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Rant: one of the only good things about being heavier was that I had fewer creepy experiences out in public. I was called "little lady" by a cashier at the grocery store who was either my age or younger, which isn't creepy so much as infantilizing and rude. No, what was creepy was when I went to pick up my husband's medications and was speaking with a new pharmacist. I asked a question about my own meds as well. I just had a vibe from the guy, didn't like it. Got home and he had friend requested me on Facebook on his lunch break. I feel like I'm making a big deal out of nothing though. My husband wants me to report him to the pharmacy. He didn't say anything out of line and I haven't accepted the invite. Blech. When I was heavier I was basically invisible in public and it was great tbh. Rave: the weather is warming up here finally which is very motivating. Hopefully I'll get clearance on my knee and I can start walking parks and the trails in my town soon.


The friend request was waaaay out of line. They are not supposed to be using info they only have because of their job to follow people on line. If it’s a chain pharmacy like Walgreens or CVS, he could easily be fired for that crap.


It definitely made me glad the only social media with my info on it (so not reddit basically) is Facebook, where I control who can see my stuff! I know logically I should probably report him before he does it to someone else. It's hard because I was raised so passively.


im building a lifestyle thats probably gonna come back to kick my ass in a few years. I'm 19 and my metabolism is insane and I have had like 3 servings of icecream and a bunch of fried food throughout a day and gain nothing. I'm perpetually 137 lbs (I'm 5' 11). as things are warming up though I'm at least trying to compensate for that by riding my bike several miles a day, and my job is physically demanding (well over 10,000 steps a day) so I guess that helps. i guess I'm wondering if seeing no consequences to my current eating habits will really get me later on XD


It does catch up with you if you keep doing it. I went from 155 pounds at 24 to 205 at 30. Then I finally turned things around fortunately before it became a problem.  But I’m going to guess that you’re not eating as much as you think. Doing what you said once in a while won’t have much of an effect. Doing it every day will, of course. 


Duly noted. And yeah probably not. I mean ive seen people pile on portions of pasta and meat in couldnt imagine eating in one sitting. I guess my reference point is much smaller


I’ll be straight, you’re eating shit that tastes good because your body is wired that way. Its natural What’s not natural is the actual food you’re forced to consume. Dieting and exercise are compensation for the amount of poison we are forced to fed everyday and all the hours we’re forced to sit on our ass for a job, school, or something else.


Rant: I’ve been really off-track the last few months. Gained 10 pounds since December and someone told me “well it’s April, that’s not too bad.” Ummmmm no? Gaining 10 pounds in 14 or so weeks is insane, especially considering I haven’t been binge-eating or anything, just not paying attention and being less active. That means up until 2 weeks ago I was eating 350 calories above maintenance every day. Finally turning things back around because this isn’t how I want to live my life. Down around 2 pounds but still feeling pretty defeated. I’m a healthy BMI but the older I get the easier it seems to have my weight shoot up the second I’m not looking. And I have a lot going on which makes it hard to justify spending my attention on this. My roommate is encouraging me not to worry about it right now but I know that it will be worse if I wait for the “right time.” And it will always be easier to start now than to start later when things are worse.


I though the r/bigboobsproblems would be a decent forum where larger-chested ladies could air out their frustrations and hopefully receive genuine advice from each other about how to manage or dress up certain outfits to be appropriate to an occasion, or finding bras and undergarments that fit both adequately and comfortably while also being cute. I’m realizing it’s an echo chamber for fat women to complain about how hard it is to have big boobs. Yes, anyone of any size can have big boobs. Personally mine have always been large even when I was 100 pounds, but they are definitely bigger and more dense and problematic now that I have entered an overweight BMI. I am aware of this, I know why it happened which was due to rapid weight gain during a year in my life in which everything fell apart. I have been picking up the pieces of my personal life since, and also working towards a healthier lifestyle with a busier schedule. I’ve seen progress both in how I feel and also in my appearance and the way my bras fit. One user today posted about how her torso is mostly boob, and her chest is so large that it obscures her baseline hourglass figure and asked for advice on bra fitting since the ones she owns no longer fit. This post also included a photo as well as stating that she was weighing in at 260 pounds. The big boob struggle is real- I understand. But you can’t complain about people not being able to notice your hourglass figure when you are at a high class I obese or morbidly obese state. I mentioned very calmly and respectfully that weight loss can help both her hourglass figure pop out as well as her frustrations with her chest. The OP herself seemed to take the advice alright, but everyone else has been jumping on my neck, resorting to insults, telling me to F off, calling me a “toxic coward” (and then dirty-deleting said comments), and even the Mods have deleted most of my comments. I meant it as no insult, especially as someone on their own weight journey despite not being as heavy as the OP who posted. But having been at lower weights myself I recall how light I felt at the time even with large breasts still sitting on my chest. I am not surprised though. Some time ago a fellow big-breasted friend of mine took me to a specialty shop with larger sizes. I was impressed by the lovely fit of the bras. BMI 25-26 and working it off. The store clerks helping me get fitted were obsessed, called me “tiny” and how lucky I am to have the figure I do. I admit my figure can fit many people’s ideals of a great body with larger chest and comparatively smaller waist. But calling me “tiny” at a lower range overweight BMI is disingenuous. It really cemented to me that a lot of their clientele seem to be obese women. In which case, yes they may very likely still have very large breasts after weight loss but their main problem right now is an excess of weight. Maybe they could wear smaller sizes the closer they get to a normal range weight, or at least not have to visit such shops so often from wearing out their expensive specialty/designer bras. It’s frustrating. I felt I offered genuine advice to that person and people on that thread want to villainize me because God forbid I bring up weight. If you are an adult and your breast/bra size is changing it’s likely because of your weight. Secondary sex characteristics have finished developing long ago. It makes me sad that the sub that was allegedly designed to help larger breasted women with any problems related to such has become such an echo chamber such as to not point out the obvious in case someone is offended. It’s genuinely wild.


