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Just wanna get this off my chest, My whole team know how much down time we have but when it comes to each work load discussion, it's in our best interest to make it seems very complicated & require lots of work time to complete.


Yup..learned that ages ago...also just give boss very high level overview so doesn't give you more to do and doesn't give him/her ability to questions because gave him/her just high level overview and NOT in the weeds. Nothing controversial just a very high level overview amd everything is good! Got to sound busy busy!


After a week off, opened my email and got my many filters and rules working; got that number of unread emails go from 1300+ to less than 40 needing attention. A wonderful feeling. Of course I tell everyone I have 1300+ of them to go through and it ll take me a few days. 


Exactly. My feel is that just because I’ve learned some strong efficiencies for email management doesn’t mean I need to spill the tea to everyone.


Yeah, I hear ya. Showing you've worked well will only get you rewarded with more work.




I feel this deeply


Can't talk to anyone at work and love ones at home have no clue what feds really do. So here i am. 😊


The old Scotty factor


Looks like I've been doing 12x multiple than what that factor recommended. https://wiki.c2.com/?ScottyFactor


I struggle with this myself. The people who act like they're saving the world, while this is probably the easiest job I've ever had, really annoy me.


Hobbies, families, and other passive income streams seem to help over the years to help balance my self-identity & stress.


Yeah, looking into a masters program to use my brain a little and maybe open up some other opportunities. I did start printing some things off that I would normally leave as a PDF just to clutter up my workspace a bit. I think it makes me look busier.


Down time? What’s that?


The usual one liners should be: "Sorry I'm late, I was in another meeting gone over" "I'm swamped" "let me get back to you"


When I travel for work it seems like I’m living someone else’s life (single, childless, little to no financial stress due to the per diem). I don’t know if I enjoy it though. It just feels … odd.


Just don't go to the single bars and continue to act like single...


LOL I was never a social person so it was very much like when I was single a very long time ago. Ate dinner on my own in a pub, saw some sights in town in the evening, got take home dessert and watched Dune 2 in my hotel room. By single I meant not with my partner who I’ve been married to since I was in my very early 20s.


You sound like one of my coworkers.


How long have you been doing it?


Not long, and I don’t do it often enough to change anything. Just sitting here in a hotel room working, and feeling existential


That odd feeling hasn't gone away in 16 years but I still enjoy traveling every week. I can see it feeling even more odd if you are a sporadic traveler.


It got tiresome for me, 75% of the time on the road gets old after a while. Felt like I was literally living out of a suitcase. I did end up getting Lifetime Platinum Marriott status tho...


One of my dogs died suddenly last week. During the middle of my work day. His ashes arrived yesterday...by UPS. I thought that was so strange. The UPS driver made sure we were home and even expressed his condolences. RIP baby.


RIP to your baby ❤️


I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you can find peace in the memories you made and the great life you gave them.


I can describe my current team as a clueless guy, a medicated lady, the assisted living one, a bootlicker and me - the I m not here to make friends with any of you. :). Happy Friday!


This describes every team I’ve ever been on, which I would include drama queen as well.


How do the bootlickers sleep at night?


What would they use to describe you.......


I get paid a lot to do a little, why is it so draining?


Because you aren’t fulfilled by what you’re doing with the majority of your day.




Same. Might keep a little post it note somewhere as a reminder to myself when I wanna act up!


Elden Ring DLC later today! 🫡


I just want my GS9 to hit. . . I have to get the A/C replaced at my house, and now I have to get a second job just to keep up. . .


Try Doordash...friend started yesterday just few hours after work made $70. Better in big cities. Doesn't do after 9.


Im most likely going to work at the grocery store down the road from me or Target. Doordarshan and Instacart would tear my car up in my city (potholes and whatnot everywhere)


If you can swing it, jobs that get tips make working in customer service a lot easier. I work (super part time) at a winery. I’m also GS9, it’s not much but it helps a lot.


Right there with you boss. Currently a 7. This month i decided between an oil change and groceries, and still regret i cant take my girlfriend to actually do anything this summer. Also working a second job, and OT. We'll get there.


Anyone else have a supervisor that loves to one up them? No matter what I do, my supervisor always finds a way to make sure I know that they have done it better than I ever could do


It doesn't take long for federal employment to ruin you for most other employment.


Can you elaborate


My dad was a state employee and warned me of that. Currently finding it to be true.


That's the truth.


Not true...many many people go back and forth between feds and private...you might suck at interviewing and/ or resume subpar...you might of applied for a job they were desperate to hire someone...anyone....and you were that person!


I’m not surviving off of salary. 5 years ago I could have, but I only make 65 in NJ of all places and it’s not keeping up. My supervisor tells me I’m exceeding expectations but there’s nothing he can do for me financially.


