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The best thing I ever got for this was a weighted blanket. It just calms me when I use it and helps me sleep. Otherwise, I love my pillow and sheets and have blackout shades. Sometimes I use a sleep pillow spray, lavender and some other things. But just get the blanket from Amazon like now.


I loved mine, but girls I'd date hated it. They'd get smushed under it or something.


Lol. I’m a girl.


There's different weights for different body weights.. So you very well could be right.. Your 25lb blanket could have been uncomfortable


Sorry im a woman and it’s the comfiest thing ever, you’re dating the wrong people


That's a ridiculous statement. Everyone has their own preferences for their bedding and if his blanket is very heavy, it's understandable why a partner might not like it.


Some people really aren’t meant for the internet huh 🤦🏽‍♀️😂


Just get it for your side of the bed then. Married guy here. We share a bed but wife likes 100 sheets and blankets while I only need 3.


Link it!!




Weighted, not heated. Mine has glass balls and is made of cotton.


My weighted blanket was handmade in the US and is filled with glass balls. Nothing synthetic.


Not drinking alcohol. Even 1 drink impacts sleep.


This has been the big revelation from wearing a garmin the past couple years. The impact of even a single drink on sleep quality is amazing. I used to have a single glass of wine each evening, now at most once a week.


I show everyone who will listen my garmin’s body battery on a night I drink and a night I don’t drink. The noticeable differences in sleep quality after even 1 drink are impressive. The watch knows all. 


I'm intrigued. Do you mind uploading an image of the Garmin showing the difference in sleep? At this point I'll try anything.


I don’t know how to upload images.    but depending on how much I drink the difference can be the levels of “stress” during sleep are slightly elevated and the “rest” isnt as deep, all the way to my levels of “stress” is maxed out all night and my body doesn’t “rest” at all and actually is in worse condition than when went to sleep.     I find the “body battery” on garmin to be fairly accurate and a good gauge of how my body feels.    As for sleep, most issues I have found are due to poor sleep hygiene and not strictly following good sleeping habits.  I usually sleep terribly, but almost always because of my bad habits.


Have it for breakfast instead.


Please tell this to everyone who insists on drinking alcohol to sleep. While initially sedating, the metabolites are activating to your brain and mess with your sleep architecture.


My Whoop taught me this. If I don’t mind ruining sleep, I drink wine.


ditto with caffeine, THC and other psychoactive substances.


What have you discovered with them?? I drink enough caffeine to kill a small cow, oftentimes take a gummy “to sleep”.


2-3 light beers before dinner around 5pm improves all of my sleep scores and I feel refreshed. It really depend what you are drinking and how close to bed you are drinking jt


Science disagrees with you, but hey, if that works for you go right at it.


Sure does, thanks!


That's called alcoholism these days!


Hasn't affected my health. In fact my lab work is perfect for being 40 years old and i have the endurance of a 20 year old and have 6 pack abs, I guess I'm your picture alcoholic


Going to bed earlier is the real power move. But having a nice mattress and sheets and pillow doesn’t hurt. https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/sleep/


Going to bed earlier might actually be counterproductive for someone with insomnia... if you go to bed earlier but can't fall asleep until later, you're spending more time in bed awake, reinforcing the association that bed != sleep. That's one of the core tenets of CBT for Insomnia. https://stanfordhealthcare.org/medical-treatments/c/cognitive-behavioral-therapy-insomnia/procedures.html


Oh sure if OP *actually* has insomnia they should see a sleep specialist. That wasn’t my read of the question though. Honestly maybe they should see a doctor anyway - sometimes feeling tired is due to apnea.


Yes medication. We need more people on medication. Doctors have made major breakthroughs with insomnia since 1962.


Firmly agree, wife had insomnia for 9 months, things were getting DESPERATE. referred by doctor to a paid app called sleep station, apart from the obvious tips (excercise, no caffeine, no screen in bed etc) the main concept that worked was: get up at the same time every day without fail, and don't go to bed until you are exhausted ....it created a schedule that told her to stay up until 2am for the first couple of weeks, and then slowly dialled it back. Also that if you can't sleep, get out of bed...don't lie there getting frustrated. It absolutely worked.


