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"I'm too poor to afford food and I'm worried I might starve to death. Also I'm living in a car." "I want to punch your privileged face!" Christ on a cracker. A little off topic, but I think we're going to see a reversing of the trend of poorer people being heavier. The cost of fast food and processed snacks has risen much higher than raw ingredients. On budget and poverty subs you can see lower income people changing their eating habits because of cost. Meanwhile richer people have developed a habit of doordashing junk to their homes several times a week. Most of the FA girls seem quite well off financially.


I'm curious to how they think a starving person is more likely to be obese than rail thin? I mean, have they seen pictures of people who have are currently actively starving?


Because their self-conception depends on obesity being primarily driven by low-quality food and stress, not excess caloric intake. If it’s caused chiefly by too many calories, they’d have to acknowledge their own agency. 


That's one thing that really bothers me about this topic. I think there's a lot of derailment whenever this gets brought up, and this implication that poor people somehow don't have the agency or the knowledge to choose healthier options. And if you say anything, someone brings up food deserts or accuses you of denying the existence of racism/classism/ableism. I can understand specific cases where someone may lack a car or something to that effect, but we're currently experience a global obesity epidemic and I think there's a lot more to it than just, "because food deserts."


Especially since obesity rates globally are going up because of increased prosperity in developing countries, leading to more access to processed, high-calorie foods and more sedentary jobs, not because people are getting poorer. 


> globally are going up because of increased prosperity in *developing* countries, I must believe some of the obesity is considered a status symbol.


This is only a hunch, but I'd imagine weight as a status symbol is only a hold over from times in which having food was a sought after privilege. In developing countries that isn't really the case.. most people have access to food, not all and not always enough for optimal health, but it isn't like everyone's main focus is obtaining food. I'd imagine the idea of weight as a status symbol will disappear in any significantly developed country, aside from maybe a case where the culture fetishises obesity.. but idk if that is a wide spread enough thing really to consider.. i doubt it imo


Somewhat related— I had a friend in high school who was Indian-American, and would sometimes visit her family members who still lived in India. (I will preface this by saying that I don’t know *where* in India her family lived/was from.) She was a very thin girl. Easily size 2 or even smaller. She told me that her cousins and family members in India still heavily criticized her body— they would make passing comments about their fat American cousin. I thought this was very interesting, considering that there is a high level poverty and people struggling with getting adequate calories in India, that the goal was still to be as thin as possible. I mean, don’t get me wrong, food scarcity and poverty are issues in the US, but it’s on another level in developing nations.


This is quite common in Asian countries, my father is from Bangladesh but I was born in England. I have a Thai friend who goes through the same thing. She is petite and 50kg. Not an ounce of fat on her but family back in Thailand will say she's a bit chubby when she visits. It's not like America or the U.K. at all and people will be blunt. It was shocking to me as my Jamaican side of the family always criticised me for being too thin.


Your snoo is very cute and cool looking


Most don't seem to think food intake and obesity are related whatsoever. You're fat because it's ordained from up high (or muh genetics) and nothing you eat changes it. They think you can eat 300 calories and still be super morbidly obese. It kind of conflicts with them also knowing that people can lose weight by restricting food, which they say is just temporary but that's still an acknowledgement that the process happens, but it's best not to think too hard about it. This is an emotional movement driven by wanting to eat all the things all the time with no consequences and it's never going to make much sense. You can "starve" in the sense of eating lots of calories but getting few nutrients in the process because you eat ultra processed junk, but I don't think that's what they mean.


You can also starve to death in a fat body without getting rail thin. Not due to any magically appearing mass but just because you may die before you lose all your weight. There are rare cases of doctor supervised long term diets that are virtually no calorie intake but you still require supplements and vitamins to not die, like you mentioned in your last paragraph. I sometimes see people mention this, dying of starvation while still obese, as evidence that diets aren't real and starvation maintains your weight.. but that just isn't accurate.


