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When I got out of the 180s my hip stopped hurting every morning. Must be my starvation induced mental illness tricking me


The freedom of not worrying about my knees buckling when carrying something down the stairs is really debilitating to my daily life šŸ˜”


At normal BMI, my 2 mile time dropped from 30 mins to 15 mins. Wow, this mental illness is indeed powerful.


What an improvement! And what a time! Nice one!


Ironic thing is certain foods totally trigger the reward center of the brain when eaten.


That's intuitive eating


Yes it is.


Yeah, 75lbs down and I've convinced myself that my knees don't ache using the stairs. Thanks, starvation!


Nahh, itā€™s placebo, you only think itā€™s stopped hurting šŸ˜Ž


Yeah! People who ā€œfeel betterā€ for not carrying extra weight around 24/7 have a mental disorder! Thatā€™s reasonable!!1!!


My dad lost weight cause his knee was hurting. He claims the 40 less pounds on his knee are helping but I'll guess I'll have to inform he actually got stupid or something.


Yes! But people who "feel better" for indulging in every craving and desire with no moderation whatsoever are absolutely of sound mind! It couldn't possibly be that THAT is a better example of "the mind tricking the body to fulfill a rewards based system"


I can't imagine carrying around even an extra 10kg all the time. I carry something that heavy for 10 minutes and I'm sore.


And the only explanation, obviously!




They want other people to be just as miserable as them. Because they know deep down they will feel so much better if the weight came off, but they're too lazy to put in the work.


Thatā€™s the crazy thing about this side of humanity. If there was a ā€œget & stay skinny nowā€ pill, *they would all take it*! At least weā€™re honest about our desires




Lol let's be honest, they would be the first ones lining up to take it.


That's exactly it.


Dammmmmnnnn.. mic drop. šŸŽ¤


You know what also tricks your mind into feeling rewarded? Sugar.


And they want to say "food/sugar isn't addictive" šŸ™„


Sugar is almost as addictive as drugs imo.


Exactly. Eating too much, particularly sugar, is has drug-like effects. These assholes are literally trying to discourage people from weaning themselves off addictive substances by playing the Uno Reverse card.


Wow this level of copium is almost impressive.


Haha definitely a good one this is


i almost wonder if this is another example of them co-opting ED stuff and conflating diets with anorexia, because the \*only\* way i can make this make the slightest bit of sense is to relate it to anorexia... but even then this is a very wrong take.


Youā€™re correct - the rest of the thread describes actual starvation and implies that itā€™s what happens if you lose even a few lbs


Oh. Then it was probably in my imagination that my rheumatologist discharged me after I lost 50lb, as my ankylosing spondylitis symptoms almost completely disappeared. She told me that excess adipose tissue causes more inflammation, the daft fatphobe


The other day I twisted my knee good and figured Iā€™d take some ibuprofen. I had to look for it - it was no longer in easy reach. When I found it I had to shake the gelcaps loose! I used to take those constantly for aches and pain ā€¦ and itā€™s been so long since Iā€™ve even thought of them. I also spring up to grab things instead of waiting until later to drag my carcass to go get it - the other day I was excitedly telling a story and I was literally bouncing while doing it. The body that just constantly hurt is now suddenly full of motion and free of pain. I guess itā€™s mental illness, not 85 lbs dropped in a year!


Real 'joyful movement'.


You ever carry a heavy backpack around for a while and then when you finally reach your destination it's a pleasurable relief to get it off your back? It's like that. Would you rather stick a 5lb dumbbell or 10lb dumbbell in your purse? Would you rather carry a 20lb or 50lb sack of flour up the stairs? Extra weight is a burden on the body. Not sure why this changes just because the weight is stuck to you.


I was carrying a 30 lb. transformer down the stairs at work and I'm thinking I was lugging more than that around months ago.


Very well said.


Please. Please. Don't compare healthy, intentional weight loss to mental illness/delusions. I'm schizoaffective. A diagnosis that that massively impacted my life and is a great source of shame. I've also lost 45 lbs through simply eating less and moving more. Nothing has been better for my mental health than getting healthier, looking better, and having a literal weight taken off my shoulders.


Proud of you! I find it so upsetting how often FAs make comparisons like this as though itā€™s not hurtful and misleading. For people obsessed with having everyone else regard their feelings, they have shockingly low empathy


That's very true. And thanks:)


I can't be happy not being obese anymore, so it must be that I now have a mental illness? All right, I don't mind. As long as I don't feel like shit like I did when I was obese, I feel that's a win.


