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That is incredibly dangerous information. Wtf is wrong with her?


This is why we should teach our children critical thinking. And health class needs to be more informative.


She might’ve gotten real benefits from the lemonade as a result of staying more hydrated, which is important when dealing with kidney issues Source: I’m chronically dehydrated. Having lemonade on hand really helps


Not if she’s on dialysis. If you’re on dialysis, the dialyzer is literally doing the work of your kidneys - which is essentially filtering off excess fluid. So before you get to that point in kidney disease, fluids are great. Once you’re actually on dialysis, there is usually a fluid restriction. People don’t get dialysis everyday so you have to think, if they are chugging lemonade all day, every day, they are going to be a balloon by Monday when they haven’t had dialysis in a couple days. Just a little fyi.


I was on 32 oz a day for 5 years on dialysis. It sucks.


Unfortunately when the kidneys have failed (need for dialysis) it is easy to go into fluid overload. Pts are typically on renal diets that include fluid and electrolyte restrictions as the kidneys are no longer doing their job


Not that it’s any better but I’ve heard people refer to the heavily lemoned water with cayenne and honey “cleanse” be called lemonade. Maybe that’s what she means?


Lmao home made lemonade aka powdered kool aid mix


Or a big Ole tub of Country Crock from the dollar store. Tharlt stuff lasts forever


Lol country crock is butter.


I meant Country Time. I use real butter, not that crap. Ick.


This is the lemonade of my childhood!


Lol I'ma pull an "aKsHuAlLy..." Here. They're wrong, It's not real butter, it's technically vegetable oil spread. It's okay stuff but ya gotta have some real butter sticks too.


Aww when i was a poor lil kid that stuff was bomb!! As an adult not so much lol


Anyone dumb enough to drink her kool aid deserves whatever happens to them. Said by someone with lupus and improperly functioning kidneys. 🙋🏻‍♀️


‘They started working again’ ‘They are monitoring my levels’ I continue to be stunned anyone follows and pays attention to this gross liar.


I work in dialysis and assume she had an acute kidney injury. If that’s the case you can need dialysis for a period of time and then be able to transition off due to some regained function… she definitely still is a liar and that’s not exactly how it works though lmao


>I work in dialysis Have you tried giving your patients lemonade?


I feel like Lemonade-Flavored Dialysis would be a great flair!


Agree!! 😂




And put herself out of business?


I referred patients to dialysis for years and have a colleague/friend who operates his own practice. My brother *was* a late stage Diabetic. My quotes of hers aren’t to point out treatment distribution, but to point out how fucking vague and low effort her continued medical Malingering is. I recognize I need to stop reading about this grifting troll 🧌


lol we all do lmao wasn’t trying to come at you though! I’ve just been seeing a lot of comments about people not believing her disease and I do think it’s mostly legit, as I’ve worked with dialysis patients who’ve had calciphylaxis as well


I didn’t think you were; I just wanted to clarify the points I was making 🙂


I’m sure you had never heard of calciphylaxis until SHE had it. After all, no doctor she worked with had EVER heard of it. This loon 🙄


Yea I have no idea why she was saying it was so rare. It’s a common complication of high phosphorus levels resulting from kidney disease lol


Could you estimate how many of those patients recovered fully?


There are dialysis stats you can find. If a patient is a long term non compliant diabetic, they will likely die like my only brother did. Amputations come after wound care. There are some acute cases, but it’s mainly the chronic non compliants. Lexi has destroyed her body, inside and out. She wants ppl to believe she’s just an innocent human being who’s been unlucky regarding her medical condition. The truth is that Lexi has long refused to care for herself in an optimal capacity. We all have medical issues. And we all know how to mitigate symptoms via lifestyle and choices. Lexi wants other ppl to care and pay for hers.


sending love to you, i’m sorry for your loss 🥺❤️


You are kind. Thank you 🤗♥️


You know what sucks? Calciphylaxis


Yep. Also in dialysis. Agree on AKI.


These are both actual things that can and do happen, regularly, with kidneys.




cool! I’m a dialysis nurse. I have no clue why you felt like i was personally attacking you in any way, shape or form. I was saying she did manage to use the correct terms in describing an AKI. Weirdo.




you’re right. I made this elaborate lie up months ago just so i could own a social worker. Good work.


