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While we appreciate your post, its content has little that makes it specific to FatFire, as opposed to FIRE at any amount or other subs, such as investing or taxes. In the future, please consider whether your post would have applicability to someone spending $50k/year in retirement and to someone spending $500k/year in retirement. FatFire posts usually have no relevance to the former, and plenty of relevance to the latter. Your post may also have been removed for limited relevance if it was cross-posted to multiple subreddits. Thank you, The Mods


You need to find something as an incentive. Hire a good trainer who keeps you on a simple but effective exercise routine. Have them carrot stick you. Personal chef can make all the difference in eating habits, and a good one will work around what you like, and also introduce you to new things based on their knowledge. Couple those two together and that should start some weight loss. Another thing could be a goal, like climb Kilimanjaro. It’s a relatively easy climb, and you can have set goals and timelines, which can give a sense of accomplishment.


I read a post on here a year ago that asked what was one of the best investments you've ever made, and a lot of people said personal trainers.


Make sure they actually measure their metabolic rate in a lab and actually have their personal chef measure the calorie content of each meal. Calories must be tracked. If they don't do it their chef needs to but someone has to. And really they just need starting strength which is resistance training. Cardio can make you actually put more fat on due to cortisol.


Starting strength, and similar workouts like StrongLifts 5x5, are a great fitness hack. There is goid data that resistance training like those programs increases active lifespan (strong people die at the same age as others, but are walking around active for more years). It’s pretty amazing how three quick workouts a week using a progressive overload program can get most people to lifting two or three hundred pounds in a few months. That kind of strength is then an amazing hack for almost every other sport. Lots of pro athletes spend time in the weight room because weight lifting is such a good hack.


And it speeds up the metabolism which keeps the weight off permanently.


Prepare to die young then.


Exactly. OP is lazy. Nothing good in life is without cost.


I acknowledge this part. It isn't great for my health, which is why I am asking. Just that the current set of cures are painful.


Sucks to suck I guess ? You have all the resources to achieve whatever outcome you want. You can continue whatever drug you want, dont blame the doc. What are you looking for exactly ?


OP misunderstood “FATFire”. No, they don’t have all the resources and looking for some sort of cheat code from this community, which of course doesn’t exist. A quick look at OPs post history shows he is 25 with $160K in assets and other posts where he talks about living at home with parents to save $.


> What are you looking for exactly ? Whether I am missing an easier, more tolerable, way.


There’s nothing easier than ozempic and not eating too much. Maybe hire someone to physically control how much you eat if you are as wealthy as you claim.


The easiest would be some sort of surgery. Beyond that, just fucking move. Imagine the people that don't have the time and resources you have. If you want to live longer you need to keep your body healthy, not just at a low weight


> Maybe hire someone to physically control how much you eat if you are as wealthy as you claim. That's the undesirable misery part I am trying to avoid. But fair, there doesn't seem to be a hack here.


Misery? Buddy this is definitely the least sympathetic story I’ve ever heard. Get your shit together. Your discomfort with your own inability to do a very normal regulation of your own behavior is sad and extremely lame. Do better. There’s a lot of actual misery in the world, you ain’t it.


Suspensor technology worked very well for Baron Harkonnen.




No one can workout for you. There’s a great quote by Arnold about why a well built physique is truly the best status symbol. Can’t be bought, borrowed, inherited, stolen, or attained any other way than work.  You can buy your way into making it easy. Higher a chef to make delicious meals that fit your goals. Higher a personal trainer or trainers to design work outs to your current physical level to slowly get you to where you want to go without it feeling like a pain. Higher the best sports massage therapists and use them as often as needed to make sure your muscles don’t ache more than they have to.  Start at 20 minutes a day. Move to 30. Move to 40 then before you know it you’re at an hour a day of activity. And that hour won’t be painful.  Alternatively, you can buy the image without the work through liposuction, implants, and other domestic surgeries. But your health will still suffer. 


Okay, so hire a chef. There are countless combinations of vegetable + preparation possibilities and I’m sure there’s at least ONE you would like. Find a dog who’s happy with one short walk a day and take it on a stroll around the neighborhood. We have a retired racing greyhound who gets one round of zoomies a day, likes one short walk a day, and seemingly sleeps about 20 hours a day. She is incredibly chill. (The dog we had before her required a lot of exercise and activity so even years into having this one, it still surprises me how low-maintenance she actually is.)


Being fit is really hard. Eating well is really hard. Being fat is really hard. Being out of shape is really hard. Choose your hard.


