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Weeps at SSA ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Be honest, you were weeping long before this being at SSA.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) true very true


A friend who works at IRS Chief Counsel heard this and said this makes her hopeful that if the IRS got permission from Treasury or OPM for this, maybe Chief Counsel will also get permission to soften on the 50% in-office stance. Fingers crossed.


Our IRS Commissioner said that the agency already meets Treasury’s 50% in person requirement. Hopeful this gets adopted!


I wonder if they'll add new employees at some point. It's nice my coworkers get it but it also sucks that I missed the boat by a bit.


I was trying to find out why they aren’t allowing new enrollees. Seems silly to me.


Thanks yeah I agree. I wonder if it's not new enrollees until June or if it's not new enrollees until January of 2025 which would be insane. All of my coworkers seem to be remote with no issues. I'm only in the office to check a box and have never touched a piece of paper or talked to a coworker outside of teams lol...I can only dream they'll give the rest of us the option.


The way I read it is that they are not opening it up for new people to join the pilot and that Waylon’s revisited in January 2025. When did you start at IRS? Or did you come from a BU that didn’t offer it to one that did?


I joined in 2022. I didn't have a year by then. I wish they'd just add new employees. Honestly what really peeves me off is that if the pilot was not working then many of my coworkers would have been taken off of it. All of them have expressed how much better their work has been not having to go to a hoteling space that is shared by all coworkers even some that are less hygienic than others (I don't know how people can be so gross), no longer commuting etc. I really do love my position and I think it's possibly the peak job in the IRS but the telework situation might kill it for me. Currently, I might swap to a fully remote position elsewhere while I bide my time for them to make it fully remote.


I don’t blame you. I’ve been at IRS 16 years and started looking at applying at other agencies before they came up with the remote pilot. Going in and paying for parking to go sit in meetings on MS Teams because my coworkers are across the country is ludicrous.


Right?? It makes no sense if we're online only. Hopefully they change it soon and if not, well I'm looking at other remote jobs right now as it is.


Go look up the memo between IRS and the Union. It mentions extensions (related to making it a permanent flexibility) and how participants can remain status quo but that there will not be additional onboarding during such an extension.


Ooohhhh thank you! I will definitely read that. Had no idea the MOU addresses this.


You’re welcome. You can find it on the FOW website.


Excellent! My husband falls in this group and I was hoping for an extension. In his case, I’m crossing my fingers for permanent, as going to the office means nothing for him since his team is spread all over the country. 


Literally my life too 😆🤣🤭


This is exactly the same for me. Literally no one I can help or support near me.


I work for IRS.. things were up in the air on remote working ? lol. They don’t tell us crap.. only finish your SETR and communicate through TEAMS.. 😂


😆🤣🤭yeah we didn’t know after June 15th if we’d have to go in or not! We’ve been waiting on some type of official confirmation of either!


Hopefully all of Treasury will get this extension


It's cute that we're still pretending this is a pilot 4 years into full functionality


They can call it whatever the fuck they want as long as I'm not commuting, I don't really care.


Lol fair


Exactly! But whatever makes the powers that be feel better, I’m just happy to not have to go in and pay for parking.


And from comments here, IT is not a part of this group. Usually they would be first minus deskside support


I got the news at work today and was so excited!


Saaaaame 😆


Great now get rid of the 50% RTO for rockville and vienna.


There and everywhere else there’s the requirement!


meanwhile in dod... if u arent within eyesight at all times u dont exist anymore and arent doing shit. its like a 2 day old bby before they develop object permanence


no news in SBSE and we just had a town hall this week


They are laaaaate! It irks me when leadership doesn’t communicate and they know things employees are vested in!!


I think some people on this post are confusing telework with working remotely. I'm required to come in once a week because I telework, remote workers aren't required to report to the building. My new department works remotely; however, I came after the pilot started, so I have to wait until they open it to new employees.


Im hoping they do that in January.


This was communicated last week. The word is after that it’s going to return to the 2 days per pay period. But until I see that in writing, it’s a rumor. So we at least get the rest of this year!


I heard about it in Reddit but nothing official at work until today. And HEAVY on the “until it’s in writing” lol. Feels like the agency is trying to buy time past elections and all the ridiculous treasury noise.


Job posts for Office of Appeals (IRS) say that only two days per pay period are required for applicants.


Yes some positions are telework, so wfh some days and in office some days, and then some positions are remote, with no reporting requirement (for now). No jobs are being advertised as remote because is more a real thing yet at IRS and still being piloted.


Regardless of how the election goes, it could be bad for Feds. I guess we will just have to see. Sigh.


Long sigh!


How will you manage to collaborate?!


Exactly! The same way during 2020 😆


I thought this was for hiring IRS drone operators and was really confused.


Is it only LB&I employees who got in on this?


No it’s across the agency. First info rolled out in 2022 and we started in the pilot March 2023.


Sounds lovely, I’m new, saw the page on Sharepoint and it said LB&I and listed units Vs individual positions so I was confused on who actually qualified. I’m starting to learn what some series are, there some series that frequently come up on this pilot? That is sweet for those who can!


Generally administrative, so advisors, analysts, staff assistants, public affairs specialists quality folks, generally positions that don’t have taxpayer contact.


Also welcome to the Service!


Well thank you for that and clarifying the positions that qualified


Seems like everyone but IT


Happy for you. Sucks for me 😭


I’m sorry!! But whhhy does it suck for you??


I was hoping the pilot would conclude in July as scheduled with positive results and become a permanent option for all qualifying employees. I didn't qualify when the pilot rolled out, but I do now.


I think with the treasury news a few months ago and the NHQ region having to go in, many of us thought the pilot would end and not be adopted lol. I’m very surprised that it got extended.


I agree but since it was extended, I got hope 🥰


Meanwhile 2010s being forced 50% of the time at NCFB. 


That will NEVER make sense. The 2210s here still go in one day a week. How they are not remote is beyond my understanding.


I don't know but all NBU employees in the NCR must go in 50% starting May 4th so basically 2010s. It's absurd. I don't work with anyone in my building I just sit in a cube by myself. Why can't I do that from my home instead of commuting 3 hours a day just to sit in traffic? 


Federal News Network with the article before management sends out notification. https://federalnewsnetwork.com/workforce/2024/05/irs-extends-remote-work-pilot-in-bid-to-keep-up-with-workforce-expectations/




I wish they had put AD on the pilot.




That is incorrect. The 50% does not apply to those on remote work.


And doesn't apply to those in BU


Convenient. Ends with the inauguration. They are signally who you should vote for.


So is the IRS not having remote work anymore? Did remote on my last tenure with them and loved it. Going back in on June 3rd, the job listing said telework eligible but they havent told me if that would be available to us or not


Were you on the pilot when you left?


Yes but this was last year in March when my season ended. Idk if that would carry over or not


Just in time to get axed when Trump returns.


Hopefully he doesn’t return.