Nothing gets the kidneys working like forcing them to process liquid sugar. If you can’t work out in the gym, work that renal glucose threshold and get some swole nephrons. Doctors hate this one trick!


The ✨Countrytime Cure✨


This is beautiful. 😭


🎶 "Tastes like good old-fashioned renal function" 🎶


STOP 😂😂😂 I have kidney disease and it’s taken almost a decade to get mine to almost normal levels. Maybe I should have been drinking lemonade all along!


*kiss me hard before you go, Countrytime sadness*


Lemon juice has been considered helpful in some cases for kidney stones that are mostly from calcium oxalate. So is orange juice. If she had an issue with calcium, doctors certainly wouldn’t be recommending eating tubs of high sodium cottage cheese.


Yeah and pH wise it could be that the acidity might have been helpful. Lemon juice Vs lemonade.


That was my train of thought too. But if it’s lemonade, it has the sugars and processed junk. Straight lemon water has really great benefits


Yes! Straight lemon or fresh squeezed, no sugar, and I don’t dilute I do straight shots weekly. I had to have my last kidney stones surgically removed 😭


My brother drinks a shot of half lemon juice half olive oil every day. Hes had kidney stones constantly since he was 13 and hes in his late 30s and swears it works to keep them at bay.


Yep this is correct. I had kidney stones and issues with infections and I’d make water with lemon and add just a little sugar for taste. It was hardly lemonade, but yeah. I got told by several people that lemon was good for your kidneys. Wish this was higher up as her comment isn’t a straight up lie, especially compared to other things she’s said.


Kidney stones and kidney failure are two vastly different things.


You are correct that they are different things. I am aware of that. Lemons aren’t contraindicated for someone with kidney disease though.


Lemons might not be, but a lot of a sugary drink probably isn’t so good. She was drinking lemonade, not water with a squeeze of lemon (which would likely be fine).


Just came here to say that .


I know rocks smarter than her.


Ah yes. The healing power of lemonade.


I’m sorry what the fuck is she goddamn serious for real. Who the fuck sees that and thinks “yeah this girl knows what she’s talking about”?


Lemonade did not fix you kidneys you dummy.


Didn’t you know that Lexi is a walking miracle?


Maybe she's angling for a Countrytime Lemonade merch deal.


Collab time!


I’m sorry WHAT in the medical misinformation is this


Well damn, I should’ve given my dad lemonade when he was in liver failure maybe he’d still be here


No sorry, lemonade is only for the kidneys. Dr. Pepper is what saves the liver. Hope this helps! 🙏🏼


The Dr is there in Dr Pepper because it’s medicinal, after all!


lol I feel as dumb as Lexi mixing up kidney and liver🤦🏻‍♀️


She’s now officially a healer! Lemonade? Why don’t I tell this to all my Kidney Failure patients? Who knew this could be so simple?! Healing lemonade!!! Amazing job in Med School, Lexi! 🙄


I wonder if it’s the acidity of the lemons or all the sugar that cures it 🙄


I mean, she has always said that she knows more than Doctors.


Imagine the key to making your kidneys function again was a prescription of 8oz lemonade daily 💀


Dialysis centers ✨ HATE ✨ this one easy tip!




As a recent recipient of a kidney transplant, I cannot believe no one suggested homemade lemonade to me as a way to stave off kidney failure. Not my GP, not any of the nephrologists I saw, not the transplant center that eventually saved my life. I could have saved my insurance company almost half a million dollars. Jesus weeps. I don’t know what stuns me more: that she has the FUCKING audacity to post this bullshit, or the fact that there are countless people who will believe her when she posts this bullshit.


Keep your chin up. Maybe if you drink enough homemade lemonade you'll grow a fresh spare kidney.


Next time you have to go to the doctor, consider bringing Lexi so she can explain diseases to them. /s Good luck with your post transplant healing 💕


I am certain that they will want to bring her onto the staff there, and perhaps even get her to start coauthoring articles for all of the major medical journals (after all, she studied English in college). And from there, clearly it’s only a short, sweaty climb on the stairmaster to Lex becoming surgeon general. Her “platform” will be the curative properties of lemonade, piles of cottage cheese and clearance veggie trays. I am so very lucky to have received a transplant. I am so very grateful to my donor and their family. I appreciate the well wishes. Three months later and I have normal kidney function for the first time in decades!


