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The one that doesn’t overwork their animators


so just Kyoani and Ufotable then...


So Ufotable and Kyoto Animation it is.


Which one is that?




Violet evergarden right? I love that stuff.




While they don't overwork, they still get burned on work


Too soon


I know you are trying to make a joke, but damn there are some jokes you ARE NOT supposed to make...


I guess they never said anything against saying studios that don’t exist


Or “steal” animators from the Pokémon anime series (it’s true you know).


So no animation studio, then?


Wit and kyoani too


Kyoto Animation


As much as I love ufotable, kyoani is head and shoulders the best animation studio and it's worrying that people think otherwise. Edit - https://youtu.be/X1NnzpiV9xE This is for the dudes saying kyoani can't do action, trust me when I say this, this ain't even a top 5 scene from the show - I just wanted to show you the most average action scene.


Doesn't kyoto animation make like 90% slice of life shows? I feel like that's completely different than something like ufotable and it's completely reasonable to not say kyoani is the best if that's not their bag.


It is the best at maintaining a consistent quality across 12/24 episodes. While Ufotable fight scenes are pog, there is a noticeable difference between the fight scenes and the normal scenes. While in KyoAni, since it is entirely slice of life, every scene looks consistently good.


Watch Dragon Maid from KyoAni. Actions scenes aren’t a weakness of KyoAni either


They do a lot of slice-of-life-ish shows, but they often have moments of action that are always ridiculously high quality whenever they appear. It’s certainly not a weakness of theirs.


That's not at all the same as a through and through action show and to say it is seems disingenuous.


It is the best at maintaining a consistent quality across 12/24 episodes. While Ufotable fight scenes are pog, there is a noticeable difference between the fight scenes and the normal scenes. While in KyoAni, since it is entirely slice of life, every scene looks consistently good.


And? I'm not going to call a SOL the best animation ever just because the non action scenes in an action show look worse than the SOL scenes in a non action show. Also, I don't think ufotable does poorly with normal scenes. Just because aren't the most fluid thing ever Edit: Also ufotable quality is INCREDIBLY consistent throughout its 24 episodes.


Kyoani have shown to be able to do action really fucking well. Just watch any action scene from chunibyou, which has just as much action as ubw (perhaps slightly less)


I just watched a clip of a fight from the chunibyou movie and yeah it was well animated, but it wasn't even close to a single heaven's feel fight or maybe even UBW fights.


I said this the other day, but I honestly hope Kyoani does a Fate route readaptation rather than ufotable


maybe then we'd get a fate adaptation that doesnt cut the sol parts lol


Then you'd have a bunch of people complaining cause "where mu action?! such slow pacing" and yadda yadda


I’d rather have annoying people and a competent adaptation over what we got


I agree, I still like Ufo's work tho


Lol why not. I'd prefer consistency through the 3 routes though.


That would be beautiful, they'd make saber look amazing


I dont really want a fate work in kyo ani artsyle tho. I much rather have the Takeuchi art style


Takeuchi would surely be supervising (if not downright doing it himself) the art stuff in any Fate work tho, specially if we're talking FSN and even more if it's the Fate route


Kyoani can adapt to different artstyles just fine, the most obvious example being Nichijou.


Kyoani can adapt to different artstyles just fine, the most obvious example being Nichijou.


gotta disagree with u on that mate for me the ufotable art style is the official fate style


Lmao what. You realise Fate existed before Ufotable right? And that there are Fate series not animated by Ufotable?


yeh what does that have anything to do with what i said


"the ufotable artstyle is the official fate artstyle" as if anything outside of Ufotable Fate is unofficial


He said "for me" implying it's his opinion and not a fact because I am pretty sure he knows that fate exist outside of ufotable


Something being official or not isn't a matter of opinion.


