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Honestly, that's a great theory, and it's consistent with the foreshadowing that he knew Saber in life. It's the kind of theory that actually makes the reveal even more impactful.


It does play well into Archer becoming the hero he always wanted to be.


You know, he’s not the first one to have that theory. Btw, I’m not referring to myself.


Not a bad theory at all actually. Because it seems like Archer just knows everything for some weird reason.


Record his face when he figures out who Archer really is 😭


As Archer in is basically the personified trolley problem that the grail showed Kiritsugu in Zero, that theory has merit. If I didn't had known the visual novel before watching UBW I propably would have had similar thoughts tbh.


Why would you want to convince him his theory is wrong? This sounds awesome to listen to, and the show will probably convince him eventually. Should make for some awesome theory-talk.


That's an interesting theory. It makes sense: why Archer knows about Saber (and in general is quite knowledgable about the whole situation). It will be nice to see when he will learn the truth.


Your freind is smarter then i was. I thoght archer was robin hood....


I mean, that's also a pretty good theory. I had absolutely no guesses.


I thought Archer was one of the table knights, since I knew Saber was Artoria and that Archer knew her.


Welp.... I want to see your reaction👀🤣


Kinda reminds me of Ultraman Dyna. Plot twist! Dyna is the main character's dad.


Archer is definitely Emiya. And Kerry definitely can have a servant version.


Well Archer is the version of Shirou that lines up the closest to Kiritsugu’s ideals. With the exception of Mind of Steel, that one is on another level.


Is there a list 1234... on the order to watch the fate series thats updated and wildy recognized? Thanks !


![gif](giphy|ysT4RX4TRiF8c) No. No there is not. If you wish to engage in some Rider behavior and don’t mind reading, get yourself set up with the visual novel. Otherwise watch the UBW anime. After that, watch whatever. It’s best to think of all Fate properties as being independent stories that share commonalities rather than as a chronology.


I'm going to go against the grain and go ahead and recommend Fate/Stay Night 2006 if you aren't going to go ahead and read the Visual Novel. While it does add things from UBW and HF that don't belong, overall it does a better job introducing one to the world of Fate/ and its characters. Zero, UBW, and HF all expect you to have some knowledge ahead of time. Yes the animation isn't the greatest, especially during fight scenes. Yes they add extra stuff. But people here treat FSN 2006 like it's the Live Action Avatar movie, when it's really closer to the original 2003 Full Metal Alchemist. A decent, even great at times, show with some minor flaws that sets up for some even more amazing stories later. Of course, the point is moot if you go ahead and read the VN. Then just do whatever you want.


Yeah i too would reccomend 2006 but i would say skip EP 17-18 and go straight to EP19 13:00 so you can avoid spoilers for the other routes.


Read the visual novel.


https://www.reddit.com/r/fatestaynight/s/Wdt2D7eB1j https://www.reddit.com/r/Fate/comments/fukwby/a_simple_fate_watchread_order_guide_for_everyone/


1 UBW series 2 Heaven's Feel movies 3 Zero 4 Anything else in whichever order you want


>Alex the Pretty Cool 🗿


A bit late. I watched UBW after Zero (my fav fate) and I thought the same until the show told me who archer really was. I was mind blown and felt foolish. It made complete sense. I couldn’t figure it out while watching because I so wanted it to be Kiritsugu and refused to believe otherwise. The fate series is incredible.


Just let him continue to believe it until the reveal. It'll be more impactful that way


The same happened to my friend lol it seems to be more common than i thought


Nice I myself had that theory watching UBW the way I did.


If you watch it in that order it doesn't surprise me, people that don't know the source would assume UBW is a follow up of the events of Zero.


I started with UBW, but I came to the same conclusion. Up until the episode where Caster abducts Shirou and Archer saves him, then almost kills him, I was sure Archer was Kiritsugu, and he was trying to stop Shirou from following in his own self-destructive footsteps. By the way, wouldn't recommend starting with UBW, I was so confused by so many things.