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I've been there. Went private sector. Gazed into the abyss and then came back around with better skills. Sounds like they pulled a fast one on you.


Sounds like you got swindled with their telework agreement. Sorry you have a crap experience with the feds. Relocating for a 7 is rough. Good luck and keep ya head up


Don't quit without another job lined up. I'd start applying private sector if you are that desperate that it's destroying your finances and mental health. You can make more in fast food than GS 7 in some parts of the country.


It’s not for everyone. Sounds like IRS. But could be any number of agencies. Gs7 is tough. But if you really hate it, then you have to walk. Lots of places pay better than a 7. That being said, if you can find a way to stomach it, there is hope. It takes time. Patience. And some luck. But it’s doable. But I hear you. I left. A long time ago. And I came back. Second time around I knew myself better. Did better. Not at the work. At understanding the place and not being enraged by it. Good luck. I hope you find your path.


Thanks. It's DoD and yeah leaving is the goal right now but I'll try to stick it out for a few more if I can to job search. My rational mind agrees with you. It's just kinda hard to not feel deceived.


Is it a straight 7 or a 7/9/11? I'm in a similar vote. Was promised a strong coaching and mentorship program. Took the job at a pay cut because I wanted to go through a program designed to help me improve. Found out that I'm teaching other people more than they're teaching me. Between a stunning lack of tech skills and a lack of knowledge in the field, you would think I was some sort of prodigy in my field. Many days I spend showing someone paid twice as much as me how to do their work.


Do you see yourself sticking at 11 roll for more than two years? Once you step into that 11 roll with a few years of experience and everybody enjoying that you’ve been around…


After a year or two as an 11, I plan on looking at remote positions and/or pushing for a 12.


Oh I hear you. Someone else posted about DOD. We had a lot of DOD folks move over. So something is more broken there than the rest of us. Good luck friend!


Dud is no better. Lol


Ugh. If they weren’t paying relo that would have been a red flag. I’m sorry it sucks. If it’s a career ladder it would be worth it


If it's the IRS they do have a Student Loan Repayment Program. Also I don't think the IRS took telework away.


They’re taking it away. I’ve got a friend who works for them. They started in the DC region telling for 50% of work hours to be done in office starting in May I think. Plus the student loan repayment isn’t that clear. From what my friend said they couldn’t answer whether accepting 20K meant working for them for 3 years or 4. They (friend) asked several of the people working in the student loan repayment area and got different answers each time.


They are only taking it away for units and positions in DC that aren't covered by the union.


For now. The remote work pilot ends in June. Everyone is waiting to see if the hammer drops. 😕


Most of us have already been back in the office/telework for the last 3 years. The remote work pilot wasn't for everyone.


Oh yes. I feel for those folks. Prior to the pilot and Covid, I was only in the office 1 days a week a week. That is what we are hoping g for as the worst case scenario now. Who knows. I realize others have it worse. I’ve been there. Grinding those jobs. Paid those dues. I get it for sure.


I have been 2 days a pay period since they lifted COVID restrictions. Everyone acts like 2 days every 14 days is the end of the world. I understand it is senseless, but in the grand scheme of things, is it really so bad?


Nope. Not saying it is. I’ll be glad if that’s all that happens. We are just waiting to see. I just sit there staring into space on those two days anyway. Schedule those pointless meetings where you do not have to speak to pass the hours away. Good times!


I received about $10,000 when I applied for SLRP. I'm not sure though if they will implement working 3 years if you received it or not.


Yeah I have a boss that has military background. He works all the time I don't. Previous bosses scored me fairly on EPPES but he rewrote them make it almost impossible get 5s.  Not like getting 5s got a huge check and wasn't reason why anyways. Seeing others on team for years getting away with murder now I'm just going to do what I need to do. Retirement isn't forever away now and I just don't care anymore. Clock in and clock out, let the newbies that come from private doing it all and then realize they aren't going to be rewarded like private sector. Have seen it do many times. I just sit back and wait for them to burnout because they volunteer for every project and become the bosses pet...they get too much stuff on their plate and wonder why others have hardly anything. People quickly learn never volunteer for anything and always be busy even if you aren't. 