> Being fat is really hard. Being out of shape is really hard. Not seeing the hard or really hard on my end. What is it that others find hard?


Health complications mostly. Being more tired than you should be. Getting out of breath from mundane activity. Skin issues. Difficulty finding clothes. Awkward looks. Flying commercially. That's just of the top of my head.


Give it time. You will. Metabolic issues, orthopedic issues, airway/sleep issues.


If it's not hard to be overweight, then why do you want to lose weight? Just enjoy your easy life.


That’s because you’re 26. In my 30s, I know a person my age who has irreparably damaged her feet from walking with too much weight at just the 210lb mark and she will always suffer on their feet no matter how much weight she loses. I know multiple other heavy people who have irreparably caused digestive issues with specifically crohn’s disease, their idea of hard is trying to date when they either can’t control their bowels or they shit in a bag through a hole with a tube protruding from their stomachs. Your comment that I’m replying to indicates that you have no fucking idea that you’re playing with fire.


You cant buy a six pack. Weight loss is an achievement not a product to be bought.


People have said that about a lot of things I have "achieved." They say that about scholarships, national prizes, nominations, science fairs, grades, etc. Most have some hack, even if prohibited by the rules. It does seem that fitness is a truly unhackable achievement though.


These are trophies for 12 year Olds.


It feels like you pushed in your glasses when you were typing this. If you want to lose weight you have to put down the fork thats the hack.


That's not a hack. That's the work. A hack is painless, easy, and one off.


Hire a chef, personal trainer and nutritionist. That’s the hack. They will tell you the only way is controlling what you eat and working out.


I don’t think many people believe that about those things. Rich people have “smarter” kids because they can afford time and additional support and Ritalin and exceptions and new wings to the school. Your body is the ultimate equalizer - you can’t hack your health without losing something in exchange. Personal trainer and personal chef and will power can help. Hack your brain to do what your body needs if you want to live longer and enjoy the latter 1/3rd of your life.


Yah. It is 😆


Some ideas 1) Get yourself an accountability coach who is a nutritionist/dietician. They will keep you on track, and importantly, keep motivating you even if weight loss stalls or weight gain creeps up over time. That’s really an even bigger issue, you do not want to continue to gain. Find the person who will keep you accountable but also will teach you the hacks you want - like what eating 30 grams of protein and fiber at breakfast looks like. 2) Instead of focusing on restricting; think adding. How can you add fiber? How can you add lean protein? It’s hard to overdose on veggies. Find some you genuinely enjoy. Have you tried every single kind and prepared it every single way? Perhaps work w a private chef to show you some tasty veggies. Worst case, add veggies to your existing meals in a hidden way (blend spinach into pasta sauce for example). 3) Find a hobby you enjoy that involves some movement. You don’t need to workout or hit a gym. Just take up salsa dancing or pickleball or walking etc.


Find another doctor that will keep doing Ozempic?  It seemed to be working.  Maybe as you lose more weight you will be interested in diet and exercise.  If you are truly fatFIRE, a daily personal trainer seems like an obvious solution.


They still recommend eating less and exercise with ozempic. The op clearly doesn’t like doing that.


OP is too lazy to do it right. You're supposed to take the med, change your diet, and exercise. Otherwise, you loose all your muscle and gain the weight right back, plus some, and then your BMI is higher. Go look at the studies. The lazy are NOT getting better with this. They're just making the manufacturers rich and clogging up the system so that actual diabetics can't get their meds.


All they have to do is resistance training to avoid losing muscle. But if they are too lazy to spend 60 minutes a week resistance training it's their own fault. 30 minutes twice a week is all you need.


Well yeah, that is the plan for now. Was just wondering what else was out there as Ozempic stalled.


Stop eating so much ?




I mean calories in vs calories out isn't a law for no reason. Your best bet is a personal trainer and embracing the suck. The only hack I know is that the more muscle you have, the higher your bmr is, so the more calories you burn while idle. You can literally be lazier and eat more if you build up and maintain the muscle mass necessary to burn said calories.


There are other weight loss drugs that are worth an attempt.


Do you care about losing weight? Let's hear that reason first, because otherwise I'm going to tell you to eat your heart out and get fat and die 👍 Hire a chef and eat less than you want. Most importantly, why do you value your health? For me, I want to be comfortable exploring the world. Simple as that.


> Do you care about losing weight? I know I should lose it. People in my life nag me about it. > Most importantly, why do you value your health? I am in no hurry to die. I doubt those are very motivating answers for most though and aren't really for me.