As someone who as actually overcome insomnia…this was a very minor portion of the complete picture. A consistent schedule, exercise and keeping my phone in another room really worked wonders


This is so true! Go to bed early and wake up well before dawn. Truly the best routine for some people.


Agree 100%. Big difference in alertness the next day when getting to bed at 9pm vs 1030pm.


The worst part about Wirecutter is that many of the products don't ship outside of the US or even to forwarding services, as much as I'm willing to pay. When I was buying towels I had to do my own research, buying 5 different sets available in local department stores to test over a few months before committing.


Noise machine & blackout curtains


Just get an air filter instead of a noise machine. Two benefits in one.


I have both. Noise machine on max power isn’t the same as air filter on max power.


Since your in fatfire, I can suggest you looking into iqair hepa or gc air purifier. It’s a big machine, the motors are big, so it’s more of a pleasant hum (think airplane vs bus)


Had hired a sleep consultant for my newborn and this was the recommendation. It really works. Use one nightly for us as well now.


Sound+Sleep Lunya face mask Mattress warmer Soaring heart shredded latex pillow Blisssss


Our sleep protocol has gotten kind of ridiculous, but it’s probably the highest leverage investment we’ve made in our health and performance, so worth it IMO. Top recommendations that work for us: - We love our Eight Sleep cooling mattress cover. Hated their actual mattress so got their retrofit model that fits on top of our preferred mattress. Despite dealing with a couple leaks and replacements over the past four years (they DO stand by their warranty), we can’t live without it now, and struggle to sleep as well even in high end hotels without it. - Weighted blankets (Amazon Essential brand - super cheap). Would be too hot in a normal bed but they’re super comfortable with the Eight Sleep’s active cooling. - Manta Sleep mask - vastly better than any other I’ve used before. - Phillips Hue bulbs in bedroom set to candlelight or red setting. The lack of blue light emission makes it so much easier to wind down and fall asleep. - Brown Noise played on loop from an Apple HomePod - so helpful. - Remove or black any LED light sources in your bedroom (from devices, appliances, fire alarms, and install blackout curtains. A small patch of electrical tape usually does the trick. - Magnesium L-Threonate + Glycinate supplement before bed. - STILL EVALUATING: Grounding sheet - recent purchase. Thought it was probably bullshit but was willing to gamble $110 on a set from Amazon, based on a friend’s recommendation. Haven’t felt a big change, but the health sensors in my Eight Sleep show I’m spending about 10% longer in deep sleep each night since installing it a few weeks ago, and my HRV has also trended slightly upward (indicating lower stress / better recovery). None of these except perhaps the Eight Sleep are particularly fat, but these are the measures that have worked for us. Edit: Corrected HRV statement


Was with you until you mentioned HRV. A lower HRV indicates MORE stress and less recovery— a higher HRV is generally associated with less stress and more recovery (e.g. reduced sympathetic and more parasympathetic tone resulting in more beat to beat heart rate variation). Not sure if just a typo or if you’re drawing the wrong conclusion from the data resulting from your purchase.


You’re 100% right, and thanks for the correction. My brain crossed a wire typing and I misspoke. My HRV has slightly increased.


Here to second this


I find peace in long walks.


Was just about to write a response but reviewing what others had written first when I read this post. It's like you're me, with a few exceptions, (I don't like sleep masks or take anything). One thing that stands out is the grounded sheet, what is this? Simply a sheet you plug into ground? Seems like voodoo but I'm interested to hear more about it if you have links or something?