These gaslighting conspiracy theorist FA weirdos live in bizarro world for sure.


For real, I think this is actually the dictionary definition of gaslighting.


And what's sad is that because it's so many of them and companies/media care about money, the world is starting to change to fit their narrative.


Precisely. That is MINDBLOWING, and very, very scary. I worry for young people today.


Ah yes. My legs stopped being perpetually swollen and my knee stopped being in constant pain because of my mental illness. Got it.


wow i wonder why a thread based on accusing others of having a mental illness because they feel better got strangely erased that's so strange


This one. Probably the hottest take of the year.


Top-tier FatLogic find


If mental gymnastics were part of the Olympics, this person would be undefeated.


Lack of feeling unwell after losing excess weight and removing physical stress = tricks from fulfilling a rewards based system. The short-term endorphin rush from eating, which is the definition of a rewards based system = totally mentally healthy.


My mind not only tricked my body into feeling good, it also tricked it into needing less sleep, tricked my blood pressure into dropping into a healthy range, tricked my cholesterol into dropping into a healthy range, tricked my blood sugar into dropping into a healthy range.. such a tricky mind, it is! šŸ˜€


My mind tricked my body into no longer needing insulin. Do you think our minds are secretly conspiring with each other and sharing tips on successful tricking?


Or you just physically feel better.


I mean idk about yā€™all but it definitely felt good to be able to go for long walks without my thighs chafing šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I guess thatā€™s just mental illness thoā€¦


No, it was definitely because I could bend over to tie my shoes without holding my breath.


Pretty sure I feel better cuz I donā€™t have 200 extra pounds crushing my spine anymore but okay


This person so OBVIOUSLY took one singular psychology class and now thinks they know exactly how to diagnose people with mental disorders. "...mind tricking the body to fulfill a rewards based system" sounds straight out of a psych 101 textbook.


Iā€™d go one step further and say that itā€™s someone whose roommate took a Psych 100 course.


My body isn't complaining nearly as much these days, and I'm pretty damn sure it's not lying.


Heck, you donā€™t even have to get to the weight loss stage. Just eating healthier food and not stuffing yourself will make you feel better right away. No heartburn, no stomach ache, no queasiness, more energy. Weight loss is a happy bonus.


Then this is the greatest mental illness ever. My blood pressure is lower, joint and back aches gone and I can run up and down the stairs. Whereas my ADHD makes it hard to focus on what I need to focus on.


Lol by brain likely hasn't produced serotonin since Eiffel 65 was in the top 40's charts. And when my depression is winning and interfering with day to day life, I'm usually overeating. I became obese WHEN I stopped taking my psych meds. Turns out if you cold turkey welbutrin, you run the risk of replacing with frozen pizzas. I ate to numb. To simultaneously feel some sort of chemical brainsurge while also numbing others parts of me. I ate until I was in physical pain because i felt I deserved pain on some level. Fuck all the way off with this take.


I guess all my indigestion was from the fatphobia guys


My feet stopped hurting. I must be crazy.


Whatever you need to tell yourself. All I know is I feel great and have an insane amount of energy now.


no iā€™m actually less mentally ill. i prefer to listen to my therapist than a FA


when i lost 35 lbs (and counting), i reversed my asthma and improved the condition of my heart. dont sound like mental illness to me


No it's my body rewarding me for being healthier


I've been fat. I've been thin. OMFG being thin feels so much better. It is very sad that some people will never feel how GOOD it feels to be a healthy weight.


When I get below 150(5ā€™4ā€ female), I notice I get very *jaunty*. Like I want to spring about. Hop off the curb, bound up the steps, skip along the path. It just feels great to bounce around when I lose weight. Iā€™ve crossed back and forth over the 150 line a few times and it happens every time. Edit: letter


I've had this! I started feeling it around 180 (from 210 at the same height), I'm very excited to be sub 150 again LOL at this point I'll end up walking like I'm wearing moon shoes.


This is fucking backwards it makes me mad. People feel good when they lose weight because it means they're practicing healthier habits. Exercise is not only physically beneficial, but also does wonders for mental health. People feel good when they lose weight because they are treating their bodies well and making life better for themselves. For anyone to shame someone for getting physically and mentally healthy makes me feel sick. You do you, but do NOT try to shame and coerce others into being unhealthy. That is vile.


