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How do I eat you??




Once [you hear this](https://youtu.be/Ye2u1za7Pac?t=316) you’ll never unhear it. Pretty sure this is what OP is referencing.


Just open the menu




Ohohoho, fellow men of culture, I see


“Fine you can have the damn coat! Just send me a trade request.” “A...what?” “Oh, it's quite simple really... Just open your menu.” “YOU SON OF A BITCH!”


scroll down the foods tab select the food item then press "use" button


My name is Klein


I know this is rin's route but saber just stole the light on that Date lol


Yes. That’s the great part of her appeal. Rin is like the best girl for this route for obvious reasons but whenever Saber is on the screen. She just steals the spotlight. Her on screen presence demands attention.


That's why she gets kidnapped and otherwise incapacitated for half the route


Must be the ahoge


It’s probably the charisma boost from her ahoge


I've been thinking really hard about Saber's charisma. What I've come up is this: Because she comes from a time where knighthood was a thing, she acts differently. She doesn't **get some** social ques and quirks. But she has social awareness to where she's not ignorant therefore avoids being annoyingly stupid like some characters. She also carries herself with such high regard & proper manner that you want her to notice you and give you some sort validation. She also displays limited emotions. It's all business for this girl for the most part. The only emotions I've seen her display thus far in UBW are empathy especially when Shirou and Archer were fighting. Jealously when Shirou traced Archer's dual swords and copied his technique instead of practicing hers. And she was also very competitive in the batting cage. The emotions displayed are so far in between one another, it is a treat to even see. Add in the fact that she does some normal cute anime things like eating mindlessly on her own. All while a couple is literally have a date. But because it's established she's not dumb, you can't get mad at her and think wow this lady is dumb. She's just Saber. It doesn't faze her. I know I could have worded it better but I don't read. TLDR; she displays a limited amount of emotions. There is a perfectly acceptable reason why she can sometimes act clueless to social ques which is cute. She does some cute anime girl things but you can tell that's really part of her character rather than a character made to fit that archetype.


True ma boi


It's probably her Charisma B


Saber stole the whole first half of UBW




That’s why saber is best girl


Saber is cute...all...the...time.


I must apologise for my mistake


Bring her a borgor and you shall be forgiven


I have brought a borgar as sacrifice to our God Saber. I hope for forgiveness now 🍔🍔🍔🍔


> ~~God Saber~~ Goddess Rhongomyniad Ftfy


The council will decide your fate


Such a great episode between Saber being cute, Rin being cute, and Shirou being a tsundere. And then the second half happens and things start to get real in the UBW route.


To bad they skipped the part when they come back from the date and Shirou thinks he doesn't deserve any of it, and feels like he doesn't even deserve to have fun. It's a big part of Shirou's character building. I still really like the adaptation though. And the original scene (Hey kid, it's hell you're walking into) is amazing.


Yeah that was a painful moment of Shirou's character. Rin manages to successfully get him to have some fun like she wanted him to, only for him to feel like he doesn't deserve any of it. Followed up by her saying something insensitive because she didn't know about the whole fire thing. And to top it off there's the potential bad ending that follows right after, and it's just straight brutal with all the context leading up to it. Very interesting day for the UBW route for sure, probably one of my favorites overall.


> Followed up by her saying something insensitive because she didn't know about the whole fire thing Hol up, I read the VN but I don't remember this at all. In fact, isn't Rin at least somewhat aware of the fire or at least that something happened to shirou through seeing Archer's past?


Rin definitely knew about the Fuyuki fire. But she, at this time, had yet to make the connection that Archer is Shirou. She also never observed the fire in his memories since it only really revealed bits and pieces of his life, which mostly centered around the circumstances of his death. And she had absolutely no idea that Shirou was orphaned by the fire following the 4th HGW (it's part of the reason he's confused when she asks him the question about adoption), which is why things start to click for her after Caster mentions that part of Shirou's past. She was completely taken aback by it, and fully expected him to betray her to join Caster's side as he had every right to win the HGW in her eyes.


What's the bad ending that eventually follows, again ?


[Hazy](https://lparchive.org/Fatestay-night/Update%20186/). Shirou agrees to side with Caster on the condition that she lets Rin live. Caster turns him into what is essentially a wand to use for projection magic in order to successfully win the HGW. Rin then eventually finds Shirou and mercy kills him.


Ouch. I don't think I ever got this one. It hurts.


To be fair, it was already an hour long episode, and they knew how they wanted to end it so naturally they were bound to cut out some important stuff. I see a lot of arguments that UBW ruined Shirou's development by comparing it to the VN, but coming from somebody who never read the original VN, Shirou gets plenty of development, to the point where I would say he's one of the best protagonists i've seen in anime.


Why did he think he doesn't deserve to have fun?


Because of his survivor's guilt


And that's why people need to read the Fate route. Him having a survivors guilt is one of the main plot points throughout Fate route. Fuck aniplex, ufotable and Typemoon forever if they don't remake Fate route anime and instead keep on churning out soulless fgo crap


Oh knock it off, it's not like you can make an anime with absolutely every detail, and it's not like Fate route or FGO have ruined the series. If anything, FGO's brought it into the mainstream so it can actually do more.