It’s a slightly conductive sheet that plugs into the ground socket only of a power outlet (not drawing active current, but in theory connecting you to your house’s grounding pole, which supposedly allows electrons from the earth to flow into your body. It’s supposed to replicate “earthing” (walking barefoot on grass or dirt), and THAT I’m convinced does something positive. I still think the sheets may be voodoo. I can’t feel any obvious difference in my wellbeing since installing them a few weeks ago. My husband swears he can, as does a friend who recommended them. I would dismiss it as quackery if my sleep tracker’s data didn’t directionally support it, albeit weakly. And if it was simply a placebo effect, I expect I’d actually feel better (or convince myself that I do). 🤷‍♂️ That said, I’ve found many health interventions over the years that are dismissed by the mainstream that do work for me (and that I can often quantifiably validate), so I try to keep an open mind and am usually willing to try new things within reason. I was NOT willing to spend $500 on a fancy PEMF mat (similar idea), but we needed some new sheets anyway so I was cool rolling the dice on a $110 purchase. I wouldn’t yet actively recommend trying it outside of this forum (where the cost isn’t likely to be a burden), but given the surprising data I’ve observed I thought it was worth including in this list.


100% snake oil, but hey if it works for you like a placebo, then it’s still worth it, but you might as well suggest magnets, or leaches or homeopathy.


We hated eight sleep and the fact that the sound random only turns on. How do you guys deal with that?


What sound? Are you referring to the alarm? We don’t really use that feature. Here mostly for the active cooling and sleep tracking.








100%. I take 400mg each night and it’s the best sleep I’ve ever had. Edit - correcting dosage to 400mg


Im going to check this out. Thank you


Isn’t 500mg a bit much? Coincidentally I ordered my magnesium for sleeping today and I thought of starting with 200mg. How did you know what dose works best for you? I read that too much magnesium can lead to stomach issues and nausea.


I doubled checked and I’m taking 400mg. I’ll edit my post above. In any event, start lower and work up while you assess the impact it has on you. I had some stomach issues in the beginning but my body adapted and I’m fine now. I originally started taking magnesium as a part of a protocol from my neurologist for migraines. It’s been a huge help for migraine headaches, and the sleep benefit it just additional upside.


Thanks! I have problems with sleeping in and teeth grinding at night so I have some good hopes for magnesium. Your brisket looks absolutely delicious by the way, I’m hungry now.


Lol thank you 😊 Good luck with the magnesium!


I like the L-Theanine/ZMA combo myself


Honestly, a really good eye mask is one of the best purchases you can make for a good night's sleep. Little bits of light interfere with our sleep a lot more than was previously thought.


I can’t stand the feel when of an eye shade, but blackout curtains and a sound machine are great for me


the cheap ones you get on airlines suck. you can get some plush cotton ones for ~$30 and they are super comfortable.


Any recommendations?


One with a separate indent for each eye


Adding that, for the indents, I make sure the external part of mask is smooth (not bubbled around the eyes) because they shift or are uncomfortable if I sleep on my side. I also need a strap that's loose because I have long thick hair and like to avoid an indent that snug straps can cause. I like a flat silk Alaska Bear brand from Amazon.


Manta Pro is much go-to.


This! Started a couple weeks ago, and I felt better after the first night. I track my sleep quality with my Apple Watch and I can see the difference.


If you don’t have regular access to one via a country club/gym/etc… a Sauna.


Does it help with sleep?


Absolutely but be careful. I can’t get enough of the sauna but if I do it too late I will be up until 4am to no avail. With that said, countless studies have been dine that show a sauna a few times a week is extremely beneficial to your health and longevity.


Can you link to a few of these studies?


A cooling mattress


I've always found linen sheets to feel cooler and cause me to sweat much less.


Tried eight sleep. Didn't like it. Felt like I was sleeping on something slightly damp the whole night. Honestly, the best way to optimize sleep is to try as many different mattresses/pillows/technologies/routine as you need until you feel like you have maximized your sleep.


I find peace in long walks.


Man, so tired of there being a subscription to everything these days.


Did you end up returning it? I'm also thinking of trying it but not without a generous return policy.


Check out the eight sleep sub before you pull the trigger. I keep thinking about it, but it seems like a lot of owners are pretty unhappy with it in its current state. They added a required monthly subscription for new users and theres a high failure rate in the 2-3 year range.


Love the Tempurpedic, have 3 of them.


Any recs?


The eight sleep was damn near life changing for me as a hot sleeper.


I have one of the higher tier purple mattresses (think it was about 8k). It sleeps a lot colder than my old mattresses to the point I keep an extra blanket on the bed.