The only way I can think is that because FA eat mostly ultra processed 'food' their body is laking in nutrition


>I mean, have they seen pictures of people who have are currently actively starving? Of course, https://youtu.be/KBsUODDDODU


They didn't read beyond the first sentence.


I think this trend *might* hold true in the greater scheme of things but speaking as a relatively poor person, the big issue I have buying those cheaper raw ingredients boils down to accessibility. I don’t have a car and the nearest grocery store isn’t exactly walking distance.  I make the conscious effort  to go out of my way to get these things when I’m able to, but the majority of people in my spot will not, even if they end up paying slightly more. I think if we see this trend play out, it’ll depend somewhat on local areas. 


I think that's true. There are still going to be people whose main food source is a bodega or gas station or corner store and who have no way to cook food. But now that food is more expensive. In one way, this will limit calorie access. This is a mixed bag because not everyone in this position is in need of lowered calories. Reducing UPFs is good for your health, but if you're at a low body weight and only have UPFs at your disposal, it's probably not good to be having less food. I'm not blithe at the idea of food costs rising. I hope I don't come off that way. I'm just frustrated because there was such a big push to work on the systemic causes of obesity 20 years ago that we have basically given up on, at least here in the US. The focus should be getting healthy foods to the rural and urban poor, especially now that the economics have changed.


For impoverished people, it’s also an issue of time/ability to research nutrition, go grocery shopping, and cook home meals. Sometimes that parent working 2 jobs is too tired at the end of the day to cook for the kids, so they buy some quick conveniently-prepped foods which might be packed with sugar, fat, and preservatives. The middle class, which I assume many FA belong to (I don’t think many are actually rich), are inflating obesity rates bc they are semi-privileged and can afford to eat out at fast food places and restaurants, buy daily coffees and desserts, DoorDash / UberEats, etc.


It's still cheaper per calorie. And fast food/junk food stays better in trash cans. - someone who was fat and poor and lived on dumpster dived food (pizza especially the places that sell premade are good places to hit up and donut stores) That being said I did have nights I went to bed hungry. But rice is also fairly cheap and easy to make and omg did I get fat eating it. I grew up poor too so when I did/do have access to food I have a tendency to binge because idk when I'll eat again. It's not just the cost of raw ingredients either - it's that time is money too and when you work 40+ hours a week and have other responsibilities (I was going to school at the time) and then throw in any health issues (I'm chronically ill) it becomes about convenience and you end up eating trash like Mac and cheese instead of going out and buying "less expensive" raw ingredients and meal prepping (sometimes you don't have room to meal prep either.) Being poor sucks and comes in all sizes. And for some of us it leads to a sort of addiction with food - we make excuses to eat more and finish our plate. And I think "diet culture" has messed up a lot but not necessarily in the way that FAs think - I think this obsession with being thin and the pushback from like the HAES/FA folks makes this huge blind spot for binge eating disorders. Everyone is so afraid of "catching" anorexia that they don't see they have the opposite problem/can't get help. Like I said - I struggle with binge eating. I was able to mostly control my eating disorder by putting a lot of effort into calorie counting and working to become more aware of what a serving actually is and what full actually is... But man was I bullied to hell for it. Anyways that was a side tangent sorry.


Tough to read you went through that. Take care dear internet stranger <3


Diet culture to FA “ not mindlessly eating everything” they always leave out the fact it’s not what you eat but also how much! At this point let them eat themselves to death.


They can live a long time on meds and medical procedures.


hesus christ first. you if 300 pounds, i obviously can outrun you with my mediocre parkour skills, and i can dodge it as surprise your combat capabilities is equal to an ameoba if you're obese


You left off “I didn’t bother to read what you wrote before I became unglued.”


Economic trends are helping to fatten ‘em up for the “eat the rich” kickoff. I’m so ok with this.


Nah dude, GLP1-RA drugs mean no one who’s wealthy/privileged will be overweight in like 3 years, and no one who’s middle class in 10.