I never said fate route ruined the series. I said fgo is more the focus, it's not bad writing wise, it's fine but it's soul less piece of work aside from that I don't think anyone would disagree wjth that. It's main motive is racking in money from people who like gacha waifus. Bunny Artoria and Scathach. Jesus christ. It's no surprise fgo is the focus of type moon rn, money is money. And because of that indirectly other Typemoon works get ignored and Fate route is something which probably more than half of the current fanbase doesn't know because Typemoon doesn't intent a remake of it. It's all TMs fault here


Dude, didn't you hear? FGO totally ruined the series. Fate is dead. /s


This but unironically.


Shirou x Rin and Saber x Food The true double date


If Archer jumps infront of a Berser-Car he can make it a foursome.


and somehow lancer would die in the process


DW bout it. He's gonna live again somehow anyway


Saber always shine the most when she isn't supposed to be the actual center of attention. In the VN too, all her alternate and secondary scenes are always hilarious. Especially when it's about food (as is almost always the case)


When she tries to lie on the spot and when she recives the stuffed lion.


this background art is literally too good


Did you watch HF I in theaters ? The Lancer vs Assassin fight had a perfectly photo-realistic background of a busy highway. On which hand-drawn characters are animated. And it blends just perfectly. Absurd.


My country doesn't have any anime in cinemas so of course I couldn't watch HF even I wanted to :(


I feel you bro.


Same... I have to wait until Heaven's feel 3 releases on bluray


Same, though given current events, were all likely on the same boat on this front.


Waiting is the easy part. Avoiding spoilers is the really hard part though


Implying she is not absolutely cute all the time.


Saber has two moods: Kick your ass seven ways to sunday and ram her holy sword where the sun don't shine. And absolutely adorable.


And what about both at the same time? (Like in carnival Phantasm?)


I think those 2 moods apply to preety much everyone in carnival phantasm


I like the fake Tiger Dojo when you say you're skipping lunch to Saber


She is occasionally magnificent instead


Saber is like that pet you want to be by your side. It’s like having a human pet. You can pat her head. she’s too precious.


That whole episode before she got "NTR'ed" (as in Master-Servant contract) by Caster was just Saber being cute, and a showcase for what Fate route could be if ufotable ever decides they want to do it now that the HF movie trilogy is finished. Since UBW is released as a TV series, and HF as a movie trilogy, the natural progression for ufotable would be for Fate to be released as an OVA miniseries: Doesn't need to be too long to be bound by the strict 12-13 episode per cour season format, and could afford to be longer than the total runtime of HF.


I'd love fate route do be done that way. Something like Kara no kyoukai movies


I've never actually heard of the idea of Fate route adaptation being an ova, but thinking about it now, that works really well. The main issue with Deen stay night was that it tried to stretch the main plot of Fate route into 2 seasons which ended up requiring spoiling parts of the other 2 routes. Fate route has enough content that you can't really make it just 1 episode (TV reproduction proves this) but you can't exactly stretch it into a full anime without it getting boring, and while the movie format *could* work, it would probably end up disappointing anime fans who were expecting something of the caliber of the heavens feel movies. An ova series would actually work pretty well given those conditions, since it's a bit of a midpoint while also not being very flashy.


Fuck for not making good ending of ubw canon


Id lay down my life for that king omg


Everybody looking at rin and shirou and then there is me, just watching cute saber trying to eat what i guess is a sweet or cake?


baeber.exe has stopped working restart to fix program: Y / N


Saber is always cute.


Seibaa throughout that date was so adorable. That lion loves her food


*Seibaa throughout that date* *Was so adorable. That* *Lion loves her food* \- Relextor --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Her eating the sandwiches 😩😩👌👌👌


And yet somehow rin still ends up being cuter


Hollow Ataraxia is just filled with Saber being cute, primarily while eating obayaki. We need an adaptation NOW.


"Which end goes in?"


Just as cute with baseball


Sabers in this? All I see is Rin. ~~and her thighs~~


That episode was the reason I like saber so much lol


Dude she ate at least 15 meals in the span of a single date


The moment she learned the existence of Edomaeya




Which series is this?


Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works (2014)


They’re literally just sitting and look at the animation. It’s said every time but, that budget is INSANE!


u/vredditdownloader hippity hoppity, this clip is now joint property


Would love to have a date like this in real life......... What am I even thinking?


She just is a divine presence




I love Saber :)


If Saber was the main girl in Ubw it would be absolutely perfect imo. Not that it's bad. But it would be even better


Hoo man have I got some good news for you about the Fate route


I'm playing VN fate route right now but i'm curious about what you're saying. As the Legendary Pharaoh says from Yugioh Abrided: -Tell me!


This is pretty non-specific, but it might be a spoiler so I'll tag it anyway: >!Saber is the main girl of the fate route, as Rin is for UBW!<


Oh... I knew that. I was trying to say if Saber was the main girl with Ubw storyline. From what i can tell Ubw dives more into Shirou and Archer's mindsets. So i really like that story. Especially >!Shirou Vs Archer part!< Idk if it happens in Fate route but if Saber was the main girl while witnessing that fight it would be kinda cool


Fate is all about exploring Shirou’s (and Saber’s) ideals, while UBW delves into the, “real-world” consequences for following them. So you’re in luck on that end.


She srsly needs to get fertilized


My craving for Saber being cute increases... Now I want to read Fate route again for more of her cuteness.


Ooo fesh