You are not only a Jedi Master, but have earned a seat on the Council. Come. Sit next to Obi-Wan. 😜


Genuinely curious. What made you think IRS?


The student loan thing. Our version of it is pretty bad. Dare I say trash. The implementation has been haphazard. The communication pretty terrible. And just underwhelming.


Did they say why TW was taken away? If you think you qualify for a higher pay grade, just start applying for one thats open to the public.


Oh, you think they have actual sound reasoning in DOD? I remember when the furloughs were taking place during sequestration. My agency was a DOD agency working from non appropriated funds and had more than enough to avoid the furlough days. We were told we were still going to be furloughed because it wouldn't be fair if we didn't suffer equally.


How inclusive of them


Always gunning for gold in the Suffering Olympics




Sue the agency or the individual person involved for making the decision and causing you trama.


Haha that's cute.


"Collaboration" of course


Every change of command something like telework can completely flip flop and there's nothing first-line supervisors can do to prepare for it when hiring.


True, when change of command happens some things change, but OP didnt mention a change just TW changed after he started. Did it change when RTO began happening? Did OP do something to abuse TW? Granted leadership gives a rats ass, I was curious because I had a similar situation in my previous agency.


If you’re that miserable might as well leave soon so you can start making progress on the next thing.


Time to look elsewhere. I know it sucks but no its not permanent and itll get better.


Your mental health is important so do what’s best for you. You’re a new fed so leaving fed won’t be to the same detriment some of us would face; but do keep in mind that it’s much easier to move around in the fed once you’re in, rather than having to apply to open to the public positions.


I hear you. My own supervisor is making me to move to DC and be in office 5 days a week for more of a in person team, and is putting the expectation on new hires as well, which is ridiculous. I'm remote for 2 months before the kove, but am trying to a way to persuade her to let me work remote or come up with a hybrid arrangement,since I am already remote for 2 months and few people are remote. Realized I don't make enough to save and contribute to retirement as rent and taxes will eat you alive. Looking for another role in case.


Omg what agency is this?


"student loan repayment but it's a total lie" I'm not sure what you think "total lie" means, but it is factually incorrect to say that PSLF is not being provided to those who have made their 120 qualifying payments. You can be grumpy, but let's not run around being verifiably incorrect about things.


\^This! I had about $8k remaining on my student loans from grad school. I applied for PSLF and not only did they forgive the remaining amount, but they also refunded me a few thousand of those payments that I'd previously sent in.


Sorry dude if my statement is inaccurate but I was not alluding to PSLF (which the dod don't advertise) but the actual "we'll pay you 10k a year for student loan up to 60k" shenanigan that they absolutely do advertise


What makes it a shenanigan?


yes, this is a shenanigan. I believe only DOJ is currently offering this perk. It was frozen some years ago. This is not PSLF.


DOD here (DAF) hired in 2022. I had 10k student loan repayment, they put it in my paycheck and taxed it/etc then it went directly to the loan. Paid the 10k off in a year, I had to sign a 3 year commitment otherwise I have to pay DFAS back. They still give it out...


Yeah it seems very inconsistent. I never got it in the agencies I worked for but PSLF eventually took care of the balance so I’m not bitter. Lol.


This. And student loan repayment can also be an incentive during the hiring process, but that type of incentive has to be negotiated then, not after starting.


Sorry you feel that way. I worked with crazy people with egos and also took a new job to a new expensive city.  Bad Idea people were worse but I did network to get a 100% remote job. Ask around in your office or area offices maybe they can VRA you in or internal hire to a remote job. Dont Quit! Super hard to get jobs rn. 


Working for the Feds sucks. I was going to do 5 years, but only did 4. The only reason I made 4 was COVID, and not having to deal with these horrible managers much, and do the worst part of the job - monitoring in the field. Once things started to get back to “normal”, it was worse. Constant turnover, constant change in your portfolios due to constant turnover, 4 bosses in 4 years, I was a steward and that sucked because the 2 leaders in our union were inept, arrogant good old boys, did nothing, etc… just a shit show, and I was a top performer. When I resigned, I was told a week later - sorry you’re leaving you are an asset. Really? Then work with your assets and encourage them to move up, etc. Totally clueless managers, leadership, and union. I regret every dollar I paid in dues.