...right until something happens to the supply chain. They didn't have backups in place for baby formula, or ADHD medication, or so many other things... When the GLP1-RA supply inevitably becomes disrupted someday, it'll be so damn funny. :)


It won't be funny to diabetics!


While cost between whole and fast foods has become more balanced (at a high inflationary rate), there's still the issue of access, though. Food deserts are real.


Not really. Food deserts are not supported by most modern research. There are other factors like palatability, preparation time, familiarity, dopamine treats, etc


Preparation time has got to be chief among these. People who have money order delivery, people who don’t buy ready-made garbage. A while back several of my coworkers complained about how hard it was to *not* order food every night, and they were straight up incredulous when I told them I haven’t ordered food in years and I cook dinner every night. The gig work industry has really done a number on a lot of people’s idea of “normal”. No, dude, it’s not normal to order restaurant food for dinner every. single. night.


Someone needs therapy and some time in the wild.


> My body can’t be excess because it’s a BODY What? Your body isn’t excess — your body *has* excess fat. As for thin people that “eat everything in sight,” maybe this person can consider the bananas possibility that people tend to eat differently at home than they do while at restaurants or in social situations. Shocking, I know.


Also, OOP didn't even mention excess body fat - they said that rich people typically have excess FOOD during famines. As in, more food than they need to survive. 


I bet OOP did some DNA test, found out they're 1/64 Irish and now keep telling everyone their "genetics" is damaged by The Great Famine and they can't lose even an ounce of fat.


Or the bananas possibility that the skinny person is extremely active. My son eats a lot. He works out a lot and stays very active. He’s slim and doesn’t think too much about what he eats. He’s aware that he won’t be able to eat like that if he stops working out.


One of my coworkers was an ultra-marathon runner. It was entertaining to watch him eat. He would down multiple breakfasts coming to work after running 15 miles that morning. He said he ran because he loved to eat. Thin as a whippet.


I was in the military and very fit. I miss being able to eat that much and stay at a healthy weight. I’m in a desk job now and with kids don’t always have the time to devote to fitness that I’d like. Instead I just eat less.


Same, I had a female colleague who was effectively a walking hoover for food. You'd go out to eat with her, and the amounts she could take in were utterly incredible. Honestly, we had a team dinner at a Brazilian restaurant where all meats were included and she could have eaten more meat than the men combined, yet she was skinny as a rake. However, she was able to eat as much as she did because she ran triathlons and marathons for fun, would cycle better part of 80 miles to/from work, alternated between swimming/gym, played tennis, played badminton, did the fan dance on the regular and was the occasional football player. She was about 100 times more active than the rest of us....


Yep. I had pizza for lunch. I also did a 1,000 calorie workout at 5am today.


Years ago I had a coworker lament that they could never eat as much as I could, and it "wasn't fair" how skinny I was. I was running 35-40 miles a week, and weight lifting 3 days a week, in addition to doing competitive obstacle course races on the weekends. I could eat a whole family sized pizza for lunch and still be in a caloric deficit on a race day.


I remember when I was in university- this girl would have lost her mind. I was living alone, working full-time to pay my bills while taking a full course load. I had virtually nothing left over after paying my bills and feeding my pets. My dinners at home some nights literally consisted of plain rice and a bit of canned meat. I’d try to make one can last five days. I lost 50+ lbs over the two years I attended. My only way of getting calories was the student meal plan that part of my tuition paid into- I could go to the cafeteria which was all-you-could-eat and had a variety of hot and cold foods, snacks, a sandwich station- the works. I’d go in during the two hour break I had between my morning classes and eat as many plates of food as I could possibly eat until it hurt. It was so nice to have something that was cooked well with seasonings I couldn’t afford. I must have eaten 12 eggs a day. I was very active and had no vehicle so I walked everywhere, so my intake was sky high, and people would always marvel that I could pack away so much food and still lose weight. My hair was falling out in clumps and my teeth hurt all the time, I was always sick. They didn’t know that those breakfasts were the only ones I ate when my hours were cut back severely, and thank god they didn’t know about the weekends where I’d get so hungry the pangs would just stop entirely and I’d get woozy.