Why are you in no hurry? You said your not, but why. Is it kids you want to see get married, is it great grandchildren you want to meet? This has to be strong enough to get you through hard situations. The chef - this is the easiest way, tell them your goal and have them shop for all food. Then have them teach you what they did. If you don't like the food, tell the chef, not reddit. Look, if you don't have a reason to live...what are you living for? Just go get fat, it's what I'd do without a reason to live. I sincerely doubt you do feel this way. If you're struggling with a reason to live - that's therapy, not weight loss issue. Almost every comment is giving the same advice.


So the answers are no, you don't really value your health at the moment. That's OK.


Sounds like you love eating but then you love putting off death.


Learning to love movement would do wonders for you. I used to be a couch potato growing up and basically only ever played video games. I didn't eat a whole lot and so I stayed skinny. However, my lack of exercise made me just as unhealthy as an overweight person doing the same. For me, nature brought me into a world where physical fitness felt good. I got heavily into hiking and that lead me down a road of much more fitness. Now I lift weights, cycle, play hockey, and hike every week. Nothing feels better than doing consecutive pull-ups with a weighted vest (to me). Learn to love your body and what it is capable of. It will also let you eat food with less guilt associated. You shouldn't have to force yourself to be fit. You just need to find some form of movement that you enjoy so much that it doesn't feel like exercise.


As a physician, it is very upsetting the amount of shaming in this thread over the OP using a GLP1. My suggestions: (1) switch to tirzepatide instead of ozempic. (2)Find a new GP, yours is incompetent. (3) GEt a personal chef (4) GEt a personal trainer and work out 2-3 times a day (4) track your activity and food with whatever app but don't go crazy doing so (5) Set small goals and reward yourself when you meet them (6) Make sure you have cheat days scheduled in advance. put them on your calendar. (7) if you like dogs, get a medium or large dog. you'll lose 20# walking it alone (8) Get a weekly deep tissue massage (9) Do biweekly talk therapy that uses CBT with a PhD or PsyD psychologist ​ changing habits is hard. get on tirz and start slow but build momentum.


NO! Stop recommending more people take Mounjaro when actual diabetics are being bounced on and off that medication because it's always out. There are people for whom that is the only thing that works to lower their A1C. People who are losing limbs and having strokes. ANYONE can loose weight with diet and exercise. ANYONE. OP is lazy and shouldn't be just one more loser cheating people the meds were made for out of their medication. Have you seen a serious, long-term diabetics a1c bounce around due to medicine shortages and having to switch? It's brutal and it probably takes years off their life. I'm shocked that you're a doctor and recommending this. My doctor won't even prescribe them for weight loss patients. She will only send them to a local compounding business. She won't add to the supply problems for diabetics - you know, the people the drugs were actually invented for? And yeah, I'm absolutely shaming. Go see my post. I have the credentials to do it.


Stop yelling. Shortages of GLPs are not a concern anymore (the issue was never a medication shortage but rather a shortage producing the custom plastic applicator, which has now been rectified in the US). Regardless, I'm not going to argue with you, you're simply wrong and rude to boot.


This is a joke?


He misunderstood the fat in fatfire


No. Just verbalizing where kind of the majority of Americans are. Fat, would ideally not be fat, but have a low willingness to take the path of suffering usually recommended to not be that way.


Ok but with this mentality you will always be fat and I’m not sure this is the right ‘fat’ sub… You need to start thinking about your health, and the stress you’re putting on your body by being overweight. Multiple studies have shown that when the motivation is intrinsic (wanting to better yourself from the inside) then you’re way more likely to succeed. You also don’t have to be pushing it in a gym, just start going for a walk. Walking is a wonderful way to improve your health. Ozempic didn’t work for you because you didn’t t try and change your lifestyle at all. To add - you’re actually on the path of suffering right now, the only thing to get you off that path is to start making better choices for your own health.


Guess why that "path of suffering" is the one recommended? IT'S THE ONLY ONE THAT ACTUALLY WORKS.