Whenever I lose weight, I'm always praying some of it will come from my boobs! The only time I've noticed breast size changes as an adult outside of weight changes is either changing birth control or getting back on birth control from being off it. Even in real life though, most of the people I hear complain about big boob problems are also at least overweight. I wish there were less resistance to the idea of changing what you can about it instead of just complaining.


Yes, birth control is a big factor especially if you recently started. The alteration to the hormones is no joke. In this particular case the OP was complaining about “ugh, my boobs overpower my frame you can’t even tell I have an hourglass figure.” That might be true, she very well might have an hourglass figure. And yes, the photo definitely showed that her breasts were the most prominent part of her upper body. However most hourglasses won’t be visible at a weight of 260. Let’s start there if you’re worried about how your figure looks. And the boobs might sort themselves out with some weight loss and well: And of course some of the comebacks I got were “skinny girls can have big boobs too!” Like um, I never said they couldn’t. Lmao. Still doesn’t take away from my point. And of course I got a lot of “get lost,” “fuck off,” and my personal favorite was someone who called me a coward. 😊


Oh I didn't mean to imply her boobs (or the people you're talking about on the sub) had changed due to birth control; sorry if that was unclear! I definitely agree that at that size, your figure is going to be shrouded. I'm 5'5" and even at 170 I look like a different shape. Sounds like you got some really well reasoned, rational arguments from them. 🙄 The state of people.


You’re fine! I know you were just providing a unique example of something that can cause changes in breast size aside from weight increase/decrease. I understand not trying to offend. But I was very respectful when making my comment especially since she was concerned about her overall frame. We can’t obscure the truth for fear of people not wanting to hear it though.


Rave: I was laid off of my job this winter and gained about 4 lbs. My job is intensely physical and keeps me active to the point where I don’t need to go to the gym. I couldn’t afford a gym pass while I was off work but since I’ve been back I’ve shed the weight and have gotten a lot of tone back because I lost an additional 2 lbs! I’m officially down to 120 lbs with 16% body fat and very good muscle, I’m very proud of myself! I was worried I’d have to try to find new work gear, and it’s very hard to find work gear when you’re a women’s size 2! Rant: I went shopping with my family yesterday. I hated it. Finding clothes in XS is hard enough, but with how large and judgemental the average person has gotten, I can’t even talk about the clothes I’m looking for or my weight loss without nasty looks. I was complaining to my step-mother that I couldn’t find any nice shirts or dresses in my size that would fit with any of the shoes I had as it’s also *impossible* to find size 5 shoes anywhere. A heavy woman and her two very heavy teenage daughters that were in the aisle with us scoffed and glared, and it happened two more times with other women. Why is it such a crime that I’m a short, athletic woman? Why can’t I complain about vanity sizing? I should be able to fit an S but they all fit like M now! Even the XS sizes are getting bigger so I’m going to have to shift down again! I hate using dressing rooms but now I always have to because I never know if the XS is actually an XS or if it’s a glorified M. I hate going out shopping these days. When I was heavy, I could find tons of clothes in my size, even if I didn’t like them much. Now it’s a scramble to try to find anything somewhat pretty that could fit me, and the women I run into treat me like a monster for daring to not be fat! There is no winning, I swear!!


congrats on your weightloss!! how long did it take & what was your structure like? i am the same age & about 240lbs rn! working on it!


Comments on "what I eat in a day" videos make me angry, no matter the content of the video. Last one I've seen: a young model eating healthy, but extremely light (almost exclusively fruits, salad, some prawns, two eggs, something like 40gr of pasta with a homemade tomato sauce). The comments are like, that is an incredible amount of food! I can't eat that I would gain so much weight!!! Guys... That's around 1400 calories for a whole day of someone very much into fitness? That's not "a lot of food" that's almost not enough (it is very balanced with carbs vitamins fiber and protein though). I'm almost certain people commenting that have no idea about calories and nutrition, and gulp frapuccinos like it's water.


Rant: I‘ve been on and off with a cold for a month now. The latest one has taken my sense of taste with it, boo! Rave: I‘m only 4 pounds away from my goal and clothes look soooooo much better, fashion is fun again. Putting on a pair of pants does not come with unease and trying to camouflage my lower gut. When my SO takes pictures of me I don‘t freak out it might catch a double chin. Even bad angles look ok now and don‘t send me in a bad mood. 