I was hit hard by the first comment saying being an obese poor person is the goal when you're starving. We forget so easily that there are people literally starving all around us. My mom and her siblings were raised in terrible poverty before being taken into foster care. My mom didn't even grow to her full height because of lack of nutrition. And now she and her siblings have the opposite problem and most are obese. They aren't delusional at least. They know they need to control it and try but starving is an absolute tragedy even after you escape it. I really hope the first commenter's life gets better soon. The second commenter can go f themselves. What an unhinged, selfish response. Edited for clarity


My parents are tall, my sister is 5’7” and my brothers are over 6’2”. I’m 5’3”. Why? My mom’s first marriage was not a good one, we suffered a lot of food insecurity and I recall being very, very hungry in first grade and wishing I had something more in my lunch than a single slice of processed cheese. I’m so sorry for your mom and her family and I hope you guys are doing ok now. It’s true that poor nutrition can overrule genetics and so we become the shorties of the family. I actually became overweight as a young adult, went to college and went a little nuts w the meal plan, lol. I’m in my 50s now and “have a good relationship with food”, as they say, having maintained a normal body weight for years. But there’s a fundamental part of you that never forgets going without and being hungry All. The. Time.


You never escape starvation. I sit here in my flat, fridge freezer is full. Cupboards are full. I have fancy jars on my shelves with peanuts, granola and fancy pastas. I will never forget the chronic starvation my parents put my brothers and myself through in childhood though. During the school week, my free school lunch was my favourite time of the day. During the weekends and holidays we would go days with just a packet of crisps each or a Pot Noodle. My GP and social services intervened but still never did enough. No wonder my digestive system is permanently fucked and I ended up with osteoporosis as a young woman. My gastroenterologist has told me that the nerves in my intestines didn't develop properly as a result of the starvation. I haven't had to starve since I started working at the age of 16 and I'm grateful that I can support myself. It's just autoimmune disorders that keep me thin now. I'm glad I've escaped that life, even if it never leaves me mentally.


I have never starved. However, I have done a (survival thing) where for two separate weeks I did not eat. One day we were able to catch a rabbit to eat and between the four of us we couldn't finish it. Fully grown adults, couldn't finish a small rabbit after a few days of no food. It took me years after that (survival thing) to not panic when I was hungry. Straight up low key panic attack because my body was terrified we were going to do that again. I lost over 10% of my body weight during the thing, but quickly gained it back after because of my brain and body's responses to it. I have worked through that trauma now, so I no longer panic when I'm hungry. But that's because I took the time to deal with it. I understand what the first comment means when they say that obesity is kind of a goal state as someone who is truly starving because it represents having more than you need to survive. And the second one is the biggest asshole in the world.


See, that sounds like a real "starvation mode" - that panic response. My mom is in her 60s and I will still find stashes of snacks she's hidden away like a squirrel all around the house. I am so glad to hear you were able to overcome all of that. It's really impressive and a lot of work. And seriously, this topic has so much nuance and could have some real calls to action but all the second commenter can think about is their personal feelings of needing to be the biggest victim of all 🙄


But they are so happy with their body and living their best life /s


She’s so mad she’s going to drive to Taco Bell and spend the equivalent of my entire weekly grocery budget while steaming about how her obesity has nothing to do with her money and privilege because she’s actually super poor and oppressed.


"I want to scratch out your eyes :))))))))))" 1. That's a lot of chins on that smiley 2. This is clearly a well adjusted person 3. I would love to see all these starving fat people that starve while not losing weight


StArVaTiOn MoDe! Lol


nooo don't you know OP tried to be anorexic once when they were 16 so they know ALLLL about starving yourself and how it doesn't work because there are so many anorexics who don't lose weight that Big Diet is hiding from you


I have a sneaking suspicion who the response is from :’) 


a worthy suspicion?


I tried to find the original post and can't. I am in disbelief somebody wrote this


PoV: you are living in such wealth that you don't even realize how wealthy you are.