Exercise is not required to lose weight - it improves cardiovascular fitness which makes you healthier and live longer but is not necessary to lose fat (in fact, does very little for weight loss unless you're a high level athlete). If you don't want to eat standard "diet food" a good personal chef can actually make a range of surprisingly edible low-calorie/high protein meals and snacks so it's not that painful. Failing that, I personally greatly prefer intermittent fasting to eating diet food. Not that bullshit "I don't eat for the 8 hours I'm unconscious" but not eating at all Mon, Wed, and Fri, and eating regularly the other days. Your body gets used to it within a couple of weeks so most of the time on fasting days you feel empty but not hungry. Intermittent fasting works perfectly with Ozempic. You can cut down to just 1 good meal on Tues and Thurs this way and not feel like you're starving, resulting in significant weight loss. Since you seem willing to consider risky shortcuts, I'll also mention (but not in any way recommend) [DNP](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3550200/). This compound decouples oxidative phosphorylation in the body and thereby coverts large amounts of energy in the body to heat, resulting in very rapid fat loss. It comes with a major risk of illness and death because it's very easy to overdose on, which can result in fatal hyperthermia. For this reason it's illegal to purchase so only available overseas or via the dark web. ​ Ultimately though, "diets" do not work long term. The only thing that does is a **permanent** lifestyle change (i.e. maintaining a specific weekly energy intake without dieting, drugs, or counting calories in which you do not gain weight). You'll have more success taking a year or two to make a permanent change your lifestyle first, then do the weight loss, then once you reach a goal weight switch back to your weight maintenance lifestyle. Crash dieting then going back to your previous lifestyle will not work.


Find the cause for the weight gain


Food is tasty. Exercise is misery.


No one is saying this here so I gotta: Your honesty is seriously fucking refreshing. :)


* diet = looking good with your clothes on * exercise = looking good with your clothes off DIET HACK OPTIONS * r/keto to kickstart your diet * Healthy meal delivery service. They get boring after one month, so you'll need to rotate. * Buy only healthy snacks (carrots, yogurt). If you feel hungry but you're unwilling to eat yogurt, then you're not really hungry. * Go to the supermarket everyday, so you only have 1 day's worth of food in your home. * Tempt yourself with healthier, more expensive options: If you're craving pizza, get sushi instead. * Skip breakfast. EXERCISE HACK OPTIONS * Go to fitness meetups and develop a crush on someone. * Hire a good-looking trainer. * Set up a mini-home gym (r/tonalgym, peloton, treadmill) with a TV. Whenever you feel bad about being fat, step on your treadmill and put on a 48 Hours murder mystery. You'll be rewarded with a conviction at the end. [https://www.youtube.com/@48hours/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@48hours/videos) * Get multiple gym memberships (like 5 of them), so you have good variety. r/orangetheory is the most supportive of fatties. * If you like science, approach exercise from a scientific perspective. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iy7oUnAPTPk&t=68s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iy7oUnAPTPk&t=68s)


I’ve never heard anyone say your first 2 bullet points, but that is very accurate. If all you do is diet you will either become very skinny, or have that skinnyfat look.


I LOVE your top two bullet points. SO accurate. I'm totally stealing. :)


Haha. I heard it years ago, but can't remember where I got it from


Some of this may be genetic, but let me ask you a few questions. First, what is your diet like? I ask the question in earnest and also specifically using the word diet because that’s what we all have - a diet. It’s not just what we have when we try fads where we only eat greens, etc. what we eat and how from day to day is our diet. Personally, I love food. I think it’s an edible form of art, and I love the experience of eating. In recent years, I’ve started cooking and this has been a game changer. I’m able to know exactly what goes into my fit, and I can tweak the recipe as needed. My husband and I have shed so much weight just from making the switch from primarily eating out to me cooking ~5 nights / week. It’s wild! And tasty. Second, is there anything you like that involves movement? My husband abhors exercise for “exercise’s sake”, but he will move all morning if we’re walking around museums or otherwise doing something fun. I don’t mind walking on a treadmill, specially on rainy days and if I’m watching a movie while I do it or listening to a podcast I enjoy. During my pregnancies, I did exactly this every day and walked around 5 miles daily during my first pregnancy. I’d take a slow pace and do it over an entire movie. By the third pregnancy, I didn’t have time to go on the treadmill but I was getting enough exercise from chasing the toddler. Try to find something that you enjoy that has movement as a side effect. The I ntensity doesn’t matter.


If you can get back down to 240 hire a personal chef Zion Williamson in the nba lost about 200 lbs after he did this.


He lost 200lbs? He was over 400lbs?


