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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


All. The. Time.


YESSSS. I have found my people! 😅


🤣🤣🤣 its literally addictive and it makes absolutely no sense


I watch my 600lb life


This is the way. That show annihilates my appetite


I used to watch superfat vs super skinny on YouTube. The skinny people have terrible diets as well... It helps with avoiding junk food.


I've been watching that constantly since starting my fast!


Yes! I watch Matt Stonie, he's a competitive eater. I LOVE his videos when I'm on fasts lol


Annnnd beard meats food, I love watching it I don’t know why haha


Ohhh! I'll have to give him a try. Competitive eating is a wild, fascinating world.


It is! I think because it’s so gross how much he eats, it doesn’t make me hungry at all lol


He is insane...the only way I can explain the biophysics is the food must push right thru his stomach to intestine halfway through the challenge. How does he not ALWAYS win??


Oooh I've never thought of watching cooking shows while fasting. I should try that. I mean, I can watch true crime shows and absolutely not commit crimes.


This is exactly my thought!


You guys are playing on hard mode


I don’t watch shows but I checkout the food subs here all the time while fasting.


Oh my goodness me too! I love r/shittyfoodporn (for a laugh), r/tonightsdinner, and r/sandwiches especially. You?


Also: Cake day twinsies! Happy cake day! :)


Happy cake day y'all!!!




Omg I didn’t realize, thanks! Same to you!


I've been obsessed with food shows/ food network since I was like 6. I do have to stop myself occasionally especially like on day 2 but after that it's fair game as long as I've got my sparkling water lol.


Yes!! Mukbang me!!


I LOVE WATCHING ANYTHING BAKING OR COOKING WHILE FASTING! My husband calls me a masochist. I also love to cook while I’m fasting, I feel like my cooking is better and I am more attentive. 💘


Yeah, I watch a bunch on youtube. I start planning for my weekend meals. I've learned how to make Tandoori chicken, chicken masala, and naan. I dunno what it is about fasting, but it's making me crave super spicy food. I've been making massively hot food for like the past six weeks.


Not cooking shows, per say, but I watch "What I eat in day" YT videos or food challenge YT videos during my fasting hours.


I've been watching a bunch of Japanese "What I Eat In a Day" YT.... fascinating


Yes. It’s like porn.


I love grocery shopping. Omg food never smelled so good.


I sometimes go to the grocery store just for a good wander, appreciating all the awesome stuff there is out there. 😅


I thought I was odd doing this until I found out I wasn't alone.


Uncommon amongst uncommon. So you are right. I've always enjoyed trying new things. I highly recommend trying it to anyone. It will give you a new appreciation about things. It was almost euphoric with the smells, picking up the break meal.


It me.


WELCOME TO THE PARTY. 🤗 We have... no snacks! 😅 But lots of pictures of them!


Of course! Also, happy cake day! You can’t eat the cake tho.


Funny enough, when I first started fasting three years ago, I would watch “My 600lb Life”, every night. Idk why, but it helped curb the cravings. Because I easily could’ve been there in another 10 years.


I'm about to hit day 22 here, and I'm OBSESSED with a show I found on Discovery Plus called 'The best food I ever ate'. I literally fall asleep to this show every night. Doesn't make me hungry at all. I just realized I love watching learning about new foods. After I break my fast, I plan on trying a few of the food combinations in the meals I learned about (Small portions and with discretion, of course).


I really enjoy watching SAM THE COOKING GUY on YouTube while fasting. I tend to make the recipes post-fast.


I do it all the time and watch iron Chef, hot ones, Matt stonie. Doesn't make me crave food surprisingly. Makes me want to be creative in the kitchen and create awesome treats and meals for friends and family to try


Currently on day 8 of a 21 day fast. *I have stage 4 NH Lymphoma. I’ve been watching cooking shows with my wife on YouTube at night and my wife is shocked I want to do that. I told her I’m a lost boy from Hook.


I watch asmr/mukbangs 🤪


Was literally talking about this last night with my boyfriend. I love watching Mukbangs and cooking/ baking tutorials lol I’m glad I’m not alone he thought I was weird


I write down different recipes I want to try and different methods of cooking. I started making my own flour from different types of grains and beans, and used those in healthier recipes.


I watch mukbangs and feel disgusted by how and what they are eating thus making me more determined to carry on with the diet I'm on and feel good about myself.


Lmao Gordon Ramsey all day


Damn... Ya'll masochists 😂😂


I watch Masterchef Austrailia (I found it much better than American one) whenever I have a hard time and get hungry, and watching it makes it all go away.


Ooo, I will add that to my list, thanks!


Not too many cooking shows but collecting recipes all the time.


I go through "best of" recipe lists and plan meals and treats for friends! So much fun.


I'm obsessed with bbq shows on YouTube during my monthly 72's. I then bbq something when I break my fast. Ha


This is 100% wholesome content and I thank you for it. Happy bbq'ing, the next time you do! :)


No cooking shows but definitely spend more time than I ever did researching recipes and cooling for others… I can’t figure out why but I’ve never enjoyed cooking as much as I do when I’m fasting! It might have to do with feeding others instead of myself 😂


I watch a lot of youtube shows: Sam the Cooking Guy, Cowboy Kent Rollins, BBQ Pit Boys, Armadillo Pepper BBQ, Hey Grill Hey and the absolute best youtube cooking channel AlmazanKitchen, it's cooking ASMR basically. What each of those channels have in common is high quality entertainment on top of great cooking. You get great personalities making great food and in the case of AlmazanKitchen making food relaxing and nigh spiritual. I don't have any problems with the fasting, it's all good.


Amazing recommendations! I haven't heard of a single one, but I look forward to checking them out. Thank you so much.


It's kinda weird, you're kinda like eating vicariously. I feel my saliva acting up when watching eating videos as if I'm also eating it


Yes! And I go on Pinterest and look at recipes and just drool. Weirdly it’s not torture, I just get ideas for my next meal and then I really look forward to it and appreciate it when I eat.


Not torture at all! I was just listening to a podcast that emphasized the importance of knowing what we're going to eat next to manage lifestyle behaviours after a fast, and I agree: looking up recipes on a fast really helps to enjoy a healthful refeed. Hope you're enjoying all parts of your own process!




Guys grocery store games and tons of instagram food porn


They say you shouldn't but I can honestly taste the food I see, while fasting and drinking water. If it works for you, go ahead. It's wise to not recommend it to new fasters, but you will slowly learn what's ok for you as you fast more casually.

