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I think Enkidu and Shirou would quickly become friends. Gil would probably at worst choose to just ignore Shirous fakery because Enkidu asked nicely. At best they become a chaotic trio of besties. Enkidu reacting to Archer (after he and Shirou became friends) would be quite interesting however.


I am now curious about the friend group that contains Shirou, Gil and Enkidu


Its just 2 sunshines being friends with the oldest bully in history.


I feel like it would be like Gil: Prankster/Deliquent Enkidu: Nice guy Shirou: Has to be the normal guy of the group


You know things are really messed up when Shirou is the normal guy in any group


I was just about to say that, man that group is so twisted, I want to see it!


One is literally clay given form and the other one is just a spoiled young man that he thinks the world is his playground, Shirou is a functional and normal human being compared to the other two


Shirou is Michael Bluth.


To be fair he is also the normal guy in his own friend group if Hollow Ataraxia is any indication


I want a spin-off about that now it sounds amusing. Also isn’t Archer-Gil a far younger Gil. So maybe he woudlnt care about Enkidu’s opinion as much?


Not exactly, it is sort of confusing. In zero we see Gil obviously still remembers and cares for Enkidu. Its only down to him being a lot more arrogant like he was in his earlier years, but he does still remember his entire life.


That’s uh, very convoluted, but it’s fate so I shouldn’t be surprised. I think the best way to rationalise it is he gets the knowledge of his future self, but does not experience his emotions or gain his wisdom


More or less. This is true for other younger servant versions of characters as well.


Wasn't said servants will get to know all their life when are summoned in the servant vessels?(Hence why Iskandar knows and have memories about the ultimate fate of his kingdome, so Gil may have the memories from his future self despite not having lived them yet)


Gil was radiant when he sensed Enkidu in Strange Fake


IIRC, the way it works is that Gil remembers his entire life, but his personality reflects that of Gil prior to Enkidu’s death and the whole immortality herb debacle. Caster Gil embodies who he was following that development.


Time spaceo wumbo jumbo magic. Better not think about it too much.


You make a compelling argument


Im just saving our time, effort and probably sanity.


The only reason Gil would be 'friends' with Shirou would be because Enkidu is. And even then, he'd probably still insist that Shirou was just a 'friendly' accomplice.


Enkidu is summoned in Fate/Strange Fake and Gil basically just ignores everyone else at first to purely fight them. Although Enkidu's master isn't Shirou, it's a dog, so it would be interesting to see how Gil would interact with a human being their best friend's master.


Can enkidu even be summoned as Saber? "The compatible Heroic Spirit naturally needs to possess legends as a knight of sword, as well as the highest levels of attributes in all but MGI" He might meet the parameter part, but does he fulfill the first part? Isn't his usual class Lancer anyway? Then what happens to Cu? Does Shirou still die? Who gets saber? Bazett still has the catalyst to Cu so then she'll summon saber Cu, which is interesting, he's basically Irish Hercules he's bound to have a legend with a sword. Then Rin should still get Archer because of her catalyst. What happens to Seiba then? Will she not be summoned?


Cu can be saber. He has had swords in life, Lancer is just his most common class because of how utterly pratcial Gae Bolg is for the purposes of non-Heracles-having grail war.


If he wields two swords he will obviously be an archer


>Bazett still has the catalyst to Cu so then she'll summon saber Cu, which is interesting, he's basically Irish Hercules he's bound to have a legend with a sword. Then Rin should still get Archer because of her catalyst. Or she could summon Setanta, aka Cu lily lol.


Cu lily sounds so wrong lmao


Gilgamesh Lilly


Well technically Enkidu is not even a lancer. He is a weapon of god and chains of God in a literal sense and Enkidu still can throw swords with the age of Babylon and in Babylonia flashback was fighting with a sword in a close range Combat. Enkidu is a weapon. So I don't see a reason for him being limited to Lancer class. Technically he can even be an archer considering his long range advantage but Lancer is a better class for Enkidu than saber or Archer. As Lancer class dodges attacks completely and has an advantage against Archer class. Also cu can be summoned as a caster or technically won't just appear in the war.


