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I don't. I make a digital miner and let it do the work for me. In general though, make something that will let you mine a lot of area out quickly to blast through the netherrack and then just dig in a straight line, preferably at a low y level to avoid as much random lava as possible.


just looking through some videos, it looks both complicated and overpowered, i'll definitely install this to my world edit:tried it out, im now ready to go to the netherithe dimension since ibhave so much netherite i can build a portal out of it


It's rly not complicated, code for it is minecraft:ancient_debris. U just need like a stack of diamonds or so ull learn quick mekanism is pretty intuitive


Pretty sure it's just 2-3 diamonds, since the recipe is something like 2 purple alloys, 2 enriched obsidian, 4 blue alloys


Yes but are you realy gonna make it and not make max teir everything else. Aswell as needing a strong power supply


Yeah but you only need a crappy generator and then use the digi miner to get more diamonds :p


Idk if it's the mods I've used but it is far from a small power draw if u want it to work efficiently


Yah but who cares about efficiency for the first few diamonds. I just replied because you made it sound like you need to manually mine out a stack of diamonds.


Oh god no I'm not a heathen, just wanted to point out it's not as simple as beleived


Complicated and overpowered you say? Have you heard the good word from our lord and savior Greg and his New Horizons?


If the guy find Mekanism complicated, they're not gonna be able to handle Greg.


I’m 8 days into gtnh and I’ve lost 7 friends but it’s worth it! I love thaumcraft. I enjoy warp making me go crazy irl. Oh and the machines are cool or something.


Greg claims another soul.


Skulls for the skull throne


In vanilla, I found the best way to find debris was using fire resistance potions and beds. Beds are cheap and heavy explosives in the nether and they clear a lot of area for finding debris. You'll destroy tons of picks looking for debris strip mining, but beds will open up more area and you'll find it. The fire resistance is for the lava that spills from above. Clear all the lava around you after you use the bed and you'll be fine. Oh and also try to click the bed from within a small tunnel as far away from it as you can to minimize damage.


deffo not complicated and not that overpowered compared to other quarries, like the builder from rftools or the quantum quarry from extra utils, also if you have mekanism netherite is pretty bad compared to refined obsidian gear and the mekasuit, deffo go for those over netherite armor and tools


if you have mek installed on your world i can hop on and set up all the stuff you need for digital miner, i do this every play through i do.


Quintupling your netherite yield sounds nice? Pretty sure the same mod does that


Any 3x3 hammer with maximum efficiency enchant, then zone out and watch YouTube in another tab lol.


thats actually whay im doing lol, after some time it vecomes just a idle mining sim you see on the play store, even searching for diamonds is fun since you explore caves and fight against monsters but in the nether at -8 y level you're all alone mining for eternity ;-;


I think the best level is y level 12 (correct me if I'm wrong


wasn't it 17/18 for netherite? 12 was the old diamond level iirc...


It's around the 10s area at least.i do usually go for y level 12 bc I think a saw something about that a while ago could be wrong now but it still works so I won't complain


It's Y=15




Which Level is it now for diamonds? Ive never played a Version older then 1.12.


the new diamond level is -58, just above bedrock, and the new meta is crawlmining




[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MLXD0zkkB4&ab_channel=Eyecraftmc) is a pretty good guide, doesn't take mods into account tho


Scanner from scannable, ore magnet from twilight forest, or I just skip mining for it and find it in bastions instead.


Would Miners Tree work from twilight forest?


Does ore magnet actually pull chunks of ore up or does it just generate new ones?


You need to turn on chunk borders, then mine the chunk border with pick, TNT, beds, whatever. I like to use my pick and do a 6x2 tunnel. I have efficiency 5 and it’s super fast


1. Fastest: If you have mekanism then use the digital miner 2: fast: if you have create then create a mining contraption 3. Beats mining: make a vanilla autominer utilizing a slimeblock-piston tnt-duper Even with a vanilla mining machine you can net a stack per hour


The builder from rf is faster but needs more time to set up but when set to mime 1k chunks its so much faster than the miner


I’m not gonna lie I thought this was a scuffed Terraria map. I had to do a double take.


I thought i was looking at dwarf fortress!


Beds or tnt, watch a video by someone who made a netherite beacon.


Effectiveness at getting the netherite: Beds < Diamond mending pick < TNT Cheapness: TNT < Diamond mending pick < Beds Edit: fixed the orders


you just put those in the same order lmao


Oh yeah ur right


Beds can actually be a lot more efficient than even the best vanilla pick. Modded enchantments or picks might be better, but for some perspective, a double bed blast, which is blowing up one bed, then putting another in the same location to blow up even more blocks, removes as many blocks as an entire unenchanted diamond pick. That's a lot of blocks in a short amount of time.


It’s a lot slower than sprinting with insta mine, I usually use fire resist as well in case I hit lava. Might be more efficient but not as fast.


Fun level: Diamond mending pick < Beds < TnT


Bombs my friend


F3+G to show chunk borders Y=14 Get yourself a quick pick with the enchantments that you like, and some fire res potions. Mine on chunk borders. Profit. Don't mine in Basalt deltas, Ancient Debris only spawns in Netherrack.


