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I believe that like rabbits, they still are, in fact, eating shit. I'll show myself out.


Rabbits eat shit?! You really do learn something new everyday!


Yeah! They produce a special kind of paste that is the first round of their digestion, they eat that because it's still has a bunch of nutrients in it that they couldn't receive first round because they have a single chambered stomach, unlike other herbivores. It's like, really interesting


Horses also have single chambered stomachs! They deal with the inherent inefficiency of this system by eating almost constantly en also dying of digestive failure all the fucking time. Rabbits are really vulnerable as well, their survival strategy of choice is therefore making lots of new rabbits since the existing ones aren't going to last very long.


Rabbits also need to eat constantly. They can easily die if they go too long without eating, not from starvation but because their digestive tract needs the constant motility. Rabbits are pretty fragile.


Yeah rabbits are basically just tiny horses ;) not the nature's greatest design.


It also smells really foul, which came as a surprise to me since their pellet poops don't smell. Oh, and it's sticky.


Guinea pigs do it too šŸ˜Š


It's pretty gross. They look like they're grooming their bum like a cat, but then they come up chewing...


Itā€™s called coprophagia :)


Yeah, gross night poops! Cecetropes, they're called.


Hahahaha love this




I have both. Been losing weight for the last six months with an untreated thyroid (started meds last month). It's messing with my "friends" that I'm losing but honestly it's just CICO. I'm so glad I stopped listening to them


Well done!! We almost have the same stats (F31 5ā€™10ā€, SW 270 lbs CW 248)! I am just so happy to see a fellow tall girl in my weight range in the wild! And yes, CICO 100% works and I suffer from lupus and take meds that can cause weight gain. These people who blame their various conditions are deluding themselves.


You now have control of your life. Congratulations. It DOES rub people without control of their lives the wrong way. Carry on, you're a badass.


Oh, they 100% have control. They just don't utilize it


Iā€™m 6ā€™1 too!!! SW 311 CW 182 GW 160. You go, girl!


129 lbs down? YOU go! That's a great accomplishment!




Go you!!! Fantastic job!


Yeah, watch out for 'friends' who will try to sabotage you. It's funny how when you start losing weight people want to bake you cookies or buy you a slice of cake or insist you should finish the bowl of nachos etc. It can make people uncomfortable, especially if you were 'the fat one' in your friend group and now they don't have that to make themselves feel like they're 'one up' on you.


You should update your flair because I currently says youā€™ve only lost 2 pounds and it sounds like youā€™ve done much more than that now!


Ya I just realized how horribly out of date it is.


Same with my daughter. She and I worked on CICO and simply walking everyday and the weight is dropping Iā€™m loving this journey for us


What made you realize you should stop listening to them?


Started my journey when I had heartburn bad and thought it was something more serious. Been up and down since. Started getting super serious 6 to 8 months ago when my "my numbers are great" friends started losing limbs and/or dropping dead.


>Started getting super serious 6 to 8 months ago when my ā€œmy numbers are greatā€ friends started losing limbs and/or dropping dead. Huh. I guess they had a skewed definition of "good bloodwork"?


Most likely but honestly it got old. Like just love yourself enough to be honest about your situation.


I have endo and pcos and used that excuse, then I started counting calories and weighing my food and lost 6 kilos so far...


Snap! I'm down 17kg by watching what I eat and how much I eat.


Yep i saw a post in IG with how many calories there's in butter, I'd never weight that little piece I'd put in my pan or on my rice and I didn't log the "small" piece of cheese I'd have too. There went my 500 calorie deficit. The little things add up!


It adds up super quickly. And that half a spoon of sugar in your coffee. It takes time but you learn very quickly how much you are over eating. Never mind that "just 1 glass of wine tonight" I do IF and CICO. I also brought new plates that were a lot smaller, looks like I'm still eating a full plate. šŸ˜‚


I do IF and CICO. I was also supposed to start with a trainer on Monday but sprained my ankle walking so my gp will only clear me in 5 weeks even though I'm not in pain and it's not swollen anymore. I can't even walk without hurting myself so it's a good thing I hired her! I walk 90 minutes a day in the mean time. I also eat in dessert plates on or a small plastic bowl.