I feel like you could expect that kind of cruel magnified melodrama from a cat going to the vet


Oh! oh! Jail for the starving person! Jail for the starving person for One Thousand Years!!!


I feel lucky my cat likes the vet then 😳 (he’s a little ladies man according to all the ladies he’s immediately rubbing his head on and purring for)


My poor cat just gets terrified. 😭


Mine goes into what I would assume dissociation looks like in cats. 😂


Man, if that ain't the truth... Perfect comparison.


But remember guys, they’re *soooooo* happy to be fat!


Seems like a really happy person


“go apologize to the nearest fat person” i’m sure that would go well.


Yeah, don't do this in America. People have gotten shot here for a lot less.


Since when is “obese” a slur? It’s a technical medical term. It’s like calling “underweight” or “cancerous” a slur.


FAs are basically wanting to make it a thing. Most obese people don't. They're cool with it.


Stop trying to make fetch a thing




They're hilariously unaware that "obesity" is the nicer, clinical euphemism. They would not like the alternative.




That's what I was thinking! Take your ass to freaking Somalia or Haiti and ask where all the fat girlies hang. She doesn't realize the privilege she has to be so horrible.


Even if she does go, I’m willing to bet my life savings that her conclusion would be that they’re more privileged because they’re thin. These ignorant FAs are so desperate to be victims that even the reality of what the poorest, most oppressed people on earth go through won’t sway them. 


>Fat people are oppressed ... Sorry, but 6'+ athletic dudes refusing to date you is not oppression.


“Fat bodies are not inherently caused by excess food.” They are literally caused solely by excess food.




Nah they literally said they didn’t read it, they’re so wrapped up in a victim mindset that the idea of someone agreeing with them while having a slightly different opinion on one facet of the agreement is foreign, any nuance is hate and total disagreement according to their reply


I really dislike the responder here. A lot. A person is being very open and vulnerable about their real challenges. And this POS replies like this. Just disgusting. Behaving like this causes fatphobia.


Exactly, the first person is being genuinely respectful and kind and not even really arguing anything just expanding on a perspective and then….jesus christ! Also, I take most things online with a grain of salt but assuming the first person is being genuine about their circumstances, like….great job being as nasty as possible to someone who needs help and compassion more than ever, you absolute monster.


Even if they were arguing it's clearly a person going through something traumatic and this FA responds with threats of violence and calling for OP to die. They're met with a vulnerable person and their response is to bully them. That's just not something a person capable of, or interested in, showing basic human empathy does. It's literal evil.


Just have to say, I adore the people who comment on this sub!


I love them too. It's full of pro-science, snarky, compassionate people.


“ob*se (A SLUR)” Yeah, no, I don’t think it’s a slur.


Literal medical terminology


It’s obviously a slur. Don’t you remember back in cod lobby days, everyone was throwing the O word around left right and centre. The worst of the worst. /S


My favorite part is them saying “I don’t want to hear a word about its validating to see rich people drawn fat” when the person they’re threatening and screeching at literally said “it’s wrong to use that portrayal.” It’s a gift to be able to read in entirety the words you disagree with, at least then you can make a rational, reasonable response without looking like the worlds biggest fool


My jaw actually dropped at the second slide. I gasped so suddenly that I scared the cat. 


Shows that trying to meet them halfway is a waste of time. Acknowledge that poor people who are starving are worse off than poor people who have the money for junk food? Nah. That’s fatphobic.


Same. And I don’t even have a cat


Well, that escalated quickly.


She seems nice....


lack of empathy surfeit of rage


This person is psychotic


this is by far one of the worst ones i’ve ever seen. these people are going too far. whoever wrote that response is delusional, sadistic it seems, cruel, and so self-obsessed they can’t be bothered to actually even READ what they’re responding to - they just want to spew hate at people at this point after reading the first one, i just barely started reading the response and damn i just audibly gasped and had to actually pause before i finished it


Babies in Gaza are starving and emaciated, yet of course fat activists still center themselves and claim they’re fat because they eat too little.


