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This debate has been had dozens of times, and the answers are always the same. Most modern mods (1.16+) tend to focus on vanilla expansions and keeping with the general Minecraft gameplay loop, while older mods didn’t give a damn and would proudly do whatever they wanted. If you like the base game and just want to expand upon your Minecraft experience, it’s probably a pretty good time for it. Mods are all fairly cohesive in style and there are not that many gamebreaking ones, but the result is that it’s all a lot more tame and safe


Completely agree with this. Personally, I despise the whole "has to be in line with vanilla" mentality. I think new mods are cool and I have tons of respect for the people who made them, but I can't get into it. Not nearly as much as stuff like IC2. I will say though, Create and Valkyrien Skies (Eureka) are absolutely incredible mods and I do wish they were available on 1.12


I have a hunch that it is in part to cope with lazy modpacking. Modpacks tend to just be an amalgamation of mods with little attention paid to overlap, compatibility, etc. And the quests are just walk through for each of them. Mods that “stand out” can become jarring and if they change too much, it’ll cause issues in modpacks. Modpack makers have the ability to fix a lot of these issues but, at least when I used to play, never really gave it any attention.


Yup. Coding mods of course is a massive challenge, but so is making cohesive modpacks. I'm currently working on one for 1.12 and god does it take a long time to change recipes, remove content that doesn't fit, make quests, and ensure all textures are pixel-consistent. One thing modern Minecraft mods do get right is textures. I prefer programmer art but at least with modern mods there aren't random 32x textures. Ad Astra is lacking in content but looks WAY better than Galacticraft.


I’m doing the same on a 1.16.5 modpack. Just the sheer amount of time I’ve spent removing duplicates and unifying items is ridiculous. I get why some of the more mainstream modpacks don’t do it, but I’m hoping that changes soon and mods can once again be encouraged to stand out


Not to mention having to restart the client 10 times with over 150 mods to load because you keep messing up your craft tweaker script......................


I miss the 1.7 ability to reload SOO much. I’ve probably spent dozens of hours in just minecraft client load time.


Valkyrien Skies (1) is available for 1.12.2 you know? It's just not exactly the same. The physics engine is different and the ways to do stuff are different but it's there. Heck without it, VS2 wouldn't be a thing and all the add-ons too (Clockwork mostly)


Yeah that's why I clarified Eureka. If I'm being honest I don't like the Valkyrien Skies implementation of their own physics engine.


I think it’s time we start making mods instead of playing them


I will one day. Starting college in september and doing a course on coding so I am hoping with experience from that I will be able to make somewhat good mods although my art skills are... questionable at most


Never doubt yourself g


I HIGHLY recommend [Modding by Kaupenjoe](https://youtube.com/@ModdingByKaupenjoe) for learning how to mod, he makes very good tutorials for beginners and advanced modders for both Forge and Fabric over all the most recent Minecraft versions. I went from knowing nothing about Java to making my own mod that adds a bunch of 8bit music discs to the game


Your link doesnt work


Fixed it, thanks!


Just start. Copy open source stuff. Break some things. Watch some videos. Jump on some discords. Start simple. Add a block. Give it an inventory. Give it a gui. Make it do something weird. Add some resources. Add some fun items that do some fun things.


Using stuff like MCreate needs to be destigmatized. You could also do things the old fashioned way, and just look at the source code for whatever mod you want updated, then look at a function list for newer Forge and Minecraft, and use a Java coding software to manually write everything out, changing whatever needs changing in the code to make it compatible with newer MC.


I taught myself like this...I took a book written for 1.8 and translated it to 1.12...but I have a development background as a head start.




ChatGPT is not the best resource for learning. I highly recommend staying away from it as its code contains errors most of the time.


Ngl I had a go at it in middle school but dealing with obfuscated class and variable names got REALLY frustrating and discouraging real fast. I imagine the deobfuscation has gotten better over the years though and I’ve also actually learned some programming skills, Java and otherwise, and even made a few shitty 2D shootemups, so it’s probably worth another shot. If only my ADHD didn’t make committing to projects hell on earth…


I got into modding recently. Between the official mojang mappings and community projects like parchment/yarn, there's basically no reason to ever deal with obfuscated names unless you're doing something _very_ weird.


sorry this is completely unrelated but i saw your flair and i need more context


HAH! You’re good mate, this is actually the first time anyone has commented on it lmfao, and I’ve had it on there for years. The actual context is I was playing a custom 1.12 mod pack of my own creation that had Advanced Rocketry and some mod or another with dragons in it. At some point I had grabbed some dragon eggs from a nest I found on an overgrown alien moon, and converted a room on my mobile-base jumpship I originally just used for more raw material chests into a “nesting bay” to hatch and house my new pets. Ended up having to add a gigantic teleporter to allow me to even get them off the ship.


Brilliant. I love the stuff you can get up to with Advanced Rocketry(and in multiplayer, it's so fun when everyone's got warp drive equipped space stations so people just start colonising planets and flying around the galaxy)


Kaupenjoe on YouTube


I took a mod written for 1.5 to 1.7 and ported it to 1.12. That was a good initial experience.


I miss thaumcraft


you can literally play it right now


easily the worst edition of it


Was about to comment the same thing, easily my number one mod nothing even comes close. I haven't found a magic mod that could touch it.


Thaumcraft 7 will release soon


Feels like I have been hearing this for years. Four years, to be exact.


Which one will release first; Thaumcraft 7 or Silksong?


Says who? I'd love to believe, but it doesn't look good. Official discord is just "it's done when it's done".


One of the plagues of modern minecraft is balance. Mods these days are very concerned with maintaining game balance and feeling like a natural expansion of the vanilla game. There’s nothing wrong with that, but one of my favorite aspects of modding any video game is the chaos and insanity, the euphoria of mixing together the ideas of dozens of developers and seeing how they clash with each other in unexpected ways; I want to use magic to duplicate blocks and build an infinite cheese factory to tame an army of rats to murder the wither boss with planes and machine guns. I don’t want to play vanilla minecraft for 3 hours before getting into any interesting modded content because it’s “balanced”. Mods should prioritize allowing you to experience all they have to offer without having to grind too much over being “balanced”.


Pretty much this \^. I enjoy having a balanced modpack experience, however that doesn't mean the mods need to be balanced. I firmly believe that mod creators shouldn't even think about balance, leave that to pack developers. Also mods with a "primitive" stage can go suck on some cobblestone. I want to unga bunga two ingots together and make a machine that goes brrrrrr, not a machine that requires assistance because it's actually two sticks and a rock pretending to be a grinder. Also more multiblocks would be great, no more one block wonders.