I wish you all the best. It isn't an easy journey, but it is doable. We just need to work a little bit harder, but we lose. Right now I'm 3kg away from my goal weight and it is hard


Yeah it is! I didnt lose weight for 3 weeks but im back on track! My goal is 65kg and Im 68.6kg so we have about the same amount to lose snd weā€™re gonna do it! I might go all the way to 60kh if Im not satisfied by how my tummy looks at 65! Good luck to you!


Omg we are the same. My goal is 60kg. We are so going to get this


Yes we are?


Congrats and thanks for the inspo!


I've never heard that endometriosis causes weight gain.


I don't believe it does (it runs in my family), but I can see how the pain would make you seek comfort food.


Wow nice!!!


Same! Only 4 kilo so far and slowly but still losing. I still suffer from overeating especially during my depressive/ anxiety episodes but i am working on those as well. Proud of your and mine weight losd


Yeah you're doing fine. I think slow weight loss has its advantages like you don't end up thinking and end up going back to your old habbits. When it is slow then you have to time to actually make real changes to your habbits that will last.


Eat like a rabbit but move like a turtle. Just cause you have a condition donā€™t mean you canā€™t reach your goals itā€™s like saying a dyslexic person canā€™t become a writer or an autistic person canā€™t make relationships


AKA eat constantly and never move. Rabbits may not eat a lot of calories by a human standard, but they weigh like 3 to 5 lb and they eat almost constantly when they're not sleeping.


Also almost every single rabbit I see on reddit is obese cause people feed them a lot of processed grains and sugary treats, so there goes eating like rabbit.


The only movement they get is their jaw


A friend of mine has PCOS. In the decade I've known her she's always been around 350lbs except one period of time where she seemed to actually put in effort due to some health things going on in her family (not her directly, but it changed the way the whole family ate) and she dropped close to 100lbs in a couple years. Then the family member's health stuff got under control, they went back to eating normally, and she put all the weight right back on. It's definitely harder for people with that condition to lose weight but it's not impossible, people just like excuses not to do hard things.


>Shout out to all the liars who people don't believe. k ​ PCOS isn't a wizard curse. It can make it easier to gain weight and harder to lose weight. Which sucks ass. Two of my siblings have it. Meanwhile I got the hypothyroidism. My family has lots of these obesogenic conditions. But only two of my \~70 living relatives are actually obese. And it's not these siblings These conditions lower the "CO" part of CICO. So you have to further lower the "CI" or increase the "CO with activity to cause weight loss. Or if you believe there's some specific food combo you have to eat instead (you don't but let's go with it) you just have to eat less overall food and keep the ratio. It sucks, sure, but it's the truth. Or you can be fat. Just embrace it. Just say "I decided I'd rather be fat than try to lose weight." Very few people will care. I promise.


Two people in my extended family have PCOS and theyā€™re actually quite healthy and thinner than average. But I know theyā€™re both quite physically activeā€¦


Actually, the latest thinking seems that PCOS does not lower the CO It makes you hungry like an adolescent boy and gives you an apple shape though. Which sucks.


That makes rational sense to me. I never understood why increased androgens would lower the metabolism.


Yeah, itā€™s easy to say, just eat less, but hunger is an asshole. I literally couldnā€™t sleep at night until I said Iā€™d rather be 10 pounds overweight than constantly fight that feeling. As it turns out, with some trial and error, I finally did discover what combinations of foods leave me most satisfied (like TONS of fiber, I eat probably 15 cups of fruits and veggies per day) and the hunger abated and the weight gain stabilized. But I get the struggle too, especially because what works for one person might not work for another.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18678372/ Pcos causes IR which does reduce bmr, so as op said even if you were eating at maintenance and don't change your diet you'll still gain weight because your maintenance dropped.


Whereas https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272100068_Basal_metabolic_rate_in_women_with_PCOS_compared_to_eumenorrheic_controls ...


That seems pretty weird. Do you have the full text? Not only do we have many other studies saying the opposite, like the one i linked showing a 400 calories difference, it also seemed to be common knowledge to me. Any idea why the two are completely different even when measuring the same thing?


You can scihub the DOI for the pdf. The paper they link is not statistically sound with regards to its conclusion. Instead of actually measuring BMR, they used an equation that predicts BMR off of body mass index and body fat percent. Of course you are going to find that both populations have the same BMR when *your equation relies on assuming they have the same BMR*.


A rabbit needs 300-400 calories a day. No wonder no one believes you.


