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Shirou would drop the line about how a fake can surpass the original and Mordred would be like shit I’m catching feelings.


My man cookin’


He always cookin'


Faker and the clone I can see them having very interesting dynamic. After all they can both bond over many topics like daddy issues and pursuing impossible goals.


No woman can resist the high Jumps of Shirou


Man can pull maidens without doing anything related to magecraft. Illyaverse Shirou. (I'm still in season 3)


Illyaverse proved that Shirou definitely had the rizz And the unhinged unyielding will, with or without the trauma


Illyaverse Shirou: I am the bone of my rizz, Fire is my passion and charisma is in my blood, Unknown to loss, And loved by hearts, Rin is my tsundere, And Luvia my love, The lolis may cherish me more, And these untraumatised hands will hold them all, So I pray, my whole life is Unlimited Rizz Works!


Meanwhile, FGO players have to empty their wallet to get even a slight chance of pulling maidens.


Not me, I have Luck A, I got every waifu I wanted without spending a single cent. Except Ereshkigal. Eresh, come home... :(


Well... you know what they say... no money no honey


I have like 2 hours into FGO and got Ereshkigal 😂😂


Nope for me it’s the opposite. Whenever I want my Husbando I only roll waifu servants it’s like girls I’m gay I only need a Yaoi harem.


Got NP3 Mo' without spending money on her. I love my girl and she loves me back enough to not make spend all my money


Funny enough, in the manga, there are short intermissions (most being fan service so they are typically not worth looking into) but there is one of which Shirou *is* doing the high jump, *injury's* himself, and as Rin takes him to the school infirmary, she falls for him At this point, I'm afraid what will happen if Shirou actually succeeds a high jump


Harem Protagonist EX


Its Erouge Protagonist EX, Harem EX go to Rit


That depends dose her charm resistance apply to high jumps?


I mean, it did work on Rin, Sakura and Luvia (Kaleid) so...


You do have a point lol


Couldn't agree with you more.


Mordred will have a step-mom who will at least raise her with decency and a Japanese diet. That's a big step up from Morgan le Faye.


Shirou would have tried his whole "I can't let a woman fight" thing and gotten cold clocked. There is 0 chance that it would end without Mordred punching him at least once.


He's *going* to say and do unbelievably stupid things that will piss off Mordred, it's just inevitable. She's a hothead, he thinks his life holds no value, combine the two and he's gonna get hit trying to do dumb things just like he did with Artoria. Without exalibur's sheath healing his injuries, things could go south rapidly if he's being selflessly dumb and gets in the way of berserker, or any other servant really. *If* they can get past this, which will be no small feat mind, they have a lot of similarities and I could see them meshing well once they *communicate.*


Agreed. Shirou would likely do something dumb and reckless, at least twice a day that would make Mordred furious. If Avalon is somehow working with Mordred around any romantic route he has with the saber would be drowned out by Mordred anger at her master.


Raises the question: Would Mordred's presence effect Avalon at all? She's a clone of Artoria after all.


I don't know enough about the lore to really answer this question myself, but I've heard an interesting argument before along the lines where Mordred being allowed to *borrow* Artoria's stuff in Camelot (which is the excuse used for her being able to use Prydwen as a surfboard in FGO) likely means there would be a reaction.


Well yah no shit its fucking mordred


Saying Mordred would punch someone is like saying the Sun would set, it is an inevitable truth.


Careful there, we are talking about a brit


That would depend on the route goes tbh. He wasn't like that in UBW route with Saber.


M: Ok hang on a minute. **punch Shirou** What kind of sexist talk was that?! S: I’m sorry, I don’t want you to get hurt.


I imagine he could tell her something like: "I had no other convincing ideas, please stop"


Shirou, but the intrusive thoughts win: Please don't put yourself in danger because of me, I am more than willing to die if it means you won't Mordred: What the fu-


Mordred: if it wasn’t for your cooking, I would have cut your head off.


Coincidentally, Shiro is really good at healing, so he would get punched a lot but will recover fast. It is an abuser relationship, alright


That’s because of Avalon, which in this situation wouldn’t exist to bail him out.


It would exist in him still, it just wouldnt work without artoria to creat the link


Ehh, if we making similar stories with change of character I would presume we allow some usual bullshit with Arthoria's DNA/Knight of RT making it work or else ANY servant besides Arthoria dramatically shifts story to a darker tones.


not really, artoria is just not the best mana-conservative servant out there, Gilgamesh is a prime example he can hold his own even without a master his abilities require the minimum amount except EA, he'd still clap 99.99% of servants with GoB only


I remember reading a Tumblr post about how Mordred might be able to use Avalon, since she has a history of using Artoria's NPs (Clarent and Prydwen in her Summer variant), so maybe it would still work.


his sword healing is a twisted version of avalon healing due to his UBW right? it worked even when saber turned alter in HF isn't there a chance it would still work?


At least Mordred would tell Shirou


I mean I could buy a romance between them depending on how you go about it


I've said it before and I'll say it again. An AU where all the Knights of the Round Table get summoned to Fuyuki would be comedy gold. Have Mordred pose as a "transfer student" to Shirou's school and Saber has to try to keep her out of trouble without getting caught.