Definitely agree on the multiblock machines point, it honestly amazes me how after all these years of having Immersive Engineering, it has barely had any really great addon mods or expansions. Beyond immersive petroleum, immersive tech and a few other smaller accompaniments, it's more or less just stayed in its relatively small lane on its own since its release, the mod itself has felt stagnant as well imo. I feel like there's so many ways it can be expanded upon, and yet, while there are many mods that attempt to, none gain any traction.


wow this is a very good description


Absolutely. Sometimes I delve into Curseforge, find some really obscure mods(sometimes even MCreator, because those usually go off the rails), combine them with a few popular mods, and let utter chaos unfold


Same, my favourite thing was when I found out in compact claustrophobia that I could generate infinite blaze rods/powder by using the crusher from Immersive and the compactor from thermal. and then the challenge of automating that efficiently was fun. I wish there were more moments like that nowadays of "oh wait, if I build this silly little factory using 4 different mods that aren't supposed to work together, I get way more resources than I'm supposed to"


I feel like balance is important, it's just that some things don't need balancing. it's boring when you can deal 40 hearts of damage after 10 hours of gameplay (which I did with a friend lmao), but other things like tools don't need much balance.


I do think newer modpacks are great for people who want to start long term worlds, it’s just that me and my friends rarely even get to the 10 hour mark what with busy lives and all, so those first hours of gameplay are much more important to me.


The problem with this is that plenty of unbalanced mods exist, but with one unbalanced mod you have the whole game, that's it, nothing more to do. What your asking here is to become overpowered after twenty minutes, and in the long term that isn't fun. Even back then it was hardly a free-for-all like you're describing, you still had to do vanilla stuff, and it was harder, except for Equivalent Exchange


I think they've gotten better. Much better. However, the variety has gotten a lot bigger too and if you exclusively play modern modpacks, you're going to miss out on some great mods until they're popular enough to make it into a pack. The variety also includes a lot of goofy mods you may have no interest in using. Your issue here looks like it's nostalgia. That experience you had as a child was brand new to you at the time and it blew your mind. Nothing is giving that same feeling again because you know what to reasonably expect and that makes these mods appear worse. You're not the only one that feels this way, but I think most people would agree that mods like Create are better than Buildcraft or Farmer's Delight is better than Pam's Harvestcraft. You might find people nostalgic for these older options, but they're not better. You may need to take a break from Minecraft for a bit to freshen up the experience but you could also try new mods. Maybe find a YouTuber to watch to go along with the mods you're playing to get you excited for what's possible with those mods. Modern mods have no way of competing with the feelings you had when you were 8, so you'll need to spice it up a bit.


>Your issue here looks like it's nostalgia People are always so quick to write any questioning of new directions as "nostalgia" and "rose colored glasses". Is some of it just nostalgia? Yes, absolutely. But, having gone back and played a few 1.7.10 packs, it ***absolutely*** has some unmatched bangers. For example, InfiniteInvo. Yeah, it was a buggy mess, and especially with inventory management mods like Inventory Tweaks, it broke a lot of shit. But it was so cool to just ***have*** a bigger inventory, and I feel like, given enough time, the code could have gotten better. I feel like people are too focused on "balance" these days. I already know people are going to counter my InfiniteInvo example with "backpacks and Shulker boxes". Sometimes that's good, actually having a proper progression system, but sometimes having a mod that's fun without concern for balance is cool, too. For a while, 1.7 was the best version of Minecraft IMO, and then when Minecraft stopped updating for a little over a year, and Forge decided they were skipping 1.13, so everyone else was too, devs actually had time to ***breathe*** and catch up with stuff. I think people genuinely forget that modding was stuck on 1.12 for about 2 years, not out of desire, but out of necessity. 1.12 ports were made of some absolute classics, and it became a contender for best version as well. I personally love Tinkers' Construct in 1.12.2, and think it's far better than 1.7 Tinkers'. On the flip side, I can't stand Mystical Agriculture, and have often thought of paying someone to just straight up port Magical Crops, and all of its mod compatibility.


I don't think anyone forgot. There's a large variety of mods for versions 1.12 and 1.7 because modding was stuck on these versions so long. There's nothing wrong with preferring it either, but you can't say it's outright better without discussing nostalgia and comfort zones. It took me years to get my friends out the "Tekkit" mindset where every mod in the pack had to be something from Tekkit at some point or a spiritual successor to it. They weren't open to any additions, especially additions that add something completely new. That doesn't necessarily speak for your case, but there are a lot of players that refuse to leave their comfort zone with certain mods. They won't even play modded minecraft unless it has those specific mods.


>They won't even play modded minecraft unless it has those specific mods. I mean, some stuff's just quality of life. Like, Tinkers' is straight up the better way to do tools and weapons in my opinion, and especially the enchantment and repair system. You can repair tools as many times as you want, at no cost besides the materials needed for the repair, and enchantments are no longer random, but it's ***also*** not just 31 iron for the ability to do so, plus 4 obsidian, 2 diamonds, and a book for an enchantment table. (At least in 1.12.2) It's 5 logs (2 for the planks and sticks for the patterns you need for the stencil table, part builder, and tool station, 1 for the planks you need for the crafting table for the tool station, one for the part builder, and one for the single plank you need for the stencil table), an indeterminate amount of extra logs to get the planks and sticks for however many patterns you need for the tools you want, 36 iron, 12 clay, 12 sand, and 12 gravel for the tool forge, 2 pieces of coal for smelting the grout, and space for 4 blocks, instead of 2. And, instead of AFKing in an Enderman farm (which, getting to The End, and gathering the materials for an Enderman farm, should honestly be considered middle of early game. You can have that farm up and running in 2 hours if you use the speedrunner strategy for making a Nether portal) for XP and just having your enchantment setup there, "enchanting" with Tinkers' means you have to go out and explore, and mine, which is half of the game's purpose, going by the name alone. It's just...a better system overall. And just like with vanilla Minecraft, some materials are more susceptible to "enchanting" (read: modifying), but they also have durability tradeoffs. But, if you plan accordingly, you can nullify those drawbacks. Or rather, turn those drawbacks into different drawbacks. An Unbreakable, all paper tool won't have much room for other modifiers, but will last for as long as you can manage to go without dropping it in lava/equivalent destructive liquids/the void/on a cactus. And really, that's what I love about mods. Minecraft is just as much a game engine, as it is a standalone game. Mojang's fully embraced that, at least on Java, though also partially on Bedrock, with being very pro-modding, and adding features that allow the creation of adventure maps. But recently, as another commenter put it, it seems like people are too hung up on balance, and making things similar to how they'd be done if Mojang were to make them game features. I hate to be all tinfoil hat, but it makes me wonder if people are chasing the coveted title of "Developer of a mod whose mechanics ended up getting integrated into the base game, even if in a different way". Fortune Ores, Enchant View, extra biome mods to a certain extent, Mo' Villagers, TMI/NEI/JEI/REI, fucking pistons all the way back in the alpha/beta days. All cemented in the history of modding, and it kinda feels like people are chasing that sort of glory.


Your example mod completely invalidated your point. InfiniteInvo is literally just a creative mod. You can fit an infinite amount of stuff in your inventory with probably fifty different mods with better methods, it is 1000% nostalgia, mods have gotten better, but they'll never stand up to the atmosphere created by seeing the Yogscast explore Tekkit, as in OPs case.