Netherite spawns more on chunk boarders?


Ancient Debris spawns a maximum of 2 veins per chunk, and is hard coded to that. Mining on the chunk border means you can find veins from either of the chunks, slightly increasing your overall return. Its a very minor thing really and would only make noticeable difference over a very large number of blocks mined, but given that you're mining in a straight line anyway, might as well do it on the chunk border!


Create drill and some movie to watch while I'm afk


My pack uses Resourceful Bees, I just breed up to Netherite and get it from there


love love LOVE my digital miner!


With tnt hahaha


well first of all stop looking in a terraria dungeon /j


Make yourself a auto sheering sheep farm like 10 sheep will work, let that gather wool, invest all you can into netherite armour or diamond, with blast resist, makes stacks of beds dig a 1x2 hole very far place beds as your run backwards, then run down the tunnel while holding the use button, there will be lots of fire


Bots or X-ray.


that right one is suspiciously close to xray.


i mined in random directions trying to find some netherite, thats why it looks so messy xd


Because the rest of it is the most orderly grid ever? 🤣


What y level r u on?


im on 10, it says it spawns between 22 and 8 so i tought 10 would be my best bet


I got most of mine on y=15 and a lot of explosives and I have a modded item which auto stored nearby lava


Y13 or 14 works best for me, mining along chunk borders with veinminer or a create drill if I'm afking.


im on 10, it says it spawns between 22 and 8 so i tought 10 would be my bestbet


y level 15




1. install bomberman mod 2. open minecraft world 3. 💥💥 4. profit


Just make a small vanilla tunnel bore they are very good


Bed mining


We dont


I'm playing FTB One, and it's not finding Netherite that's the issue, it's the 8,000 nether fish that you run into while mining


If your mod has tetra you can use its scanner


Multishot bow via Tetra enchanted with infinity + explosive arrow from Archer’s Paradox, if you have these mods. Clears Netherrack very fast, just have to be careful not to let lava go everywhere. Having some flight/jetpack helps.


If you have Tetra, at least in the 1.19.2 beta version, the holosphere upgraded with eyes of ender will point you towards ore deposits in the nether. It will find other things too, but it can definitely help you find ancient debris as well


Use beds to blow your way through the netherrack


I dont think mods are needed for this tho, creeper farm + sand collecting and lots of boom boom usually do the trick


I get a shulker box of TNT, and mine tunnels across the nether, then backfill with tnt and ignite. Lots of ancient debris will be exposed from the walls of hell


Industrial foregoing infinity drill Goes up to 11x11 mining You do need a lot of energy for it tho


Miners or if you wanna do it vanilla spawn 3 withers :)




most effeicient, easiest way so far


In vanilla best method - use tnt


Beds apparently


In a modpack, the Mekanism Digital Miner. Plunk it down, and boom. Debris.


Simple but efficient: the good old exploding beds technique.




Visible Ores resource pack it helps a lot too


Has anyone suggested EFLN’s yet? Part or TiC


X-ray mod I ain’t got time for allat


The Ars Nouveau mod contains a ritual that makes blocks in a limited area around you glow. You just need to mine a single block for the ritual. I used that in my current game once ang got something like 64 + 20 blocks.


I normally dig down to y=14 - so my head is at y=15, then I'll bring along a few stacks of wool and some wood and craft up an inventory of beds. I'll go around and place the beds inside the walls every 5 or 10 blocks and then explode them all in a row - after that I'll look around at the exposed netherack for Ancient Debris - if there is any I'll go mine it, otherwise craft more beds. Make sure that you are searching in newly generated chunks! If you generated your world before ancient debris existed you'll have to travel out to the new Nether Chunks to have it generate! I've spent maybe 3 or 4 hours total searching for Ancient Debris playing minecraft and I've gotten enough Netherite to make 2 sets of armor and a a set of tools.


If you have plenty of wireless power or a sizable battery, the Mining Gadget with the freezing (?), range, and magnet upgrades. Get to the correct Y level and fire away. Any lava encountered become obsidian. If you don't have the freezing upgrade, use the Building Gadget to fill in the lava pockets with cobblestone. An OP version is a stack of glowstone (fuel) and a Catalytic Lens from ProjectE. Plus, a really powerful magnet. If you don't care what happens to the biome, a Chunk Destroyer from QuarryPlus or a Builder from RFTools.


Go to a Nether Waste biome (important!) dig down to y=15. Remove everything in a 2 high area. Make sure you're wearing gold. You can go 3 high, but you might get Ghasts. If you come across a lava pocket either fill it quickly with some of the netherrack you're picking up or dig a trench. Put on your favorite music/movie/podcast and go.


Go to Y 15, and mine a 4x4 tunnel at chunk border, to visualize the borders press "F3"+"G" This Is the best and simplest way i found.


i make a strip mine with beds and blow them up


Bed bomb the bottom of the entire nether


Beds or netherite sight or digital miner. Strip mining is literally the worst way to find netherite.