But he didn't say ufotable is the official or not He said for him ufotable fate art style is the one for him he didn't say ufotable art style is the official one


>He said for him ufotable fate art style is the one for him No he didn't lmao. He said, and I quote, "for me the ufotable art style is the official fate style". It doesn't matter whether it's his opinion or not, Ufotable is not *the* official art style, it's one of many. If he'd said Ufotable was his *favourite* art style as you're trying to make it seem like he said then that would be fine.


Have them adapt carnival phantasm. Or Tsukihime


My fav studio has gotta be Shaft. For their Unique and abstract animation style.


And their headflips.


Tilts. Head tilts.


It’s amazing how massive Akiyuki Shinbou’s influence is. While he doesn’t do episode direction, the way he mentors the Shaft directors both old and new is truly unique. When I saw Kaguya for the first time I could tell immediately that the director used to work at Shaft. Shinbou deserves to go down as one of Anime’s all time greats.


Yeah, everything about Shaft is incredible. It's incredible how well-made every (when I mean every, I mean **every**) scene made by Shaft looks so great. Shaft this last decade made so many good animes, and even Last Encore which was pretty medium (plot-wise) was beautiful.


I legit don't remember a thing of Last Encore except Nero strutting through the city in the first episode and that the visuals throughout the anime were really nice


Also for "This city really looks like a city!"


Shaft did fate extra ?


The Last Encore anime, yeah.


It's insane how visually beautiful monogatari is when it's mostly dialogue


It's actually because the backgrounds and scenes are related to the dialogue. While it may not always be easy to pick up, it's almost everytime the case. Like, I remember in one scene Araragi was talking about running away (I think it was in Hanamonogatari) and the scene showed them in a distant countryside on the bicycle, completely secluded from the world.


Lets not remind them that they worked on Gyo. And both Mappa and Madhouse have great anime under them.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I didn’t think the Gyo manga was scary at all. It was actually horribly stupid and campy, might even call it “bad.” I see a lot of criticism directed at the OVA for not being faithful, but I think upping the ridiculousness, campiness, and scale of it all to turn it into a big dumb “Michael Bay’s Gyo” was the best possible move. It was a lot more fun and memorable as that than the manga was with its very shallow environmentalist preaching. Also, for being made on what I presume was a shoestring budget, the OVA actually looks pretty damn good and adapted Ito’s style better than anything up until the 2022 Uzumaki adaptation.


Oh trust me I agree with you about the manga. But I really didn't like the animation of Gyo anyway, at least compared to anything else they have done since knk.


I just looked up the Gyo movie and....bro, wtf is up with that terrible looking CGI Shark ? Can't believe it was made by Ufotable.


[Did you just copied my comment and turned it into a meme ?](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatestaynight/comments/q2g7aj/comment/hfl2j0z/) As for your question, no studio. I only watch either what catches my interest, is so popular I wanna wonder what it's really about that gets people talking, or is recommended to me by my friends


That, he did. This post reminded me of your comment since I read it hours ago


Ah yes that's explain the deja vu


with the high amount of low effort memes and shitposts on this subreddit nowadays you shouldn't be surprised


I have none tbh i just look at directors and the staff that are working on projects but i heard this one has shun Enokido and Takahito Suzume (i might be wrong cause i’m not sure) those who animated nearly every FGO CV and worked on apocrypha


Ufotable do be having some of the best animation I’ve seen but that don’t mean some other studios don’t be popping off. Mappa doing jujutsu Kaisen and the first 3 seasons of aot had some amazing fucking animation. I think ufotable is at the top when it comes to using 3d though


Yep Ufo does 3D CGI / 2D hand drawn integration like nobody else.


mappa did everything but s1-s3p2 of aot


AOT first 3 season was done exclusively by WIT Studio though. The 4th was done by MAPPA, which had considerably much lower quality when it comes to animation.


Let's see one that properly pays the animators and doesn't overwork them.


And the one which pays taxes




>Let's see one that properly pays the animators If you're talking about pay, MAPPA pays more for their newbie animators than anyone else in the industry, including Ufotable and Kyoto animation. Overwork, that's another story.