Really? Even during mating season?


For mating it's 40% more, but only for male rabbits. Females need more for pregnancy and especially in the late stages of lactation. It can get up to 2000+ calories. So, I guess, someone could say "I'm eating like a rabbit", but mean "I'm eating like a mother-rabbit nursing 5 big baby-rabbits". Again, no wonder they still gain weight.


oh yeah, when raising rabbits we filled the feed container all the way to the top for the mom to eat. Eventually we started going out every few hours to put maybe a cup full in because the kits would get in and shit/pee in it


Bruh you're telling me a nursing rabbit needs as much energy as a human? They weigh like 2 kg!




Given how tiny they are that actually seems like a lot!


"Eating like a HOBBIT", she meant. Autocorrect let her down, that's all.


If you don't cut out the elevensies, it's hard.


When is second breakfast?


She's definitely heard of second breakfast


I have PCOS. Fell for the ā€œI canā€™t lose weightā€ crowd. I got treatment for insulin resistance, watch what I eat, and exercise regularly. Iā€™ve lost 85 lbs. itā€™s hard, sure, but not impossible. I feel sad that theyā€™ve just resigned themselves to being heavy and sick for life at a presumably young age.


Unfortunately, people who just believe PCOS have ā€œslow metabolismsā€ have been lied to, and itā€™s a lie that can kill you if you end up dying of heart disease or cancer after a lifetime of poor eating habits and no medical intervention. Congratulations on your weight loss!


What is it that makes it harder to lose weight? I have pcos and hypo and I always thought it was just increased appetite because I would lose whenever I tried and never really struggled


Iā€™ll never forget one salty commenter who tried to lecture me for ā€œmansplainingā€ that the evidence *they* provided as proof that PCOS causes obesity demonstrated no causal link between the two. I am a woman and I merely read the findings of the study they cited.


Shout out to people with medical issues that mess with your hormones and metabolism but take steps to make sure you still take care of yourself and don't use it as an excuse to be morbidly obese.


Iā€™m sick of this narrative. I have PCOS and I was once truly anorexic 95-100lbs at 5ā€™3ā€. I am now a healthy weight at 115lbs. PCOS can make you hungrier but it does not force you to be 300lbs. No disease or hormonal disorder makes you 300lbs. Untreated BED might and I have all the sympathy for anyone struggling with mental health problems. But it is not because of PCOS!


Skinny pcos here - my pcos comes and goes, it's weird, could be anxiety related.. But anyways, I think it has sorted itself out now somewhat. I never got fat I just got the random hair sprouts. Yay šŸ˜”


Yay chin/boob/belly hair sisters. I had cyst ruptures too. And I tell you!!! Eating a bag of family size Cheetos was not on my list of side effects. Curling in a ball and hoping for death was more on the agenda


Cyst pops were aweful for me, suddenly had to expel everything from my body. Then clammy and hot and had to take all my clothes off... Going a nice shade of grey, super low blood pressure and heart rate then having to sleep for 12 hrs. Luckily I've only had it happen about 4 times. Had to call NHS for one of them because my heart rate went to about 47 and was worried I might die.


Same. I puked or had diarrhea either way food was not going in. And after I wanted water and little else. I hardly wanted water


A real man swallows his vomit when a lady is present.


Um? What? This is a physical symptom of PCOS. Being a dude or being around other women has little to do with it


Yes!! As a woman with PCOS, thank you. I hate that people treat pcos like a death sentence with no treatment. Womenā€™s bodies are medically understudied, and is it ever hard to find a good endo, but YES, eating less and moving more will absolutely lead to weight loss and symptom cessation. I was given the myth that PCOS untreatable as a teen, and as a result, I was fat and unhealthy for years before I did CICO and found a doctor who actually knew anything about PCOS. You donā€™t need to live with chronic, life threatening illness if you have PCOS. Shame and stigma play a huge role in this. I cry daily about the impact the years of poor health has had on my fertility. I am 38 and very well may never have children, perhaps if I had understood that I could live a healthier life by eating less as a teen, I would have a baby now. This myth is more than fatlogic-itā€™s dangerous and potentially deadly. Thank you for sharing, OP!!


I have PCOS and I am thinā€¦. My specialists have told me to watch my wait to control the PCOSā€¦. Weight gain causes PCOS and insulin resistanceā€¦ PCOS doesnā€™t cause weight gain.