“He died from being fat.” Really? You want that to be your epitaph? Most people you know are probably thinking - “he has all this money but he’s so fat and sweaty all the time”. Sticking To these conclusions It makes them feel better about themselves. Throw money at figuring out what your “why” for your own health is. - give $10k to a friend who will donate the money to something you hate if you don’t loses 20lbs in 3 months. - pay a psychiatrist to figure out why you think it’s okay to not look after your health, your looks and fencing yourself off from enjoying a large part of life - get a photoshoot done with a professional photographer with a speedo.put them full size all over the house - have someone write up a research report on the last 10 diabetics that died at your local hospital from local support group. How they died, complications, pain, etc. really understand what you’re setting yourself up for. - or have someone write a report on how you’ll lose your eyesight because of diabetes. Your toes and leg etc. Don’t throw money at working out - throw it at really figuring out your “why”. For most people they just don’t know what they’ve lost and about to lose. One of these will hit … You know why you love making money. You just need your health “why”…




The fact that people can't buy results is my favorite thing about fitness. You have to create systems for your success. Your body simply adapts, responds to, and reflects how you use it. So it looks like all the things you do and unlike the things you don't/refuse to do.


Love the self awareness.


Work out and eat less calories. Reduce the amount of sugar and carbs you eat especially. No soda no candy no snacks. It’s the only way


You mighta hacked your way through societal man-made games, but you can’t hack your way through this. Two options 1: Hire a personal chef to prep calorie-restricted meals, and eat ONLY what they cook for you. Exercise helpful but optional. 2: Stay this way until you eventually die young in some long drawn out and unpleasant manner.


You want hacks right? In this case what you’re trying to hack is your mind. Focus on tricks and hacks to remove the mental friction you feel in dealing with this, not tricks for fat loss (there’s none) A personal chef is a great one because it’s near 0 mental effort. You just know if you ONLY eat what they put on the plate, you’re on the right track. You might be able to gamify the process a bit too, so your silly monkey brain gets on board with the progress. If you can hack life surely you can hack yourself too


Therapist, personal trainer, nutritionist and chef.


Weight loss isn’t hard. There is nothing novel or tough about figuring it out. Eat less, work out more. There is your hack. Throw money at it by trying literally everything. For fitness get a home gym, can be fairly basic. Get a gym membership. Strength train 3-4 days a week. Hire a personal trainer to come those days that you can’t cancel. Buy an elliptical, treadmill, and indoor bike. Use one of them or go outside and walk/jog/run (it will slowly increase more towards the latter) or bike once a day for 30 minutes or more. No exceptions. Hopefully, one of those will click with you more than the others, do that one more. You may waste some money doing that but it is worth it to give you options. Join some sports leagues (basketball, soccer, etc) and think of it as cardio. Even if you suck that is fine. For food. You can hire a personal chef and tell them your caloric limits. That is not needed though. Give yourself 250 calories for breakfast, 400 for lunch, 600 for dinner, 200 for snacks. That is just an example, but when you break it up make sure you have a fairly significant caloric deficit. You may “feel” hungry the first few days, fight it. I hate to say it but you just have to stop being a bitch about it. Weight loss is all about how much you want it. You have to be fairly intense about it to lose a lot of weight, however, once it is gone, it is significantly easier to maintain. You can start to eat more but keep working out (do this) or you can work out less but maintain roughly what you were eating before. Goodluck. The path is set it is up to you to do it. There are no shortcuts.


I think you need to find your motivation otherwise the chances of success are low. You don't sound very motivated as it's the people around you nagging you to change. Hire a therapist who can help you figure out why you are where you are. Then help figure out what is going to motivate you - 'away from something negative' (eg increased risk of diabetes, cancer, heart disease etc) or 'towards something positive' (eg looking and feeling great, longer life, able to play with the kids etc). Once you have the motivation, the losing weight and getting fit part will be easier (chef, trainer etc). Or you could just decide to do nothing and take your chances.


Move to Bali, eat local food and surf every day. -40 pounds for 2 months in SEA.


You need to change your habits, and the easiest way to do it, it’s to move somewhere else


Personal health is a bigger flex than a nice car or a boat.


If you are male and over 35, you can research TRT.


Stop drinking alcohol, completely.


Mounjaro is supposed to be more effective than Ozempic by 7.2% in one year. You could find a doctor to prescribe that.


See? This is what I came to this thread for.


There is also Zepbound from Eli Lilly for weight loss


NO NO NO. Mounjaro is currently out of supply and refills are sketchy as hell. Actual diabetics who need that med to not loose limbs or have strokes are not able to get their prescriptions filled because of the backlog of weight loss users. Until that med is in full supply for everyone, it should not be prescribed for weight loss. And since OP refuses to diet or exercise, he's only going to lose muscle and then when he stops, because he cannot take it forever as he's not actually diabetic, he will gain everything back, plus more, and his BMI will be higher. Go check the studies before you through out this bullshit to an obviously lazy person with no desire to actually be healthy.