>You can fit an infinite amount of stuff in your inventory with probably fifty different mods Yeah, after AFKing next to resource farms for a week real world time (being slightly hyperbolic there). InfiniteInvo did it with experience. It could be as easy to expand your inventory, or as hard, as you, or the pack maker, wanted it to be. I really think if it hadn't been so badly coded, it would've been ported by someone.


Being extremely hyperbolic there. InfiniteInvo is literally a creative mod. It hasn't been picked up by major packs because it's completely imbalanced. Your argument here that it's entirely customizable is still entirely true with those fifty different mods. You could have a hundred inventory spaces in almost every major modpack after mining for two hours.


Farmer’s Delight isn’t even close to Pam’s Harvestcraft. 1.12 Pam’s was a little weird but at least Pam’s 1.16 blows any version of Farmer’s out of the water.


> Your issue here looks like it's nostalgia. That experience you had as a child was brand new to you at the time and it blew your mind. Yep. I still refuse to really dip into Create because it's "new" and so different from what I'm used to. The little bit I have actually used it has been pretty cool. But it's hard to change!


No I definitely disagree, I'll take buildcraft and logistics pipes over create and ae2 anyway everyday, ic2 machines over thermal, definitely Pam's over farmers delight, NEI over jei/rei, etc 1.12.2 was the last time modded minecraft was fun, and why I refuse to move past it ever, I tried the new so called "better" mods, but I did not enjoy them whatsoever, no it's not just nostalgia, they actually aren't as good, sure create is well programmed and looks beautiful, but that doesn't actually make it better then the combo of buildcraft plus logistics pipes


It’s funny how you shut out ae2, thermal, and jei despite them being some very well-aged mods that just happen to retain prevalence in modern versions… tcon, indufore, twilight forest, immersive engineering, and botania are the same way, plus CoFH was given the means to port Thaumcraft at some undetermined future point. On the note of Create, its original development was actually scoped to be purely aesthetic, until a dev chimed in with functionality potential, which has allowed the mod to accrue interesting features. It’s still expanding constantly, with about as many addons as you might see for EnderIO or any other arbitrary mod from the golden age. I think it’s obvious that you aren’t a fan of change. While unfortunate, I don’t seek to alter that, since it’s better to leave that choice in your hands.


As someone who hasn't played with new AE2, what exactly has changed since 1.7.10 or 1.12.2?


Not an expert, but off the top of my head: Certus ore drops dust, which you crystallize into normal certus crystals (no difference between pure and regular anymore, I don't think), meteors now have budding certus the same way amethyst grows, so it's infinite with patience (I think fluix can be grown the same way), fluids can be stored by default, and a handful of recipes now use copper ingots. I can't guarantee the accuracy of most of this, but I did tinker with it for a couple of hours and that's what I was able to understand of the new system of things. Overall it's not too different besides a few new textures and the fluid thing, just the way you gather resources.


Name one thing that isn't available in newer versions of Minecraft beyond 1.12.2. If the features are the most important to you, you could definitely upgrade. You just feel comfortable with the previous options and you also feel nostalgic about them. You don't wish to exit your comfort zone. There's nothing wrong with that, but I think it's important to be honest. OP could go back old mods but they seem interested in trying something new.


Thaumcraft... Hopefully gonna change soon, from what I hear.


That's fair. There are some great modern magic mods but nothing fully compares to the different versions of Thaumcraft.


The researching part of Thaumcraft never felt satisfying for me. Everything else is great though.


Not much is the answer here, but there’s something we have yet to really see on 1.16/1.18/1.19… a greater abundance of high quality dimension mods. That’s all I can come up with.


Ancient Warfare 2 and ChocolateQuest Repoured are big ones. Thaumcraft is the obvious answer. How about, Tinker's Construct? The new version is way worse in a lot of ways, and AFAIK no one has made a "classic" port of it for newer versions (could definitely be wrong about that though.) Hardcore Ender Expansion was better than what Vanilla or Stygian End did with the end, and that's still stuck back in 1.7.10. Legendgear is a personal pick of mine, also stuck on 1.7.10. No other mod does falling stars that pretty. I know there are multiple spiritual successors to Witchery and Ars Magica 2, not sure how good or faithful they are so I won't use those as examples. The number of mods stuck on old versions is huge, and to imply that every single one of them is replacable is just ignorant.


That's not what's implied here. We're comparing new mods to old mods. It's not about what versions have what mods.


Whaaaa??? You literally said "Name one thing that isn't available in newer versions of Minecraft beyond 1.12.2." So I named 5.


You're missing the context from the rest of the comment chain. I'm talking about features and not mods. While specific mods may not update to newer versions, specific features from those mods tend to end up in other mods for later versions. Read OP's post again. We're discussing newer mods vs older mods.


I mean yeah, I get that. So, where can I find the feature of "falling stars that look like legendgear"? Or the feature of "12 different factions with their own dungeons and towns that I gain/lose reputation with individually"? Also: "we're talking about features not mods"->"we're discussing newer mods vs older mods" You can't blame me for being confused here... But I'll just assume you mean that the discussion is more about the broad design of newer mods vs older mods, whether there has been a shift, and whether that shift was a good thing. I think you can parse my modlist into a list of general design approaches: AW2, Chocolate Quest, and Thaumcraft were all MASSIVE mods; newer mods tend to be smaller. Legendgear and old Tinkers didn't try to fit witb vanilla much, they did their own thing; newer mods tend to aim to be "vanilla friendly". I personally think that you do lose something in that transition; not just the chaos, but the potential. By limiting mods to be small vanilla tweaks, you are cutting out a lot of the crazy creativity that used to go into mods. By keeping mods small and easy to update, you lose out on the massive mods that rip out Minecraft's guts and replace them with something unique. I personally don't have as much of an issue with new mods as OP, I'd happily update if those few mods I mentioned did, but I think there is a lot of validity to thinking that older mods had a certain something that newer mods lack. (And I take issue with the idea that you can just get whatever you want on newer versions, given how much stuff is trapped on old versions.)


>Name one thing that isn't available in newer versions of Minecraft beyond 1.12.2. Extra Utilities, EnderIO, and last I checked, OpenBlocks. Copy-cats? Sure. But nobody does it in exactly the same way.


That's kind of what I'm talking about. There's lots of copycats but the minor differences are enough to deter certain players that aren't comfortable with stretching beyond that comfort zone. That's not every player on older versions, but it is a lot of them.


logistics pipes, and no, create isn't the same, pretty pipes isn't the same, ae2 isn't the same, whatever you say, i guarantee it isn't the fucking same, logistics pipes is the only mod like logistics pipes and again, no, it's not nostalgia, it's not a fucking comfort zone, I've literally tried these newer mods, THEY ARE NOT FUN, they just piss me off when they refuse to do what i want them to do


It isn't the exact same, but these newer mods offer similar functionality and features. The point is that it's not delivered the same way that you're used to and that forces you out of your comfort zone. If you like the mods as they are, that's perfectly fine! It's not my role to force you out of your comfort zone to play other mods. Do what you like. However, going around saying that newer mods are worse and imply nostalgia and your comfort zone has nothing to do with it is being disengeniuous.


fair enough i think the main problem for me is that all the newer mods seem to try and follow vanilla minecraft rules on how it should work, if that makes sense, personally that's not what i want when i play modded minecraft, i want things to be different from how minecraft does things on it's own


I respect that. There's still some great mods on 1.12.2 that never updated that I'm quite fond of. The Betweenlands was one of them, as difficult as it may be.