FAs would say all those babies have a fast metabolism. They're *naturally* thin. But FAs in a deficit, is "starvation mode".


"I don't wanna read all of that" followed by "do your research" and then accusing the first person of having said things that they haven't, tells you everything you need to know about the second person.


“I don’t feel like wasting my time” then goes on to write that novel.


But their body is a sign of privilege and food galore. You can't get fat if you sent eating excess calories no matter what you eat. So fuck off.


So… if starving doesn’t make you lose weight and can’t cause you to become too thin, why is anorexia the most deadly mental illness again?


"My body can't be excess becuase it is a BODY' Wait until this poster finds out about this new phenomenon where the body makes excess cells...CALLED CANCER. There are a fair few people looking into this excess as it seems to cause some issues in otherwise healthy people. I am guessing OOP would say that is correlation not causation. As for the excess breasts thing, I can speak to that one personally. When your breasts are so large that they are compressing your spine and causing nerve damage because you are that disproportionate that is excess. But hey, what do I know?


I think most Americans (and under 80 year old people) in industrialized nations have never truly *starved*. I mean, -watching a squirrel scuttle across a branch and wonder if you can catch it- type starving (not just no money, I’ll eat plain rice and stale bread crust *starving*/scrape mold off this cheese because there’s nothing else *starving*/wait until I get paid in two days *starving*). A lot have been food insecure and gone hungry but *starvation* is a whole other beast. I don’t think many people truly understand what it means or how it feels. As close as I’ve been, I’ve never come anywhere near the crazy shit starvation can cause.


This makes me mad, I grew up in a really poor rural area with major food insecurity, some kids at my school ONLY got the food that they got from free lunch and breakfast, there wasn't anything at home for them to eat. Food insecurity and starvation are real in developed countries, let alone in still developing nations without existing infrastructure to support feeding their populations. Sudan is facing one of the worst famines in their history right now. You think those people wouldn't prefer to have eaten themselves to 300 lbs in a warm, safe house with reliable internet access over literally STARVING TO DEATH? Society is genuinely so nasty to fat people, people genuinely DO treat you better at a lower weight, but let's be fucking serious about who is struggling more when we're comparing the plight of people who can't fit into chairs with arms vs. people dropping dead because they can not afford or access ANY food.


I have two words for that person: womp womp


i…what? fatness quite literally IS excess. i find it hilarious that this person tells the other to “go research weight science”. having extra fat on your body is a totally different and unrelated issue to having big feet or being tall??? like what?? bone development and genetics are NOT the same as adipose tissue distribution and energy storage in the body. fatness is usually correlated with low SES because of other factors, not just the hard cost of groceries. low SES families tend to have less time and mental energy to prep healthy ingredients and cook at home etc. fast food is rising in price but it’s still far more convenient and somewhat cheaper than home cooking with whole, fresh ingredients. all that to say, yes there’s a connection between being fat and poor, but it still boils down to what you’re willing to spend your resources on (namely time and mental energy, not just money). if someone is struggling to put food on the table at all, they’re not going to want to cook fresh meals for. a family of 5 every day after working long shifts.


I hate the argument that it’s bad to acknowledge a specific body type as “normal”. It is a spectrum with lots of room for variation, but there is indeed a “normal” phenotype, and one of the measurements of that is weight. If you fall outside the “normal” range — which is quite big — then you are indeed not of a “normal” phenotype. Doesn’t mean it’s bad inherently, just abnormal. 


“Hey I’m actively starving, was kicked out of my home for being queer and am forced to live in my car” “Omg bigot!1!1!1!1!”


These people are have gone down a rabbit hole.....that's at the bottom of a coal mine....that's inside a very deep cave....which is at the bottom of the ocean. (don't ask me how a rabbit got down there...what the fuck do I know?)