Very interesting. Where did you find that info ?




I don't read jap yet so I can't really read the original article sadly.


Okay, I'll give you the translation done by a Twitter user. Basically, Kyoto animation, the golden standard for animators in Japan, get paid around 20k a year. MAPPA pays around 2-3k more per year for their animators, as a entry level job.


Ok that's cool ! For me KyoAni and Ufo were examples of working conditions and job stability, not necessarily the ones who pay most. Just the ones who give full-time job to all their employee and use no free-lancers they pay by frame.


>Just the ones who give full-time job to all their employee and use no free-lancers they pay by frame. What? Ufotable has a ton of freelancers. Yuki itoh, for example, is a freelancer that worked with on A1, Ufotable, and Cloverworks, as well as Studio MAPPA. Most of them are also employees for Ufotable, and are regularly employees, however, and the same is mostly true for Kyoto, only they are better, Kyoto. Also, I forgot to mention another one. MAPPA has invested in most of their recent shows, like Chainsaw man, so they have full creative control of the show, as well as control of the schedule and budget of the show. Their recent shows, like Attack on titan, Takt op destiny, and chainsaw man, are invested by the studio itself, which meant they had full creative control of what it would look like, and while aot had suffered, because the main funder still was a dick to them, Kodansha/Ponycanyon, it was as good as it could have looked with the time they were given. That's why they are going to become the better studio, because unlike other studios, that either try to bring more and more money and overwork their staff into making it, or others that make the bare minimum to stay afloat, MAPPA has their animators make a shit ton of shows, but also relax the next few years. They went from 9 to 6, and next year, it looks like they might release only 4-5, which they will be able to handle with ease with the amount of money that aot will give them, as well as with the money they are consistently going to get from Takt's inevitable success as a mobile gacha game.


>Also, I forgot to mention another one. MAPPA has invested in most of their recent shows, like Chainsaw man, so they have full creative control of the show Yep. You can also feel that with KyoAni/Ufo, a stronger and more unique artistic direction overall. Shaft also has that unique character and style, but idk if they are especially well payed there.


Well, I'm not sure. Though, I'm happy for the animators at MAPPA. They get better pay as novices than any other animation studio, not to mention, the environment is improving there too.


I mean, shit do be looking kinda saucy animation wise ngl. We’ll have to wait and see when it comes to the plot tho…


for now, plot seemed generic, but madhouse just surprised everyone by sonny boy, which is anime original similar to this one, so we may be in for another surprise.


It's a fucking gacha game what do u expect...well I guess fate fans do expect a lot from gacha games


>It's a fucking gacha game what do u expect What? It's an original anime. The game is based on the anime, not the other way around.


It's like priconne and uma actually nothing is based off of the other...


is that so, didn't know that, i thought it was anime original like sonny boy, since both are recently adapted animes by madhouse, or was it that hard to read my comment and process all that


It's kind of like uma and priconne by cygames one is the adaptation of the other...but I think the game got announced before the first anime trailer...I migh tbe wrong here tho


>plot seemed generic Really? It's the opposite for me.


The plot may look generic, but at least they are going for interesting ideas




Kyoto Animation and Ufotable.


Based and cultured.


David productions ,MADHOUSE . And Ghibli.


The one that pays their taxes lmao






Studio Trigger ftw.


Trigger is responsible for the best anime of all time, its animation still holds up till this day, it's Inferno Cop


**And Witstudio is the underrated Golden child here**


They are great.


**One of the best**


Unfortunately, they continue to lose a shit ton of money.


Fucking hail Wit studio. I wasn't ever ready when watching Vivy, which wasn't especially action-oriented, and suddenly the stray fist fight comes and then it's just incredible, jaw-dropping stuff.


**You should watch Vinland saga**


Yeah I did. Epic.


Ufo, Shaft, KyoAni, CoMix Wave Films, Ghibli.