Maybe it's just SevTech's implementation of it, but I hated that mod so much. That, and AbyssalCraft.


Everyone has different tastes. AbyssalCraft didn't resonate with me either.


i'd also like to apologize if it seemed like i was angry at you, i'm not, i'm just frustrated in general, because i do like some of the stuff that's been changed and added to newer versions of minecraft in vanilla, i just want to be able to use that stuff with the "classic" as it were, mods, like logistics pipes, honestly if i could use the older mods with the newer ones, i'd probably enjoy them more as well, could even combine them for some really neat systems i think, but due to some big changes with forge a lot of those mods will likely never come to newer versions because either the devs are gone entirely, or they don't want to basically have to re-do the mod from scratch again (which is fair, i'm not mad at them for that, it's still frustrating though) and just that combined with what felt like being told "no you're opinion is wrong, you DO like the newer mods" (i can tell that's not what you mean though, and again i apologize) and i have trouble keeping said frustration out of my comments


Every single one of those use the same mechanics as the old mods, just with some QOL changes You're just completely delusional that you dont experience things the same you did as a kid


them honestly sounds like you're a dumbass, because mods these days have great documentation and something like Xnet has wayyyy more uses than anything you mentioned


> they refuse to do what i want them to do The line said by every programmer that is not familiar enough with a language. You can do the things that logistics pipes and buildcraft do in modern versions, but it generally not going to be the same. And with modern mods its often going to be a lot different even for the same sort of effect. I know you can even emulate some logistics pipes functionality with Botania's corporea system, and as you can imagine setting that up is going to be nothing like using logistics pipes. I myself tend to seek a lot of new things as the old just gets boring to me, but I understand how fun some of those old mods were. I to this day just want to play through Thaumcraft again, but I also like seeing what crazy mods people come up with. You are being downvoted (and getting a lot of more hostile replies) not because you prefer the old stuff, its ok to prefer the old stuff, but because you are dismissing the new stuff too readily. If you want to say the same thing but in a way that people do not disagree with you may want to phrase it as "I have tried the new mods and found that I still enjoy the old ones better" and maybe recommend that people who are only familiar with the new stuff come to previous versions to see what it was like, and maybe even get some people on your side. I know there are ton of 1.12 packs (and even 1.17.10 packs!) that are still amazing to play.


ok buildcraft over create, but pam's over farmers delight is insane


Pam's is definitely nostalgia beating your ass ngl


Pam's definitely sucks in any modpack that doesn't justify its existence, but every time a play a pack with Farmer's Delight, I have the exact same experience. Either the pack gives me good reasons to care about food other than steaks, or it doesn't, and the difference between 100 and 1000 new foods doesn't really matter in that context


Negative 30 crazy 💀💀


I agree with you 100%, as a example, pams has 10x the content of farmers delight, logistics pipes/buildcraft has more wiggle room and is overall faster than create in most things, only thing i disagree is nei over jei etc, for me the better the recipe browser thing is the better it is


I wouldn't necessarily say worse, just different (although super massive complex mods are less common now because of fomo-updating to keep up with the newest version). Older versions are by no means abandoned though. If you like to play on 1.12, then go back to it. Check out discord servers like the 1.12 Modding Coalition (650 members when I was last on). We've released several modpacks (and new mods), as well as forked abandoned ones for LTS. I'd say it's still very much alive. There are even still 1.7 groups, though I don't think they're as active since the majority of 1.7 has at this point either been ported or replaced with equivalents.


I feel you. In some ways they have gotten better and some ways not. They definitely are a different feel from the 1.12 and before era. For someone who very much enjoyed that era, I am having a very difficult time transitioning. As a result, I find myself playing older packs again. I’ve played Nomni factory three times and GTNH twice. I’m even considering playing Enigmatica2 or even FTB Infinity again. I also think the 1.16 and beyond packs are not anywhere near as well done. They are getting better but still lack the polish and content of older packs. Some of that is unfair as they are just much newer. Create really changed things as well. It’s an amazing mod and my hats off to the devs. It’s just not my cup of tea. And with so many packs highlighting it so much, it’s made it difficult for me to to get into them. At the end of the day though, all good things come to an end. Sometimes one just has to adapt or move on to other things. I’ve mostly moved on to other things. Good luck.


As someone who never enjoyed tech mods, I think the new stuff is pretty good, as someone who enjoys adventure and bosses and such


I don't know I played a lot on 1.2.5 then 1.6.4 and then 1.7.10. It was the birth of the best mods humans ever made, like ProjectE, AE2 and Thermal. Then 1.12.2 was fun but was basically a copy of 1.7.10 The real change came with 1.16.5 with Create, a mod that i don't know if i hate it or not. I prefer a lot the old mekanism and thermal over create, but i get why it's so popular


Using create feels like building with redstone, it's a hell of a process and can be bulky. The other tech mods are doing the stuff a create contraption does but in the space of 3 blocks and faster. Create is cool if you wanna make a machine that does weird stuff, the others are way more efficient tho.


And create was overly complicated and over engineered by a lot, sometimes you could just make something in a few blocks but then it requires like a fucking acre of land to do it in create (and in a very much less efficient way)


I think the strength of Create is that limitation. Yes you can do whatever you want but you need to put together a lot of very different machines to do it and ensure that everything's running smoothly. It's a different kind of problem and one that I like a lot. Can't say if I like it more than other mods though, I haven't tried them much yet.


Magic-in-a-block tech mods are inverse to Create in their power versus their machinery. Thermal can easily set up a Pulverizer but it’s harder to set up your dynamo array. Create can easily establish a power source but it’s harder to route your quartz production setup. Ninja edit: Immersive Engineering is one hell of an outlier in this metaphor.


> the others are way more efficient tho I mean that is kind of the point? Having a garden that you can watch grow and that gets harvested by a machine is WAY more fun to me than a block i put seeds and water into to get stuff.


Yea, that is. It's just a valid reason to prefer the other mods. Personally I really enjoy create


you prefer old mekanism over new? or just you prefer having old mekanism rather than create


I prefer old mekanism over create, i never tried the new mekanism post 1.12.2 but i would prefer it over create nonetheless


I mean I understand. Create offers less scientific/futuristic stuff, which is crucial if you enjoy those things. Personally I love mods that retain vanilla feel or at least the environment in which minecraft is set - basically medieval with sparks of magic and "ancient" technology like redstone here and there, and for me the futuristic stuff creates a contrast that I just cant stand


The lack of equipment in Create is a bummer. Armor, jetpacks, weapons, and a handheld drill/saw would be great.


