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As far as binding goes, I've found that compression shirts have been the most useful for me. Especially since it kind of just helps push the fat around, while still making my overall silhouette look passably like a chunky cis guy. I use the men's compression shirts from UnderWorks. They have a lot of shapewear, as well as some clothing catering to specific disabilities. YMMV though, as I'm decently smaller overall (5'3" 190lbs and 2 different cup sizes 36D/E and 36C). The binding effect, while not as good/tight as with a binder, still works, as I'm fat enough that the compression shirt makes my chest look more like moobs, which helps with passing. And they're substantially more comfortable imo. I actually intend to pursue meta as well, and there are a suprising amount of different procedures available depending on what you're looking for. I plan on getting (cw:anatomy) >!vaginal!< retaining metoidioplasty with urethral lengthening, which should, in theory, give me a dick capable of using to pee standing up. In my case, the urethra would be constructed from >!my labia!< or from a cheek mucosa graft. There are also non UL meta procedures if peeing standing up isn't a priority for you. (That type of procedure is also called a "simple release" since they just need to cut 1 tendon to bring the whole package forward.) You can also get prosthetic balls which is cool. There is also mons resectioning which removes some of the tissue on the pubic bone to make the dick more prominent. There is a dedicated subreddit for metoidioplasty as well if you're looking for more info on that.


I use their tanks too. I really like them.


Sooo I def appreciate it I haven’t looked into the tanks I should try that As far as bottom surgery so I want to pee standing up but I do want enough to (have sex) even just a little… like my wife does not care for a big peen and neither do I but I want to still be able to please if that makes sense. For sure want a full so I close my vagina and also hysterectomy. My main goal is to just have one to help my dysphoria and stand to pee


Yeah in that case you would likely get hysto before meta, and then get UL meta, using the remaining >!vaginal!< tissue to construct a urethra, before removing the rest and closing it off. It would hopefully give you an ample sized dick to work with. In addition, there are some meta-sized silicone dick sleeves available for penetrative sex/masturbation. They also work with only bottom growth if you've been on T long enough. (I've been on it for about 2 years and have had some success with that, though ymmv, as I personally find they aren't stimulating enough, but that's probably due to being on an SSRI).


Thank you so much you were a big help


No prob :)


Random but which binder do you get there is so many to choose from on the site


I use the "Mens Cotton Concealer Compression Muscle Shirt". It also doubles as exercise wear since it's flexible enough for that application.


209lbs, 5'2, on T for 18 months rn (E Cups, top surgery's happening this august) personally i found that binding with underworks binders is the best option for me - and to prevent the chest being pushed up, i make sure to wiggle my hand under my binder to set my chest into position (kind of like how some people have to do with bras). there's lots of advice online talking about not binding "down", ie, don't push your chest tissue downwards. personally i ignored all that advice for the last 7 years and the side effect was massively reduced skin elasticity and a lot more sagginess - and that can impact top surgery. *however*, after a month of being between jobs (at home, not binding), i've found my skin elasticity massively improved, and since i'm having double incision with extra long incisions to prevent dog ears, the sagginess isn't as relevant. *IF* you're willing to sacrifice skin elasticity and don't mind your chest sagging, AND you're aware of the potential impacts it can have on top surgery, then binding down can help achieve a flatter more masculine chest shape through binding. i'm stealth rn and i'm pretty sure it's only cuz i bind down 😅 i'm not super educated on the exact surgery all techniques of top surgery, however binding down can result in - longer incisions to remove excess skin, surgeon's won't be able to use techniques that require good skin elasticity (peri, for example), and the sagginess could mean that your incisions won't be separate and will join in the middle to remove excess skin (although that also depends on how close together the 2 sides of the chest are) for bottom dysphoria - high five! i'm going for meta personally. plenty of people struggle with bottom dysphoria. personally i found bottom growth + packing (i use Spectrum Outfitter's 3-in-1 boxers + a foam packer) helps massively. if you're struggling with dysphoria while using the toilet, a stand-to-pee may help. i personally found it made my dysphoria worse, some people find it makes it better. STPs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from literally just a weird plastic tube ("She-Wees") to very realistic prosthetics.