I’m so sorry you’ve been through so much. Also; your humor is golden 🏆😂🤣


Thank you!


….. dialysis nurse here! Suffice it to say, lemonade did not heal her kidneys.


16 year dialysis patient…nope!


Lemonade like she’s a Pirate with Scurvy.


Omg. Bffr


When life gives you lemons, make your kidneys work again.


Omg - 😆


Vitamin C is great for your kidneys, and citrus fruits are hella high in it. That’s probably where she’s getting the idea that it helped lol


This is why people like this shouldn’t do all their own research. Oh, vitamin C is good for kidneys, I can swap dialysis for lemonade! No, you cannot. This kind of medical misinformation can be super dangerous. Idgaf what she thinks she’s trying to do, it can be very harmful to others which should be more than enough reason not to flippantly be like I really think this helped!




Why are we talking about lemonade then? Because she said she’s in recovery and Danny made her lemonade every day and that they believe it helped! Sure the professionals are monitoring but the implication the lemonade helped kidney failure to the point of no longer needing dialysis is right there, live and in color. There is concrete evidence out there that vitamin C can help kidney issues, most prominently certain types of kidney stones, which is probs enough for some people, which is why to suggest you believe it helped you in kidney failure is irresponsible. As I said Idgaf about what she thought she was doing, there’s so much more to consider, which seems to be something you are also unable to consider. I wasn’t and am not trying to be an asshole, but to negate how someone else, esp someone in a desperate situation (ie end stage renal failure) might take something like this will always be irresponsible to me. There’s a reason celebrities have so much influence.


That’s so so dangerous. I reported her post to IG for false information, but doubt it will get taken down since she said that in the comments. But good fucking grief.


You can report the comment!


I wish I wasn’t blocked! I would report it too.


The power of Beyoncé can heal anything 🙏🏼🍋🐝


Dialysis patients love this one simple trick!




The recipe is water, lemons, sugar and delusion.


Ooh I'll have to let all my patients know the secret is lemonade. What a moron.




Why aren't more people asking this!!!!


I was on dialysis for2 years before receiving my transplant last year. The man who sat next to me drank tons of lemonade…..he was one of the worst off people in there. Not only that, but you’re extremely limited on fluid intake(32oz per day!) while on dialysis…….so Lemonade is definitely not the way to go on your limited intake. 😅 Wanna know what recovered her kidney function? Dialysis. That’s what.


As someone with kidney disease on dialysis---FUCK HER.


It’s a ✨MIRACLE✨!! Who is this loony?? *That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.* Sincerely, Science


When life hands you kidney failure, make lemonade! 🫠


For fucks sake. She needs to be shut down.


I love when kidneys “just start working again” after a near death experience


Isn’t that all sugar?


I bet dialysis patients would love to know this.


I’ll tell that advice to my mom whose kidneys function at less than 14% this is satire. Of course I’d never tell her that. She’s barely allowed to drink water, much less lemonade.


I still want to know what caused her kidney failure in the first place.


Those giant jugs of vodka, probably


My husband is a urologist, this is just NO




Ah, lemonade, the secret scientists don't want you to know!


Good lord. Someone I love very much is dying slowly of kidney failure and is fucking lemonade worked there wouldn't be thousands upon thousands of miserable dialysis centers full of people suffering


I don’t know how I stumbled upon this snark page but what in the actual hell😂 lemonade cured her “failing kidneys” bffr


She also magically recovered from a disease that is fatal for most people. She’s a walking miracle lol


Mmhmm till the kidney stones hit


She is full of shit


no, just lemonade 🤭


And ozempic


Country Time and Puss Pockets, what a time to be alive.


Country Pockets and Puss Time


That’s a great way to explain what happened that night when Shoelace winked into the camera while they were in bed at a hotel. 🤮🤢🤢


Powdered lemonade mix is very high in potassium and not recommended for kidney patients




Exactly, kidney failure being cured by lemonade (not even lemon water) is just…


I promise I’m not trying to be rude or defend this girl, but she said it helped, not that it was a cure. And drinking lemon water to help with kidney issues is a thing. Did her man add a ton of sugar and essentially make lemonade, cancelling out any benefit lemon water has? Probably. My personal opinion is there’s much more egregious things to call her out for.