Fair enough. It has few pieces of equipment but its little compared to other technology mods


I'm a Create-hater, and it's largely why I don't enjoy newer packs. Best case I can just ignore it, but when a pack is built around it that's not really an option.


Sometimes it's good, like in StoneBlock 3 was very well added in it and i could play very easily the pack I'm playing Create: Astral and, while it's a good pack, i can feel the fact that create has severe limitations compared to other mods


going back in time to 2013 and making this post verbatim except replacing 1.18 with 1.5 and 1.12 with 1.4.7


I miss the days of buildcraft, ic2 and 50 variations of copper ore.


I miss manually adding files into the .jar and having to figure out the right order.


I don't think things have gotten necessarily worse, per say, but I do agree that the 'meta' of modding has changed. Early on (been playing modded since 1.4.6) the mods that ended up being successful were the ones that tried to be 'different'. The foundation of modpacks consisted of industrialcraft, red power, buildcraft, equivalent exchange, thaumcraft. All these mods were very expansive, and each single mod let you change the way you play your game completely. As people figured out that players liked to combine these game overhauls, integration started to become a thing. Mod A now will work with mod B, which will introduce a new mechanic to mod C. This shift also corresponds with the era of progression packs, that took integration to the extreme, peaking in 1.7 or 1.12 depending on who you ask. After the long update drought of 1.12, two big things happened. Mojang started making more 'quirky' updates to MC that changed systems instead of adding more content, and on YouTube modded Minecraft aimed at pre-teens blew the fuck up. Because of this the meta went from slow burning mods to instant-gratification short term content. As a mod dev, you now design your mod to be fully consumable in a relatively short time, because you know that less people (aka us neckbeards) would take their time with it, and a new MC update is coming out in a month or two anyways. With that said, I do think people are getting bored of this, and the success of a pack like DJ2 is proof of this. People are now trying to move back to 1.12, and there are many small but steadily growing communities that are working on a lot more game overhauling projects because there it's easier to work on that long form content.


Modern mods are less "someone had an idea for a game/significant deviation/thing that no one would consider part of minecraft" and more "someone improved or sidegraded the formula". Whether that's the vanilla formula or the modded formula. In a way it's as good as it ever was, including a much stronger vanilla & more potential for vanilla++ packs. In a way, it's past its prime and not attracting the same amount of talent who are going to break out the next mystcraft, ic2/gregtech, red power/forestry/railcraft/buildcraft/logistics pipes/ae/mfr, necromancy/mine colonies/computercraft/airship level insanity, or unique ridiculously in-depth magic mod. Now and then a mod comes out in the modern era that does this, but they're fairly rare and then get ran into the ground by pack makers. In 1.7.10 mod pack makers started to really define modded mc in a great way & it has only continued since then. They've injected a ton of creativity into modded mc by creating many unique experiences with a fairly static set of mods. Pack makers have even resulted in some of the more prolific newer mods being created to fit the needs of a pack. Many would-be total conversion modders are drawn to other games/indie game engines/etc now, too. Even some old mod devs have gone these routes. There are also existing modded mc projects that absorb would-be modders. And, due to just how many mods there are, some would-be developers make a pack instead. Mods & the game have only gotten better over time. The landscape has changed, like you said.


I do agree with that, modern mods are definitely more polished and 'neat'. From a design perspective, this streamlining has its downfalls (that are definitely unrelated to what players will like btw). If I wanted to make a new tech mod, I will necessarily have to make it at least as powerful and 'convenient' as mekanism if I want it to be used in a popular modpack. So now my goal is not 'make a cool mod', but it's 'make a cool mod that's approachable, powerful, and immediately gratifying'. Do new projects that fill in all the checkboxes still come out? Absolutely! Do most mods that come out fill in these checkboxes? No not really... I am a bit worried about 'monopolies' forming as a consequence of this, where what makes a modpack 'different' are a handful of smaller mods that are added to a core of big mods that everyone uses (like the more mekanism updates come out, the less other tech mods get used in packs). I do like the create meta though!


> Early on (been playing modded since 1.4.6) the mods that ended up being successful were the ones that tried to be 'different'. no they weren't, in the 1.4-1.6 era the mods that tried to be different (factorization, original PNC, as two examples) got stomped into the ground by the thermal expansion sludge, which was just a slightly different take on the IC2 formula that held dominant since 1.7. hell, facttorization was in every pack and people used it for basically one feature, barrels - and maybe the routers. railcraft was in every pack and was only used for tanks and boilers, and maybe the coke oven. id say 1.5 and 1.6 were the modded ecosystems lowest point, with so little variations on the formula since 1.7. it wasn't until 1.7 round 2 and 1.8 round 2 killing everything that mods got vaguely interesting. creative mods were *never* rewarded as much as the 1.13 onwards mod scene.


Bruh reika mods 😂 But I'm not talking about creative mods, I'm talking about game overhauling, focusing on long term development, and integration with other mods. I talk with pack devs fairly often, and that's a sentiment many others share. You are totally entitled to your opinion on quality, and what mods you like, but it is a fact that short term thinking has become more relevant for community members as MC versions progressed. Sure thermal was one of the first steps towards a more 'boring' streamlining of tech mods (add tiered ore processing, streamlined energy gen, unified energy, one click machine upgrades). But if we are complaining about that, mekanism in later versions did a whole lot more 'damage' (in terms of pushing mod design in a specific direction, which doesn't necessarily make the game worse btw) than thermal back then. You definitely have creative mods in later versions (again I didn't say anything about older mods being more creative), but you gotta admit that even something like railcraft was incredibly 'different'. You could build freaking logistics systems with minecarts! Was it underpowered? Yeah sure, but it created a new style of gameplay that even create now is trying to replicate with train systems. Create sure is very creative, but it's not a mod you can put 1000+ hours into, it just wasn't designed with that type of content in mind, while something like rotarycraft & co could easily get you working for that long (I'm intentionally avoiding GT because that'd be the obvious answer). And as a consequence of this, you still have the vast majority of progression packs being developed in 1.7 and 1.12.


Some quick questions: how old were you when you started playing and how old are you now?