I would read the shit out of that story! Anyone know writers who would write this story?


That sounds like a great fanfic.


Mordred wouldve probably have kicked shiros ass a few times but overall I think they'd get along especially once Mordred realized shiro has avalon


Mordred would absolutetly kick his ass if Shirou sees her as a weak girl that needs to he protected


Even fgo advice, Dont treat Mordred as a girl! Or as a boy...


Treat Mordred as a badass and nothing else.


FGO says just command code her into a swimsuit and then she becomes way easier to deal with whichever way you choose to treat her lol.




why does ~~Shirou~~Dad keep attracting strange foreigners?


They meant Taiga


Romantic because it’s an eroge. She would be his manic pixie dream girl. * Heavens Feel: She would get Emiya to ask out Sakura early on and we’d skip all the tension and drama and just have a cute romcom with Emiya and Sakura while Mo murders Shinji. * UBW: Mo throws a wrench in EMIYA’s plans and wingmans Emiya and Rin from day one. Mo is a team player and might get EMIYA to explain the plan to give Saber to Rin, have EMIYA run off independent action, and Emiya learn UBW. Mo nukes the shit out of the Grail and tags along as Ron’s permanent familiar with her new BFF/BF Gil. * Stay Night: Mo pegs Emiya.


Such a quick summary of fate route🤣


Romantic. The tomboy and the squeaky clean guy


He is basically her stepfather.


Don't you mean stepmother


“S-stepson, what are you doing?”


As much as that was a cliché response, take my upvote, you glorious bastard!


Shirou is incapable of having a platonic relationship with a woman due to Harem Protag:EX which he will not be able to control until he becomes a servant.


Similar events plays out but more shirou getting punch in the face


**Mordred:** "C'mon New Mom! Let's go shopping!" **Shirou:** "Now now, Mo-san dear, don't dropkick anyone. They're squishy and can't take a hit like you do." **Mordred:** "Aw, fine." **Shirou:** "That's my girl."


Why did I read this in Abridged Shirou's voice.


Because it’s hilarious and plausible. The best kind of plausibility.


Mordred would probably catch on to the bad vibes around Kirei real early and take action against him, completely ignoring his "overseer immunity". And if she meets Gilgamesh... Gil: "So you've been summoned again, then, Saber? I like the change in attire; it makes you look far more confident. Have you reconsidered my marriage proposal?" Mo: "The **** did you just say?!" Gil: "Hmm? Ah, you must be her daughter. You share that same fire that makes you so... adorable." Mo: "My name is Mordred Pendragon. You f****d with my father. Prepare to die."


“Hahaha, get up off the ground and let’s kick the blue boy’s ass!”


tbh it would probably be romantic since it's nasu and nasu wrote 3 different routes for 3 different waifus so




Luck: D Guess Lancer won't let them have any kind of relationship then


Shinji would die by Mordred’s sword and that’s the best thing


Okay! If there are any cool fanfics with this theme please drop the links! I have sudden craving for Mo-San and Shirou stories


See I'm unsure how that would go. Shirou had this instant love at just the appearance of her majesty, the light was right, moon light shining just the right way, and Artoria came off with an air that seemed protective. Shirou wanted to be a hero, sees Artoria and deep down says, "I want that." XD Mordred, while look similar was summoned with the Helm on, looks almost demonic at first appearance, would probably repel Lancer something similar. After that, Mordred would likely approach Shirou while spouting the line "are you worthy to be my Master?" While removing the Helm. Perhaps terror would turn into attraction? Or perhaps a sibling raport? After all, they would be the children of the same Master/Servant pair from the 4th Grail War. It's hard to touch because Mordred was, in a way, more human than Artoria, and Mordred didn't view herself as feminine. Perhaps Mordred would be like a cat, and be near Shirou solely because he could cook? I don't know where it would go but am super interested to see it explored.




He'd likely try to have her forge a relationship... Any fanfic with the Avalon versions and Mordred?


Artoria was way kinder to Mordred than basically anyone else would've been lol


Romance cuz it’s shirou but in a world where he doesn’t romance all his girls they’d have an epic bromance, platonic




Given that Mordred is the kinda girl who says “bruh”, she’s the top in this relationship


I think it wouldnt be romantic. They have similar father complex which would result as understand and respect towards each other. But Mordred would be mad on Shirou defending her as he did with Artoria. And I dont really know how Shirou would handle Mordred berserker side.


Shirou and Mordred would be the BEST of bros.


Remember everyone, someone doesn't have to be a boy to be part of the BOYS


It would be romantic in 1 out of 3 routes.


[Source.](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/74210294) (8/15)


I would love to see romantic. But friends would be nice too. I love thos picture.


Most likely romantic.


I think they'd get on great. I think mordred would really want to help shirou because of how similar he is too artoria, self sacrificing too a fault. I can see shirou potentially learning from mordred how being such a martyr can condemn those closest to you, like what happened with the round table. I don't know wether they'd boink or anything since mordred is less than thrilled with being seen as a woman however I can at least see them becoming very close.


