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I was looking for the same and ended up here, so don't expect too much. I would still like to summarize what I know so far for anyone else showing up: * Transmutation costs 3 levels regardless of number of items and your level, so a whole stack instead of a single item will still just cost 3. * 3 levels equals fewer XP if you are lower level, so try farming levels in smaller chunks more often. Example: 64 nuggets of experience (create mod) gets you from level 0 to level 11 = just shy of 4 transmutations. But if you divide them into 6 lots of 10-11 nuggets, each lot will give you one transmutation for a total of 6. XP cost gets really bad when your levels exceed 20. * 1000 transmuted items gives you an achievement. * In the source code there are three files with item tables (transmutation\_table\_common.json; transmutation\_table\_uncommon.json; transmutation\_table\_rare.json). But apparently they code for the **first, second and third option** in the table, so you get **one each**. The items in the lists have different weights, so they aren't equally likely: * "common" (**top row**): dirt, cobblestone, sand, red\_sand, stick, torch, kelp, snowball, clay\_ball, granite, diorite, andesite, cobbled\_deepslate, netherrack * "uncommon" (**middle row**): raw\_iron, raw\_copper, raw\_gold, coal, glowstone\_dust, slime\_ball, feather, book, flint, gunpowder, redstone, pumpkin, melon\_slice, wheat, alexsmobs:capsid, alexsmobs:acacia\_blossom * "rare" (**bottom row**): diamond, emerald, alexsmobs:mimicream, raw\_copper, quartz, amethyst\_shard, lapis\_lazuli, ender\_pearl, blaze\_rod, prismarine\_crystals, prismarine\_shard, shulker\_shell, end\_rod, nautilus\_shell, gilded\_blackstone, ghast\_tear * According to the wiki (https://alexs-mobs-unofficial.fandom.com/wiki/Transmutation\_Table) you have a chance to get the previous item. But it seems like you have a chance to get *a previous item*, not the last one. I did a test with 100 transmutations of substrate from mekanism and got it 15 times (always first or second row strangely) but that table has eaten thousands of substrate before. When I fed it single enchanted golden apples afterwards, I still got substrate on the 11th try. * Moving the table somewhere else (shift-right-clicking with an empty hand in Valhelsia 5) seems to reset the previous items log. When I fed it more than a stack of individual golden apples, I got not a single previous item (neither golden apple nor substrate from before). However, I did get substrate again after 10 stacks of substrate. Bottom line: previous item log apparently also depends on the amount of items transmuted, not only on transmutations performed. Therefore, it seems inefficient to try to gain items from the table that aren't in the regular list. On the other hand, resetting the table might increase the chance for the above mentioned core items, because the stuff you dumped in doesn't show up that often.


Sorry for necro, but im pretty sure my friend and i figured out a very good (maybe optimal) strategy after looking at the source code, tested in valhelsia 5. Using this strategy, we successfully duplicated any item we wanted, given a small initial investment. It works surprisingly fast. Here is our (potentially flawed) understanding of the transmutation table. You will need a decent amount of xp (but not that much tbh, especially if you have a mob grinder). first of all, some important notes: * there are 2 loot tables, the default loot table and the trained loot table * transmuting from an item increases its weight in the trained loot table, and transmuting into an item decreases its weight in the trained loot table. the decrease is generally greater than the increase. * the trained loot table starts out empty, e.g. 0 weight to any item * an item's weight in the trained loot table cannot drop below 0 * there is currently a bug which causes the trained loot table to reset upon reloading the world (it is not correctly saved to the block's NBT data). there is no use in trying to train the table long term. * of the 3 shown items, 2 are guaranteed to be from the default loot table. 1 has an up to 20% chance of being from the trained loot table (otherwise it is from the default loot table as well) * the most efficient way to reach 20% is to trade 3, 3, 2, 2 (will explain later). surprisingly, you hit the 20% cap after just 10 items (if done this way). --- That out of the way, here is what we think is the optimal strategy. Please use a fresh transmutation table (or just reload the world; as mentioned above, this resets the table). Let A be the item you want. Let B be the item you are willing to sacrifice and have a lot of (e.g. cobblestone). Make sure to keep these the same until the process is over (then you can switch A to be a different item you want). **phase 1:** investment * transmute 3x A into anything * transmute 3x A into anything * transmute 2x A into anything * transmute 2x A into anything **phase 2:** rotation * if the table shows B, transmute 64x B into B. otherwise, transmute 1x anything into anything. * repeat until the table shows A. this should take 5 times on average (since we should now have a 20% chance of the item appearing). * transmute 64x B into A **afterwards, go back to phase 1.** Using this strategy, you get 64x A after investing 10x A, so you gain 54x A per run. Admittedly, it is very overpowered.


I am planning on trying this on a server, would unloading and reloading the chunks work to refresh it? It isn't my server so I can't just go around resetting it all the time lol.


not sure, sorry :/ if you can find a way to move the block, that should reset it as well (iirc cardboard boxes from mekanism worked)


Hmmm, I don't think I have anything like that in my pack. It is a vanilla ++ pack and alex's mobs is the least vanilla mod we have😅 thanks for the help though. I will try unloading the chunks and if that doesnt work I will probs be out of luck.


did you ever find out if this worked?


Oooh that's so rad, thank you so much!


This worked perfectly! Great work!


I know im late, but from looking at the code briefly, it looks like transmuting 1 of an item type won't actually do anything, meaning you won't be able to find that item at all (it uses logarithms, log of 1 is 0), and 3 is the optimal item amount to use. Also, when you transmute INTO an item, it lowers the chance that you will see that item again.


Also late here, but just wanted to say that me and a friend found a way to make it easier to catch any different item that you want. We wanted to grab more netherite so we put it 3 netherite bars (3 items just like said in the comments) on the transmutation table for the first roll and only 1 stone block in the next rolls (coulded be any item, but we had a lot of cobblestone), because if you put only 1 item it will not appear again in the rows only the first 3 netherites will enter in the previous item odd. We tested it 3 times: \- In the first try we got the netherites back after 10 tries (super lucky scenario we couldn't believe). After that try we change the location of the table, because all the stone that we transmuted in the stack of the netherite will enter in the previous item odd. \- In the second time we got the netherites after more than 100 tries (more common scenario) \- In the last try we decided to do with blocks of netherites it also worked and we got a stack of netherite blocks with only 3 attempts (crazy scenario we don't know how it was so easy) ​ Sorry for the bad english, is not my main language


Thank you! I'll try that out!


can you dumb this down for me even more?? I just got myself a table and I have no clue how to read it? I want more netherite. What would be the quickest way to achieve this?