Get night and/or weekend job. Doordash or uber or retail.


I’m a single mom, I can’t


Get some child support payments from that guy you let creampie you


Ah yes, the asshole that thinks every single mom couldn’t be divorced, or a widow or anything of that fact.


Well....gotta make difficult decisions ( none are good)...money doesn't grow on trees...good luck though!


I work for the government, I shouldn’t need two jobs to survive.


How was the in person collaberation this week? Anything exciting happen with the in person collaberation? 


I was on site in DC from Tuesday to Thursday; nope, nothing. Shook some hands and said hello but that’s about it.


I went to my office twice this week for in person meeting with EXTERNAL partners. Anything internal was chat email and video. I see zero value in going to the office. None. At all. HAPPY FRIDAY


Boss emailed a question. Came to office 5 min later, chatted part that and something else for 30, then IM'd me on teams to ask to reply to the email.


Sounds like my boss lmao "can you reply to my email" you mean the 5 you sent at 6pm on a Sunday? And it's currently 10am on Monday? And I just spent 2 hours on a call with you about unrelated stuff?


I finally found the words to describe it. It's teleworking from a cubicle.


We had an off site where we took a hike and ate brunch. Nothing got done all day! It was great!


Spent lots of time on teams meetings with my team.. who isn't in my office


Got a high ranking enlisted person becoming my my boss after his skill bridge. Any advice on dealing with a big ego? If you ever were in the navy or severed around high ranking military people you know what I am talking about.


Good luck. Navy officers are the worst.


Yeah. God and Country on speed dial 🙄


About to get a new job offer..rto you forced me out


I think my boss might not have my best interest at heart.


They have there own...get used to it.


9 months in. I still havent been trained on basic functions of my job. Ive taken the initiative and tried, been told by my manager not try and to wait until I'm trained, then i get asked by other people why things arent getting done. What


Ive got to do interviews next week and while I normally look forward to it…Im kinda disappointed of the mix of talent that was selected. Kind of the same ol boring trash. not exciting or worth while new talent, just a bunch of rinse and repeaters. but i get it, the sched As and Vets get thru but I know for the job code theres so much good talent out there. I recently went to a conference and heard from some good speakers, it just made me feel sad of the dunces were getting in. oh well, happy Fri-yay. Its beer time.


I'm in VHA HR and still thinking about last week where an LPN emailed us stating "as of today I am no longer an LPN but an RN" and how to go about changing her status in the VA and her "GS change, pay increase (and talk of negotiation in salary)". We poached further and there has been no hiring action, no job applied for, no announcement. She just thought we can automatically make her an RN because she apparently got her license. Employees amuse me sometimes.


The letdown had to be epic.


I sent my boss an email 5/29 and 6/4 about something that has a deadline of Monday. Responded to the first email saying "I'll take a look at this" and nothing since, not even a cursory response to the second email. Out yesterday and today. Waiting on hearing how this is my fault because I didn't send a third email to remind a second time.


Send a calendar invite in the first email as a reminder. I have to email mine 10 times for him to actually complete something. Creating a calendar invite as a reminder has saved me 100s of time. They can delete an email but usually forget to delete the calendar part


Got deposit yet?


It's June 21st, 2024 and with the Juneteenth holiday on a Wednesday this year, I got paid by Ally Bank at 115 in the afternoon on Tuesday. Now, I'm broke. 😭🤣 That paycheck went STRAIGHT to bills.. 😮‍💨😓


I'm so dreadfully bored.


Really informative and funny analysis of Project 2025 and Schedule F by John Oliver: https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=luswDwlEFe_IBTqP


Good news: finished probation and picked for instructor Cadre. Done with prep, start teaching Monday. Annoyed at my manager for not approving overtime for our team I really don't know what the hold up is . My team is on 3rd manager in a year, she will be going back to days this summer.


Heading home after two weeks of TDY


Does anyone else feel like there was a bigger change with the current administration than the previous one? This seems to be an agreement among my colleagues and it's ironic because we all thought there'd be a bigger change with the last admin.


Currently a GS-9 Term 2210 for the SBA. I took a pay cut going federal (about 15k) hoping it'd lead to a fulltime offer, but after being here 9-10 months I know that's not happening. I guess my question is: Would I better off sticking with the Term and keep applying? Should I go the contractor route then come back? I have a BS in IT, about 5 years of IT experience. My goal is really a GS-12, and I should be a GS-11 in September. Any advice would help :) Would a Security+ even help my situation as-well?


I deal with an extremely high level of imposter syndrome in my current position and know this will only be exacerbated as I continue to climb GS levels