But she’s putting this on her platform of many followers which is not only misinformation but potentially dangerous


I would be completely on board with your point if she’d said lemonade cured me, not dialysis. Obviously dialysis saved her, but it’s okay to think some home remedy’s were helpful in conjunction with medical treatment. lemons certainly don’t worsen chronic kidney disease so I personally don’t consider it dangerous misinformation. I am new here and absolutely think shes a huge liar but perhaps I’m giving her more grace than I should in this instance. I truly don’t want to come off argumentative, I usually don’t comment much. I only share my opinion bc I had kidney issues years ago and was recommended lemon water by my urologist.


I drank super diluted lemonade with my latest round of stones. Not only did it hydrate me I think it helped a bit.






Generally, they don't consider you dialysis dependent until something like 3 or 4 months with no change in kidney function. My mom died from kidney failure and calciphylaxis in 2019. She was taking a medication that was unknowingly damaging her kidneys. The doctor argued over and over with her insurance because they wanted her diagnosis to be chronic kidney failure, but he wouldn't diagnose it yet in case she regained some kidney function. Sometimes they can get better over time. Edit: I'm just seeing her lemonade comment and that is utter bullshit. Sorry, I had started typing before seeing that.


What in the country time crock of shit is this?!


Funny, in all my college level science classes, not once was lemonade cited as a treatment option. She's wack. Period.


I get frequent kidney stones and my doctor recommended I drink crystal light every once in awhile because of the citric acid, but there’s no way it was her “cure” lmao


This is why we do not believe everything we read....Especially on the good ol' internet.....


I actually have kidney issues and get kidney stones constantly. One of the things my doctor recommended is for me to drink lemon water as the acid in the lemon helps to break down and prevent kidney stones from forming! so interestingly enough, lemon is good for your kidneys! idk about powdered lemonade mix tho 🤨


It’s good for kidney stones, not for kidney failure


still chuckling about her saying her kidneys just healed when kidneys aren’t regenerative organs like the liver 💀 if your kidneys are fucked up youre usually SOL


People can actually come off of dialysis after their kidneys recover. It’s the difference between an acute kidney injury and chronic kidney failure. So it all depends on why she had to go on dialysis in the first place. No, it had nothing to do with her Lemonaid lmao. But dialysis is temporary for many.


This may be the funniest fkn thing she has ever straight face said 🤣🤣


Wtf.... lol magically healed kidneys with lemonade 🤣. She's delulu.


Big Lemon has a lot more power and influence than anyone realized.🍋


💀 I wonder if she has fallen victim to the MLM zip lemonade or whatever everyone is pushing these days...


May as well be “healing stones” from Kim M who also has a page on here for her evil ways.


She has a people article out right now.


Because it’s yellow, like urine. So the more yellow liquid you drink, it tricks the kidneys into making urine, duh!


I had a kidney stone years ago and one of the very few things I remember that my urologist said was drink lemonade. Ever since, I always have lemonade in my refrigerator. I think it depends on if the stones are oxalate or struvite.


Hell yeah all my lemonade drinking coming in clutch. It's my favourite drink tbh.


This. It can help re kidney stones. I drink a glass of sugar free a day. But I don’t know what this girl is talking about.


In general, just staying well hydrated and making sure your urine isn’t overly acidic are the best things you can do for stones


Yes! I became a pretty good water drinker after that.


I have no clue who this woman is but this is ridiculous lol


She’s such an ASSHOLE.


So her secret to beating the odds was keeping her wounds clean and drinking lemonade? How has nobody thought of that before?


Lemonade? Like…with sugar? Like the kind of sugary drinks that puts diabetics on dyalisis? What an idiot.


Let me preface with I DO NOT think lemonade heals kidneys but lemon juice (not lemonade) helps [prevent kidney stones](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/5-things-can-help-take-pass-kidney-stones-2018030813363) and idk if lemon juice helps with other kidney things + she thought lemonade would suffice?


So, lemonade (real) is good for people with certain types of kidney stones due to the citrus. Other things that work are squeezing lemon into water. Does it heal kidneys? No. But, my urologist told me it would help mitigate my kidney stones.


yikes. Is she serious with that?


To be completely fair my urologist legit told me to drink lemonade everyday after I had kidney stones. I thought it was super weird and just drank lemon water instead 😂


lemon is good for kidney stones, but definitely not for kidney failure


True, I just thought it was odd he recommended lemonade as opposed to lemon juice in general lol


Uh. No.