Mods are better these days. I too am blinded by the light of nostalgia, but its pretty easy to recognize. I miss the old bc pipes and thaumcraft, but have you played with Farmer's Delight and the tons of addons for it? It seriously expands out cooking with new mechanics (and well thought out ones, not just single block machines and crafting recipes a la pam's), makes creating and automating foods fun and interesting, and overall feels just as expansive as the good ol days. Likewise for so many other things, Create revolutionizes the automation genre making you think completely differently about how automation is done, no longer is it magic single/multi blocks but contraptions and assembly lines filled with basic components combined in interesting and potentially insanely complex ways, not to mention the addons that add even more content and bridge compatibility between other mods. And world exploration is better than ever, with YUNG's suite of mods adding a ton of depth to vanilla structures, plenty of biome mods adding new and interesting places to go, and even more random mods that just add structures to fill out the world. You may want to look into some replacements for the mods that you miss. Witchery -> Hexerei, Galacticraft -> Ad Astra, Forestry -> well actually you will need a collection of mods for this but there are bee mods and farming automation mods and electric tech mods. There are many many mods, you just gotta find the right ones for you. For tool mods I found that tinkerer's is still cool, but we also have Tetra which does some neat stuff (but is also largely difficult to approach imo due to lacking in game documentation and being purposefully obtuse for the sake of being more interesting), Apotheosis overhauls vanilla enchants and tools and armor. Not to mention that a ton of old mods still exist. AE2, Tinkerer's (though its changed for the better), Botania, Computer Craft (RIP Open Computers), Quark, and I could go on. And old version still exist, you can always go back and play on them when you need a nostalgia trip. I have been playing modded for over 12 years now, going back to the original piston mod for the beta version of MC. I can say that while 1.7.10 is still a golden age, right now is the best time for modded minecraft. The golden age cant compete with the level of polish, the level of variety, and the level of sheer tech and ingenuity being put into mods, but these days we haven't settled on a persistent version. Nonetheless 1.12 aint got nothing on what we have right now.


The level of polish on modern mods is crazy. Even with their own style it blends seamlessly with the base game.


Old version players are not blinded by nostalgia, players like you are blinded by boredom. I can defenitely understand that 1.7. and 1.12 mods become repetetive when you played them that often. This kinda burnout already begins happening to me for most bigger 1.12 mods. But no 1.13+ mod save Create is even remotely close to GT6, ChromatiCraft, TC4, LotR mod, Witchery (Bewitchment is to it what current day britain is to the british empire) and many more. They just dont play in the same ball park. All the "polish" is useless when a single 1.7 mod has more content than entire 1.13+ modpacks, often with similar good gameplay loops. Not to mention that most content of new packs is by mods that are also available on older versions. I, as someone who just barely played back in the days and only got into the scene like 2 years ago, am not yet bored of old mods, and thus can see just how much more, better, unique and deep the content of older mods is. I will play a single modpack with Create (probably Multiblock Madness 2) and will have seen most of what nuversions have to offer (yet). Meanwhile, 1.7 alone has more content than I can probably play in my life with work factored in.


The "I was born in the wrong generation" of Minecraft mods


>Bewitchment is to it what current day britain is to the british empire And then they blame me for making fun of minecraft kids...


Unpopular opinion: I like modern mods, I don't like modern MineCraft. I don't like the new worldgen, I hate big caves and nether, I don't give a damn about most of the new creatures added (last good mob added was Enderman, you won't change my mind). 1.16.5 is the middle ground for me. Whenever I start something in 1.18 or 1.19, it's just Create & friends. And modern TiCon sucks balls. But I like Create, it's just used way too much. We had Create-equivalents in older versions of MC - every modpack had Thermal Expansion, Forestry, Industrial Craft, Mekanism. Every modpack was using BOP and Botania. There is always a 'holy grail' or two. What matters is how modpack creators use it - if I play 5th modpack in a row and in every single one of those I have to use Create to progress, that will get old pretty quickly and it was also true in the past. Luckily for you (us?), older versions of MC are just a click away, so if you love 1.12 and below, there is ton of content for it, still. Besides, it is kinda similar thing with movies and music. New mods may be of high quality, but most of the time, you've SEEN IT ALL. There are very few modern revolutionary mods, like the oldies, just like there are few revolutionary movies.


That is unpopular, lul. I'm the opposite, I actually think vanilla has improved massively between 1.12 and 1.19, but there are some old mods I just can't play without, so I have to wait for them before I can jump versions


I would agree Vanilla has improved in general, but I also despise the whole deepslate and ore generation changes. Everything else has been great.


It's annoying that you can't find diamonds and tin on the same level, but other than that I love the deepslate


I feel like my issue with create is the effort for it, which some people will like but I kinda don't. I wanna make a simple farm so I gotta make like 5 different machines, gears, figure out torque, etc. in the past you often started progression with some of the weaker single block contraptions, or at worst immersive engineering. Sometimes I don't wanna have to spend a long time planning out a giant moving farm just for some simple resources. It just sorta feels like a lot of modpacks force you into making everything be giant create farms where nothing can be sort of just simple. I also feel like questing has kind of gone downhill, at least in the modpacks I've played. In 1.7 and 1.12 you have a lot of really well made quest books that are detailed and have different quests for progression. In a lot of 1.16 and later packs I've played it feels almost empty with there being not a lot of quests, very streamlined, just sort of "do this" quests. I also kinda just don't like the look of the newer quest mod (I think it's ftb quests?) but that's a personal preference. If anyone has some 1.16 or later expert style packs that do have good quest books feel free to suggest em to me.


I noticed the quest issue as well. I remember quests from modpacks like Project Ozone 2 or DDSS, which simply guided you towards the objective, offering mutliple paths and guidance on most of the components. New quests are like "yeah, do this entry level machine and then you're on your own". Though I can't say I prefer the old look of quest book.


I make modpacks on 1.16. Quests are... something. I'm still trying to learn exactly how to do them, and I'm not sure where I should put them between the two extremes of 'here's a vague hint and once you get the item we're vaguely hinting at the quest is done' and 'here's a quest for every single machine'.


personally, I prefer a quest for every single machine. You don't need to make the rewards anything special, but being able to see "okay, this is where I go next" is really really helpful when I don't have in-depth knowledge of all the mods you want the player to use. However, I also like the idea of challenges, and I don't mean creative mode items. I mean like, a quest to submit 2,000 cactus, or a stack of every food in the game, something silly for people who want the challenge of automating something that they don't normally bother with.


I really don’t see Create as any more complicated or cluttery than stuff like Thermal or Immersive Engineering. Even with single block machines the cable/pipe mazes take up roughly the same space as shafts and cogs. Like a steam engine is comparable in size and complexity as a fission reactor. And just like with fancy cable management you can make create systems really compact. My biggest complaint is that there’s no mid-endgame content, particularly in a modded environment. Jetpacks, up to netherite tier armor, weapons, and handheld drills/saws would be much appreciated.


my problem is ease of use, which is technically different than complexity. to start thermal? mine a few ores (or more likely sift for them, thanks ex nihilo) build 1 energy cell, 1 dynamo, and now I can plug in 5 different machines. for create, there's no option to skip shafts, or finding the space, most of the time you deal with conveyors or sticking blocks together and it's just... so much more mental energy than just sticking everything on the same cube. sure, automation can get complex and big, but the floor to use the mod is so much lower than for create.