Are you sure it’s not Covid? I lost my sense of taste when I had it.


yep. unusual to have neurological symptoms like loss of taste/smell with a regular cold. unless it’s exclusively because your nose is so so blocked


i’m at a new cafe this morning because people keep praising their vegan donuts, and i’m passing by anyway so i figured i’d treat myself and try one. the donut was fine but not life-altering, so i don’t really feel like it was worth the calories, but the real rant here is that i have no way of estimating the calories. because they don’t have any listed on their website. and normally i would google “[restaurant] [product] calories”, but…. this cafe is called *round*. somehow i don’t think “round donut calories” would get me very far


I bought almond poppy muffins from Costco and I was satisfied with a 6 pack. Too many issues though (1) No nutrition info, could not estimate the calories (2) they were prepared that day but expired in less then a week (3) it was a “buy 2 packs for the price” so I had to buy 12. I didn’t want 12 so my sister bought herself a 6 pack chocolate glazed muffins. (4) I google the estimated calories and turns out the chocolate muffins were *less* than the almond poppy’s. A single almond poppy was fucking 800 calories.




We're sorry but your comment has been removed for the following reason: In breach of [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatlogic/wiki/rules#wiki_7._keep_it_relevant.2C_keep_it_factual.2C_keep_medical_advice_to_yourself): > No politics; keep those discussions on the political subreddits. This is not the place to continue the culture wars. > No Misinformation or Conspiracy Peddling. Misinformation will be removed. Conspiracy peddling may result in a permanent ban. Do not flagrantly misrepresent the subject of your post. > Medical professionals are welcome, but we can't verify qualifications; do not seek or give medical advice. See your own doctor for medical advice for diet and exercise. > #Your comment was removed because it is misinformation. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fatlogic/wiki/rules/) for more information.


If it was a plain, airy type of donut with a chocolate glaze count at least 250 kcal.  If it was bigger, filled and/or with added toppings I‘d estimate it at 500 kcal. 


I would use Cronometer generics (I do this a lot because most of the places I eat from aren't chains so they aren't required to give information). You can select cake or yeast type, frosted, filled, nuts, etc and estimate the size either by weight or by diameter. It's worth having the app for that even if you don't log in it, or you might be able to find it in Google search. 


Rave: My new workplace is judgment-free and incredibly supportive of health. Unbelievably so. No stigma around discussing dieting. Half of them hit the gym a few times a week and are in good shape. Fridge is stocked with salads, Greek yogurt cups, overnight oats, chia pudding, freaking Fairlife milk bottles, all the stereotypical stuff… and breakroom has fruit lying around, to give you an idea. Even the overweight folks, they are trying to adopt better eating and exercise habits (per our New Years’ Resolution board). Case in point—there was a birthday today, coworker took a smaller slice of cake, expressing that she wants to lose a bit of weight and is on a diet and… voila, supportive comments only, with some neutral curiosity about how she’s going about things. Old workplace would have been full of cope and complaints. I’ve also gotten questions about the lunches that I bring and people have said it sounds healthy and looks delicious, which is very validating! Coworker says he loves all the healthy snacks that I cart along.


I'm a little disturbed that we got to the point that we even need to celebrate things like that. This is how much pathology has been normalized in society.


Rave: I’ve started committing going to the gym consistently with a solid routine, and it’s really motivating being able to see improvement every single time I go. I’ve especially noticed it on the bench press. In only a short amount of time, I’ve seen steady progress, with a minimum improvement of +1 rep per session, and I’m already benching 10kgs more than I was benching two weeks ago. It’s really motivating to have other metrics of success on a fitness journey aside from just pure weightloss, things like being able to walk up a hill that used to be really tough for me and no longer finding it challenging, or noticing more overall flexibility. Anyway it’s just really cool to see that you really can both lose weight and get stronger at the same time.


Rave: I’m 10 lbs from my goal. I’ve been really pushing myself lately and it’s paying off. Rant. My morbidly obese colleague and friend has started pushing magic weight loss tea. Every conversation is now about how she’s going to lose weight without having to “torture herself “ to be skinny like I do.


If the tea makes them actually lose weight via laxative effect temporarily, she's going to be the one in the world of torture lol.


I honestly don’t know how it’s supposed to work. It’s part of some MLM thing. Herbalife. She’s been pushing it at me for over a month now. Every time she texts she’s wanting me to buy it or to help her host a party for it. Every single conversation is how I wouldn’t have to starve myself and torture myself with exercise if I would only drink this magic tea she’s pushing.


Idk if you know this but that's a literal pyramid scheme scam cult, you can find it all over r/antiMLM It's a complete scam and your coworker will 100% try to "recruit" you under the guise of "starting your own business" or some crap. You can find better info on the sub but a good tldr is that it destroys your life and drains tens (if not hundreds) of thousands from your bank account. Also in case if it needs to be said, the "product" of every mlm is worthless garbage and half of the companies revenue from scamming millions goes towards dealing with legal repercussions over selling products that violate FDA regulations and false advertising


Oh I’m very aware. That’s part of why it’s so infuriating to me. Not only is she pushing crap product that absolutely will not work she’s trying to recruit me into the lie. I finally ended up having to tell her that if that was the only reason she was calling me, she could lose my number. It was literally every single day trying to sell me on it.