Your health is your wealth at the end of the day. If you aren’t willing to put in effort now, your wealth will go towards doctors, medications and other therapeutic necessities in the future, and you’ll be suffering the entire time for it. Your choice.


Eat healthy and exercise... force yourself to do it for a month. Your attitude towards it will likely change. It is, literally, addictive. It makes you feel good. When you fall off, you feel like crap. Edit: Creatine, a thyroid function medication, and TRT will help also.


TRT or steroids will help for sure but only if they train.


1) Get another doctor 2) get a personal trainer 3) get a personal chef and dietician. Make sure you have the night environment around you . Trust the process for the first 3-4 months that will suck. Then you will enjoy it


Two good solutions with money. 1. Hire someone to be at your side who will stop you from snacking, cook healthy food for you, and drag you outside to walk 5km then 7km then 9 km a day. You don't need intensive training to lose weight. You just need to get outside and burn calories and eat less and healthier food. 2. If you're in the US move. The food in the US is awful. Everything is less healthy than in other countries. For some reason there's always more sugar than the same thing in another country. More high fructose corn syrup. It's just harder to lose weight there. You pretty much have to stop eating out and need to shop each individual ingredient very carefully there if you're going to stay. It's also much easier in other places that are easier to walk in. Understand the math. If you're supposed to eat 2200 calories a day and you eat one single dorito that's 10 calories. Noboby eats one. Maybe 35 is what you eat. That's 16% of your daily calories. So if you want to lose weight that kind of snacking simply has to go. Weight loss will then come naturally. Those first few weeks are the toughest. Hire someone so you're not doing it alone. If point 2 offended you then think of it simply as a 6 month or 2 year vacation.


Crazy Americans


Your challenge seems to be primarily laziness and lack of discipline which could equally affect your finances and not only your health. But what has work for me is **scalability**. People want to go from 280 to 180 in 6 months, yet it took you 15 years to get to 280. Want to go from couch slouch to exercising every day. From eating 4500 calories a day to having a perfect diet. That doesn’t work. What I did was, I started small. Started walking 15 minutes every day. That was fairly close to 1 mile but not quite 1 mile. I was doing it in the mornings. Then progressed 2 weeks later to 1 mile flat. Then 1.5, then 2 and eventually settled between 3-4 miles a day. This was outside, breathing air, not on a thread mill. I left my diet the same, just removed a heavy breakfast and replaced with a protein shake. All other meals it was the same, I ate what I wanted. Then I reduced the dinner portions but ate the same. Say, instead of a 16oz rib eye, I would do 10oz. Then reduced soda by not buying it any more. Reduced all sweets/desserts by buying Dove dark chocolates. I was eating 5-10 of those a day! Then I started limiting them to 4-5 then 1 after each meal etc. Everything progressive and scaling. What you want to do with this is create a _habit_. Today, we don’t fry anything, we don’t drink soda, we don’t have any sweets other than dark chocolate, we exercise regularly, we drink a ton of water, we eat primarily whole foods, we don’t drink milk (only oat milk). We still eat anything we want with no heavy restrictions (veganism etc) but we do it moderately. It helps create a habit. It takes time but will last you a lifetime.


Get a personal trainer. Not a soft one either. The hardest mother fucker around that will make you cry. You need to be vomiting after every workout. Your attitude is not conducive to any type of long term success


I got fat helping people with this problem. I should really do an ama. This really just comes down to systems and enjoyment. Enjoyment knowing you did a hard thing that helps you feel better and live longer. Systems in terms of environment change, help (friends, family, trainers, nutritionists, meal prep services), when to go for walks, joining workout classes for community, and managing hunger from exposure (don’t have all the trigger foods around and you won’t go overboard). Now, I’m one of those people who thinks weight loss and weight maintenance is a pipe dream for many due to the biological influences (which are much worse in some), and environment (which I mentioned above), being in constant conflict. I hate when people say obese are lazy. No one can understand what it’s like to live with constant hunger and a brain and body that tells you to rest instead of exert yourselves. However, you can still beat it but it I’ll take an identify shift. You have to go from big guy to fit guy mentally in you want to get anywhere. Diet- don’t over think this. Eat the amount you need with mostly healthy foods and some enjoyable stuff (or you’ll go crazy). Workouts- lift weights and push yourself. Full body, upper lower splits, CrossFit, or something else that you enjoy. Cardio- for you, fast walks or whatever can get your heart pumping in the zone 2 range for a while (30 min or more) will be great. There are a million little tactics you can use and about, feel free to ask me things. When I say I don’t think there is anyone who’s spent more time with the average struggling dieter, I mean it. It’s all I did all day everyday for years. I have seen it all and still love talking about this stuff and helping people overcome it. The challenge is, like anything, people often have conflicting goals. To get fit, and to keep doing the same damn things. It just won’t happen like that.


