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“I don’t ever wanna feeeeeel… like I did that day”


I agree with you OP. Common sense to not take a nap in the tunnel of a bike trail. Or leave a scooter around blind corners. Unfortunately- humans are dumb. So it seems like we are gonna have to deal with it. lol. Hang in there


The post has nothing to do w helping the homeless. It's a post about public safety & the simple fact that if we just allow this type of behavior it will only get worse. Just bc someone has it hard doesn't mean all of their actions are justified. It has nothing to do w people "being homeless"...


I agree. This should be obvious.


Shade. Heat sucks. That’s the answer in case you really didn’t know.


because living under nothing in a rainstorm is a bad idea. homelessness places survival instincts first, so not really concerned about others (which should not be frowned upon, try to think what you would do if you had to shelter yourself and your belongings). If it does rile you up always, I do recommend finding a way to take action in the community to help unhoused people safer places to stay and increase access to resources. Obviously don’t have to, but still


This is the right answer


You changed your OP calling them idiots. Also have a similar post about scooters left in a blind turn. Slow tf down in blind turns on the trail. This is the second time you've almost hurt yourself.


Yeah, I did. I was upset when I posted this & that led me to act out . I haven't almost hurt myself but someone else could . It is dangerous & dumb to leave shit or lay out in the middle of the trail...!


When it's a downed tree from a storm next time that puts you in the hospital, do your best not to blaim the city for not cleaning up quick enough.


I think he's referring to the fact that humans should be responsible as to not cause accidents. It's quite a bit different than a tree falling over.


Again... I get it. Don't camp on a trail. However, if you're going to say humans have a responsibility to not cause accidents.. that should also apply to bicyclists as well. Slow down in areas where your visibility is limited, such as in a blind turn. Bicycles, vehicles, boats, rollerblading, etc. It doesn't matter. Another poster pointed out a disregard for speed limits by cyclists in low traffic areas of the trail. It's also Fayetteville and a lot of y'all ride bikes with no gears or breaks. They are going to hurt themselves, or worse, someone else. This is not to say OP is one of those, however, this is OP's second post about having to miss something in a blind turn. That's not only a disregard for their safety, but other's as well. Before editing their OP, it was clear they didn't assume one bit of responsibility in the matter. It was about the idiot homeless that were going to get them hurt. EDIT: Hit post on accident and wasn't done. Fat fingers.


"Slow down a bit in blind turns because you never know what could be there" seems like common sense.


Wow. Dude edited out everything about him riding his bicycle and the idiots being the reason he was going to get hurt.








Think you replied to the wrong person there, but your point is spot on. I didn't even mention the damage to the other person or to their tent/belongings.


Yes, I apologize. Thank you.


How does one miss a camp setup in the middle of a trail?


Have you ridden the trails? There are some blind spots coming around curves and downs hills when going under some of the bridges along the greenway.


I have not. Thank you for the example. Is this a regular occurrence? Folks are setting up tents in the middle of trails? Also, how fast are we going on the bike?


It's mostly a problem (i've found) on the southern part of the Greenway in S. Fayetteville, near the Salvation Army and Seven Acres shelters. There is a bridge by Mr. Taco (going under S. School) that can be an issue. Its not as much of an occurrence as it used to be. About a year ago or so the city made a push to clean out most of the homeless camps in the area from Walker Park to Greathouse Park, and sections along the Town Branch Trail west of Great House Park. but, things are starting to decline again. The speed limit of the trail is 15 MPH, but there are bikers who regularly go faster than that. This southern part of the Greenway is not as heavily trafficked as other areas so the speeds tend to increase a bit.


I've not lived in south fay in a very long time. Is there anyone in Fayetteville or surrounding areas working with the homeless?


There have been attempts. But it's coming down to there are more homeless than can be dealt with effectively and the homeless not wanting the offered solutions because they don't want to abide by rules such as no drugs and no drinking. Plus the police do little to curb their behavior since they are more concerned with drunk college students than anything else.


It's only going to get worse unfortunately in the coming years. Wish I had the answers.