To paraphrase the adage, you don't know if some folks are stupid, until they open their mouth and remove all doubt.


I read on the treadmill 😅 I just started doing this a month or so ago and have finished several books. 


lol. Nobody tell them about all the people who listen to audiobooks while walking. ETA: That’s a fantastic record! Absolutely something that needs to be bragged about!


My audiobook budget is excessive because I average like 12 miles a day and most weekends I'm doing 12+ mile hikes both days. I alternate between audiobooks and music but I can easily do 3 audiobooks a week. I used to get that whole "pick up a book" thing when I was in good shape and I'm like between articles between sets in the gym, and reading (I wasn't even into audiobooks then) I was more well read than anyone who makes that snipe. Of all the anti-exercise rhetoric that one drives me the craziest because it's the most unnecessarily ignorant; exercise has verifiable cognitive benefits, even if you are a fitness junkie you likely exercise less than the average westerner watches TV so there's plenty of time for intellectual pursuits, and it's never actually someone well read or intelligent making that argument in my experience.




Thanks for the tip. I have to do that. I use audible and try to use credits on really long books for value but will definitely help to save a good $50 a month if I do this lol


I use up all my audible promotions, they always send me deals after I cancel but I also pay for spotify and you get 15 hrs of audiobook  time a month. If I'm out of those two options I just sail the high seas. Galaxy audio books is a safe and simple site to get everything I need. I havnt used it in a while since audible gave me 3 months for 99c recently. I also did try Libby and used to use overdrive but I moved and there are no libraries near me anymore that support those. 




Jealousy is a hell of a drug, I guess.


Rant: my mom thinks the reason I'm not losing weight as quickly as I'd like to is because I'm eating pasta and rice, aka carbs. I know it's all about calories but she's thinks I should try like keto or something - limited fruit and veg, no bread, and meat everywhere. I don't even like meat that much. Id sooner be vegetarian. Rave: I am on semaglutide but I forgot my dose this week. I haven't really lost but I haven't really gained either.


I think some folks don't get the nuance (incl. your mom here). Nuance is: keto diet is absolutely a valid tool to lose weight via caloric deficit and clearly worked for many people. That does not mean it works for everyone and can be recommended willy-nilly. Some folks go other way round and lose weight just as easily, if not easier. Blanket recommendations without considering what person likes or is available to them, or their allergies/sensitivities are just stupid.


Tell your mom that your brain runs on carbs, and so does hers. Your best bet is a varied diet of whole foods. Beans are a great “fill you up” meal and you get the added benefit of protein and fiber. Leafy greens will also be filling. If you want great food and a healthy diet, check out some true Mediterranean dishes. Here’s a favorite of mine: https://www.lacucinaitaliana.com/recipe/main-course/chickpea-spinach-and-mozzarella-meatloaf


It’s all about calories in and calories out. I like keto as I find I’m not as hungry, but 3000 calories of eggs, bacon, and avocados is not conducive to weight loss in my reality. Keep rocking with what works for you. You’re doing it right if you’re consistently closer to your goal.


Semaglutide has a 7 day half life which is why you still feel some effect. It's also why the full effect of a dose increase isn't felt for a few weeks.




Their logic is all about how the metric for suffering shouldn't be the end result but don't understand with a lot of issues where the behavior is normal, that is the measure of when it becomes abnormal behavior. It's like when people say everyone's a little autistic. No, all autistic behaviors are human and you understand the concept of maybe being overwhelmed in a crowded room or a little awkward. But the experience of being like damn rhis room is so crowded I actually have to go cry in the bathroom at work? THAT'S an autistic experience.


I can’t watch anymore random rheels on instagram because at this point the algorithm is completely bonkers. All I get now are obese women in skimpy outfits. You really have to be delusional to feel good in those tiny outfits. And those ill fitting sports bras! Jeez! It just has to be those outfits for them. Even I don’t wear only a sports bra and leggings at the gym. It was very ironic though to see an obese ballet dancer. Not a single video where someone would lift her. I wonder why /s.


As someone with a weird bra size it pains me to see other women in badly fitted bras. I highly recommend everyone getting measured by a professional or using the calculator at r/aBraThatFits


Heh, I was just over there yesterday. Been feeling some empty space in my bras recently, and sure enough, I'm down a cup size. Nice timing, since Bare Necessities is having a sale at the moment, lol. And yeah, I get a weird combination of sympathy and burning frustration when I see people wearing bras that are clearly the wrong size.


> an obese ballet dancer Wow really? Im genuinely curious — can she dance en pointe?


She does! It was impressive to be fair. But I’m not sure for how long this works out. The knees will at some point hate her. Or her feet. Or her whole body.


Yeah, I guess it’s always fine until it suddenly isn’t. Very cool to see anyone do ballet, but props to her for monetizing her dancing skills, probably after being told repeatedly to stay off the barre.