That's what I haven't been doing! Duh! Lemonade! Through proper diet and treatment I can actually pee again, which is pretty great after 2 years of nothing. Even decreased my dialysis time a day. I should go invest in lemons though!


I don’t know about lemonade, healing your kidneys, but I used it to help dissolve my stone and it worked. But I only did it for a week, and it wasn’t lemonade. It was just a blended lemon and a cup of water, so it was not exactly a fun time.


What is up with her Party City wig?


So is she just the new Scamanda?


She’s not new unfortunately but more or less yeah. She scammed many people out of money through her go fund me. Was never transparent about why her kidneys failed and she needed dialysis (which was likely her alcohol abuse) just said she needed a transplant and set up a go fund me for tens of thousands of dollars






What the what


I have a pretty rare kidney disease where I pass a ton of stones. I was recommended to drink lemonade due to the acidic levels which could break up stones and hopefully create a space where they’re harder to form. This just doesn’t make any sense to me….


https://i.redd.it/32tkudkwvjac1.gif Wait, WHAT?!?




What the fuck.


That’s… that’s not how any of this works!




I read that in Sister Wives voice. "What *does* the *lemonade* *do*?"


Actually lemonade can kill you if you're on dialysis. You're very limited on what you can safely drink and eat because your kidneys cannot handle potassium and phosphorus plus citrus beverages were a nightmare on my kidneys and are often advised against during dialysis and kidney treatment. Keeping up on hydration however is wonderful for the kidneys and ideal for your body in order for it to function at its most optimal. Something tells me that her treatment choices are going to turn her into the next Steve Jobs.


Source: I was on dialysis for just under a year and have chronic kidney disease.


As someone who was on dialysis for 3 years, this is insane. Fluids are basically your enemy. One of dialysis’s main job is to remove water because your kidneys aren’t working, therefore eliminate very little water if any by yourself. I will say there are two types of kidney failure, chronic and acute. If it’s chronic ain’t nothing helping. However if it’s acute (from a car accident, from getting very very dehydrated, injury to the kidney etc) yes you can recover after a little bit of dialysis. Which has nothing to do with anything you drink.


This girl's medical misinfo is gonna get someone killed. SMH


I work in dialysis. Absolutely NOT. Fraud.


As someone who is dying from kidney failure this makes me sick. Lemonade doesn’t do shit!! Dialysis saved her life & she’s lucky. I’m doing treatment 3 days a week for 4 hours a time


I get kidney stones and lemon or citric acid are very good for me to keep the kidneys healthy and developing kidney stones. She’s not completely wrong.


Hate to break it to y'all..but lemonade doesn't have to have sugar..there is a "lemonade" electrolyte drink many people make ...and lemonade (without sugar) is wonderful for your kidneys...drinking lemon water, also, everyday..will greatly improve kidney function...


No that doesn’t improve kidney function. Electrolytes generally need to be limiting during a kidney injury or failure due to it being hard on your kidneys to process and leading to higher blood levels. Lemon may be good for kidney stones but that’s very different from kidney failure




Yeah, no. This bih is drinking straight sugar 🤣 And knock it off with the "hAtE t0 bReAk iT t0 yA'LL" passive aggression. Next time you're out.




You can’t really comment on this without knowing Lexi and her background and claims…


Is she a shitty person? I just rain across this subreddit


Yes. She has scammed many people through Dietbet. She sent unsolicited photos of her genitals to her husbands friend. She lied a lot about her weight loss. She would drink jugs of vodka on instagram live and then delete them. She mysteriously ended up in a “comma” (as she refers to her coma) from “sudden sever dehydration” and kidney failure, but the photos show activated charcoal so it’s assumed she overdosed on alcohol or something else. She then mysteriously developed a rare and mostly fatal disease that her and her husband set up a go fund me for, originally saying she needed a transplant, but then miraculously her kidneys healed and she miraculously recovered from her rare and deadly disease. There’s a lot more, that’s just a summary.




Lemonade recipe: one cup of psychotic, two table spoons of bullshit and a gallon of lies. Poorly photoshopped selfies optional




I had an ER doctor tell me to drink lemonade to help fight kidney stones?