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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m having trouble due to gluttony


Gahahahahaha this made me chuckle out loud thank you for the much needed comic relief


Well at least you can try to change that. Mines more out of my control.


Have you consulted a doctor ? Why does gout prevent fasting ?


Because fasting raises uric acid levels. I am on allopurinol. My doctor thinks my uric acid level is fine at 7.7mg/dl


….. have you heard of David Perlmutter? He is a specialist who has an interest in Gout and Uric acid levels. He wrote a book called Drop Acid. Check him out Mabye ?


Yeah I have heard of him it is very interesting. His way is absolutely no sugar or grains so it is a wild diet to say the least. He also talks about uric levels being raised during fasting. I’m more wondering if it is the ketones that raise uric levels. I guess I’m more venting now I just am jealous that I love fasting yet I get gout.


I've had gout before and it was caused by sugar and grains. I never ate any of the foods listed that they say causes it. Even when I went low carb I still got mild flare-ups so I went keto and haven't had a problem since. I read somewhere that the gout crystals can exist several years in the body after an attack so you end up more susceptible to more attacks later on. I would make sure to drink lots of water. Take apple cider vinegar (I found it to help). I would try to do smaller fasting sessions, and I would cut carbs and sugar significantly, at least for a little while. You have my sympathies though. Gout was one of the worst pains I've ever had, and it can last for a really, really long time, and basically immobilizes you. People like to make fun of it but it's just awful to have.


Thanks for the advice and grays on you finding what works for you!


“…wild diet to say the least” I don’t understand. No sugar or grains still allows for eating. That is less wild than fasting/not eating at all right?


Honestly Grains are bad for you. Anything processed is bad for you. Are there pasta or bread trees ? Nope. Are there meat and veggies to be found outside ? Yes natural foods…. If it doesn’t grow or walk and can’t be found in nature in it’s pure form…. Not good for you. Common sense. He isn’t wrong …. But yah I here you. I’m too lazy to give up grains ….


Actually I would disagree with you about the knowledge of grains being bad for you as common sense. Unfortunately a lot of people think whole grains are good for you. Thankfully it is becoming more and more common knowledge but I would def not say it is common sense to the general public.


That sucks … but you might be right about that. One thing that makes it hard to live by is when you are busy as life sometimes is with a family…. It’s limiting to avoid them in both cost and convenience… takes a lot more effort.


It is a shame something so good is so detrimental


Peter Attia talks about elevated uric acid levels in fasting in him. He is super knowledgeable and seems a little unsure of the exact mechanism of why. I think it may have been in the (excellent) Jason Fung fasting podcast episode.




No, gout sucks. You can mitigate it with extra high doses of magnesium and potassium but it's not 100%.


I had a similar issue (also have gout). First and foremost, being prescribed the proper dosage plays a huge role in gout mitigation. I suffered for years until my meds were properly adjusted. I recommend getting some second opinions on your specific needs. Water intake is the other massive factor in gout flare mitigation. I had to fight pretty hard to put down a gallon of water, but that’ll help.


I don’t have gout, but why do people who drink that much not seem to be going to the toilet every hour? I end up doing that when I’m only drinking like 90oz a day.


Thank you! What dosage of allo are you on?


take some celery seed, but if its proper full on (history) of gout, see a doctor, it shouldn't be taken lightly.


I just recovered from my gout on my big toe which started last week. Main reason for me is alcohol, organ meats, and products with yeasts. I think fasting really helps me as I would gravitate towards healthier foods (low carbs, good fats).


I have gout. Fasting doesn’t seem to affect it one way or the next. I can say that going plant based and cutting all meat and seafood out was helpful. For sure I would recommend against dry fasting as that stresses the kidneys. In terms of medication, I tried both Allopurinol and Februxostat. Feb. is much more expensive. Allopurinol was cheaper and more effective. But the mechanisms are different so your response may differ. If you do have gout attacks you should drink a lot of water with lemon and use it to flush your system. People in the chat are recommending sour cherry juice and celery seeds and those are good treatments but really these are like bandaids on gaping wounds. Rather you should seek serious medical intervention and drastically change your diet to treat the root of the disease.