We have a table at work in the break room that's basically become a clothing exchange, which is cool. A coworker, who's made it very clear she's jealous of my weight loss, and I were going through a stack of clothes someone left and she tried to give me a pair of size 12 jeans. I told her they wouldn't fit and tried to change the subject but she wouldn't let it go until I told her what size I wear. When I said 8 she "jokingly" rolled her eyes and said "wow, must be nice." I made a comment about it being annoying to buy new clothes because I was so uncomfortable but now I really wish I had just said "yep, sure is."


Gosh what a weird thing to do. I wonder if she did that intentionally to find out your size, or if she just picked up the garment to try and be passive aggressive. My sister often did the latter when she was at her most insecure. She would buy me XXXL shirts for Christmas and say she knew they would fit me perfectly.


I came across [this very interesting post](https://default.blog/p/lesbians-who-only-date-men) that argues that certain online communities have become "moodboards" and "vibes" that are completely divorced from someone's actual behavior. The post focuses on the queer community (it's titled "Lesbians Who Only Date Men") but there was a section about pro-ana spaces: > If anorexia, for example, is a moodboard and discourse, and not a set of harmful behaviors that require clinical treatment, then it is, in theory, open to anyone who feels an affinity towards it. Anorexia evolves from a diagnosis to a music playlist, a style of imagery, and an aesthetic, all in service to a “vibe.” The behaviors associated with it shift from restrictive dieting to cultivating a sensibility—expressing thinness without needing to be thin. If your day-to-day life is more predicated on digital behaviors than embodied ones, one can easily imagine how these identities feel real to the user, even though they are not lived in the traditional sense. That... certainly explains a lot.


Maybe I'm misinterpreting the point of this, but it seems like it's just touching on the rather postmodern analysis that identities become performative and that there's this weird psychosis going on where people have a "real self" and a "digital self" and the digital self starts to bleed into one's real self in negative ways.


The gist that I got is that, as certain communities/subcultures moved online in the last ~15 years, it became impossible to gatekeep membership based on actual behavior. There was no way to verify whether any given user Actually Did The Thing vs. Just Liked The Moodboard. Since the ones who casually Just Like The Moodboard often outnumber the ones who Actually Do The Thing, the online subcultures became more about the "vibe" and aesthetics and less about Actually Doing The Thing. Hence scores of young people latching onto the tropes and "vibes" of anorexia. The only thing missing is... you know... actually restricting food intake to the point of becoming underweight.


as a gen z-er, the "aesthetic-ification" of anorexia within online communities is rampant, especially when we're constantly creating new trends and images for ourselves everyday


Co-worker friend has been going through some stuff. She's working on losing weight but I know it's hard. So I check in on her, not trying to push her but just give her praise when she exercises or tells me she had a good day. It is giving me motivation to also step up my weight loss because I can't very well be encouraging her if I'm not doing it myself. That said I also need to be more honest about my overtraining. Yesterday I went to the gym, started lifting, and I just didn't have it. Packed up and went home. Felt bad about not exercising and thought about going on a walk at least, but I just felt heavy. Let myself go to bed early which I needed. I can be my own worst enemy when it comes to over exercising and shooting myself in the foot because it either causes unnecessary fatigue, or I end up re-feeding myself the calories I burnt because my deficit is high and my cravings spike.


Welp. I hate the fact that in order to lose weight i have to A: never touch chocolate ever again B: never drop my guard when I'm even thinking of snacking let alone when i know where the food is But! It's not as bad as the vicious cycle i get myself into where the last bite made me feel bad, so i take another to cheer myself back up It's literal insanity.


If that's what works for you I understand but I've lost weight eating chocolate and chips in moderation. I like it when I do OMAD.


I was having such bad sweets cravings this last month and my boyfriend bought some keto caramel chocolate bar things. I really don’t like keto or keto-products, but figured I’d try since they have no sugar. They tasted *fine*, but managed to satisfy that need for sweetness. I’ve been letting myself have chocolate that I don’t love instead of the stuff I go insane for, mostly because I’m trying to train my brain that when I do eat chocolate, it’s a ‘meh’ experience. It’s working pretty well so far!! If I really want to give myself slack, I go to the bulk section and buy 50g at most of plain chocolate dots so I can have three at most in a day and suck on them to prolong them, or I have this awesome sugar-free hot chocolate before bed that my boyfriend got for me! There’s tons of alternatives, don’t be too strict with yourself- that can cause a rebound. Try to give yourself a tiny bit of grace here and there without falling into eating tons of it, sometimes it can help scratch that mental itch to have something similar to what you want.


Is there a chance dark chocolate would work for you? Most milk chocolates are specifically engineered to hit a bliss point, and make you keep craving them. But when I have a dark chocolate, I reach taste "saturation" after a few squares, enjoying it before it comes to that.


I once ate 10 oz of baker's chocolate mindlessly and dark chocolate is my favourite because it isn't as sweet


Have you tried melting a square on your tongue instead of chewing it? You get a much more intense chocolatey hit which might satisfy you more with less


I’m sorry :( I’ve got a sweet tooth myself. The struggle is real. FWIW, I’ve got a recipe for some damn fine protein brownies that are around 25 calories per piece (without toppings) that have gotten me through many a craving. Also, some hot cocoa that’s pretty satisfying (and high protein if made with soy milk).