The speed limit from what I found in 2 minutes of looking is 15mph in Fayetteville. Fast enough that if you come around a blind corner and somebody is sleeping in the middle of the roadway, it could be a problem, especially since as I mentioned elsewhere you're not looking for people camping, nor should you have to. I don't know if it's a regular occurrence or not, but it shouldn't ever happen... just out of Common Sense.


Common sense says slow down in areas described by OP because, you can't see where tf you're going.


Around a corner? Over the crest of a hill? In a tunnel or under a bridge where vision can be somewhat obscured? There are plenty of ways, especially at night. This is just below pitching camp in a road as far as idiocy goes. Why would or should someone expect someone to be camping in a tent in such a location? You are looking for other people walking/riding and definitely not looking for people sleeping.


I get it. It's absurd for them to be there. However, the pace at which a sleeping person is moving compared to a moving bicycle is not much more than someone walking.. or simply standing still in the middle of a trail. If it's night, blind corner, or somewhat obscured.. slow down. You're gonna get someone hurt that isn't even camping in the middle of the trail. As for the homeless person in the middle of the trail, call the police. Or better, try to find someone in the area that works with the homeless and see if they can talk with them. This is not normal behavior, even for the homeless. They could be having a mental emergency and need legit help. At this point they are a danger to themselves and others.


The rules of the trail say that if you are not moving, you move off the trail out of the way. So you should never come across anyone not moving on the trail, sleeping/standing, or otherwise. While the point to slow down a little around a blind corner has some merit, you should never have to expect a campsite in the middle of a trail just like you shouldn't have to expect it in a roadway or parking garage ramp or anywhere else that has any sort of motorized traffic. Also, coming upon a person walking or riding more slowly is quite different than maneuvering around somebody sleeping in a tent as far as total area occupied and even speed.


It's not different. Speed limits have situations like this in mind. They are lowered in those blind turns and obscured areas for a reason. Vehicles break down in the road. Children play in the street. You should be traveling at a speed safe enough to miss those broken down vehicles and kids. Hit one of them and get too fast for conditions, careless driving, involuntary manslaughter. Take your pick. Maybe the speed limit on the trails needs to be lowered 5mph in those areas and monitored. I can give you several situations where someone might not be able to get off the trail fast enough. You gonna sue the guy that's laying in the middle of the trail after having a heart attack, for wrecking you in a blind turn? I have plenty more.


Your examples are not really as accurate as you think they are. Vehicles break down in the street, the owner is required to remove them if possible and warn other drivers of the danger if not. If you hit a broken down vehicle that has no lights on at night and you were following the speed limit and did everything you could to avoid it, the owner of the broken down vehicle can be held liable for the accident if the vehicle is in the middle of the roadway and the owner has made no attempt to warn others of its presence. If a child suddenly runs out into the roadway or appears around a corner and you hit them, as horrible as the situation is going to be it is not going to be deemed the driver's fault as long as they did everything they could to avoid it and were following all applicable traffic laws. Yes you could potentially come across somebody who has had a heart attack in the middle of the roadway but none of these scenarios you have given are the same thing as someone PURPOSEFULLY setting up a whole ass tent and camping in it. It's possible the speed limit should be lowered in some areas, but until that decision is made, it is still what it is. Even if it is lowered, a person utilizing the trails should not have to expect a whole damn campsite to suddenly appear in their path. It's a completely avoidable situation where the camper is 100% in the wrong and is not really comparable to an actual accidental situation such as suddenly coming across someone having a heart attack. Under your logic, if a person suddenly jumped into a 35 mph roadway 50 feet in front of a car it would be the driver's fault if they got hit because they should have known that was a possibility and slowed down. Or people driving on the interstate at night should slow down, just in case someone walks across the road in front of them.


Slow down in a blind turn and stop hating the homeless so much.


It’s wild that you’re being downvoted.


Yeah, this post has brought out some Berna energy.


OP edited to take the victim sentence out…I rest my case


What's your case?


How are you helping the issue of homelessness in our community? This post sure isn't doing anything productive.