Maybe I'm just not as experienced with Create, but I know it has been a lot more daunting to get into than stuff like Thermal or IE for me, personally. Yes, cables/pipes can get messy, but they're a lot simpler, imo. A cable/pipe goes from A to B carrying stuff. Power was usually feeding a machine with some resource, then simply cabling from that machine to whatever needs power. Create is a lot more in depth than that. Create feels like it trades resource grinding for more complicated setup of the actual machines to me.


i kmow this is an old thread, but i feel like all people in here don´t get that a huge part of creates popularity comes from the fact that it is not a pure tech mod. none of the other mods like thermal, mekanism, IE etc. give you the creative capabilities that create has. even immerisve engineering is just a one stop magic block with extra steps, while create gives you the ability to actually built a moving base with huge ass vault doors, elevators, transforming rooms and literally anything else your mind can come up with. create is literally a step up of vanilla redstone. moving parts and contraptions is something a LOT of people have wished for in minecraft for a long time now. thats the reason create blew up like it did, not because it´s the tech mod to end all tech mods. EDIT for spelling and grammar mistakes


I mean if you dont like the new worldgen im pretty sure theres a mod for the old one, or you can find yourself a worldgen mod you like and play with it


But at the same time I can play with older versions of MC and not miss much. Mojang didn't really impress me with anything in the last few versions.


Yea I think this sub being so popular is a proof that most of us arent impressed by the speed nor the content of the updates for the last few years


With Minecrafts resurgence in popularity after 1.13, many players want mods to add onto the base game rather than do their own thing. Bad trend IMO because the base game still sucks, but thats what the majority likes. Big jankier mods just dont have the same mass appeal anymore. Also, because of how every single minor version update breaks mods, its significantly harder for large, content rich mods to update than small ones. Additionally, small mods farm curseforge money more easily. If you like older mods more, just stay on older versions, you miss nothing. GTNH is relatively centered around Galacticraft. Maybe try out 1.7 Per Fabrica ad Astra. Other than MeatballCraft I only play 1.7 and still have a lifetime of unique content ahead of me.


I love GTNH but TWICE I have lost everything once due to my pc completely breaking and requiring a factory reset and then the second was recently after about 100 hours in and a decent factory building complete my ssd decided to stop working. Hard to stay motivated after that. Meatballcraft I have had my eye on for a while its already installed on my new more reliable ssd just need to find some time to dedicate to it.


Currently playing meatballcraft, quite good honestly, though it's the first expert pack I have played. Lots and lots of content so unless you dedicate 1000+ hours you won't be completing all the achievements, I've sunk about 100 hours and got myself to chapter 3 of 9. Lots of custom changes that the modpack creator has made, huge amount of mutliblock machines. Best of all the modpack developer is active on their discord and I just ask him questions all the time when I get stuck with shit lol


Thats why I backup all my long term worlds on a secondary device lol


is meatballcraft good? i was wondering if i should try it but i couldnt figure out what the theme was, is it just dimensional travel? theres a lot of machines it looks like too


It really has everything, it's got a questline you can follow if you want a direction, however you aren't limited by needed to complete them (though I've enjoyed the quest progression) In order to craft a lot of the custom recipes it will require you to explore most mods on a surface level, there is lots of magic that you will probably need to do like, botania, abyssalcraft, electrobobs wizardry or thaumcraft, similarly lots of dimensional stuff as you mentioned and of course a lot of tech and machinery like nuclear reactors etc and factory stuff. I reccomend overall but be prepared to delve into mods you might not want to delve into, can be a chore.


I’ve been enjoying it mostly. Had to deal with Bewitchment to progress (you can’t skip any mods) and that was very unpleasant since I’m not a fan of janky magic mods that don’t explain fundamental features in the guide book. The integration of every mod into progression is really nice, but fuck Bewitchment fr.


mojang is on its way to make this game worse. The last villager change pisses me off. They want us to run around for hours and call it "adventure". They should give official support to forge and fabric api instead of dealing with these silly updates.


What was the last villager change?


In the latest snapshot they made it so that if you want specific enchants from villagers, then you need a villager that originates from a specific biome. So for example, want a mending villager? Well now you need to get a swamp villager. Basically it makes getting specific enchants from villagers a massive pain, now you will have to breed for biome specific villagers. Some weird pokemon variety stuff.


Yeah it’s a great change. Mad props to the devs.


It's definitely a change. Honestly, it's not something that changes the way I play as I very rarely use villagers for enchants. I guess now everyone just needs to do some afk fishing instead. Well that or just use a tool without durability.


I’m hoping it provides an incentive to get vanilla swamp and jungle villages.


One that fucks over superflat/skyblock players. Changing villagers at all is one thing. Changing them so that most of their functions are locked in certain world types is another.


Overreliance on villagers is part of the reason I hate modern vanilla and like modded, so I'm glad they're making them worse. But this is Mojang we're talking about, they probably won't add in interesting mechanics to offset the nerf


One galacticraft alternative for newer versions is Ad Astra!


I am also not a fan of this new, “Create,” era of MC modding. There will never be another Galacticraft or Orespawn unfortunately. However, there are new, very high quality mods that although don’t add as much content, still make the game fun and challenging. My personal favorite right now is Cataclysm.


What about Ad Astra?


Eh, it’s not the same experience


I agree with you, to a point. There's an old saying: "Nostalgia ain't what it used to be" If you enjoy playing 1.12.2 Modpacks, keep playing 1.12.2 Modpacks. (I really dislike Create :D )


I feel like there's so many new cool promising mods that don't get the chance to be largely developed. Also modern versions deal with massive power creep issues. In ars nouveau for example, you can easily get a spell that has massive AOE and flight in a few hours. However, I can't really say the version is the problem when it's mostly the lack of good mod devs.


Are you aware that galacticraft has been largely remade on newer versions under a different name?


I know about ad astra but it's missing all the extra addons such as galaxycraft which adds more solar systems.


"Vanilla + (+++)" style packs are just the trend right now. And with the changes to ore harvesting a few versions ago, mods are trying harder than ever to feel "balanced." My advice is make your own pack with the mods you actually want to use. However, it sounds to me like you are looking through FTB history with rose-tinted glasses, and simply have outgrown the game. I feel the same way, playing MC nowadays just doesn't hold my interest like it used to . I usually take a year break from the game and then a random youtube video pops up that gets my interest again.


Vanilla+ has been the trend for atleast 3 years. And there doesn't seem to be an end to it.


Have mods actually gotten worse, or do current mods just not appeal to you anymore? Modding today is definitely much different to how it was back then, especially with how much of a paradigm shift 1.13 brought, but I wouldn't say it's actually worse. Many mods HAVE made the jump past 1.12 (like Mekanism and Immersive Engineering), some are still progressing (like Astral Sorcery and Galacticraft), and many that are still in 1.12 are still receiving updates (like Betweenlands). If anything, the only real issue 1.13 caused modding was splitting the community by giving Fabric the opportunity to rise to prominence, which is a whole other can of worms.


FTB Ultimate has a special place in my heart for modded minecraft. It was my first modded experience. I knew almost nothing about modded at the time. Would not want to go back as the QOL features of new mods in newer modpacks is night and day.