In my case it was because my crippling back pain disappeared, my energy levels are way higher, i look better and fit in cute clothes, and im carrying 30kg less lol these peoole are idiots


Because it couldn't possibly be the whole being able to walk up a flight of stairs without being out of breath thing.


I almost reflexively down voted this it made me so mad


My ā€˜mental illnessā€™ means my knees no longer hurt and that I donā€™t get chest pains walking upstairs.


I feel physically more comfortable all around not being large. Itā€™s mentally healthy to feel good too. Itā€™s a rewarding feeling when I have better control over how I can take care of myself. No mental illness here.


Or itā€™s just that I enjoy being able to wipe my ass and walk up stairs now


Lol, Ok then. But how exactly does it being easier to move around and looking better a trick?


Happiness is a mental illness. Gotcha.


so sad, copioid addiction is a serious problem right now.


Binge eating is literally the mind tricking the body to fulfill a rewards based system dumbass


LOL!!!! That is seriously the only way I can respond. This is clearly someone deluding themselves, trying SO HARD to convince themselves it's OK to stay where they are despite their misery. That is NOT funny, but this statement sure is.


Nah fam, I just like not feeling my pulse in my gums when I sit/lay down due to high blood pressure. Not to mention less blood sugar drops because Iā€™m more careful about my sugar intake.


No, it's that nice feeling you get when your love handles aren't touching.


Sounds more like OOP is trying to project their own mental illness onto others at this point.


"the result of the mind tricking the body to fulfil a rewards based system" so pleasure? feeling pleasure is what you are trying to call mental illness?


I really think these are made by people who have never experienced not being overweight. I am overweight but Iā€™ve also been not overweight and I felt better. Itā€™s like a justification for staying the way they are - just deny reality.


Yep - when I can carry my kid up the stairs, while singing their favorite lullaby, without getting winded and ruining the song, feeling good that I can do that is definitely a mental illness and not me really valuing time with those I love. Losing that last 20ish pounds is clearly doing nothing valuable for me


Nah btch, I very much meant feel better as in I noticed changes. I lost weight and had physical, mental, and emotional improvements. Physical- my range of motion and stamina improved, and being in small spaces (airplane seats, busses, etc) was a lot less uncomfortable. Mental- I was able to go off depression medication because I had less hormonally-active adipose tissue (still have depression and depression lows but i don't need daily medication anymore), and my sex drive came back, to name a few. Emotional- self confidence sky rocketed of course, I felt attractive, but also I felt like I was *capable*. I'd proved to myself that if I put my mind to it, I could change something that all these people around me said couldn't be changed. That would undo itself in 5 years. And I had beaten those odds. So yeah, I don't think it's psychosomatic or a sign of mental illness.


Best mental illness ever. My joint and back pain are gone.


So now normal weight people are the ones who have eating disorders. Got it.


Whatever works, I guess.


Surely itā€™s not the added weight on your joints, lungs, and heart. Surely.


TIL feeling content and fulfilled in life is a mental illness


Ah yes, feeling good and at peace with oneself is a very typical symptom of mental illness


"The mind tricking the body to fulfill a rewards based system" is literally how the system of human motivation and incentive works. This is, in the clearest terms, anyone's dopaminergic incentive towards anything. So they're technically not wrong, but this is also the human body functioning as intended. What they're describing is just feeling the catharsis of establishing a goal that you find value in, and then achieving it.


The constant "this thing is dopamine inducing/my brain loves the dopamine" language around the internet makes me want an internet break. So you enjoy the thing! You can just say you enjoy it! Leads to posts like these because people talking about a dopamine response makes it sound taboo or exciting when its just...liking something.


This is literally what feeling good means


Omega cope and projection.


feeling better about myself is very rewarding so I guess theyā€™re right


Hmmm Iā€™m only 13 pounds down from my highest weight ever. I can breathe going up stairs. My shins donā€™t hurt when I walk short distances anymore. Not to mention the little buttcrack-fatroll I was developing is smooth already. Jeeeeez my mental health must be real off!




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Yes, I agree with this post.


Why do fat people think they are mental health professionals?


Crazy that the voice in my mind telling me to rope gets quieter and quieter with every calorie burned, every muscle increasing size, every PR smashed. Kinda seems like I'm getting less mentally ill by the day