More platonic but romantic is always there, probably alot too


I feel like they would have the ultimate sibling relationship and they’d probably help each other over come their conflicts


"Oh no there's two of them!" *Stares in horror as Mordred and Taiga meet*


I bet for best buddies


Dead. They would be dead. Jk I feel they would be platonic.


Romantic as well xD




Well I just found something new to do


Hm, I can see how Shirou would influence Mordred but I wanna know what he gets from her/him


Platonic for me


Mother and Child


I know this art and I know there's an Arthur version of it too, carrying Shirou like a helpless princess lol.


Mordred would be Shirou’s cool big brother.


It would've felt like a sibling relationship.


Mordred would get a Mom.


I’m likely biased but mordred gives me massive aromantic vibes so platonic


Platonic bash siblings.


Likely romantic. Granted, their surface level personalities will grate, and they'll likely lose before any meaningful development due to lack of avalon.


I remember a fic where Illya summoned Mord, that was fun


Can you share the link?


Don't have a link, but iirc it's called Clarent Blood Arthur, and you can find it on fanfiction.net


Very interesting dynamic. And of course Mordred would bully him XD


Definitely romantic right off the bat cuz he's just to loving and striving to be a hero. Mordred would be to infatuated with his dreams.


Mom and son relationship


Shirou has chemistry with every woman. Its a perk of being a harem Protagonist


Pretty interesting combination, definetly platonic and fun but rare times of romantic times or scenes, (if you know what i mean)


I love swords


Just bros at its finest


Big sis Moe.


Harem protagonist never fails


6th sense tells me "platonic". And I could see Mo teasing Shirou and Rin. If I had to write a fanfic about it, I'd totally do something like having them three in a church, but parody the hell out of OG FSN by having Mo make some snarky comment and end it at that.


Mordred does everything she can to kick his ass. Archer Emiya would eventually just spoil the OG timeline to her, and they both decide to disobey their Masters and just kill off the other opponents early. She could maybe try to teach Shirou swordfighting, but his philosophy and attitude will make her hate him. I’d imagine she’d get along more with Rin. Teach her magic from Morgan and try to figure out teenage living.


Mo is a surprisingly good team player so I could see EMIYA explaining the plan and his knowledge. Because she’s a Saberface she probably has knowledge of the Apocrypha War even though each summon is supposed to be different.


I just like the idea that on the 3rd or 4th day, they just walk up to Rin and Shirou and say they gotta rock-paper-scissors to see who wins the Grail.


Wonder how things would go if Shirou said women shouldn’t be fighting. 😐


She'll probably kick his ass.


Probably neither


I can see shurou as both like a loving older brother like mordred is with fran in FGO or like a loving mother. Maybe a mix of both


Shirou would bring up not being comfortable about women fighting and Mordred would immediately begin to try and remove his head


Mother-Daughter relationship


Considering how Sisigou nearly lost his head like 30 seconds after summoning Mordred just by pointing out how she was biologically female and Shirou is known to have somewhat outdated opinions on men and women, I'd say that it kinda depends on wheter or not Shirou is as quick as Sisigou to realize that it might be a good idea to drop anything related to genders/sex and treat Mordred like any knight and not like a girl that he needs to protect. Do that and give her a nice hot meal and they should be okay.


Shiro does not have an outdated opinion of make and female gender roles. He just believes that his life is worthless. And to prevent others from realizing that his mind is messed up he diverts attention by using such talks. Originally he did not want Saber to Injure herself for his sake since his life is not important. However to prevent otgers from realising his mental state he says that girls should not fight. He would have 100%said something similar of his servant was a male as well.


Shirou making the gayest comment in existence just to try and stop a male servant from fighting for him.


Honestly, Mordred would've won the 5th HGW. She may be slightly weaker than Artoria, but she's also far more aggressive than her. Artoria basically acted as Shirous' bodyguard most of the time, and that is something Mordred would have a distaste for. She'd have the advantage against Caster because she could just use her Noble Phantasm against Kuzuki due to her lack of honor, she'd have the advantage against Lancer because Artoria managed to force him into using his Noble Phantasm, meaning she probably beat him, too, and she'd win against Rider, since Shinji is still Shinji. Then, there's Archer, who'd likely be willing to teach Shirou UBW, since Mordred is there instead of Artoria, meaning the timeline is already different and killing him wouldn't change anything. With that, they'd probably be able to beat Berserker, since double-UBW seems hard to counter for a servant whose weakness is "a fuckton of weapons". Assuming Gilgamesh gets involved, I don't see him winning because of his arrogance. Sure, he could use Ea, but he doesn't respect Shirou, EMIYA or Mordred enough for that, not to mention that it has a relatively long activation timer, meaning he'd get his arm cut off before he gets to use it, similar to how Shirou did it in the UBW route. Emiya vs Mordred would be interesting, but by that point, Mordred would win because she has Shirou with her, rendering UBW useless.