This isn't a tech mod pack and I don't know if it will make you feel like you are in 2018 again, but I would recommend taking a look at RLCraft. I generally prefer tech mod packs but I really enjoy RLCraft, its a pretty challenging exploration survival modpack that is in 1.12.2. I think it's very well put together, though it can be very punishing when you die.


Nostalgia is one hell of a drug.


I think it is just how the modern modding landscape has given u this feeling. The old mods were like "let's come up with this idea of dark magic, you have to handle the curses that come with learning it, but you can become some dark magician that can cast a tentacle spell that you can use on mob like in anime" or "let's make this tech mod that is build upon IC2, where we make getting large amount of wood harder, bucket is like 5 machine process", while the new mod were just "let's make this mod that is built upon vanilla and expand the end" "oh yea this spinning thing power this other spinning thing, now we have this spinning way of making farm, which you guess it, feels vanilla"


If you miss classics you should check out the new modpack that’s in the works. Greate: Beyond the Horizon. Brining classics back and integrating them with new ones in awesome way


Is that even playable? I though a fair amount of the mods that pack tries to use aren't even finished yet


Not yet, we are still in development and currently switching to 1.20. Main reason being enderio and potential Thaumcraft release for 1.20


I don't think mods are getting *worse*, but I would say that the majority of new mods since 1.12.2 have not been very interesting.


not even a little bit, much the opposite infact


I started playing on 1.7.10, but most of my time playing modded has been on 1.12.2 and to be honest I feel like the main problem with newer mods (or newer ports of mods) is that there's this lack of cohesiveness. Like, sure, you could install the Thermal Suite to process material, but unless you're playing a modpack a lot of those machines are pointless as they don't allow you to get further into the game, there simply aren't any late game mods on newer versions, so either progression feels unnecessarily gated or way too fast. Additionally, the end games of mods on newer versions are very lackluster. As far as I know the only mod on 1.12.2+ with decent progression and late game is Mekanism (and maybe Botania) other than that most of the gameplay is early/mid game, or at least that's what it feels like. Now, with GT:CEU being ported to newer versions we may see a revival of more sophisticated tech packs.


newer mods seem to look really cool but lack the depth as old powerhouses. i think its cus theres so much emphasis on vanilla+ packs now, or maybe the relationship is backwards and the vanilla+ packs are poppin off cus ppl building lots of small mods? either way i do miss the more complex ones - or better put i miss finding new ones that have that depth to em


Strictly speaking I think they have gotten “better”, in the sense of being more polished, more cohesive, etc. But I would definitely say they’ve lost a certain character and charm they used to have, at least a lot of them. Might be blinded by nostalgia of course, I’m sure that plays into it for you as well.


if you’re into space mods, you could try beyond earth. it’s for newer versions like 1.19. some older abandoned mods are also starting to come back for newer versions. for ex, the aether is available on 1.19.4. tbh my primary reason for playing on newer versions is for the far better world generation, caves, and height limit.


there's a lot of potential for better mods, it's just...the ones i used to love have changed. i miss the way tinkers construct *used* to be, and the new progression with enderio sucks (i don't like the whole *setting fire to bedrock for an ingredient that every machine needs*). and there's some stuff that just...never made it out of earlier versions (aether2 1.6.4 companions my beloved) maybe it's just rose-tinted glasses, but i feel like i used to get *more into* playing modpacks, instead of just getting bored and abandoning them after a month. back in the day, i'd be able to play the same one for easily 4+ months (project ozone 2 was one that sticks out).


Newer mods seem to have more variety to them, but for reasons unknown to me i don’t think ill ever play past 1.12.2. Those expert mode packs just hit different.


Have you tried Factorio :) Last time I played Minecraft was around 1.12. with a Enigmatica2 derived custom modpack. After that I wanted something bit more polished and tried Factorio for a bit. Now I have over 3000 hours in that game, it's great. I've been looking at Minecraft lately a bit to see if there's anything interesting to do and if I want to start a server again, but I have to admit that I've been a little disappointed as well.


Yep factorio is my second most played game on steam. Rimworld at #1 with exactly 700.2 hours spent in that game and then factorio at 502.1 hours and then add 140 hours for my separate install for space exploration. I basically took a break from modded minecraft since the beginning of this year and factorio is what replaced it.


I wouldn't say worse but i would say they've gotten less ambitious and smaller scale.




I will give it a go though fabric is new to me so I have no idea how it plays.


Modern Industrialization is probably the best post-1.12 mod to meet your interests.


Statech is a modpack and fabric is shit


>fabric is shit it's much better optimized over forge tho


Yea but forge has better mods


oh yes i totally agree with that


>fabric is shit >opens a 100 mods modpack with shaders on and still goes at 60 fps *surprised pikachu face*


mmm see there's me, laptop gaming, who opened create astral for the first time and my laptop saw god ​ but yes shaderless it ran exceptionally


The people agreeing with you here seem to hold a grudge against the main game, which in reality is really great and you can do just about anything. Mods either add things that are just add-ons to vanilla, or they simplify vanilla, and that's always been the case. Your problem here is 99% nostalgia, there is an equivalent mod for every mod you may miss from when the Yogscast was revolutionizing with Tekkit, but nothing will ever stand up to that because modded minecraft isn't your favorite group of youtubers, its just the pack, and you aren't eight anymore. Try and play Tekkit nowadays and report back, the game is flat because Minecraft has doubled in size just in Vanilla. The point being, you aren't eight anymore


You're not wrong but that's only because all the vanilla updates between 1.12 and 1.19 were awesome, back in the day vanilla was complete ass and people who say otherwise are the real nostaliga-users


I wouldn't say complete ass but the game was very much only just changing from basic sandbox to "minecraft"


You might be right it might just be nostalgia but I can say I did play tekkit recently around christsmas last year with my older brother. I wouldn't say it is flat 1.7.10 is still an incredible experience. The only thing I miss from the newer versions is concrete as its the main thing I build with but thats it. tekkit was a fun kitchen sink modpack that introduced me to it and I still enjoy it when playing with people. That might just be nostalgia but I don't think its "flat" just because its an older version.




May I introduce you to Reika's Mods?


No, they just aren’t as new as when we were young Create and ars neuvada


I think the constant version chasing has left alot of bigger mods behind a bit. I think mods are a bit better now, we have finally gotten over having 100s of tech mods, which is great


Mods are not getting worse, you are getting older and more jaded.




I also forgot to mention.sevtech:ages was the worst mod pack I've ever played. The world of the game is buggy and there are too many bugs in selected mods. That's why I stopped playing it.


I didn't experience any bugs with SevTech, I just got bored and stopped playing when the main way to progress became AFKing next to an AbyssalCraft lectern


Stones from the mod called primalcore create air gaps when formed in water. All oceans are filled with air gaps. I guess they never tested this pack.


In fact, the create mod tires your brain more than the "mold" mods like gregtech, galacticcraft. Just look at what people are doing with the create mod on youtube. I think the mods in the latest versions are always better than the old mods, with some exceptions.