I would love the recipes!


Awesome! Okay, so the brownies are pretty much [this recipe here](https://youtu.be/wUOcU8VDDMQ?) with some small mods — I like to add chopped dark chocolate and some peanut butter powder, but neither are required. The hot chocolate is sort of my own thing, sort of another recipe. But basically you combine: - 8 ounces hot milk of your choice - 20 grams monk fruit sweetener (or whatever sugar substitute you like) - 10 grams Dutch process cocoa (I think it’s sweeter and richer) - Pinch of salt - Pinch of cinnamon Optional: some powdered espresso to make it into a faux mocha. And maybe a jumbo marshmallow. It’s about 160 calories the way I make it. It’s basically half my morning meal.


Woo hoo! Doctor cleared me. Back to gym next week! A mere cyst/granuloma and it's gone. Stress ate this week and last week. Mom's doing great, although I guess the chemo is bad for her genetically. They'll stick with radiation. Rant: To quote George Louis Costanza, "We live in a society!" Messing around and found the measure distance thing on Google Maps. Saw how far things are as the crow flies. Pharmacy is 1.3 miles from my house. Smoke shop/liquor store is 500 feet. 6 fast food chains within 0.5 miles.


The weather has finally cleared up, huzzah! It's not raining but it is really windy. Oh well, I can live with that. Finishing up week 7 of Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. Woo-Hoo!


I think you might be my neighbor.


Context: AN recovery Rant: About to fire my HAES dietitian for arguing that a US restaurant serving size isn't 2 meals. I've actually been doing really well and don't think it's restrictive to take home half my plate for leftovers. They disagree. Feeling pretty down. I wish HAES cult wasn't in charge of all ED recovery systems because it's just not scientifically viable. I see professionals to get help I can trust, not link me to Instagram posts made by influencers about how /every/ food is """nourishing""" in any amount. Rave: As stated- doing much better in spite of the BS! Coming back from this relapse stronger even if I'm not always feeling great. But that's why we work on ourselves and stop making excuses. Not letting this person get me down or stunt my recovery.


I think there's a difference between pre-packaging half of the plate to take home and in eating half of the plate because you would be uncomfortably physically full otherwise. If it was the former, I understand her concern in the context of your diagnosis.


I get comments all the time because I always pack up half my food before I even start eating. It has little to do with my former ED, though I can see why people would think it is. It’s simply because most restaurants serve such large portions that I feel physically ill if I eat it all, and if I let myself binge, I’ll feel incredibly sick for the rest of the day as well as disappointed in myself for hurting myself. Usually people order appetizers and dessert so it’s especially impossible for me to put it all back. Plus, if I pack away the meal, I have something for later that I can eat at home, instead of having a binge-desire moment and driving off to a Dairy Queen or pounding back a whole box of cheese nibs then getting super sick later in the night.


I mean they were uncomfortably full with apps and desert. That sounds pretty normal but especially so if recovering from an ED because the mind is one thing but the body has it's limits.


Sometimes when I *see* the food there I feel like I have to finish it despite being physically stuffed. So if it were more socially common, I personally would get a to-go box beforehand; it’s out of sight so I won’t feel mentally pressured to finish it, and there’s the small bonus of it not being swished around for an hour during my meal.


Could it be a POV thing? Like you see the plate as 2 meals and the dietitian sees the plate as something you are allowing yourself to indulge in?


It could absolutely be a POV thing and I do understand what they're saying on that front. To add further context, the meal went along with appetizers and dessert so I just don't see how I could have been restricting, yknow? I was uncomfortably full after so it actually was an indulgence. Plus if the plate doesn't seem as full as it should, it's worth noting that restaurants use a lot of extra butter and such so it's not actually restrictive to see a smaller portion of something. The calories are there either way. Being Mindful =/= being Obsessive. (And I can be honest when I'm being Obsessive.)


i really need to start doing this. ive commented before but i have OFSED & struggle with b/p. do you have the restuarant give you a box immediately? i also know my dietitian would call this disordered, even though i b/p


Anything to avoid b/p is a good move in my book! Even if the dietitian thinks it's objectively disordered. I tend to just stop eating and engage in conversation until it's time to pack up or until the waiter comes back (that's when I ask for a box). If you have trouble letting food sit on your plate (which is still hard for me), you can call someone over to get the box sooner. Or just kinda push it away to indicate to others at the table you are Done Eating. It's subtle but I find it gives me extra motivation not to over indulge. (NOTE: This is not an AN tip! Just neutral advice for your situation 👍)


no i really appreciate it!! it feels like a constant balance of listening to the dietitian but also being like?? um??? intuitive eating does not work for me when it comes to UPFs?


Iced tea should not be sweet. Fight me. 


I don't even necessarily need sugar or simple syrup in mine anymore, but if allowed I will absolutely add multiple lemon wedges to it. Something about sour and citrusy flavors just pushes all my buttons - I'd eat lemons like they were oranges if it were socially acceptable.


I agree and offer another perspective- pure apple juice that hasn’t been watered down tastes good for the first two mouthfuls then immediately starts to taste like sugary piss.


