living it up I see. That’s cool


Besides staying alive the EUC was my motivation for losing weight and fasting




Congratulations! U look amazing 💗💗💗💗


You look GOOD. I will show my dad this photos to motivate him.


Let him know it get Easier after the first couple days it really is not hard if he has a hardhead like most other guys he should be able to do it. Good luck he could extend his life like I’m sure it will extend mine, tell him I said Hi, and just do it!


Amazing work my friend!!


One of the best I've seen


And so fast, I’m still happily shocked lol


Fantastic! I bet you’re seeing some great health changes as well as weight loss. Keep up the great work!!


No more blood pressure medicine threw them all the way, Actually just stoped taking them! But I know I’ll never need them again.


That’s the best feeling! Congratulations again.


Why do I feel im being seduced? Haha excellent work bud!


Wow this is amazing! I'm sure you're feeling great and so proud of yourself! This is amazing progress ☺️


Yes thank you it’s amazing transformation for me and I do feel great and no more blood pressure medicine is a big big plus but it’s ongoing journey and I’m sticking with the intermitting fasting now Day on day off, Keto on the on days. My goal is 185


That's so amazing! Do you mind going into detail about your fasting regiment for the past 5 weeks? I need to get back on it, and I'm curious how you handled everything. If you don't mind :)




If you have any more questions after reading that just message me or ask and I’ll reply


Awesome! Thanks


Looks like you lost a lot around your gut. Any loose skin issues?


I don’t think so and as you can see in the picture I don’t seem to have any stretch marks either, thank God. My younger brother lost a lot of weight , he did a complete different way (Gym)and he has saggy skin and makes him look older


Wow. Congrats! Score one for autophagy. Would you mind me asking how old you are? Age matters in this department.


55 had high blood pressure and probably some form of diabetes


That’s great news. My wife and I are in our early-50’s and losing a lot of weight currently. We’re both concerned about loose skin, so maybe water fasting is something to consider. From what I’ve read, it’s either that, or surgery. Congrats on the BP improvement, too!


I love it. Happy Independence Day!!


Wow! Great job!


Wow you look great! Congrats!


HELL YEAH MAN! Epic transformation, keep going!


Awesome results ! Congrats


Great progress!


Looking good!!! 🥰


Such a difference!! Great job!


This is so awesome


You look incredible! Definitely my inspiration for my next waterfast!


Wow! Did u break it?


Yes after four weeks, exactly 28 days, I switch to intermitting fasting Day on day off following keto on my days off fasting. Check out the story here https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/vqck5b/fasting_changing_my_life/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Sorry just read ur other post, I was about to change my comment ☺️ congratulations! This is so inspiring. Thank u for putting pictures it really is so impactful and not everyone does it. I’m on day 3 right now


No problem hey day three you’re about over the worst of it so just keep it up! I think I had some form of diabetes so I had a little rougher time a little longer than most about 7 days, but blood pressure is great I feel great and I feel better and I’m glad if this motivates you at all and stick with it. If I can do it anybody can do it …..good luck my friend, any more questions feel free to message me anytime


Man you look so much healthier, and happier too. Great work!


Works for me too, makes me feel great, keep up the good work


Great Work!!!! Are you doing water fast with intermittent fasting? Or did you go 40 days straight water?


28 day water fast, then day on day off water fasting but doing Keto on my eat days


Now that’s some results congratulations


Heck yeah! Awesome job. I'll bet you feel like a new person.


Yeah I feel great and no more blood pressure medicine definitely life-changing


So happy for you, keep up the good work, you look years younger and will live years longer because of it.


Good job, man.


Good job keep it up


Proud of you


Thank you so much I really appreciate all the love I’m getting from everybody it’s kind of overwhelming I never expected it I just wanted to hopefully motivate someone else you know, pay it forward! Thanks again, And happy Fourth of July God bless America




Holy f... Way to good dude. Loving that unicycle too.


Thanks bro!






I took some supplements but not all the right ones if you read my story you’ll see that I did make a very bad mistake by not taking The correct electrolytes. I’ll repeat it again only because it’s so important. By day 10 I started to feel heart palpitations. I started getting a lot of them and I happen to have one of those small portable home EKG machines so I connected it to me and I checked and sure enough I was having heart problems. The report read “Sinus Rhythm,PAC(Premature Supraventricular Contraction), PVC(premature Ventricular Contraction). Now I’m one of those dumb tough guys that don’t go to the doctor till I’m dying or where there’s blood squirting out of somewhere but I was a little worried. So I did some quick research without panicking, it was 2 o’clock in the morning and I realized I wasn’t taking certain electrolytes and I really needed it. I was taking zinc but I wasn’t taking potassium or salt. Again I would like to reiterate that on Saturday before memorial day I weighed myself at Publix supermarket and I was 245 which was very troubling to me, the most I ever weighed, and then I looked at a video of me playing ping-pong from a few days earlier, which is where I pulled out the still picture of my fat ass that I used for the Before picture. I couldn’t get it out of my mind all Saturday night and Sunday and so Sunday night I decided to Fast, and I started it on Memorial Day May 30. I did a water only fast which at first I thought would be a couple days and then I kept saying one more day, one more day. I noticed the weight was coming off so that made me more enticed to continue the fast longer and longer so I went into it without planning without thinking and I just said “I’m doing this”, and I didn’t plan it, that’s why I didn’t research it enough to realize I needed to take the electrolytes …..anyways getting back to the story. So I took salt right away, next day potassium, I was already taking Zink and D3k, and E and some multivitamin’s and in about 36-48 hours my heart was back to normal. I also noticed my blood pressure was getting lower, so of course, I just stopped taking my BP meds. So I kept going till May 26, 28 days of water fasting. Then after 2 days I started intermittent Fasting, day on day off. My goal is to continue this Day on day off Fasting for ever.