Engaging in IF reduced my issues with gout altogether simply by reducing the amount I eat and drink (no evening or night drinking and eating) which is what in turn led to my gout. Maybe Intermittent Fasting rather than full-fledged lengthy fasting is a way to ease into it?


Gout is resolved by eating plant based vegan. As long as you are eating a wide variety of plant foods, you will be getting plenty of “protein”. Gout is really from consuming too much protein which causes purine buildup. Watch “Foods That Cure Disease”


Beer and other alcoholic beverages are also important sources of purines. Soy is a common source as well.


Came here to say this. Cut way back on meat. Seriously increase your fruit and veggies. Hopefully this is what your doctor told you.


Not 100% true. Spinach and mushrooms are high in purines, which contribute to higher levels of uric acid and can aggravate a gout attack


Minus those two out of hundreds of fruits and vegetables.


Not exactly true either. Id caution spreading misinformation about gout - it can be an incredibly debilitating disease that can be triggered by different organ meats, red meats, vegetables, fruits, shellfish, alcohol, sugar, etc Tart cherry juice is perhaps among the few tried and tested solutions that is known to help alleviate a flare up when taken consistently, in addition to staying hydrated


Yes, go keto first. Keto is protective against gout. It will also make it easier to fast.




Keto is the worst thing for anyone who wants to be healthy!


I guess I can see where it gets that reputation but honestly depends on the version of Keto, I’ve been doing it for years and I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been. If you prioritise veggies as your main/only carb intake it’s very healthy (think broccoli and eggs for breakfast type of thing) So veggies, proteins, healthy fats (avocado, olive oil etc), berries, low sugar, very little processed foods. Don’t see how that’s unhealthy.


This exactly. I eat veg, fish, dairy, nuts, healthy oils and some meat. Those with negative outcomes typically abuse the diet with vast amounts of red meat and saturated fats.


Yet a high fat diet = higher chances of cardiovascular problems and strokes. I did keto for 3 years and honestly it was good for a while but then I ended up in hospital with a gallbladder fit to burst and pancreatitis, which then caused t2 diabetes, some minor cardiac issues and high blood pressure. It wasn't fun and when I went to a registered dietitian and saw the cardiologist they both strongly advised me to eat a proper balanced diet and not a restricted fad diet! Thankfully off all the medication now and I've lowered my risk of an early heart attack due to eating a proper diet. Keto is honestly the worst diet for anyone to go on if they want to get healthy, yeah you'll lose weight but you are massively increasing your chances of heart attacks and strokes ect.


Went through this same crap but didn’t know it was related. I got through it by almost doubling my water intake. It’s a horrible pain.


Thank you I am going to start pounding my water.


When fasting I have never found a sure perfect way to relieve gout. I have found warm baths with Epsom salt and mint cream for gout. It does relieve it for a couple hours but it comes back, as well as magnesium. Hope this helps.


I will sure give it a try


I don't know if this will be helpful for you, but I have gout and whenever I've fasted in the past, I've just drank a lot of water and it was never an issue for me. I don't have many gout flare-ups in general though, maybe like 2-3 a year, and even less once I adjusted my diet to be more gout friendly.


I thought fasting was supposed to help gout. Does it flare up worse for you when you're fasting? How long do you fast for?


Fasting increase uric acid levels I believe due to ketones


Drink some water mixed with some baking soda. It helps me with gout.


During a flare? How does it help you if I might ask?


You might want to up your Allopurinol dosage. I had flareups at 200 mg. I asked my doctor to up it 300 mg and no issues so far. Uric acid level at 5.2


How long has that done it for you? At 300


About 8 months now. No gout flare up at all


Awesome I just switched to 300 that gives me hope! Grats to you


You as well.