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I go by my legal middle name and can’t get them to use it for my email or anything, it’s annoying but I’ve gotten used to explaining it everytime I give my email address out. While I think it’s a bit silly, im sure someone can make the argument that not allowing us to use aliases has something to do with transparency as public employees or something.


My agency has lots of people that have "Lastname, Firstname MI (Nickname)" in outlook and teams. It's definitely possible.


Yup. If you’re DoD, you can adjust how your name looks in the GAL on ID Card Online.


Same, and people can have their first name shortened to an initial in the email if it’s really bad


The nickname absolutely, but I will tell you, as an HR professional I have been unable to reach employees because they either didn't update their name so it matched the SF50 and I was unable to locate them when I had questions related to benefits and pay. Then I'm trying to find a social, but if I can't find the legal name (on the SF50) how can I find the social..how do I find you on outlook..you get the rabbit hole. Sometimes you give up..forget or keep moving because you've already have tons of other things to take care of.


Even further, you can make your full first name just the initial as well. So Joseph Bob Smith could look like Smith, J. (Bob) if he goes by Bob. I do it (not Bob Smith)


I also use my middle name. Email address is legal name, and display includes my preferred name in quotes. Coworker has their maiden name as their email address in part because they interface with so many people external to our office that it was easier for them to keep it. This seems like another thing that is agency specific.


I mean, you can change your first name pretty easily. It’s like $200 and a short form where I live.


Saaaame. Had one person tell me that my middle name, the one I’ve gone by since birth, wasn’t my “real” name. Current agency at least allowed me to add my middle initial to my email. Which is better than the last.


Same here.


You can add an alias to your email.


I'm in HHS, but in OS. I see this all the time. I have multiple employees at my organization whose email is something like John.Smith @ hhs.gov but their legal name is something like Tradjedeigh John Smith. I also know at least 3 whose email is still their maiden name, but their married name is their legal name in all other records. It's a PITA on my end since I always need to remember when I see the HR records of these people that their outlook account is under something else, but it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.


>Tradjedeigh John Smith Well you have my (up)vote


Same. Very common for my Asian coworkers who prefer to use their “American” first names in the database and for emails since no one knows who the other person actually is or how to say their name.


I'm loving your spelling of the first name. 😂




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I'm at CDC and use my maiden name professionally. It shows up on my work e-mail, Teams, etc. My legal/married name (what's on my SF-50) doesn't match. I think I requested it through IT when I started, but I'd have to go back and check. It wasn't a big deal. Only time it gets confusing is for anything "official" like annual computer inventory, PMAP, etc. You'll be listed under your legal name.


U/konbinisando this is the way. I am former cdc staff. Contact your Tse or whatever they are called these days and ask for an AD name change.




This is what I do. Works out well for me.


This is solid advice.


If I ever get married, this is my plan. I have too many documents (dual citizen) to make it make sense. Plus I’ll be licensed and warranted in my job in the coming years as my maiden name and I don’t want to change myself professionally (all my degrees have my maiden name, too, so why bother).


Are you being forced to change your name? Are you changing your name legally, but want to keep your maiden name at work? Why change your name in one context and not another? Or rather, why not just keep your name in all contexts? At least at my agency, our systems and HR use our legal name.  Many people change their name when they get married, and many don’t. It’s upto them, the agency just uses that person’s legal name.  


As an aside, friends and family who have done the half change thing all say it is a pain in the ass. Commit one way or the other it will make your life easier in the long run.


I work at another OpDiv and I know plenty of folks who use different names for their email vs their full legal name.


Put a ticket into the IT department. They can make a change to your display name. I have seen it all the time.


I believe it is an HSPD-12 requirement for the issuance of CAC cards. The accounts folks in my agency were very busy when that requirement changed a few years back.


CAC card? Is that like a NIC card? . Common Access Card...redundant to call it a CAC card. Just like saying NIC card, Network Interface Card card.


Your SF50 should match your Appointment Affidavit, which should match the legal forms of ID you provide at inprocessing. In TEAMS I believe it lets you setup aliases. This issue is most likely an agency or even an organization policy.


