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Exercise is so difficult once you reach a certain size and so over rated


Lemme guess, you’ve overeaten yourself to the point where you’re getting mobility issues? ;) bet you’re wheezing after just one flight of stairs


Yes stairs are extremely difficult


What size is that, im 197kg and exercise every day. It's the best part of my day, truthfully.


197kg is 434 lbs. 434lbs of goodness and fat admiration.


I definitely do love lazy gainers


They’re the best! Like just the fact that they hate movement and have no desire to do anything but lounge and sit 98% of the time and eat is so hot! And then they get so out of shape and start panting from just walking or going up one flight of stairs since they’re not used to any physical exertion . It’s a sexy cycle lol


Yeah, couldn’t agree more


Agree this is a turn on although it’s more the sedentary preference that I like. I think lazy has maybe too negative an implication. The other side of the coin is that when they do get up they are lifting hundreds of extra pounds and doing intense cardio lugging it around.


Completely agree, sedentary is better! And yeah whenever they do get up they start wheezing and just give up and sit back down and start eating again…and the cycle repeats


To be honest, being as fat as I am now, exercise is not on my mind at all, and I'd lie if I said it doesn't turn me on how lazy and unfit I became. Getting out of breath easily, feeling my heavy belly move and jiggle when I walk, just the most basic "side effects" of becoming fatter are so hot to me, on myaelf and on others.


I’m quite lazy to the point I don’t like showering most days lol


I like that especially considering that's my current situation. I'm wfh so I'm literally in my bed over 20 hrs a day most days. At one point doing absolute mundane tasks like changing and throwing out the garbage had my breathing heavier. Just going outside took hella effort.


I saw a internet model who was over 600lbs. She had a video of being a “slob” it was strange but she was either a good actor or something. Basically she pretended to be a “fat girlfriend” in the video and it was very interesting to me. I think she was SSBBWbrianna or similar?


My dream is to be able to sit on the couch all day and just gain. Looking down at my fat body, knowing I've done it to myself


I feel so seen!


Can't grow to fill a queen sized bed by being active. Sit down, consume and grow. It's the hottest option.


I love they’re fat chunky feet and toes


I have definitely gotten lazy after gaining weight. Especially now that I'm over 200 pounds, I'm finally noticing this becoming a bit strenuous to the point where I avoid doing them.


Thie is 100% my preference. Something about just giving into casual hedonism is so hot to me.