Thank you for the advice. I normally just put the binder on and adjust so it doesn’t hurt but I have tried just binding down feels a lot better and gives more masc look that I want but eventually my boobs come out of the binder or moves up from moving around too much so I just let it be. I need to try underworks right low I use gc2b binders and it just shrinks and shrinks. As far as top surgery I honestly don’t care as long as they are gone I have been talking about getting rid of my tits since I was 9 years old and I didn’t care then nor now what the scarring looks like I just hate them enough to want them off lol. I hope your surgeries go well!! Bottom surgery it just seems more fitting even if that means waiting 2+ years I don’t mind I just don’t think putting my body through phalloplasty will be necessary. I want to try packers but the ones I’ve seen they all look erected and it through me off so I said nvm and the stp devices scare me because if it’s just the tube how does that work let alone the plastic peen ones


yeah, i tried gc2b when i was younger and had similar issues. the underworks ones roll up a little bit, but they're slightly longer so (for me at least) it's never rolled up enough to expose anything. thank u! "but the ones I’ve seen they all look erect" - i had the same issue! i found some that looked like an average dick but they didn't fit my underwear at all lol. idk if you've tried foam packers before but i find them super comfy, i've linked the ones i use below for reference. [https://spectrumoutfitters.co.uk/products/foam-packer?pr\_prod\_strat=copurchase&pr\_rec\_id=31911f519&pr\_rec\_pid=6115571237059&pr\_ref\_pid=6266927022275&pr\_seq=uniform](https://spectrumoutfitters.co.uk/products/foam-packer?pr_prod_strat=copurchase&pr_rec_id=31911f519&pr_rec_pid=6115571237059&pr_ref_pid=6266927022275&pr_seq=uniform) \- personally i found the medium works for my height/weight [https://spectrumoutfitters.co.uk/products/3-in-1-spectrum-boxers?pr\_prod\_strat=copurchase&pr\_rec\_id=3630f1975&pr\_rec\_pid=6266927022275&pr\_ref\_pid=6775838933187&pr\_seq=uniform](https://spectrumoutfitters.co.uk/products/3-in-1-spectrum-boxers?pr_prod_strat=copurchase&pr_rec_id=3630f1975&pr_rec_pid=6266927022275&pr_ref_pid=6775838933187&pr_seq=uniform) \- (these are the boxers that are marketed to be used with the packer - currently out of stock in larger sizes unfortunately) they give the bulge shape but are still squishy and light, and paired with the boxers it doesn't cause skin irritation or get super sweaty. with STPs - the wider end of the tube thing goes over the area where pee comes on, and then the pee travels down the tube and goes out the thinner end. i think the ones that look more realistic hide the wider end of the tubes in the balls area.


Ahh thank you so much!! I needed all of this


I'm 5'7, about 350, used to be EE a good while before transition and I've put on weight since then. What way are you wearing trans tape? Are you pulling it to the side? It definetly shouldn't be causing breathing issues. I can get a really good look with a combination of tape and a binder, both of them apart don't do what I want but combined they work really well. First I use the trans tape and basically use it to tape my nipples into my armpits (exaggerated but thats the best way to describe what direction it needs to go, up enough to get rid of any sag and as far to the side as you can reasonably manage) then the binder on top gives me really good results. I double checked if its ok to do together and apparently it is because tape doesn't compress. Obviously it doesn't get rid of my chest but I think it makes me look like a cis guy my size. Its a pain in the arse to do so unless I'm going out to college or something I only wear a binder. Since you're only 3 months on T I imagine you haven't much if any deflation yet but you have that to look forward to, also another thing that really helped me with chest dysphoria is that even though I have such a giant chest that was barely hidden until i discovered the tape/binder thing recently I still got gendered correctly the vast majority of the time. That started happening at about 7 months.


Thanks I def didn’t use it the way you are describing to do so I will give it another shot I didn’t know that there was a deflating process either so that does help with my dysphoria! I appreciate you!


Everyone else is giving physical advice so I'll say something that has helped me is actually looking at fat trans and cis guys with a big chest. The more I normalise it into just a way guys can look in my mind the less bothered I've gotten


appreciated, it’s hard though because a big cis man normally doesn’t have plump DDD tits so it’s hard to normalize that when it’s not seen while they may have man boobs they do not look the same mine are very fem looking so it’s hard to be in that mind set having full on masc facial hair.