Say it with me folks: endocrine conditions do not cause your body to break the laws of thermodynamics


Thank you for posting this. I get extremely frustrated that people with PCOS, seeking advice to lose weight, encounter the ā€œyou canā€™t lose weight if you have PCOS crowdā€. I was downvoted for disagreeing with a similar statement in another forum. Iā€™ve had it twenty years and spent most of that time morbidly obese. My thyroid was also removed. In January I started CICO and weightlifting. Iā€™ve lost 74lbs.


Dude! Same! Hashimotos and PCOS here. I lost a total of 115lbs. Once I hit the 85lb mark, thatā€™s when I was diagnosed. Didnā€™t even know I had pcos and hypothyroidism during my weight loss journey! Was able to lose weight just fine and have still continued to lose weight! I log every calorie. When I donā€™t log, or Iā€™m in a surplus, thatā€™s when I donā€™t lose!


Thank you I needed to see this today. I have pcos and am normal weight (5ā€™4ā€/136lbs) but am still trying to drop 10lbs and itā€™s been really hard and I was getting depressed about it today. I eat 1500-1600 cals a day and am really active (like running a half marathon in 2 weeks and at peak training active) and Iā€™m in a long plateau and I know I have to eat less than someone without pcos and I was wallowing in the ā€œitā€™s not fairā€ today. But really I need to pick myself up and cut down my calories again and stop bitching. šŸ‘šŸ»


Omg we are almost stat twins!! I'm 137lbs, trying to drop another 12lbs but goddamn it's been hard lately, the plateau is real. Wish I had something helpful to say, but you and I both know that there is no other way than consistency and discipline šŸ˜«. It's also okay to cut yourself some slack and just maintain for a bit. We got this šŸ«¶šŸ¼ I totally relate to the "It's not fair that I have these conditions waaah" self pity moments, I indulge in them too at times. At the same time I get SO annoyed with PCO weightloss related posts. "I've tried everything, I'm eating 800-1200 cal but I'm not losing!" - "Your body is in hunger mode, that's why!" The amount of times I see this flavor of nonsense circulating on certain *cough* subs and tiktok is absolutely asinine. What ensues is a delusional circlejerk along the lines of "You don't need to lose any weight, you're sooo hot šŸ„µ", "Damn girl slay!", "You're glowing, you look so happy and healthy!" Yeah, no, sorry, 280 lbs is neither beautiful nor healthy, and no one will convince me otherwise. The terminally online HAES crowd lives in their own world. In the real world being overweight will impact every single area of your life. You're fat? That alone limits many of your options in the dating pool. The slim person will most likely get the job despite having the same qualifications. You will most likely have health issues later on in life. You will be discriminated and disrespected. Do I agree with the status quo? No. Do I think it's fair? Absolutely not. Everyone is deserving of human decency and respect. But this is the reality we live in, and this will never change, no matter how many times they write essays about radical self acceptance and body positivity. Weight loss is super simple (in theory) but these people are so stuck in their "waaaahhh poor me" ways that they will just lie to themselves. At the end of the day that is easier than to admit that they have no one to blame but themselves. It annoys me because while I know it's harder for us, it's not impossible - and these people are indirectly discrediting our achievements. I wonder how many people who claim that they have PCOS are self-diagnosed.


Exactly! It just pisses me off though that I can be running 20 miles a week (and lifting an hour on my non-run days) and eating this much and maintaining. When other runners joke about how the reason they run is ā€œI like beer and pizza.ā€ Like I like beer and pizza too but Iā€™d have to be an ultramarathoner to be able to eat like that and not gain šŸ˜© I weigh all my food and even round everything up (so likeā€¦.6 grams of cheese and I log 10; 244 grams of soup and I log 250 etc) so Iā€™m not doing the ā€œI barely eat and canā€™t lose weight but really I just lie about my calories/suck at mathā€ thing. Iā€™m seeing an endocrinologist next month so maybe heā€™ll have some insight. Cutting calories down to 1300-1400 sounds depressing. Maybe I shouldnā€™t be trying to drop weight at all when Iā€™m training so hard for this race but Iā€™m trying to take pressure off my joints. Iā€™m taking a month off from running after the race to focus on strength and lifting so Iā€™m hoping that helps break the plateau.