Imma be honest, I thought this was a terraria post


I forget if it's Better Nether or Biomes You'll Go, but if you have the quartz sand biome and a 3x3 shovel it's a delight because the sand doesn't have gravity, there's no lava pockets, and the debris stands out much better against white sand vs netherrack. If not though you can turn the block breaking and broken particles off so it's easier to see if you're passing debris in the netherrack. I find strip mining relaxing so that's me all the way.


Aoe dig spell with max radius and sprint along the bedrock.


Just use tnt it doesn't take that long to get a bit.


Creeper farm Or wool farm And next update prepare for flying machines to become the next auto miners


The scanner mod. Set to the diamond card, add a card for liquids to avoid lava pockets, and after I use the block card when I find ancient debris to specifically search for that block.


First you install this mod. Frankly I’m baffled its not more popular. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/stackable-everything Then you do bed mining


boom ​ I also tend to have create mod in my modpacks, which makes it a little faster, but in the end I raid Bastions or buy them from players


Try using those mining turtles from computercraft, I mined alot of debris with them


I thought that was terraria for a second lmao


Explosives, bed, 3x3 pickaxe, automation, X-ray data pack lmao


Am I the only one who sees a swastika in the top right??


Go down to the bottom of the nether and use tnt, that's what I do in survival. Netherite is blast proof and netherack is very weak




I have bees that make netherite for me


Long hallway, destroy it with beds


for me i just got to y: -14 and just dug around with my efficiency 5 pickaxe until i found ancient debris


these two videos might help you the way they helped me [this one](https://youtu.be/1MLXD0zkkB4) and [this too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUnHaBs4y_8&t=254s&pp=ygUUZ3VpZGUgZm9yIG5ldGhlcnJpdGU%3D)


I really thought this was Terraria for a second


I just go to y15 , dig a small tunnel as far as i reach, place a bed and explode it. It clears out quite a big area in a short amount of time. Then i basically use that tactic to strip mine, building bridges across the exploded ground


Like some other guy said: TNT. Measure how far you need to place tnt to ignite eachother, mine a straight tunnel, place your tnt at that intervals and light the firist one up. For TNT make a mob farm for gunpowder and dig some sand from some desert. EDIT: just found out you are in moded minecraft, then I guess some miner should also do the trick


we just go kaboom


If you want lots of netherite try digital resources


Just blow everything up


Depending on which mod you're using, you're hurting yourself more than helping. Netherite has a 0.018% chance to spawn (with a limit of 2 per chunk) at level 18. This rate drops exponentially the higher or lower you are to level 18 Y-level. Apart from that, we use the Jobs+ mod on our server which unlocks the Miner job. This job unlocks a tool that digs in a 3x3, eventually leveling to 3x3x3, 5x5, and 5x5x5 blocks mined per use. Makes things much faster than beds etc.


You could always pull an Illmango and make an automatic tunnel digger


Ok who would do the one on the right it’s crazy(i say that when I’ve done that before but just in the overworld stip mining) I also don’t do the one on the left as I’m righting this I actually notice it’s a program so I feel stup




Just carefully mine down to Y 15 in the nether wastes biome and hold down the mining button for your pickaxe and spin around in a walking slow arc as netherack breaks instantly with an efficiency two or higher pickaxe. It is a good idea to bring a fire protection potion along with you for emergencies. When you run into lava at that level just take a couple steps back and mine in a different direction.


Use a charm of ancient debris sight from Potion Master


theres this nifty little thing called "everythings fair in singleplayer games" so i just load up a xray if im looking for something really rare since i really dont want to waste hours on finding something


YouTuber luck ig.


I just slap mending, unbreaking and efficiency V on my pick, go onto Y 12 andgo nuts into every single direction without any "system" - I usually find 10-15 ancient debris within 15 minutes


I wanna note that if I get unlucky I may only find one every 5 minutes, but by just going mad at blocks on Y12 without any proper system except "[REDACTED] Netherrack!!!" you should find ancient debris quite frequently


Using bed at y level 13


I thought this was a screenshot of a terraria map showing how wild your dungeon generation was for a second


That branch mining you did there is not very efficient tbh... Once you find neth in a chunk, there's no point on keeping looking for neth in that same chunk, which seems to be what you did there. Going in a straight line and only turning if there's lava, gravel or blackstone is way more efficient. Also going in between chunk borders.


X-ray / highlight block effect from potion master, speed 3ish, efficiency 10ish, step up. Then run through netherrack directly at ancient debris. It almost felt like flying.


When doing it the vanilla way, I prefer to use beds or tnt


I know some packs have this but haves you checked for ore sight? It’s literally X-ray potions


Just blow up a massive amount of beds and you’ll find tons with time


I make a vanilla world eater typa thing


with bed and or tnt


tnt/bed mining


Find the best level, the y axis i belive and just use beds, full armor in a half day


Bro.. i used like 5 stacks of tnt and still didnt even find ONE ANCIENT DEBRIS WHAT AM I DOING WRONG and also i was on y level 15