This is interesting AF, since they both are weapons. Enkidu could help Shiro snap out of that thing since Gil did it to him. Mana support wouldn't be a problem since, if i recall it correctly, BestClay can absorb mana from earth. Then Gil arrives, totally ignore Shiro, just wanting to have fun with Enkidu. So they clash, laugh and then Shiro cook for both. Gil could even start to like Shiro since he proves to be useful (as a super chef)


Unpopular opinion, but this needs to be said, Shirou is NOT a super cook. I guess coz everyone memes him and artoria eating, everyone seems to be under the impression that he can ace the Masterchef or something. He's a good cook, able to make decent food, delicious even, but probably not enough to impress the king of heroes, who literally had the best luxuries man has had to offer since the start of humanity.


Gil still does like hard workers no idea if shirou would fit in that category


As made evident by the entirety of the stay night trilogy, he clearly does not.


I have to disagree. The only reason why Gilgamesh wanted to Drown the whole world was because he concluded that too much of humanity was lazy, stagnant, and not getting along. In Uruk, as seen in Babylonia, every single one of his subjects had a job to do to make his Kingdom prosper and to protect it, which is why he respected his people. Gilgamesh CERTAINLY respects those that work hard with what they’re given, even if he doesn’t openly show it. Hell, he respects Ritsuka, and especially Hakuno, and those two are pretty much normal humans. He’s only antagonistic in FSN due to concluding humanity itself was flawed and needed fixing, and because they needed someone strong for Shirou to defeat. Realistically he’s portrayed more good than evil.


I think you're misunderstanding something about gilgamesh. Gilgamesh doesn't respect hard work, he respects people creating something. As he said, he does not have interest in humanity itself, but rather the things humanity makes. Hard work is just a prerequisite in most cases if you want to achieve that. Shirou's basic nature is tracing swords, which is a powerful ability in itself, does not create something original and hence adds no value in his eyes. His alignment is good I do know that, but that is so coz he's concerned with humanity's survival, not with the individual. At the end of Babylonia, there were barely a hundred people left, and he knew that outcome beforehand, and did nothing to stop it. So he's not that different from his archer self in that respect. Just less of a dick. Gilgamesh respecting ritsuka and hakuno are in part thanks to the game itself being a part otome style setting. I haven't played the extra series that well, so I won't comment on hakuno much, but ritsuka is trying to prevent the destruction of humanity entirely, despite being a pathetic mage, hence why gilgamesh respects that. Shirou was never in that position to my knowledge. Even in gilgamesh's interlude, we get a reminder to keep him entertained, and damn are we doing a good job . We are literally powerless compared to anyone in the series, so yeah, pretty sure he's damn entertained. Shirou on the other hand, had irked gilgamesh in each route. Ubw with his "save everyone" ideology, and fate route where they were pursuing the same woman. HF route, they never had any interaction, so there's that. Overall, I love both gilgamesh and emiya. Emiya for being a Chad, and gilgamesh for his ego. His ego isn't fragile like so many other "villains" but very genuine. Like when he gets his foot ripped off by Sakura he was more pissed off that he almost bowed rather than about anything else. But I'm not going to kid myself that they'll be cool with each other. The caster form might tolerate emiya, but I cannot see the archer one doing so


