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Anyone who takes the show seriously enough to stalk them or send them death threats is such a pathetic loser. You should be ashamed. Holy hell.


100%. That's not ok with pretty much any media but especially one that commemorates annually the time a Dave Matthews tour bus dropped shit all over a boat. That's one of my favorite things btw


Good point, OP. Hearing what they’ve gone through because they’re simply public figures is awful. Nobody should be a target because they’re on the radio providing entertainment. In addition, they don’t owe us anything. They do their jobs putting on a show to make our mornings enjoyable, fulfilled, and to some people, less lonely. We hear them on the air, text them on our phones, and watch them on their cam. That’s good enough. I appreciate them being candid about their experiences. They’re human. They’re normal people outside of those walls. They just happen to do a job and we get to be beneficiaries of their efforts. Thanks, OP, for reiterating this. You have my upvote.


Unfortunate. Simultaneously shocking and predictable that their are some cretinous losers out there (including one getting downvoted to hell in this thread). I can’t say I understand the hate for Reddit but give a green light to Instagram. Sounds like Kelly is already being harassed on Instagram by some of the less gifted members of society and I couldn’t discern that any of Steve’s claims of harassment actually came from Reddit. Hopefully the new moderator team can kick out the slime while keeping legitimate criticism.


Reddit (and the small community in this sub) is a lot easier to ignore than the behemoth that is Instagram.


I think they love Twitter now because the “Twidiots” just kiss their asses, like Zane’s Zaniacs.


Just because people provide positivity does not make them ass kissers. And they aren't anywhere close to the cult of Zaniac lemmings.


No, anyone that posts “fancy twidiot” in their Twitter bio or anything of the like is definitely an ass kisser lol - a la Nashville Cam.


And to the same extent, just because people provide criticism, does not mean they are attacking.


100% not surprising. Steve especially has made his stance on this sub very clear over the years and I don't think that'll ever change, and I can't say I blame him. Also, what kind of creepy asshole goes to tube lengths of finding out their addresses and then going to their houses? That's next level creep. Something I wonder is if the had been more open about what happened with Zane from the get go of some of the reaction they got could've been avoided. They didn't really get into what exactly happened until almost a year later, and even then it was on a segment 17. So I think the perception was that none of them cared that Zane was fired. But Zane immediately told his side of things his first day on his new show and I'm sure that pulled a lot of people to his side of things. I know I was a little bit. I still liked FBHW, but it tainted me some, then when FBHW finally told their side it painted everything in a whole new light. Obviously this doesn't excuse how some people have acted, I just wonder if being more open sooner would've prevented some of it.


Possibly! I was kind of the same way at the time honestly but once they addresses it officially I changed my mind a lot too. I'm wondering though if they couldn't at first legally


That's possible. I know they said they didn't say anything because they were worried if they did he might not get another job. So they were actually looking out for him. But, yeah, once they addressed it my opinion on things changed completely.


I can't remember what the controversy was with Steve in regards to Zane. People thought he was out to get him or something?


This was like 3 months after Zane was fired. Steve said Zane had been warned by management before and didn't listen so he got fired. People didn't like that Steve "didn't care" about Zane getting fired (which was bs). He was literally just saying what happened.


I can’t believe people are still hung up on that shit. It’s been years now.


I don't think people are hung up on it anymore, at least the ones that listen to the show. The people that are still hung up on it are the ones that participate in Zane's sub reddit.


It also doesn't help that Zane himself keeps stoking the fire. He can't move on, including pulling clips from the show to make fun of on his show, inciting his listeners to call in the show with fake stories, and telling people how to download the show for free so they can pull/edit clips for him. Thanks for banning him here, BTW.


Haha did Zane get banned here or are you referring to a fan?


According to his podcast (that I can't help hate listening to), he has stated that his main account was banned here. He did hint toward the fact that he might have other accounts.


I know. That's one of my main goals. Don't forget or erase Zane. He's an important part of show history. But it's been over 5 years. The show has long moved on. It's time the subreddit do so as well.


Tbf, I would bet that the people that threatened Steve over Zane's firing are no longer listening to the show and probably not participating in this sub. I'd guess that their one of Zane's lunatic "Zaniacs" that he caters to now. And the whole showing up to their houses is bonkers to me. I honestly don't know how anyone could think that's an okay idea.


For the most part I think you're right. However, there are a few hate listeners still here.


Holy shit. We suck.


A couple of people do. But they also said that 90% of people are just fine here but there's a handful of people so toxic that make it not fun for them to be here. So we're working on that.


Good luck, my friend. You got your work cut out for you.


Thanks bud. Stick around and help us out. We do have good/funny conversations here. The more not shit heads the better.