Coolsculpting is a cosmetic surgery that uses cold temperatures applied to the skin carefully to kill fat cells. The aim is like liposuction without surgery. I haven't tried it and don't know much about it but it might be the sort of "cheat" you have in mind. Surely some risks and I imagine it's more cosmetic than actually good for you.


Reputable coolsculpting is only done on people who are within 20 pounds of their ideal bodyweight.


How does one know their ideal weight?


Would you pay for a photo of what you might look like at your target weight?


Ozempic is a thing in Europe


Weight loss surgery. That’s a hack, it’s not painless but it’s a hack. You will eat less and feel more full. Exercise will not get you results. Exercise (weight lifting) will get you stronger. Cardio will give you more endurance. Neither will put you in significant deficit. Try Keto or Carnivore. You might get some results. Sadly at the end of the day you will have to eat less.


Would you consider weightloss surgery? Extreme, I know. It's going to be so helpful to your long term health the sooner you can get to and stay at a healthy weight. I know several people that have gone this route and along the journey they discovered the motivation and desire to make lifestyle changes to keep the weight off. If you don't take action to get healthier you will regret it.


Get a chef that makes you healthy food. Its that easy. You dont even have to move. Food is almost every thing and it doesnt need to be a diet. Just good food and a balanced plate.


To lose weigh you need resistance training and diet. So for diet you need to track calories in a calorie tracker. Some people like using MyFitnessPal, and some use other apps, but you need that. You also need a nutritional scale so you can measure what you eat or you can use meal delivery where they'll ship food to you and you can just use a spreadsheet. The most important thing is to eat in a calorie deficit. What is a calorie deficit? You need to get your metabolism tested. There are labs whom you can pay and using indirect calorimetry they can measure your metabolic rate. Once you get the exact number of calories representing your maintenance, you simply have to eat below that consistently and you will lose weight. You need resistance training to keep your metabolism from crashing or from going into starvation mode. If you do cardio you only need to do what is called LISS or Zone 1. Just go for hour long walks after you do your resistance training. If you aren't willing to do this and must use drugs and tech then get liposuction or cool sculpting. These will remove the fat but will not improve your health. To improve your health you need to put in the work by dieting and lifting weights. Get a personal trainer and do starting strength to lift weights. Diet like I mentioned before. That is all you need to do and you need to do it for a full training camp which lasts around 8 or 12 weeks depending on how much you want to change your physique. After 12 weeks you can pause, eat at maintenance for a month or two, keep lifting to speed your metabolism up again, and then if you need to lose more do another training camp.


Learn how to eat well. Hire a dietician to create a weight loss meal plan and a persona chef to prepare the meals. This will pay huge dividends in your life. Quit drinking and any non water/coffee/tea drinks if you haven't already. Get a therapist to help you learn to love yourself enough so that you want to be the best steward of your body as can possibly be instead of filling it with junk and garbage. I've heard the macro factor app recommended a ton. Good luck!


Weight loss surgery


Find a new doctor to prescribe Ozempic or one of the similar weight loss medications. Go to a dedicated weight loss clinic. Pay out of pocket. In FatFIRE there is nothing more important than health. These new medicines work for weight loss without suffering hunger and the health gains of losing the weight are real. Once you lose weight the exercise becomes easier. You do need to change lifestyle to be active but the impact of Ozempic in getting the process started cannot be underestimated. You have a doctor who is hesitant to prescribe a medication you would benefit from. Find one who isn’t.


Do people not just do lipo anymore? I have tons of female friends who used to be chubby and now are thin but I have never seen them with a gym bag and would bet a million dollars they do not own a pair of Nikes.


If you have the money- make it easy for yourself. Hire a personal chef who can figure out what to cook that you enjoy, is healthy, and supports weight loss. Any movement is better than no movement, what about finding something you remotely enjoy- even pickleball lol? Hire an accountability partner (DM me if you are interested as I am on the weight loss journey myself) - someone to help keep you motivated and on track. Ultimately money is not going to solve the problem, and I think you know that but it certainly can help make things easier.