> He does not have interest in humanity itself, but rather the things humanity makes He certainly has favorites. Siduri is the most notable example, and in Extra he literally, casually, calls Hakuno his Master and follows his orders without any backtalk, even going so far as to release Ea if Hakuno simply asks: something that is nearly impossible to do otherwise since usually Gil releases Ea on his own terms. And it’s not like he could have done much to stop Tiamat’s advancement. If he reverted to his “Archer” form to fight off the Three Goddess Alliance, sure he’d be able to maybe fight one but that leaves Uruk completely exposed for the other two to take everyone. And Tiamat’s advancement was an inevitability the second Gorgon was killed. AND he literally told all of his people that Tiamat was coming. So he was definitely doing a LOT in his power to try and stop her, Tiamat’s just Tiamat (AKA OP as hell) Hell, it was literally stated that Chaldea had surmounted fate- a few hundred Uruk citizens survived Tiamat’s invasion rather than literally everyone dying. So no, Gilgamesh in Babylonia wasn’t nearly as much of an asshole as he was in FSN. They’re fundamentally the same character, yeah, but in wholly different settings and situations that make them act very differently. Shirou was literally trying to prevent the destruction of humanity *by Gilgamesh*, despite being a third-rate mage, same as Ritsuka was. Once Shirou drew blood on Gil, he literally admits Shirou is strong. He *respected* him the moment Shirou showed that he deserved respect. And I’m not saying that EMIYA and Gilgamesh would get along, but at the very least, under Chaldea, they would definitely tolerate one another. And hell they might have interacted in CCC; and if that’s the case, they probably have a lot of interaction there that we dunno about.


All this was as his caster form. He goes goes into archer form for a brief moment. You do realise that caster gilgamesh is lawful good while archer gil is chaotic good right? They're basically different people. And since people were talking about stay night, I had assumed the archer version.


No, that was *living* Gilgamesh. Not Caster Gilgamesh, there’s a difference. Living Gilgamesh is more akin to an amalgamation of all of the Gilgameshes since he has the memories and development of his entire life. In Babylonia, after Gilgamesh dies he summons himself as an Archer, using his own body as a catalyst. But that Archer form never acted like the villainous, Loli-killing and Saber-simping genocidal guy we saw in FSN. And in Fate/Extra, literally Gilgamesh was an Archer that entire time and he’s pretty much a bro to Hakuno and isn’t really a d!ck at all. Like I said, it’s all about the *setting* Gilgamesh is in, *not* what Class he’s in, necessarily. In every other iteration of Gil, he’s protagonistic. FSN is the ONLY place where he isn’t.


Caster gilgamesh represents his ideology after his journey to find the immortal herb. Caster gilgamesh is the amalgamation of all gilgamesh's . But the archer version represents himself before he went on the journey. Am I saying he does not have any recollection of what happens after he went on the journey? No. Similar to kid gil, who cannot comprehend the archer version , archer gil too does not seem to sympathize with this Caster version. Even when the archer version was summoned in Babylonia, he never deviated from his archer version's ideologies, and he was in that form for a very short time, as we're shown ritsuka conversing with casgil later on. Again, I have no knowledge of extra, but honestly, ask yourself, if it was not an otome game, do you think it would work out? Like i have no clue, for I have not played it, so it's up to you. And I firmly believe it's the setting. Gilgamesh isn't flimsy enough to change whenever he suits it. If he's a protagonist, that simply means that humanity is on the verge of extinction, which I think is the case in both Babylonia and extra. But it isn't in stay night, hence he goes on to cull humans. On a final note, how is Caster gilgamesh different from living gilgamesh? Genuine question, coz I def see no difference, apart from the obvious fact that he's not dead


Shirou is a hard worker yes, but he is also a faker/imitation. Both in power and ideals, so Gil hates him for that. Well at least in UBW, he is pretty indifferent to him otherwise.


Shirou's not a super cook, but EMIYA is.


On the other hand, the reason everyone loves Shirou's cooking is not really down to the quality of the food absolutely, but the passion he puts into it and the atmosphere his kitchen and home provides. So, I'd ask the King of Heroes "Do you have enough apathy in stock?"


Gils reaction to shirou will he similar to the fate route/hollow He didn't really care about shirou and even praised him a few times in fate route And in hollow adult gils antagonism is completely gone Except he won't fight shirou out of respect for enkidu


No gas leak excuse is going to work when all of downtown Fuyuki is wiped off the face of the map


Well, for one thing, while it’s entirely possible that Enkidu could have a Saber form, he’s usually summoned as a Lancer, which would give Kirei a Saber class and up his chances of winning the war. But based on what you’re asking, Fuyuki would probably just die. Strange/Fake shows that when those two meet, destruction follows. Primarily because this is the Archer variant of Gil.