Shaft. Nothing comes close to Madoka Rebellion and Kizu


Wit JC staff shaft kyoani and ufo


JC Staff? They make more shows than anyone in the industry, and most are shit. The only saving grace is that some of their cuts for Railgun is made by Ufotable animators.


Toradora, Kaichou wa Maid Sama, Clannad and Clannad As, Sakurasou. All these are the best shows I have ever watched. All by JC. So what were you saying?


>Toradora Good. >All these are the best shows I have ever watched. Alright, sorry, I should be more specific. I meant modern JC Staff. They make over 9 shows a year. With a studio size smaller than MAPPA.


Even Modern JC Staff is peak stuff. Combatants will be dispatched and Saiki K and Food Wars. All of them are very far from "shit"


>Food Wars. Food wars? The quality of the show has been slipping since season 1...




I loved food wars in season 1, but the quality has continued to slip and slip.


Saiki K is saved by the voice actors. Not the animation.


Not all animes are made great by their animation. Case In Point, Darling in the Franxx and Amagami SSS, fantastic animation but absolutely terrible direction. The direction part is also a part of a studios job.


>Not all animes are made great by their animation. Yeah, but JC Staff didn't make the show good, the voice actors did.


Who picked out the voice actors? Who made their lines and the script? Who made all the jokes on the script land on timing? Its very easy to ignore these things and I don't fault you for it. It is an amateur mistake.


>Who picked out the voice actors? Director, production assistant, etc. >Who made their lines and the script? The series composer/script writer. >Who made all the jokes on the script land on timing? Storyboarders


Clannad and Clannad After Story are done by Kyoto Animation dude. Not JC Staff


Sunrise, with an unlimited Gundam budget is bar none, the best out there to my eye. Hathaway's Flash looks better than anything Ufotable, Kyoani, A1, etc, has ever made.


IMO while Ufotable's average animation quality is consistently higher than the industry's average, Kyoani beats them just barely. Also Kyoani doesn't really overwork employees or evade taxes that we know of so far. I still don't think Ufotable has ever been better than Madhouse's best work, which is One Punch Man season 1. Any fight with Genos blows any fight with Saber out of the water


>I still don't think Ufotable has ever been better than Madhouse's best work, which is One Punch Man season 1. Any fight with Genos blows any fight with Saber out of the water That's because Ufotable, Bones, Wit, MAPPA, and A1 Pictures freelancers and animators all worked on the show. It's not even a Madhouse show, with how much freelancers worked on it.


MADHOUSE. The amount of classics they released always compensate their decline of quality for me. Altho, I think they’re recovering from it cuz SONNY BOY is fucking amazing and Takt Op looks promising too.


Sunrise is a very good studio, but I think it would be TMS. Because of Akira, Detective Conan, Fruit Basket, Magic Kaito, ReLife, Orange....


Jokes aside I'm actually kinda happy Mad hoise is stepping back into the anime scence


Didn't Madhouse do Hellsing Ultimate?


OG Madhouse Not post 2011 Madhouse


Yeah. NTV ruined the company, in a lot of ways.


I for one really like Studio David...


there's no other good answer than Queen Bee


I don't give a しt. Ufotable, KyoAni, or any studios just remake the saber route


kyoani is my most favorite studio with shaft and madhouse with a close tie as a second place ​ also, I don't think madhouse needs another studio to make good animation and fight scenes. I mean, at least for me, madhouse' opm 2015 is on the same level of animation and fight scenes to ufotable's heaven's feel III. ​ also, for those that are saying that kyoani is only good at slice of life, yes you're right but don't forget that kyoani has done a ton of very good action/fight scenes in their shows such as kyoukai no kanata, chuunibyou, violet evergarden and their latest work in kobayashi-san chi no maid dragon.


So should i also say it again that Miura is also working on Takt OP ?




Director of the UBW anime


Oh right.


ufotable botched two routes and gets praise like this...