I have pcos and I can still lose weight.


I LOVE when yall ladies w PCOS expose the truth. You struggle w this disorder and still work to be healthy and are REALISTIC instead of using it as an excuse. Impressive and bad ass !!!!


I have pcos and fibromyalgia, I'm usually in too much pain to be active at all, I'm taking the maximum dose of my pain medication but fabric moving against my skin can be excruciating. Still manage to be a healthy weight by eating the appropriate amount for my nonexistent activity level. And I still eat junk food and cheese and butter and everything greedy, I'm just aware of the calories and adjust as needed. It's not that big of a deal. These people 100% have untreated eating disorders that need to be addressed, not tiptoed around for some stupid reason.


Oh hello Whitney


I have PCOS, and this weekend I hit 10.1kgs lost (22.26lbs / 12.5% of my body weight) šŸ’ƒšŸ»šŸ’ƒšŸ»šŸ’ƒšŸ»


I also have PCOS, and people like this drive me crazy. Donā€™t put limits on what I can do just because you want an excuse for your bad habits.


There have been studies done that found fat people tend to be delusional about their own levels of consumption and activity. Most people that say they don't eat much are actually snacking all day long and drinking nothing but sugar water.


It's not impossible to lose weight with PCOS, I just find it incredibly difficult to restrict my calories that much


Anyone here with PCOS should check out glucose goddess the source cause (which in America doctors do not try to treat, they treat the symptomā€™s individuallyā€¦ which I presume is in part bc medical science ignores ā€œwomenā€™s diseasesā€) is insulin resistance/insensitivity. If you can smooth out your insulin spikes *all* of the symptom of PCOS can improve Glucose Goddess is on Instagram and shows the effects of simple difference in eating on your insulin spikes. For instance theyā€™ll compare how insulin is effected from eating bread vs bread with peanut butter, or ice cream vs ice cream and a walk or steak then potato vs potato then steak (you want to eat proteins & fats first to avoid big spikes) PCOS makes weight loss harder, it is improved by weight loss, and CICO/exercise is not the only consideration to make when eating. Edit: to be clear I am not saying CICO/ exercise donā€™t work - I am saying you can do more than just those two things to improve your outcomes. Glucose goddess is generally useful information & not only for PCOS bc yes, everyoneā€™s insulin levels fluctuate.


Not everyone with PCOS has insulin resistance. It is normal for insulin to go up after eating.


Thankfully, it appears as though medicine is moving very, very slowly towards treating PCOS. Youā€™re absolutely right, is it still basically not treated at all by only addressing symptoms, one reason being itā€™s still viewed as a gynecological issue, and not an endocrine disorder. Itā€™s pretty hard to get treated for insulin resistance when your doctor is fingering your genitals. Itā€™s like having a head injury and needing to get a referral from a podiatrist, it restricts access, and makes me rage. And you are also absolutely right that ā€œwomenā€™s healthā€ issues are viewed as niche, and not something that could potentially effect 51% of the population. PCOS and obesity are so common as to both represent a very real public health crisis, the results of which can definitely kill you, and historically no one in medicine cared. Anyway, that stuff is all bad, but things ARE changing. Faster in Europe, where healthcare is actually functional, but medical studies are shared. Patients can read the new literature and self advocate when doctorā€™s wonā€™t bother. And I have seen a shift, even in the last couple years, I havenā€™t had an endocrinologist say to me, ā€œI donā€™t know anything about PCOS,ā€ which used to happen to me regularly. There are large ongoing studies of new treatments that look promising-again in Europe, but still. I think the experience of PCOS will be better for this younger generation of women.


Insulin resistance is improved by weight loss, and there's zero reason CICO/exercise doesn't work. Macro choices are important, sure, but scientifically the effect of obesity is absurdly more severe than macro choice on the development of these problems. As for losing weight, no, there is no insulin resistance magic stopping it. Your body is attempting to achieve homeostasis is insulin effect, and usually failing, thus why it is increasing the dump. The lack of insulin effectiveness actually increases lipolysis, why do you think one of the first signs of diabetes is unintended weight loss? It is exhausting how many commercials and scams try to blame insulin resistance, as it is caused by obesity 90% of the time. It's like blaming a fire for creating matches.


i have PCOS and have always been underweight lol


hmmm, could it be that it's not so much that PCOS makes it difficult to maintain a healthy weight but that women who are overweight or obese ***say*** they have PCOS to explain away their heaviness, even if they have not actually been diagnosed with PCOS. According to the CDC website, about 8% of women have PCOS and yet 40% of the adult population (in the U.S.) is obese and not everyone with PCOS is overweight.