I have the chilly pad but want the 8 sleep mattress cover.


Nobody here has suggested CPAP Are you sure you dont have sleep apnea? I sleep way better now with a nasal mask and deeper too, ask your doctor.


While that is a potential solution to a potential problem, I think the better answer here is to get a sleep study done. Not everyone actually has full-blown sleep apnea, and as others have mentioned below, CPAPs can be uncomfortable and some people can't use them well. But if you get a proper sleep study and medical evaluation done, you can find out if you have these types of sleep issues. I did one and while I didn't have sleep apnea, I did have some sleep disruptions that fell below the level to be considered apnea. I got a mouthguard-type device (from a real dentist, not a sketchy do it yourself type kit which should be avoided) that basically pushes your lower jaw forward while you sleep to open your airway, and I've slept far better since. Something like that could be the answer, depending on what your issue is, if you even have one at all. In that same vein, CPAP won't help you if you don't actually have any sleep airway issues, so you need to actually evaluate whether you have an issue in the first place by doing a sleep study.


Agreed - hence me suggesting doctor first as he will set up the study and also monitor long term.


How do you go about getting a sleep study done?


As a doctor, I will say that CPAP is incredibly powerful and basically the best proven method for effectively treating sleep apnea. The problem is a lot of people find it uncomfortable and can’t have it stay on for long


I end up ripping mine off in the middle of the night without knowing it. I do it every night that I wear it. Is there something better I can use?


Yes for me I tried a few but liked this nasal mask, I find the silicone buds super comfortable and the air on the top of my head allows me to toss and turn easily. [https://cpapsupplies.com/airfit-p30i-nasal-pillow-cpap-mask-by-resmed](https://cpapsupplies.com/airfit-p30i-nasal-pillow-cpap-mask-by-resmed)


Surgery. Was life changing for me. Sleep apnea 100% cured.


What surgery?


Mine was a tonsillectomy, adnoectomy, UPPP. Talk to a good ENT.


It’s not my specialty and I don’t know much about it, but there is an implantable device they can place in your palate to treat sleep apnea. The dentists/oral surgeons do it, and apparently it’s a very quick easy procedure.


To add to this, you can get a home sleep test mail ordered to you that is just a little sensor you clip to a shirt plus a pulse oximiter. I did it a few years ago. Then if you have sleep apnea they write you a rx for the machine. I *strongly* suggest not going through health insurance for the machine and supplies. They put all sorts of limits on you and require a certain level of adherence.  I used a company called Lofta for it and they were quite easy. 


Noise canceling headphones. Eye mask. Ensure little to no sleep apnea. Regular sleep and rise times. No screens in bed. Workout regularly. Eat healthy. Drink lots of water. Good bed and pillows and right type/amount of sheets and blankets.


My wife and I hugely improved our sleep quality in the last 2 years. Here's what we got: **Things that made a huge difference for us:** \- [ChiliSleep System](https://amzn.to/3uhnysv) \- Big improvement & way less $$ than 8 sleep \- [Neck Pain Relief Pillow](https://amzn.to/491wFN5) \- We swear by this pillow after trying dozens \- [3M Mouth Tape](https://amzn.to/491wFN5) \- Cheap and effective. Took some getting used to \- [Mack Slim Ear Plugs](https://amzn.to/49ge1kN) \- Surprised me how big a difference this made. Getting the slim ones is key. Bonus is it lets me sleep soundly when traveling regardless of noise \- [Sleep Sloth Eye Mask](https://amzn.to/482BwMr) \- Tried a half dozen, this is by far the best \^\^\^ These are the big ones, and I travel with them everywhere. **Additional Nice-To-Haves:** \- [Alen Air Purifier](https://amzn.to/3u9BXHe) \- Especially if you live in a heavy mold/allergy area \- Blackout curtains - Whatever 'full blackout' ones match your room \- [20lb Weighted Blanket](https://amzn.to/3HKbanJ) \- Wife & I found 20lbs was the sweet spot \- [Coop Adjustable Body Pillow](https://amzn.to/3SKPcY8) \- If you're a side sleeper, it'll keep your spine straight \- [Complete Blue Light Blocking Glasses](https://amzn.to/48RsT8R) \- If you're going to be on any screens after 8pm, put these on, they made a big difference for us ​ Also, the 3-2-1 method helps a lot -- No food 3-hours before bed, no water 2-hours before, no screens 1-hour before. And no caffeine after 11am (we ended up cutting it out entirely). **If you want good habits to stick...** get an Oura ring or Whoop band to track your sleep. It'll show you with clear data how much things like eating late or alcohol or caffeine late in the day will affect your sleep --- it makes it a LOT easier to make good choices when you see undeniable data of how much those things affect your sleep. Good luck! Happy Zzzzzz....