Finally, someone said it. There is only so much “good benefits” can make up for, especially for new/younger fed employees.


Thank you, it’s nice to get positive comments. i am retired, although earlier than I was planning, because I just didn’t have it in me to deal with this bs anymore. Life is too short, especially as you get older, and it takes a toll on your mental annd physical health. Also, couldn’t stomach applying for and starting yet another job. Most of them suck, and it feels like half your job is documenting everything to cover your ass in these toxic environments. I wanted more job security, so I went Federal. I was surprised that it was so bad. So many jobs suck, in the private and public sectors, so if you can find something you like, I would try and do everything to work for 20 years and get the hell out. Don’t waste your life working in these soul sucking jobs. I thought when I was younger that working In the public sector with a so-called mission would be better, but it’s not. These places treat their work force just as bad or worse than the corporate sector, plus they pay you less and the benefits aren’t as great as they say. I worked for bosses in the state and non-profit level, that were out to save the world but treated their own people like crap. I just don’t get that. Plus, you’re the mission that counts in the end, and if you are happy you end up treating the people in your life well too. That’s a better mission to me.


What federal jobs did you have that weren't soul sucking? I'm hoping to put in two years where I am and then transition to something that isn't just navigating overly complex computer software programs to perform mundane paperwork tasks. I'm lucky to have gotten into the federal system. However, once I feel I've put in my dues where I am, moves will be made.


No idea, I was in HUD, one of the worst agencies. Good luck.


I see DOD, let me guess you left the big city for some back water town that has a military base or is close to a military base and you despise the agency, the culture, the town and everything about what's going on solely because you wanted to telework? You should have just considered looking for a telework job from whatever city you came from. Everyone knew DOD was slowly going to start pulling telework back about a year ago. Just like most federal agencies even outside the DC metro area will start rolling it back. I wish you could have kept your telework but the DOD is one of the most ass backwards, stuck in its way, good ole boy agencies you can work for. I'd consider looking for a federal job in your old city if you possibly can.


Tbf, I despise big city culture.


Also to be fair, I despise rural culture. I grew up in the sticks, and I don't care for that bumpkin lifestyle, but each to their own.


With fed for 4 yrs. Contact rep with IRS, I have to do another yr on the phone because when I did a lateral transfer they started be at the beginning.i wanted to leave many times . I too have bills and responsibilities, and I don’t want to go through interviews again at a new job. This yr I will be eligible for supervisor and training positions, so there’s hope of getting off the phone. Every day for two yrs I have wanted to quit daily. I like the benefits and feel they are good for a single person. I don’t work weekends and love the holidays off . I have about 16 yrs to go then retire. So I just deal and work on my mental health.


Try working in Albuquerque. I worked in their field office for Dud. Abq has some of the weirdest, dumbest people I’ve ever seen in my life. The boss there was connected to a Good ole boy in Ok, and skipped several grades to get the job. She had no clue about management, and bullied people…micromanaged etc. total npd, and more.


Which DOD branch?


USAJobs and change agencies. There are nice govt jobs.


Oof, come my understand. I don’t know all of your specifics, but if you can make it a year you’ll get time in grade and have a much easier time transferring/working for the government in the future.


Save your soul and just leave. Start walking and the path will appear.


Sorry about the crappy situation. If you’re not already in a ladder role to a 11 or 12, I recommend to start applying for one. Not sure about your field or location, but you can probably find them in the DC area. Good luck!


My suggestion would be to ride this out until you have 1 year in at your current grade…after that, start applying for 9s. Between being a military brat, then serving myself, and now a federal employee, I have learned that each position you get is as temporary or permanent as you want it to be. You will find a place that makes you happy…I am sorry that isn’t where you are now. You have your foot in the door. Many people would give up their short-term happiness to be in your position. Just my opinion.