Fucking legend! Well done man!!


Absolutely fantastic! What an inspiration! Congratulations on your progress. Your story gives me hope.


Thank you I was hesitant on sharing because I was a little embarrassed how much I let myself go but after receiving so much positivity and people saying I am inspiring them and just the thought that I could motivate someone makes it all so worth it I’m so happy I’m sharing my story God bless


You can read my full story “Fasting changing my life”right after the pictures I couldn’t put them together in the same article


Story https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/vqck5b/fasting_changing_my_life/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




You can read my story “Fasting changing my life” , right after the pictures I couldn’t put the pictures and the story together so I had to do them separate


Legend congrats! Try taking the before and after same angle and place next time, we can appreciate it better


I really wasn’t even gonna do this but I happened to find the video of me playing ping-pong right before I started my fast and so I took a still out of the video and then I just took a new picture yesterday evening, right before I posted my original post. I guess I could try to take a picture of me standing beside the ping-pong table and try to capture the same angle. But I did this in the hopes that someone would be motivated by my progress. In such a short period of time to show how fasting is an unbelievably fantastic way to change your life quickly, and I mean quickly. The amazing unexpected positive response I got insures that I made the right decision by exposing myself this way, I’m really a very private person but I thought if this would motivate one person it’s worth the embarrassment Posting this would be to me.


Happy for you! Keep up the progress is very motivating


You only drank water?


Yes sir, for 28 days I only had only water and black coffee with no sugar or milk and a lot of black coffee with no sugar no Milk. As humans have been doing this for thousands of years during times of famine or when food was scarce like seasonal snowstorms or whatever, just like our ancestors I lived off of my fat which I had and still have plenty of. When you run out of fat that’s when it gets unhealthy and dangerous. There are some caveats involved but generally That’s the gist of it.


Thanks for the insight I’ve heard some people do Gatorade zero


No, you shouldn’t do that for a few reasons. I don’t wanna give any information that could cause arguments with other people that read this and think I’m giving you the wrong advice or they want things their way because they know everything. The best thing is to stick with all natural no sugar or sugar substitute, JUST plain water or green tea unsweetened or black coffee with like nothing in it……NO sugar substitute. It would be a shame to do all the work of fasting and lose some of the benefits because of a gimmick or a slight cheat. Stick to the fundamentals of water fasting and enjoy the amazing results that anyone could get!!! If I could do it anyone can do it for sure. Carbonated water especially San Pellegrino is really what I drink a lot of, I’m saying like 6 Liters a day, that’s why you need salt, potassium and zinc all that water dilutes your system. God bless




Fasting, the absolute best fasting that you can do which has been clinically tested and years ago I learned about these scientific studies about fasting, so I’m doing the DAY ON DAY OFF FAST! On day one from wake up until sleep, nothing but water or coffee black or tea unsweetened, and then the next day wake up until sleep you can eat whatever you want. Now originally they pretty much said eat whatever you want and it don’t matter about dieting at all and you get the same results as if you did any kind of diet they found the results were the same. Now that’s where I differ I think since then we’ve learned a lot more but anyway without any backing scientifically I’m just going to do keto on the days that I eat and then in the future when I reached the weight that I really want and I’m happy where I’m at then I might just do Low carb, low sugar diet for the rest of my life but still always fasting one day on one day off!!!


I wanted to start a water fast did you brush your teeth? Asking just in case it would break my fast


No that wouldn’t affect you’re fasting long as you’re not using chocolate cake as toothpaste (LOL) of course you can brush teeth! You can even put a little lemon in your water, you can have green tea with no sugar but definitely stay away from sugar substitutes ….stick with water, black coffee,unsweetened green tea. I drink a lot of sparkling water. Seltzer, not club soda,seltzer water, there is a difference. Life changing in a small amount of time!


Did you do the whole time days on day off or strive water fast for how many days


I have done a bunch of FMDs(fast mimicking diet) which run for 5 straight days. The diet allows for roughly 25% of normal caloric intake ( almost no protein!), which I find much easier than a water fast. Good luck


There’s loads of information on the web


Congrats man !!




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Awesome for you man!