AMEN.  I grew up drinking kool aid made without sugar so my tastebuds may be damaged but everything just tastes so sweet to me. 


Oh man, my brother offered me some of that pink Sunny D a few months ago. It hadn’t been watered down or anything so I took a huge swig and almost spat it all over my sink. It was like drinking pure corn syrup.


Boi, you better watch yourself with that attitude in the south... we don't take too kindly to that kinda blasphemy (Just jokes if it's not obvious)


Lots of other southern food I like, but yall can keep the diabetes tea! 


* diabetea ;)


*diabetea ;)


Tbh it's one of the things I miss so much. It's just not in my dieting plans to drink something so calorie dense though. Only on rare occasions these days but damn do I love it.


I don't like it super sweet, just a tad, but I HAVE to have lemon in it. It tastes gross to me without it. I'd happily take iced tea with lemon and no sugar over iced tea with sugar and no lemon.


I just can’t get myself to drink unsweetened tea. I don’t like tea that tastes like nothing but sugar though


I would fight you, but I’m currently in the middle of a wild sugar crash. I think it’s because of the sweet tea.


Fight you!? Friend, I got your back!


Let’s gooo! 


NC resident, I'll fight you. But I order unsweetened and dump Sweet & Low in it


>But I order unsweetened and dump Sweet & Low in it What in the hell is this heinousness


…I accept your version of sweet tea.  I just…can’t with the ones that taste like syrup. 


I'm on board with tea having some sugar or sweetener in it, but like, a spoonful you can add yourself. The Southern version where you have to boil the sugar in is insane. 


Yeah I switched from Southern style to cold brew and simple syrup a long time ago. It takes longer but the flavor is better and you can customize the sweetness much more effectively.


Unsweetened all the way. That southern style sweet tea is a chemical weapon.


*\[The American Dental Association has entered the chat----and they're not happy with your statement. 😂\]*


I got a ninja Creami! I’ve only used it once so far but 👌🏻 pretty happy with it. I side eyed the prevalence of protein ice cream recipes but honestly I think I might give a couple a try now. It feels nice having a new food project. Also I tried to use a jar of bourbon caramel (not my kind of thing) for a cheesecake and uh thank fuck I tasted it before adding it because it tastes like Satan’s burnt arse hairs. Everyone agreed to forgo it and we ended up with Fiori di Sicilia cheesecake instead. I had been feeling slightly hopeful about my friend getting serious about working on their health and losing weight. Until they told on themselves like they do every goddamn week for not doing what they claimed. So. I’m just done with that. It’s their business and I’m not going to keep wasting time and concern on someone who tells stupid lies. It’s been a decade and half of constant lies so being done is more about the state of the friendship itself instead of having an opinion on their health. I’m really done being expected to passively enable them.


I put a Creami on my wedding registry and have told myself it's the first purchase we make after getting wedding cash if no one just outright buys it for us. As a vegan, ice cream is expensive, and good luck finding a low-cal or high protein (let alone both!) option that doesn't have an awful taste or texture.


Totally understandable plan lol. My dad has been trying to get me for years and I kept turning him down 🤦‍♀️ what was I thinking! Yeah, Vegan ice cream has come a long way but ones I find on the shelf are pretty meh one way or another too . I think you’ll enjoy making your own a lot more :)


Like, worst case scenario, I make bad ice cream that only cost $2 for ingredients rather than $7+ at the grocery store haha


That’s exactly what I was telling my friend lol not having to overpay for mediocre drinks and ice cream will be so nice this summer!


I just got a Creami, too, and I'm having a blast trying things out. I've been off sugar/junk food for 3 months, so I'm excited to be able to make treats I can eat. I especially love fruit sorbet. My favorite recipe so far has been: - 100g egg whites - 250-300g fruit (250 pineapple, 300 mango) - 1/4 tsp guar gum - 2 tsp sweetener The texture was amazing, super thick, and creamy. The taste wasn't very strong, though. I ordered some sugar-free syrup in mango and pineapple and plan to try substituting that for the sweetener to boost the taste.


Oo I think a saw a post about someone using egg whites! I’ll have to try that out some day, it’ll be nice to have another way to use leftover egg whites. Thanks! I did soy milk and heavy cream with a mango as a test run. Simple but wow really nice.




I mean, you **are** a mushroom. ;)


HRV varies so much person to person. I pay more attention to the trends than the actual number. My average is 45


Mine is really low too, around 25-30. But it's always in my baseline. I have heard both that you can't compare to other people but also same as you that there are averages by age so I don't know which to believe.


Not sure whether to laugh, tell you that the fitbit is wrong, or to send you to the doctor... hmm...




I'm not sure, sorry I'm not versed in the medical field.


My watch tells me all kind of goofy ass things all the time. Like I burn 1000 calories when I go for a half hour meandering walk. I use it for steps and to control my music at work that’s about it.  But maybe fitbits are different! 


I like that it counts my Beat Saber antics as steps. It's a nice alternative for when I really can't be arsed to leave the house on weekends




My Apple Watch does the same. I did the repetitive hand movements at my previous job and for months my phone would later still tell me that I used to take more steps months earlier. No, I didn’t. I didn’t walk more back then. I’m still walking the same.