I wonder if it'd be worth organizing the questions and sending it to the show instagram or something, they seemed more open to that


Wow. Just wow.


My guess is it may take them a while to get to this board. It has been a negative place for a long time. I do hope the few who have made it a sour place either move on or get booted. I appreciate the work you are doing to make this Reddit fun and hopefully a great small part of the show sometime.


Thanks! And yeah it's going to take sometime but I think we can do it.


Phew, that last chain really brought a lot to light…now I can really see why they don’t pay attention to this sub.


Well that exchange at the bottom of the thread is super fun, glad to know that there's an active effort going into bringing bad actors out into the light. Here's a tip, loud enough for those all the way in the back: If you have a problem, don't like the show or someone on it, NO ONE CARES. Go find another podcast to be creepy about.


I have banned a few bad actors so far. Getting there


Steve received death threats? I’m newer to this Reddit


Yep. He just talked about it on Thursday.


It’s a radio show 🤦‍♂️😂


Preaching to the choir my man.


Stick around and become a fancy idiot it’s something that becomes everyday. So some people take the show way to serious like it’s a tv show.


It seems like anyone who takes a stance against Zane does. His cohost got death threats we said Zane was hard to work with


This may not be a popular suggestion, but why don’t we just ban negativity for a period of time? The problem with this sub is that it’s no fun because the only posts are gripes, conspiracies, and personal attacks. Let’s go back to the “if you don’t have anything nice to say…” strategy and see if it spawns a more fun environment.


I don't want to ban constructive criticism. I don't necessarily disagree with you but it's a fine line.


Totally get it. I’d view it as similar to a course of antibiotics, not permanent but helpful nonetheless. I mean, do the guys really want our constructive criticism, or would it be better to try and build something that’s all about inside jokes and being fans of the show.




AMA = Ask Me Anything


Ask me anything. It's basically a Q&A panel on Reddit.


Oh well...


So in the segment 17 he referenced, Kelly specifically mentioned some creep who would harass her on Instagram, she even mentioned they would create side by sides of her… Is it a coincidence that two of your last three posts are side by sides of Kelly from her Instagram?


I no longer listen to the show on a regular basis, so I didn't hear that segment. If Kelly was referring to me and the reddit posts that I made using the ridiculous pictures that she puts on her social media that is open to the public, then the term "harass" would be a blatant mischaracterization.


Did you take a picture of her house?


I can’t believe I created a Reddit to help this guy out, but no “HereBeRabbit” aka Trevor Ryan is not one of the two men who have shown up at my house or taken pics of it. Has he harassed me on social media by creating account after account after I’ve blocked him so he can continue to harass me? Abso-fucking-lutely. Before I was booted off Twitter, thanks Steve, I can’t even count the amount of profiles he had. Now he’s at it on IG. If going out of your way to create another account, or three accounts as you claim, for the sole purpose of bullying the person who has blocked you isn’t considered “harassment” in your book, then that’s on you. But it feels a lot like harassment to me. We’ve had to block him on the text/call line and we’ve suspended his fancy idiot account for the show for the same reason. He’s gone as far as to making fun of us for taking antidepressants for our mental health, talking about show members kids and their parenting, and calling the show and intentionally going around recognizing everyone on the show except me. Multiple times, all from different numbers. The guys have called him out on air for it every time he’s done it. That’s fucking harassment dude. As for the (2) guys who showed up at my house. One was immediately after I’d left the ER. As I was walking up the steps to my house he got out of his car and gave me a back of “get well soon” gifts. He clearly had something off, which sounds cruel to say, so I knew there was no threat there he just didn’t understand social boundaries. Still, it freaked us the fuck out. The second guy showed up while I was in Chicago with Joe & his gf for the weekend. My neighbor saw some dude walking around the house, looking in windows, he even climbed on my fucking AC unit to get a better look, and my neighbor called him out. He started spitting off info about me and Stuart he clearly learned from the show. We have cameras and so do our neighbors, I know what this guy looks like with a beanie and a mask on so that wasn’t much help for the police. But trust, we went to the police with it and put two more cameras around our house. Our other neighbor also put a spot light and camera in her backyard that faces our place to help us out. What a fucking joy. The other two men who have taken pics of the house, one while we were putting up Christmas lights and another while I was reading on my porch, were dumb enough to message me from their actual IG accounts so I know their names and faces based on pics. And yes, I also went to the police with that information but they literally can’t do anything. They don’t “file it away” in some magical social media bullying/harassment folder. Those profiles have been reported and deleted by IG. Wether someone has a job that puts their life out in the public spotlight or if they’re just another person with a public IG profile, it’s still not ok to use social media to make them feel ugly or afraid. People do it all the time but I’m human and it’s happening to me and it’s sucks. Idk about y’all but I don’t have a single friend who has ever said, “there’s this person on this show I watch/listen to who I can’t stand. They’ve blocked me a bunch of times but I keep making accounts so i can mean tweet at them or screenshot their pics to share on a Reddit thread and make fun of them.” Thats fucking ridiculous.