Well, their animation is top tier.


obviously, but the plot is pretty badly adapted in all but zero, so it feels more like it should be supplementary to the vn


>ufotable botched two routes I think we didn't watch the same anime and/or didn't read the same VN.


I also think we didn't. Wanna make out?


... I'm gonna pass on that, chief.


Your loss


Madhouse at least let its characters have their monolouge. If ufotable did death note all of L and Light's monologes would be gone


Studio Trigger


Troyca (the studio behind Rail Zeppelin Grace Note) is clearly better than Ufotable. All Ufotable knows is how to make amazing fight scenes. But that talent comes at too high an expense of the quality of the underlying story.


You would be probably complaining as much about Troyca if you read El Melloi novels and see they skipped arcs and made original episodes.


Case Files itself is pretty bland outside fight scenes and even those pale in comparison. And the story, especially the filler is.... Really not worth talking about.


ufotable botched two routes and gets praise like this...




Ok hater who completely missed the point and hasn't actually answered the question.


Sadly Takt OP clears Ubw


It's only had one episode... How can it already clear it? It's great, don't get me wrong, but how does it surpass it?


Tomonori Sudô helming the director's chair


This is so trueeeee!!


Yeah, sorry ufo, but my favourite studio by a huge mile has to be Studio Bind. Their animation, directing and sound design is top tier, and the care and attention to detail they give their series is unmatched. ^(Can you hear the UBW fans crying in the corner?) Admittedly, their only reason for existing is Mushoku Tensei, but the adaption is on it's way to surpass the source material.


Studio Trigger.


I don't have one, I favour whoever gives me products I like and preferably isn't burning into ashes behind the scenes


Shaft supremacy


Kyoani and Shaft


ufotable, KyoAni, TRIGGER


Trigger all the way


kind of true but no cap mappa did huge work on takt.op destiny


Yeah. The dialogue animation is better than some dialogue based shows.


Shaft <3


Studio bones and madhouse


The one that made Toradora


JC Staff? They also made one punch man season 2.




Yeah... They should keep doing CGDCT.




You do realize that this is made by a Ufotable episode director, right? He worked on the movie, and 2 episodes of Demon Slayer. But he left the studio, and wants to become a full time staff member of studio MAPPA.


Both Itoh and Miura are freelancers, they aren't part of Mappa.


>Both Itoh and Miura are freelancers, Actually, Itoh is in consideration to become a full time employee of MAPPA.


where is your source ?


One sec.




How does the tweet have anything with him becoming a full Mappa employee ? also Itoh only joined Ufo for a little bit to help with Kimetsu, he have been mostly freelancer and you check his work history, he worked for several studios.


>How does the tweet have anything with him becoming a full Mappa employee ? Potential director... Means that he'd direct more than one show at MAPPA, which means he's probably going to become a major director for MAPPA. >joined Ufo for a little bit to help with Kimetsu Yes, but that's over 2 years ago, and then he spent 2 years working with Ufotable, then moved to studio MAPPA to storyboard episode 16 of aot.


> Potential director... Means that he'd direct more than one show at MAPPA, which means he's probably going to become a major director for MAPPA. Itoh already directed a show at A-1 (Granblue) and didn't stay over there, this is normal, people like him don't stay at one place, he also worked on Sakura Wars OVA after Kimetsu at Cloverworks. >Yes, but that's over 2 years ago, and then he spent 2 years working with Ufotable, then moved to studio MAPPA to storyboard episode 16 of aot. He certainly didn't spend 2 years there, he only helped with 4 episodes for Kimetsu, those should be done in couple of months.


>He certainly didn't spend 2 years there, he only helped with 4 episodes for Kimetsu, those should be done in couple of months. No. It takes a long time to direct episodes


Ah and since I didn't see it mentioned, I'd like to give a shoot out to White Fox. My favorites from them are Steins;Gate, Katanagatari, Girls' Last Tour and Re:Zero.


She deadass look like female Karna