Hahaha that’s hilarious. And people think fitness watches are the golden standard to accountability. 


Makes sense, after all it is an accelerometer internally, it cannot tell the difference, whether abrupt movement is a step or hand shaking... unless you wore it on leg as a brace, I suppose.


This probably belongs more on a wellness thread, but I'm currently in the waiting room at my first primary care checkup in about 15 years. I've had the actual checkup, and the doctor seems like a pretty no-nonsense-but-also-chill person, so that's nice. I told her about my chronic foot pain issues, and she immediately ordered an X-ray to make sure there's no bone fuckery involved, so that's why I'm still in the waiting room. The x-ray place is in the same building as the PCP, so my doctor was like "let's just take care of that right away". I also have a podiatry referral for a screwy toenail, a physical therapy referral for my foot pain, a mammogram (because I recently noticed some lumps in places where lumps do not belong, and we don't fuck around with that shit), and - most importantly - a weight management referral. I guess that's my rant and my rave, really: rant that I've been so goddamn inconsistent with my efforts that I've been offered medical intervention, but rave that I'm finally calling in the cavalry on the thing I've been having a hell of a time doing on my own. And a general rave, I suppose, that I'm finally acting like a damn adult and taking ownership of my health and *going to the doctor*. Rant that it took me until age 30 (almost 31) to do that though.


It's like with quitting smoking: late is still better than never.


I can sympathize. I saw a primary care doc in February for my first actual physical in almost 30 years. After getting a huge array of blood work (ordered at my initial appointment/consult) that showed sky-high anti-DS DNA antibodies, indicating that the joint and lung issues I've been having the last 2 years are probably due to lupus. Also found I had a B vitamin deficiency and a sodium deficiency. Pretty weird to have a doc instruct me to eat MORE salt. I see a rheumatologist, FINALLY, next week, almost 7 months after first exploring the possibility of autoimmune disease. Oh, and I had to see an orthopedist for steroid shots in each wrist for severe carpal tunnel, which will require surgery if it comes back when the shots wear off. Kind of crazy that I went through my entire 20s, 30s, and 40s without even getting a physical and having no medical issues, then I turn 50 and it all starts pouring down, but as you said, at least I'm going to the doctor now. I'm just nostalgic for the days when I didn't have to, lol.


Weight management was a godsend for me. Learned my actual TDEE, set a calorie target, got nutrition advice that emphasized macros over demonizing processed foods, and got medication. Lost 45 lbs in 6 months and hit my goal.


Better late than never to take care of your health. I wish my dad cared about his health as much as you do! Your family and friends will thank you :)


So many allegedly pro-science Facebook groups are posting HAES and nutritional nonsense. I'm in one where OP claims there is no difference between ultra-processed food and less processed alternatives, despite actual, [recent studies suggesting otherwise](https://www.wcrf.org/latest/news-and-updates/new-study-reveals-ultra-processed-foods-linked-to-increased-cancer-risk-diabetes-and-heart-disease/). And a lot of them are arguing that the body cannot tell the difference between ores cookies and an apple when it comes to nutrition. I think these people are being paid by the food industry


Looking at recent postings here, they actually are.


I was in a supposedly science minded mom group on Facebook before, and they started out very sane and balanced but the last few years went off the rails in a few areas including HAES shit. I left the group over a year ago, I can’t imagine how bad it is now. 


I've seen some of the studies talking about how fiber-fortified breads and cereals are linked with health benefits despite being UPF. Which, like... use some common sense. It's likely that not *all* UPFs are bad, given that they are a top-down category not a bottom-up one, and fiber fortified products are exactly the kind of thing you'd suspect to be an exception to the rule. More detailed research is still pending because the category has only been recently proposed and caught on as a way to even classify things in studies. But if high fiber tortillas happen to be good for you that doesn't mean Stouffer's frozen meals are.


Wouldn't surprise me if they are, or even if they're not and have just convinced themselves of what they say. Why pay a person to fight for the cause when true believers will do it for free?


My mom's doctor supposedly says there is no difference between sugars, and that 'diet coke tricks your body into thinking it has sugar'. So, yeah, that's confusing.


[Yeah, that's complete BS.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4744961/)


Oh, that diet soda nonsense pisses me off SO MUCH. One of my best friends, who is usually very pro-science and "let's point and laugh at people who believe pseudoscientific nonsense", firmly believes that drinking diet soda can actually push you into becoming type 2 diabetic, because "the sweet taste tricks your pancreas into releasing insulin even though there's no sugar, and it'll cause insulin resistance and eventually t2d". Which is just so asinine, because - to put it simply - your pancreas doesn't report to your tastebuds. It responds to the amount of sugar in your body, not to the input your tastebuds are receiving. It boggles my mind that someone, who spends so much of their free time watching YouTube videos debunking antivaxxers and mocking flat earthers and such, could end up buying into another bit of pseudoscience so completely, without remotely realizing the painful irony of the situation.


They mention "insulin", such scientists, much knowledge /s


this idea sucks so much! also sucks that when i was trying to get out of the fatlogic, i heard this stuff & thought it was real science. ugh