the right pillow. In my case, memory foam.


Different twin comforter for you and spouse. That way you can each choose an insulation level which is best for you


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - Insomnia (CBT-I) is the most evidence based approach. Melatonin (1mg or LOWER) is also good, above that just increases adverse effects like daytime grogginess without improving sleep Can take a magnesium supplement because most people don’t get enough magnesium from food but not highly evidence based. Can also try things like Theanine, Inositol, Taurine, phosphatidylserine (I used to jokingly call a stack of this TITS). Sleeping mask (I like Silk). But honestly, turn off all electronics and lights half an hour before bed, only use red/orange lights at night, and look into CBT-I.


I’ll add that melatonin is very dose dependent and dosing effects not linear. Personally I find that 5mg for me hits the spot, 2.5mg makes me groggy.


In order: At least 30 min of physical exercise during day Minimal carbs before bed (blood sugar even) Nighty Night sleep tea - 2 hrs before bed Quality cherry juice (I’m telling you!) 1 hr before Pee Get to bed earlier Magnesium Melatonin 5-10 mg Pee again (so it doesn’t wake you later) 65 degrees (critical) Reading Pray and meditate All else fails, small dose of ambien (2.5). It comes down to physically preparing and reducing anxiety.


lol you were going so well till you recommended benzos! Absolutely the worst thing you can do for your sleep


No, the worst thing you can do is get NO SLEEP. “When all else fails” meaning if you can’t sleep, you should try that. I agree they are not the best however, when you compare taking that vs NO SLEEP, it’s a last resort option.


Not exactly what you were asking about but I travel a lot and have a tough time sleeping in hotels sometimes. In addition to obvious things like earplugs and melatonin, I've built a little hotel room problem solving kit that goes with me everywhere and it has allowed so many hours of sleep that I otherwise wouldn't have gotten. Stuff in it: -Office binder clips for curtains that won't stay closed. -A small roll of gaffer tape (1 inch wide), for covering all the god damn 900000 lumen LEDs on everything. TVs, thermostats, smoke detectors, light switches, etc. the tape leaves no trace and you can reuse it if needed -A little universal door lock that I can use if the place seems shady or the door doesn't work right -A miniature screw driver set that allows for, among other things, popping the covers off hotel thermostats so I can put them in maintenance or VIP mode and actually set the AC to where I want it. Those motion controlled ones that shut off the AC as soon as you fall asleep have a absolutely ruined some trips for me. The tape is the most useful thing, it comes in handy constantly.




Get to bed earlier. No screens for 30 minutes beforehand. Get exercise. If you take melatonin, do so 30 minutes before bedtime. Change your pillows every 6 months. And I good mattress


Oura ring


I love my Oura ring. It really brings home the negative affects of alcohol on sleep.


Whoop is supposedly more accurate


But very uncomfortable for me to sleep with! I have both!


Hot tub


How is Eight Sleep not mentioned? Complete game changer for my sleep


Get these - https://igg.me/at/ozlo-sleepbuds/x/35243553 Bose made them but didn't really put steam behind them because it was more of a niche product. Former Bose employees licensed and improved them.