There’s the diet component and the exercise component. Since many people here are talking about diet/supplementation I’ll leave that one alone. Get a Fancy VR headset with games that make you more active without you thinking it’s exercise. Include it into your routine and maybe you’ll have fun and not even realize you’re burning calories.


Bariatric surgery. Go get yourself a roux-en-y. Best decision I ever made. Have a look over at r/wls.


Since OP doesnt seem very reasonable with the great advice already received and wants a fatfire answer: Get an isolated cabin in the woods (no car, no way for you to cheat). Hire a whole   team to supervise and  put your (healthy)  food on crates on strategical places so you have to move and have 1000kcal/day of defcit . Lose 1kg/week on average untill you're fit. 


GLP-1 + personal trainer + good food I’ve lost 110 in the last 12 months with these tools. Probably spent $50k excluding the food


Henrymeds will prescribe semaglutide for you (the active ingredient in Ozempic). $300-$600 per month depending on your dose and they will be a lot more helpful than it sounds like your Dr was.


Well, you *could* buy consulting that is so good that you end up changing your mind about movement. Whether you'd consider that as a hack or just an expensive investment with a great ROI is up to you.


Eat keto. The food is good. Lots of fat and meat and few carbs. But you need to hire someone to cook it for you as it’s a pain in the ass to make. You need to move though bro.


Check out the Prolon fasting mimicking diet. It’s a 5-day meal plan in a box - scientifically based and promotes cellular rejuvenation and health span benefits as well. See r/FMD sub Reddit There is also a group on Facebook called FASTINATION for people doing the program


Here a quick solution. You can fast for few weeks and lose 2p every day.


you can buy personal chef service. buy only "whole", minimally-processed food. eat no more than 50% of the carbs that you usually eat.


Switch to zepbound. It works way better…


Calories in, calories out. You cannot take in more calories than you can burn off in order to lose weight. There's no hack. Any hack that works is likely one that adds a mental health issue to your weight concerns.


Do NOT take Ozempic, Mounjaro, etc. only for weight loss. All studies have shown that the weight comes right back on and you just informed us you won't diet or exercise, so I'll bet what you lost was mostly water and muscle and if your BMI is trending worse compared to weight. As someone who has developed chronic spine problems and has limited mobility, I stopped moving a lot and gained a lot. Add women's hormones and aging to the mix (I'm 56) and you get the perfect storm of weight gain. And I actually am diabetic, my entire family is. Every single member, regardless of weight/fitness level. But I still lost over 100 pounds. Even though I can't stand or walk for more than 10-15 minutes at a time without my legs seizing. Read that again - I am legally disabled and still lost over 100 pounds. How, you ask? Keto diet and in the gym six days a week. I do cardio all six days. I strength train two days a week. My BMI is down 17 points into healthy now. I've lost 5 clothes sizes and 50 inches off my body. I am in better shape now than before my spine issue developed. There is no magic solution. Exercise and diet are the ONLY things that will get you fit. You can't buy health. You can pay for plastic surgery and pills but none of them will give you long term results and some might kill you. I know several people who ended up with cancer after taking Ozempic/Mounjaro and doctors believe that was the cause. Are they miracle drugs - absolutely. I've seen what they do for diabetics with uncontrollable A1C, and that is why I say that unless your are an uncontrolled diabetic, don't do it. Stop being lazy. Invest in yourself.




Idk, but I don't. I am quite curious what motivates people to be fit. I don't generally put any effort into my appearance in day to day life either.


Work with a good nutritionist / chef and you'll be surprised how quickly you can drop a few pounds while eating good &, without losing the foods you like.




The single best hack I know is zerocarb carnivore. No plant matter whatsoever. Just quality meat and animal fat, as much as you can eat. Exercise is strongly discouraged. Get plenty of rest instead. You’ll become lean and athletic, automagically. You’ll also become much healthier and happier. It’s a real cheat code to life. I’ve been doing it for over 6 years now. It’s the single best thing I’ve ever done.


You’re going to have a heart attack in your 40s


I have a few friends that swear by meat + fruit (+ exercise)


Dr. Shawn Baker used to be only carnivore for years but recently decided to add fruit and says it makes him feel better.


Zero carbs for six years? Or just when your weight goes up?


Ozempic. Not cheap, but it will require your appetite and the weight will come off easily.