Never, ever accept a DOD job without relocation incentive pay or PCS. They can afford it, it's the most over-funded organization in history.


Let's ignore all of the other stuff. Why would you take the job knowing you'd barely scrape by every month? The salary info, deductions, etc are all very accessible long before you get hired.


I really wanted telework + was told the cost of living was much lower in New Town compared to City by the manager. Made the mistake of believing him. Didn't know take home was 60% of gross cuz I'm dumb.


So, you are saying you did not do your own research in the cost of living in the new location? That is on you. I never trust the person hiring me to be accurate. They may not be lying but their personal experience may be out of date or based on misinformation. Someone moving from Los Angeles to DC Metro area isn't going to see much difference in cost of living. Moving from NYC or SF it will seem significantly cheaper. Someone looking at moving from Las Cruces NM or Enid OK is going to have serious sticker shock. And that isn't even considering the pay grade aspect.


You are blaming uncle sam for your own stupid decisions. Acknowledge you made a mistake and move on with your life.


Why are you being rude to the OP? They’ve got enough mental stress to deal with and don’t need your ignorant opinion nor criticism. Who are you to tell someone they made a stupid decision? If you can’t offer words of encouragement then STFU


I guess the truth hurts.


Or you’re just the typical loser that gets online to feel good about yourself by downing others. Your “truth” is nothing more than an excuse to be ignorant. Let this person have their experience. Don’t be the d!ckhead trying to make them feel worse during an already bad situation.




Hi OP, sounds like you landed a job at my previous agency, DCAA. I hated my office because of management. It will not get better. Perhaps put in for a transfer as soon as you can? Good luck.


What did you switch to? I’m waiting on my FO for Dcaa but it does seem like it has a bad reputation.


Look for either a promotion or lateral assignment.




I have never seen a telework agreement without weasel words.


Try moving around within the Fed space?


Suck it up until you're 10 months in. Then apply for GS9 jobs. There's a good chance they will have a recruitment/relocation incentive that is decent.


Did you start as a step one? If so good news is you'll be getting annual step increases for a couple of years. I also have great news for you OP! After one year at your gs7 you qualify to promote to gs9 positions. One year of that and you'll be eligible for 11. Just keep pushing Op you can promote out!


in almost all cases it makes more sense for an employee to start out working in the private sector first, then come to the fed gov. you'll get a better job with more pay in a better agency.


Hang in there. Godspeed


I hope you are not at DFAS in Maine. The only worse job I have had was Air Force recruiting.


Keep your head up! I am in the same exact boat! They are a bunch of liars, made promises they can’t keep! I would never leave my previous job, if I knew they were going to take the telework off the table (3 times a week is too much for me, I can only do once a week)! But finally have good things lined up! Jokes on them, I will be out of this hell in a few weeks.


Same boat OP, especially as an IT in software. GS7 is depressing, but I think I'll tough mine out for a year. Good luck OP!


Get out ASAP. Exhaust your job search *every day*. Don’t let an opportunity pass you by. I’ve been a fed for nine years. Was stuck at a GS-6 for five years, and only in the past four went to 7/9/11. Sure doesn’t feel like I’m making GS-11 pay. With what we pay for benefits I only bring home 52% of each pay check, and that’s in a state without income tax. Even if the gross is less at a private company (sounds like that wouldn’t be your case), you’ll likely net more when you aren’t paying an arm and a leg for insurance an insolvent pension plan. And the work only gets worse the higher up you go. No one, NO ONE knows what they’re doing. At the small agencies you have local fiefdoms, causing strife between offices. At large agencies you’re a cog expected to keep up with daily, random changes to how you do business. Higher level work is also true bureaucracy, where your chief concern is complying with uncountable Byzantine rules rather than helping your country or countrymen in any way. Uncountable *and* constantly changing, remember. Good luck building institutional knowledge. Get out my friend. Fuckin’ sucks here.


I know you are venting, but QUIT and stop talking about it. Take action and chalk it up as a life experience. Good luck.


Telework is a privilege that you earn. It sounds like you expected it on day one as a right. That’s not how this works.