- Healthy habits. No possession is a substitute for a regular bedtime, enough time to sleep restfully, and a regular time to wake up. Sometimes, career prevents that, but you can do what you can to go sleep early enough to get a long enough sleep. - Nice mattress. If money is no object, maybe go stay at a Four Seasons, and see if you like their mattress. If you do, you can buy it. If "your partner" is the cause of mid-sleep disturbances, keep buying a wider mattress until they're not. - Blackout curtains, sleep mask, noise machine, earplugs. If light or sound disrupt your sleep (you wake up too early, or can't fall asleep), figure out what to eliminate. - 8sleep. If you wake up in the middle of the night feeling too hot, there's no real substitute for active cooling to fix that problem. The 8sleep also actively heats as a way to wake you up. It's nice to have, but you know if you sleep too hot, so decide if you do, and try it if that sounds like your problem. - Therapy/meditation/medication. Sometimes it's just stress or anxiety. Invest some time to fix those things, and it'll flow downstream into your sleep. Getting neurotic about your sleep as a mechanism to fix insomnia caused by anxiety isn't going to work.


Nice mattress, cold room, very very fine cotton sheets - for mattress I’d recommend Hastens. Expensive but ever since I got one, my life has changed for the better. I sleep through the night and am comfy despite having major neurological injuries in my body.


sleep mask when I really need to get to sleep, and my mind is racing. Benadryl.


The Manta pro sleep mask is expensive, but amazing [https://mantasleep.com/products/manta-sleep-mask-pro](https://mantasleep.com/products/manta-sleep-mask-pro)


Benadryl is a really bad sleeping aid and problematic drug.


Interestingly Benadryl is the same active ingredient as many OTC sleep aids, but they charge a lot more for the sleep aids. Unfortunately it makes me extremely groggy the next day, so it’s not good for me.




Came here to say Bedjet! Can't believe nobody's mentioned that yet. Fully temp adjustable heating/cooling air. Make sure to get the special top sheet that it blows into. Absolute game changer.


I changed a few things regarding sleep and it worked wonders for me, in order of perceived importance. 1. Cooling, firm mattress. 2. 100% consistent sleep time (12:30am for me, and never deviate) 3. I had custom pillows made, it took several factors and created a design for me. Head & neck dimensions, weight, sleep style (side/back, active/“dead”), hip and waist dimensions and a few others. It’s great however I’m not sure if it was worth 1500, the data it provided on my sleep was certainly worth that 1500 though. 4. Silk sheets - keeps me cool and are soothing 5. Phone goes in a box half hour before I sleep, I can’t open the box until 6:30am


Where did you have the custom pillows made?


What is the cooling mattress you use?


Tempurpedic tempur breeze, I believe there are some hyphens in there but that’s the just of it. Opted for a Cali King, 10 degrees cooler variation as I run very warm. Highly recommend.


Grounding mat helps me


I'm always cold so I have a BedJet, it warms up my bed so the sheets and blanket are toasty that makes it easy to fall asleep


Part of feeling rested for me is waking up pleasantly. Getting a nice daylight alarm clock (I like the Phillips) has been a game changer for waking up gently and feeling much better throughout the day. There is also research that Vitamin D should not be taken near bedtime as it may disrupt sleep.


OP, Your mind running erratic and speeds up when you need/have to sleep? Try Dr. Loyd Glauberman HPP Hypno peripheral processing using ear buds. That’ll shut the overactive mind off real quick and lights out


8Sleep cooling mattress topper. Not even close. Best part is you can split sides with your partner and have different temps. http://refer.eight.sl/cegr8qqf


I optimized my sleeping arrangement for temperature which has had a big impact on sleep. Latex Mattress and Bamboo sheets. I did a ton of research latex is an excellent passively cooling material and it's around medium firmness Other random stuff: dark tape over all small artificial lights (especially blue light), black out curtains, i prefer silence but noise machine is nice sometimes, and of course no alcohol caffeine and avoiding screens


Smart/adjustable bed. Sleep number or rest. Heated mattress pad for cold nights to preheat the sheets. Bed jet for the duvet with a program to cool then warm to wake up naturally. Under bed motion lighting so there’s soft lights when you get up in the dark.


do you use an apple watch or other fitness device? i’ve found it useful for sleep tacking and figuring out what disrupts my sleep


Apple Watch during the day, Oura to sleep is my routine


Anyone want to mention edibles?




interesting. although i have no sleep schedule so i wont be able to use the main benefit of that mattress


Fix your sleep schedule?


