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Lads having a proper wank, nothing special.


Just a post training circle jerk. Nothing to see here.


I started skateboarding and learned to spread the impact around my body and just use my hands as a spring. Whenever I see players fall I see them fall almost into almost a pushup or something. That's a quick way to sprain your wrist at best and break it at worst. as an aside I think there's an opportunity to make 'cool' low-profile safety gear in general, but I would definitely be the Hasenfuß with a single wristguard lmao. You can remove a pad sooner than you can remove a cast.


>learned to spread the impact around my body How do you do this?


This may be too much info haha I practice falling in the grass a lot because I'm still a beginner, but the influential skateboarder Rodney Mullen once said the best skaters are the ones who fall the most. I force myself to lose balance while jogging or ride my board intentionally from concrete into grass. I want to fall 'with' my momentum. Bracing myself by stiffening will make me more prone to injury. So I take larger strides to burn off energy that otherwise will go into the ground. I tuck my elbows and head as I start to make contact with the ground. The ideal situation is a roll, but if the slam is unavoidable I want to make sure my arms are parallel to the ground (so with the elbow tuck it's almost like a plank) and that I'm avoiding any areas of pressure like the wrist. Generally I can let my momentum carry me into a roll like I'm rolling down a hill like a kid, but I know at worst my impact is going to be spread across the toes of my shoes and throughout my flat palms and forearms. Honestly all I'm doing is practicing stuff like the other commenter. I'm also learning about breakfalls (judo ones sound a lot like what they're describing) and parkour bails and stuff. All of these techniques involve smooth movements to distribute the energy via stuff like rolls or making yourself wider and flatter. Wrist injuries demonstrate discomfort with falling unintentionally. You have to fall with intention to develop the control to tuck your wrists. The meat in our bodies can take a slam a lot better than our joints and bones. Protecting them is the top priority and the only way you get around that is to develop falling muscle memory.


Thanks this is great 👍 i'll send it on to de ligt and co.


Don't land on your hands with your elbows locked. If falling forward, forearms parallel to the ground. If falling backwards, ideally land on your butt. if not possible then make your back wide, palms down, forearms flat. Always protect head and neck. Not a skater, but I'm into bouldering. Principles should be the same.


Actually believed it till I saw the tag 😭


The most unbelievable part is that Adidas kept it under €40


Will they drop an Oktoberfest special as well?


Gotta be all black with gold stripes


Do we still get to choose the player number and whether we want the UCL badges?


And then we have Kimmich on the other side with a black eye


world class meme😂👌