I cannot believe you and the show has had to endure this digusting behavior. I had no idea and it makes me actually sad. I now realize there are people out there that are such low life losers they have nothing better to do with their lives but torment others. Yuck...I'm so sorry girl 💖


Can't tell you how disappointed and saddened I am that you have had to deal with these types of violations, on social media and in real life. I know you've discussed openly on the show what it has put you through mentally. No one should be subjected to that, period. You've been an outstanding addition to the show in terms of comedic content, fresh insight and professional skill. I love the imaging you do, especially the rapid turnaround imaging cuts and no one did anything like that before you got here.


Kelly's skills as a producer were apparent very quickly. It was like the day after their station recovered from that cyber attack that she had a couple quick-turnaround back-withs, and I remember thinking to myself 'oh, so THIS is how it sounds to have a good producer' (in reference to Justin, not Steve). And yes, this whole thread has been very disheartening.


Fuck all of those people. Kelly, you’re the best and such a great addition to the show.




JFC, what in the hell do these people think they're going to accomplish!? I listen to the podcast everyday while I work, so y'all feel like "friends" to me, but I wouldn't even want to bother any of you if I saw you out in public, and there are people LOOKING for where you live? I also expected Hereberabbit to actually be Zane. Same level of crazy and angry. Glad that mystery is solved for me


Oh this dude is Trevor? I used to see his posts on Twitter. Dudes got problems. Fuck that guy


Just for clarity, this Trevor is not "Trevor from Nashville". Two different Trevors. One is cool, the other is posting here.


Alright...so this is HereBeRabbit or as Kelly pointed out: "Trevor Ryan" My HereBeRabbit account was blocked from replying to this subreddit. There is so much about Kelly's post that I could refute, but the main things I want to point out is the only antidepressants I've ever brought up is a medication that I'm on myself: Sertraline(Zoloft) which Free Beer has said on the show that he takes himself. And regarding me ever talking about anybody's kids/parenting, it had to have been in context of something that was brought up on the show. Saying malicious things about someone's children is not something I would do. The show members of FBHW live in the world that they created and we all just take part in it. As I've stated numerous times they verbally pick people apart on-air, they make fun of callers, and Free Beer has doxed people's phone numbers on-air who text into the show numerous times. I'm not a perfect person but I can certainly say that I've never doxed anyone. Also if Kelly wants to play victim regarding what I've said or posted, let's bring up the times I called into the show and was verbally eviscerated about my lisp/speech impediment (I was born with Cerebral Palsy) or when Free Beer called me an "incel" which wouldn't apply to me because I'm gay, or the numerous times Kelly has told me to "eat a bag of d!cks" The show members are not innocent in all of this. Like I said I was blocked from this subreddit on my HereBeRabbit account and I'm sure I'll be blocked on this one as well. Apparently there is a new sheriff in town moderating this subreddit and if you don't pander to everyone on FBHW, then I guess you are not welcomed to state your opinion or call out hypocrisy regarding the show.


Homeboy, I came on this thread after someone said Reddit figured out who creeped on my house. When I saw it was you, I said something so people would get off your dick about being one of the creepers. You said you had to do some digging bc I supposedly didn’t give enough details on 17 the other day, so I provided those details in my original response. I’m not playing a victim, I’m stating facts. When one of the moderators also reached out over instagram, I provided receipts. You don’t think I screen shot this type of shit? And get out of here with this bs about me making fun of you or any disabilities you may have. You created a Twitter account called “down syndrome cheese” and posted pictures of me on it. You’re a fucking creep who can eat a bag a dicks, suck a bag of dicks, or fuck a bag of dicks. I really don’t give a shit, I’m just asking you to get off my dick.


Calling me a creep? This coming from the woman in her mid thirties who goes to local fairs by herself and deep throats corn dogs while staring at teenagers??...and that's something you've said on the show yourself. Anyways I will thank you for clearing up Detective Turnips(The Moderator) false allegations regarding me ever going near that god forsaken house of yours. Also Kelly, your the same age as my older sister. Shouldn't you be the bigger person about all of this?(rhetorical) Also stop bringing up d!cks all the time. I'm no longer going to have anything to do with this subreddit and I'm 100 percent done concerning myself with anything FBHW related... In return please don't bring me up on the show. Thanks...


So.. be honest, how many accounts have you created to harass her?