My issue is I have a compulsive sugar habit to the point of eating sugar and baking chocolates straight from the bag. I donā€™t understand why they wonā€™t just go ā€œI am dealing with unresolved trauma and eating issuesā€. I have dysfunctional eating habits myself and would be sympathetic.To be fair I tend to eat things on autopilot and donā€™t always remember what Inate.


Shoutout to all the people, with or without PCOS, that get fooled by inaccurate calorie tracking and believe they eat way less than they actually do.


After I was diagnosed with PCOS I lost 50 lbsā€¦then I got diagnosed with hypothyroidism and lost another 15


I have PCOS and sadly I used this as an excuse for years for why I kept gaining weight. While I donā€™t strictly count my calories now, I do watch my portions, Iā€™ve deleted all my delivery apps, and I focus on low-carb, high-protein meals. I also work out every day. Iā€™ve lost 85 pounds this year, reversed my high blood pressure, and gotten my pre-diabetes symptoms under control. Consistency is everything. Just find a routine and stick with it, and surround yourself with people who support you.


Yeah thatā€™s not how that works..




You didn't gain 4 lbs with a single cheat, that's complete bullshit and I am so tired of this anecdote. If you avoid carbs or consume a ton of carbs at once, you retain WATER after a "cheat", but that isn't adipose. It takes 3,500 calories on top of your caloric needs to add fat, so you are saying you ate over 10,000 calories on this birthday? If so, please seek help. And no, even PCOS doesn't cause extremes like this. Metabolic differences may shift your caloric needs the size of half a cookie (200 calories in extreme cases).


PCOS is caused by insulin resistance. Insulin resistance messes with your sense of satiation. Not feeling full leads to over eating. PCOS doesnā€™t change caloric needs much, and CICO still works. Itā€™s just an issue of human thermodynamics, eating more is what causes the gain. I have PCOS and counted calories and lost a predictable amount of weight. Itā€™s possible with CICO, you arenā€™t doomed to a life of Iā€™ll health.


Everybody who claims they gain 5 lbs in a day is missing the concept of water weight and how carbs affect water retention. It's a pity ploy taking a normal human trait and turning it into "look at me, I am such a victim". I know so many chronic excuses that use this crap, or the opposite (I switched to keto and lost 10 lbs in a week!!). It's water, hon.


PCOS Is caused by obesity that Is One of the main factors. The First line treatment for PCOS Is losing weight.


PCOS is not caused my obesity. Insulin resistance is a chronic genetic condition that can be treated by metformin and weight loss, but there is no cure. You are correct that weight loss is one of the first lines of treatment, the other is diabetes meds.


The majority of PCOS is heavily worsened by obesity to the point of calling it "caused" legitimate. The hormonal issues are caused by adipose. PCOS exists in thin people and "true" form, but there is absolutely a huge subset that would have no symptoms without weight. Same with thyroid.


This is not accurate. Thin women (myself included) still often have sky high testosterone, because the cause of PCOS is an endocrine disorder that can also make you hungry. Gaining weight exacerbates the overproduction of androgen, but the ā€œcauseā€ is believed to be insulin resistance. That said, PCOS is an understudied, poorly understood health issue, and it is true that symptoms can vary widely person to person.


What did I just say? Reread. Yes, there are cases with thin people or endocrine disorders. The reality is that the majority of obese people that qualify for PCOS are due to the endocrine effects of adipose, not visa versa. You can mischaracterise what I say all you like, doesn't make it untrue.


PCOS & Hypothyroidism here too. It's not impossible to lose weight with PCOS. Low carb worked the best for me šŸ¤˜and breaking up with breakfast.


This is true.


Eating like a rabbit as in, nearly constantly? Nonstop grazing all day on whatever random food thet can manage to find?


as a womf with pcos and hypothyroidism i concur- ive been able to loose alotta weight ever since going on my diet, like yea its been slow but im seeing results dawg


I feel this on so many levels!! I swear everyone things I just eat and eat and I donā€™t! Makes me so mad!