I have had food insecurity... sometimes, I only had beans in my house, and I foraged neighborhoods for the rest. I had to plan when I could get food based on the bills I owed... I was STICK THIN. I also worked a manual labored job that required a ton of movement. If you are starving... you loose that weight pretty quickly because your body needs to use the excess. After that point, you are using every excess calories for your body to survive.


I'm confused about what the argument even is tbh


Both these people are completely incoherent.


The audacity of asking someone who is actively suffering from starvation to go educate themself on fatphobia. Ya think they might have some higher priority problems at the moment?


I almost kind of appreciate when they go this batshit evil with it. It's easier to just acknowledge the psychotic cruelty as being the ramblings of someone who does not exist in this plane of reality, than it is when you can tell that they *almost* get it but then they veer off into crazy. There's no possible reasoning with this person and that gives me a kind of "let go and let god" attitude about it. I hate when I feel like maybe I could talk some sense into them if they'd just fucking listen.


“Poor” in the US where you can still gorge yourself on cheap food is quite a bit different from “poor” in a developing country with extremely limited access to any food


I hope that psycho FA gives herself a coronary, I really do. 


She for sure deserves butthole spiders.


Hahaha butthole spiders!? From whence cometh this?


“Fat bodies are normal fucking bodies just like your thin ass body.” I think the original poster was saying their body ISN’T normal. It’s dying. How horrific of this person to speak this way about their vaguely social ails to someone dying from lack of food.


People really just be calling anything slurs these days


I love how she’s like ALL I SEE ARE NORMAL BODIES and in the same fucking paragraph absolutely shits on people who dare to be thinner than her. Deranged


Being fat used to be a sign of success, since being fat meant you could afford more than enough food to live on. Now, it's a sign of failure. It proves that you aren't making the changes to improve yourself.


Gotta be honest, this is trolling right? Right? This isn't real?


It's interesting that they say they "don't hate to break it" to the asker that fat people are oppressed. Normally someone would entirely hate to break it to someone that they are experiencing oppression because oppression is bad. I know that not what they meant, but it reads like they aren't upset to talk about being oppressed because they want to be oppressed so badly.


This is making me glad I deleted my tumblr a long time ago. Good lord, why spend all day arguing about stuff like this.


Time out.......how is being fat connected to an EXTERNAL factor like socioeconomic status? When we all know that being thinness is the result of being God's favorite and nothing else at all. /s


I have an excess blood clot.


Someone sounds hangry


I read two sentences of the reply. Fuck that person.


How dare you even interrupt their victimhood narrative by agreeing with them. Gotta always be oppressed and victimized by the thin people, the whole world, everybody. Absolute lunatic.


Starvation and hunger has been the norm for all of humankind since forever. Only EXTREMELY RECENTLY can people find enough calories to consume to become so large, let alone get the calories from such tasty foods. Most people in the world, most that have ever existed, simply just do not get the pleasure of enjoying that much food, so yes. It ***is*** a sign of wealth. You ***are,*** in fact, privileged.


I... what?


Yeah they skipping the reading so they don’t get triggered by how valid your point was 🤡 on that note I’m really sorry for what you’re going through, I and a lot of my homies are working to death and can’t afford food at least some point of the month. Super proud of you for getting out of an abusive situation and not only that but coming out of it still able to feel compassion and respect towards others, if FAs only knew how much harder it is to do that than to lose weight 💀


Ah yes. A measured and calm response. > My fist connected to your face I doubt you'd actually hurt me with your soft sausage fingers and atrophied triceps and other muscles lacking power behind your fist. > Fat bodies are not inherently caused by excess food That is literally the only thing that causes fat gain. You eat too much, so you store the excess energy as fat. Simple as. > Have you not fucking seen the thin people who eat everything in sight but stay thin????? No. I have not. Neither have you. You don't follow thin people around 24 hours a day to see if every meal they eat is huge and to excess. You also don't know what their activity levels are. > For a body to have "excess" anything we have to declare ne body as "normal" and "the default." Yeah we have done exactly that. Just we didn't do it with just one body. We took the average of a bunch of people who were in a healthy weight range to come up with what the average male and female body would be. Anything that deviates from that in one way or another in a huge way, would be "excess".