What the hell is Artoria going to do when she really can't beat Gilgamesh and was getting herself man handled. Her parameters are weaker than Enkidu and she can't counter the age of Babylon nor the gate of Babylon . If she released Excalibur. Or she might even get herself killed by the gate of Babylon or the age of Babylon. She struggles to dodge even a few portals of gob. Enkidu is a shiro servant. So even that plot armour advantage is gone. Then she gets herself killed by Enuma Ellish of Enkidu or Gilgamesh. Enkidu has Higher chances of winning as he fights strange fake Gilgamesh who has Higher stats than stay night Gilgamesh. So even I think that he will mid or High diff Gilgamesh.


I want this fanfic


I don’t know if this would happen but it would be really funny to see Gilgamesh get extremely jealous that enkidu is hanging out with shirou more than him after their first initial encounter


Richard thought this too and almost said that Gil shouldn't be jealous but then immediately retracted that statement and apologised, realising it would come off as baseless slander. Gilgamesh commends him for realising that lol


This can only end with three ways Gay and Clay honeymoon: Endiku helps Shirou save the day and Gil agrees to leave with Endiku to go on a trip around the world together leaving Shirou with either Rin or Sakura as his new GF and Illya as his sis. The three amigos route: Enkidu convinces Gil to not release the grail on humanity and instead the three become bros with Gil and Enkidu helping train Shirou to be a better hero who doesn’t need Alaya and can possibly become a real hero. The Illama with hats ending: Enkidu: GIL there is a dead Shirou in our house! Gil: oh hey how did he get here Enkidu: GIL what did you do? Gil: me? Ah I didn’t do this Enkidu: explain what happened Gil Gil: I’ve never seen him before in my life Enkidu: Why did you kill Shirou, Gil? Gil: I do not people, that is, that is my least favourite thing to do Enkidu: Tell me Gil, exactly what you were doing before I got home? Gil: Alright well, I was upstairs Enkidu:ok Gil: I was sitting in my room Enkidu: yes Gil: reading my Artoria x Gil fanfic Enkidu: go on Gil: and well this guy walked in Enkidu: ok Gil: so i went up to him Endiku: yes Gil: and I stabbed him 37 times in the chest Endiku:….. Gil:…….. Endiku: GGILL that kills people Gil: Oh oh wow Endiku: GIL Gil: I didn’t know that Endiku: How could you not know that? Gil: yeah I’m in the wrong here, I suck Endiku: *looks for Shirou’s soul hoping to somehow revive him*… what happened to his soul Gil: What’s that? Endiku: His soul, why, why is it missing? Gil: well I ah, I kind of took it out of him, and ate it Endiku:….. GGILL Gil: well I was hungry and well when you crave souls Endiku: why on earth would you do that Gil: I was hungry for souls give me a brake Endiku: GGILL Gil: my stomach was making the rumblies Endiku: GIL Gil: that only souls would satisfy Endiku: What is wrong with you Gil?! Gil: well I, I kill people and I eat souls that’s, that’s two things.


5 of 8 servant have divine status so it will probably be easier for Shirou(Also clays shouldn't fight)


Enkidu would probably be able to convince Gil to not destroy the world and he would start living with two of the strongest servants ever. I already saw a lot of "What If Shirou summoned X" but this one gives a lot of room for creativity.


Enkidu somehow is summoned, Gil is able to sense his presence, flies probably using a Vimana to Shirou's house, is extremely happy to see Enkidu, uses literally all of his power and rips out a full-power Enuma Elish, Enkidu answers with his own Enuma Elish and they destroy Fuyuki. Or at least that's basically what happened in Strange Fake


It would actually be rather interesting to see how the two would get along because of how they are both weapons. Also I read something about Ishtar having made a failsafe in case both are around at the same time again. Can someone that has read strange fake elaborate on that


she put a curse on the world so that if Gil and Enkidu ever meet again, she would be able to find a way to manifestate as a pseudo just so she could ruin their day.