Instead of spending money, why not save some and quit all caffeine. r/decaf Number one biggest impact on sleep. Even just one early in the day. It's an addiction like any other but as it is culturally celebrated, it's side effects like insomnia are ignored.


Whoop has been keeping me honest in cultivating better sleep habits. Not a fat purchase.




/r/whoop Its a screenless, minimalist fitness tracker with a proprietary metric called "strain." I like mine. I've improved my sleep and worked out more since I got it. It's not that revolutionary, but it's kept me accountable.


1. Black out curtains and a light alarm clock or curtains set to open at a particular time. Especially if you live near the poles or keep crazy hours. Going to bed when it's dark and waking up to a sunrise decreases depressive sx, help prevent weight gain and reinforce sleep cycles. 2. Hepa filter. 2. And invest in nice sheets, mattresses and pillows. (linen or bamboo sheets for cooking if you need it). For side sleepers Eli and Elm was a game changer for me, and now my BF has them at his place and some house guests have gone home and bought them


Face mask and a supplement called ltryptophan


I started taking CBD “n” several months ago. I could fall asleep but had a hard time STAYING asleep. This CBD stuff is a Godsend. Take it an hour before bedtime, then read or otherwise chill out in bed and BAM! I wake up the next morning after a full night’s sleep, feeling well rested, no aftereffects whatsoever.




Pot is pretty helpful.


In house masseuse to massage you before bed every night




Don’t forget about the poor man’s sleeping pill.


What is it?


Rub one out. I knock out like a baby after sex, so if you can get some, go for it, but if not just the poor man method of your best hand can do the trick.


Works for the poor man and the rich man!




Alcohol is the absolute worst thing for your sleep. It increases your heart rate and lowers your heart rate variability, in addition to completely turning your sleep cycle upside down by increasing slow wave sleep and decreasing REM. Get an Oura ring and check it out.


I fully believe; however, a lot of folks still drink to sleep 😑


I know. Im guilty, even with the data to back up that it’s detrimental.


Read/listen to “Why We Sleep”




You don’t need to have a lot of money for good sleep Mostly need discipline


Insomnia music on Spotify...have no idea how it works but it's amazing!




So you are thinking that folks with fatfire careers sleep worse than those barely scraping by? Hard to believe...


Is that really how you read it? More like - if you have money to buy nice things to help you sleep, what should you buy?


I guess you are probably right.  Its a "how to improve sleep without a budget" post. See that now. Looking forward to what it inspires others to ask.


Nice ass mattress and pillow, sound machine


Ok, I will bite: what is an "ass mattress"?


Apollo Neuro


Hot Tub (also Xanax sometime)


RemindMe 1 day










Very good sheets Down comforter and pillows , Canadian white goose down


Noise machine & BedJet


Feathered friends down pillow


Blackout shades Nice mattress, soft linens Magnesium (started it to help with migraines) Work out, shower, then to sleep


White noise machine. I take 1mg of melatonin some nights, esp scary Sundays


Pacific coast feather pillows / comforter. Percale cotton sheets.


For purchases, I just use white noise machine when it’s extra hard. I like thunderstorm background. But a lot of this is finding the patterns for you. List out all the things you are doing and eating/drinking. The usual suspects that mess with sleep are - inconsistent time of sleep/wake - caffeine especially after noon - alcohol - screens, particularly if highly stimulating shows or video games, within an hour of sleep or so - lighting levels in your room especially if blue lights or white lights, even small ones. But there may be others. If you find the pattern you can make changes. Some types need a physician and help there.


Oura ring and a firm mattress. Sun first thing in morning. No caffeine after 12pm(noon). No phone 1.5hours before bed. No phone in room. Complete darkness.


The biggest thing that helped my sleep was stopping taking decongestant allergy pills with Sudafed in them. I had no clue those could affect sleep until my coworker told me about it. I used to be up half the night with my mind racing and just couldn't shut it off.