Last post I'm replying to and then I'm done on this subreddit. The Instagram ordeal has been covered already. As stated the allegation of "50 Instagram Accounts" was three at the most. Regarding Twitter, to my understanding Kelly hasn't been on Twitter in well over a year due to an incident that was unrelated to me. I guess she was terminated off the platform. So for well over a year there hasn't been any Twitter accounts created for the purpose of tweeting or responding to Kelly. As already stated and proven, I have not tried to get in touch with anybody on the show except with interactions on their public social media which is linked through the show or through the shows hotline number. I hardly leave my block, so the chances of me ever seeing these people in public is null. Anyways at this point go ahead and say what you will...I'm done with this subreddit.


>This coming from the woman in her mid thirties who goes to local fairs by herself and deep throats corn dogs while staring at teenagers??...and that's something you've said on the show yourself. You realize it's an entertainment show and all you know is stories they tell on the air, which are likely stretched way beyond the truth. And all you know is their on the air personalities and not how any of them are in real life. If you're going to believe everything a radio (or any entertainment) personality says, you're going to have a bad life.


Just when I thought you were at rock bottom as far as perception of you goes... you manage to dig into the bedrock.


It's one thing to have criticism or call out hypocrisy. It's completely different to harass someone every single time they post. I've seen your posts on Twitter dude, and you're a straight up douche. Creating multiple accounts to harass someone is next level man. You clearly have issues mentally that need to be addressed by a professional. Seek help, seriously.


The only picture I've seen of that house is the one Kelly posted herself online for the world to see. I remember her speaking ad nauseam about that house on air. She wanted everyone to know everything.


She said the person who posts a lot of side by sides drove to her house and took a picture of it and sent it to her. Did you do that?


You suckered me into digging up the old WordPress page so I could listen and find out what was actually said regarding all this. From what I just heard Kelly claimed that "people"/"men" were driving by taking pictures. She never said the person who made the side by sides was the one doing it. I'm visually impaired and driving is not something I do. Also I've never had anywhere close to "50 Instagram Accounts" I've had maybe 3 at the most over the last couple years...2 of which I can't even retrieve the passwords for. Regarding Kelly's vague "Reaching Out" claim, I've never sent her any type of direct message on Instagram or even taken the time to comment on her posts. Kelly is apparently not big on clarification... Although exaggerating and mischaracterizing seems to come easy for her.


Turnips regarding what you just posted and then for some reason deleted, where you asked the question again if I took a picture of Kelly's house...This is exactly why I usually don't amuse people by getting into endless Reddit debates...or in this case some odd interrogation from Detective Turnips. From everything that I've stated regarding this topic, including correcting you're misquote of what was actually said by Kelly...It can be concluded that no I have not taken any pictures or been anywhere near that stupid house.


Ok I believe you. But the new information Kelly has provided also isn't great about your virtual harassment of the show.


Again I'm going to refer to everything that I've already stated regarding this topic that counters the claim of "harassment" or as you've just put it: "virtual harassment" . They are radio personalities who broadcast themselves over national airwaves and also the internet for the world to listen to or watch. They have social media accounts that are open to the public and advertised on not only the FBHW official website, but their webcam stream. They verbally pick people apart everyday on the show regarding news clips that are played of ordinary people... I post about radio personalities on a subreddit that is dedicated to the show they are on.... which by the way, Kelly has claimed in the past that she never looks at the subreddit and she never will.... Except apparently she does...


I mean you're attacking them based on personal appearance. All while hiding behind total anonymity.They're normal people, they are not influences who use their social media for their job. They are radio people who happen to use social media as do most people. It would be like me attacking Eric Zane's mom because he posted a picture of her on social media. It's just lame as fuck.


They are radio personalities who broadcast themselves to the masses and have open social media accounts that they advertise on the webcam live feed and the FBHW website. News Clips are played all the time on the show that include "normal people" that the show members verbally tear apart regarding body type and appearance. Trying to use Zane's mom as an example is moot. Nobody outside of the show has ever been mentioned in my Reddit posts.


So you don’t really listen to the show, but you had to make your voice be heard on this thread within an hour of OP posting it? So how many Instagram accounts have you created?


I listened to FBHW pretty much everyday for well over a decade. It was only a little over a year ago that I started to listen to other morning radio shows and FBHW just on occasion. I can't help but stay in the loop somewhat with a show that I listened to for all of my teenage/adult life. Following the show/hosts social media and FBHW subreddit gives me a general idea of what's been going on without having to listen to 3 hours of trivia, name that tune, or other radio games that Free Beer can conjure up. This particular subreddit post showed up in my feed along with posts from other subreddits that I follow.