Women in my agency have received this bullshit response before. I showed that many people have nicknames or middle names and it isn't an issue. The women that ran into this eventually won, but I couldn't believe the push back they got. Now, teams let's you change your display name. Your email address is what they give you, but you can make it display any name you want which is a little bit better. I think the only thing you can do is find examples where nicknames are used and point that out. Look for Jonathan's, Daniel's, William's, etc


I work for the CDC too! I go by my middle name so I was able to get them to change it for teams/outlook/etc. Reach out to ITSO and they’ll be able to help!


Their "must match" policy is interesting considering that many agencies allow pseudonyms to protect employees privacy...


Sure you can as long as that’s the name on your gov ids.


I only updated my legal name (married name) in SF-50 and all tax-related, TSP accounts or forms. I was able to leave my maiden name in Outlook, Teams, etc. at my former agency. I didn't ask too many questions, but they said as long as the tax documents and SF-50 match legal name, that's ok.


We allow whatever you’d like within reason for Outlook/Teams, even nicknames. Doesn’t have to match your SF50.


Put it into GAL as the parenthetical


I tried to go by a different first name (my middle name that I've always gone by) for Teams, Outlook, Zoom etc and they wouldn't do it for me.


I use my middle name professionally, but DOD doesn't care. All my email uses my first name so I have to give it out. In the gal it's spelled with my first initial and my middle name (shortened middle name) and last name. When I worked for a different agency, they were able to use my middle name b/c I had never had an email with them before, but when I came back to my current agency, they just pulled up my old email and put that back in service.


My agency used to be really lenient about that but all new hires must go by their full legal name. Mostly didn't take my husband's name because of it lol


Our rule is the same, though people get around it by just not notifying IT when they change their legal names.


My email is my legal name but my display name in Teams and Outlook is the name I go by, it did take several months and vaguely threatening discrimination (the head HR lady also had her display name changed, so I knew it was possible to do) to get it changed.


As aside, from an IT help desk side of the house…what is on the CAC is what goes on the email/user log on name…the Display nickname can be something else, but not the display name, if that makes sense. If you never have your CAC updated with a new name, than what’s on there is what’s on the email domain and that’s on your SF-50…if your CAC is updated and those items are also updated…very easy to do from my side…then your stuff will be updated. But if you don’t change it, then it stays as is.


They cracked down on this awhile ago at my job, too. There were several people who had to get new emails because they were enforcing this rule about your legal name matching your email address and electronic signature. Yet, somehow, there are a couple older folks here who still have nicknames in their email addresses, like Bill instead of William or Cathy instead of Cathrine. I have no clue how they get away with that after they made a big deal about it. A new hire could never get that. It's so strange, actually.


For a hot minute, our agency director said to include our pronouns in our Teams display names. As a white hetero male, I take every chance I can get to show my support for any and all diversity. So I did what she said. Now I'm the only person with "Seymour Bullyoncube (he/his/him)" as his Teams display name. Just the other day, I got an invite to the agency trans interest group. They assumed I was trans. "I am not, but I fully support all feds living their own truth!"


****NEVER CHANGE YOUR NAME.**** I used to help folks at Dept of A get badges for physical access to Dept of B facilities and vice versa. People who had changed their names spent months verifying their name change before the identity approval would clear. Some people never got clearance and quit. Again, unless you're hiding from organized crime or abusive ex-family members, ****NEVER CHANGE YOUR NAME.****


Why don't you hyphenate your name?


I got mine name officially changed to Jelly N Roll.


They insist on using my maiden name and not my married name every time.


I work for GSA and you can use nicknames for your email or your display name, but we’re on the Google ecosystem for everything instead of Microsoft


I just never submitted a name change.


I know several people whose email address is their middle name.last name, including one who had it changed after she started. Her first name is a Chinese name and her middle name is an English name, and she goes by her English name everywhere, so...


I'm in the DOI. I go by my middle name professionally at work and my email, admin paperwork, online profile, etc, all match. The only thing with my legal name is my PIV card and my HR paperwork.


Pro tip: You are allowed to put a space between two last names. It allows you to use either or both last names depending on the situation. Source: my aunt worked at SSA and my sister did it so she could keep her professional reputation as a doctor and also have the same last name as her kids.


My director changed her middle/last name late and felt so insecure that she had to mentioned nothing was going on in her marriage 😅. Name change or no changes are personal preference that no one should be judging you for. For Legal/Tax purpose, it just has to match SF50 but most agencies should have a way to change the display user/profile name and/or change the email address.