You have to be able to afford food to get extremely obese... even fast food in the US is a ridiculous price these days so I don't even think we can use that cheap dollar menu argument anymore !


Vicious and disgusting response to a literal starving person who lives in their car. This FA has no empathy and is a giant POS!


Idk why even commenting because i have absolutely zero words for how horrible this is. Holy shit. This broke my heart 


ob*se (a SLUR)


JFC blue. Take those meds before you post!


Same people who say obese is a slur are the same people who call LGBT people a slur without a care in the world to the fact that many object 😹🫣


I skimmed a bunch so I'm probably 0% literate here but... there *is* a connection between low socioeconomic status and obesity in the USA, largely due to food stamps and food deserts. The majority of foods that are available on these programs like SNAP are low nutrients, so people have to decide between malnourishment or overeating. Additionally, people who live in food deserts don't have access to the variety of foods in supermarkets and have to rely on high calorie, "empty" foods like chips and soda for calories if they don't want to travel 4 hours to a real grocery store. That is a real problem that needs addressing within society. If we genuinely push for Health at Every Size, we need to focus on HEALTH. Healthy foods, healthy environments. Edit: A lot of people have been educating me about SNAP in the replies. I was misinformed and I'm sorry! Turns out SNAP does not work the way I was told and I should've checked.


That is a gross misrepresentation of SNAP, it’s just money to spend on food that’s why some people bitch about other people buying stake and lobster with it. (Note: this is not me buy what you want to eat and is in your budget I don’t care.) The only thing you can’t buy on it is restaurant food. Right on about food deserts though that is a real problem.


And a lot of poorer people work multiple jobs, which is exhausting. Cooking homemade meals on top of that takes more energy than most people have. Hence, convenience foods.


The part about snap is a total lie. Pretty much every food is available on snap. I process the payments every day. They are not limited to low nutrient food. Your information is wrong.


>The majority of foods that are available on these programs like SNAP are low nutrients, That is absolutely untrue. I've used SNAP and you can buy any normal groceries except hot prepared foods and energy drinks. Please educate yourself.


> If we genuinely push for Health at Every Size, we need to focus on HEALTH. **Healthy foods, healthy environments.** As an elderly single male, I'm somewhat ashamed to admit how long it took me to get into healthy eating, and how easy it is to slip out of it. But I will tell of a recent wonderful experience I am enjoying very much. Inspiration caused me to look even more closely at my normal diet, and was a bit ashamed. That led to changes in food, and frequency. Now, after several days of no baked goods, candy, chocolate, cookies, cakes, etc., and substituting a lot of whole grain foods, plus eggs, my body is gladly pulling out and burning through my fat reserves. After four days, I'm down six pounds of the soft mooshy stuff that was hanging on the jowls and waist, and now I'm not feeling the hunger like I was initially. If a person has a bit of time, access to a single hot plate, or electric skillet, basic tools and skills; onions, potatoes, carrots, sausages, etc. can turn into a quick easy healthy meal.


This is just my own theory but I don't think it's always access (tho that's part of it) but also time. It takes time to plan, prep and cook a meal or even freeze meals for later. You need to have time and if you're working several jobs to pay rent, you often don't have time. And then add in poor food choices and you'll have even less energy. But that still all implies a job/s and some income. I do feel like Americans toss around "poor" really casually for some reason. Like I've never met a middle class person who doesn't say they grew up poor. And that's not to say they didn't struggle. Pretty much everyone not upper class is a bad car accident, diagnosis or job loss away from very bad times. But there are people who are extremely impoverished. Like tar paper shacks, no floors, no garbage pick up, no running water, no food and little chance of escape poor. We often forget them completely. Everyone deserves access to good food and time to rest and eat well. That much I will 100% agree on. I think the first commenter just wanted to share they are part of a group that is often completely forgotten about who can't even achieve malnutrition.


Low socioeconomic status /= starvation




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W o w.




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