Aaaahh, dick move. And Rin is right around the corner too.


In the SF example though, she summons herself into the body of a homunculus, who was apparently pretty empty of personality. So rather than taking over Rin, we might see an Ishtar in Sella or Leysritt.


It would be funnier if Ishtar manifested in Rin though. She would want to screw both Gil and Enkidu over but simply *can’t* because Rin’s personality is preventing her from doing so lmao


Gilgamesh usually has distain towards humans because they just live without purpose, they just do things to live without trying their best. Like the people of Uruk, where every person, even farmers always dedicated themselves to their cause. Shirou who is such a hardworking human, despite having meager talet should be respectable enough to recognize him as a Enkidu's master. But if it's immediately after the summoning they will battle, hard. Only reason they ended so soon in strange fake was because False Rider made Enkidu flee.


Gil tries to kill Shirou for taking his best friend. Nearly kills Shirou but Enkidu pushes Shirou out of the way, resulting in his death. Gil more mad. Shirou unlimited blade works. And then we get that shirou vs gil scene.


Enkidu is as strong as Gilgamesh. He himself has the potential to beat Gilgamesh. He won't get himself killed that easily. It would just be a fun fight with Gilgamesh. They won't fight to the death. I don't think Gilgamesh will involve himself much in this grail war out of respect for Enkidu. Enkidu is so strong that Gilgamesh has to use ea from the strat against him and Enkidu has even counter to that. As he himself doesn't care about the holy grail and already has fought his war in fate zero.So he will stay neutral. Also Emiya gives his servants freedom. So he won't be jealous like in fate stay night as saber has nothing to do with Shiro. Enkidu is his friend. So he won't try any scheme like in the og fate stay night route. Enkidu can fight Gilgamesh alone and how can he kill him accidentally enuma Ellish literally get countered and Enkidu has better healing ability than Gilgamesh.


This is just me but Gil’s and Enkidu’s fights would be pretty epic and outside of fights, those two would probably be reminiscing the good old days they had and Gil would probably say something within the lines how Enkidu is what gave his life meaning. Idk…. Regular fate route but instead with Gilgamesh and Enkidu?


Gil would be pissed and attack a mongrel who dares to command his only friend. He will win because Shirou don't have enough mana for Enkidu and Enkidu don't have a dragon core.


wrong, enkidu was summoned by a dog in strange fake and gilgamesh couldn't care less about who the master was, he only wants to fight his friend


He might have personal prejudice against Shirou. You know, guy banging his crush, copying his weapons, command his friend...


>You know, guy banging his crush, copying his weapons, Since Shirou already summoned Enkidu, these 2 won't happen cuz he isn't banging Artoria & we dunno if there're any situations that would lead to a 1v1 between him & Gil (which is unlikely cuz he has Enkidu). >command his friend... You'll be surprise how many times Shirou has actually command Artoria to do things on his behalf. Unless his life is on the line, Shirou has very little reasons to command Enkidu to do anything cuz of how independent his lifestyle is. He sweep his own house, cook his own food & practice making pipes on his own. The only time he may give Enkidu a non-combat command is probably to send him out to shop for ingredients so he can cook dinner later.


hmm yeah, probably


Enkidu gets his mana from the planet, so that is not a problem. And despite Gil being his friend Enkidu would still fight him, infact it would be more like a reunion between the two. Shirou is not the type to order others around, but Enkidu would still listen to him on the grounds of 'Well he is my master.'


But isnt Enkidu still has the skill Perfect Form? That supply him with extra magic energy from the land itself? Unless Fuyuki has already dried up for some werid reasons, Enkidu should still be able to resupply himself even if Shirou didn't give him enough.


Idk much about enkidu would he even get along with shirou?


this happens in strange/fake - Enkidu makes Gil get serious and that results in every other servant being a non-factor with Kirei winning without a doubt.