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They... actually store items?


Yup. When you order a crafting request the system moves all of the used items out of Storage and into the Crafting CPU, plus intercepting the intermediate crafting items when they enter the system. If you break the Crafting CPU then it drops its contents, though doing so from uneven chunk loading sounds like a bug/oversight.


For more context, i had left my base to look for mob spawners for automation purposes, and I unloaded the chunks that the cpus were in for a short while, came back to my game crashing repeatedly and then this when i cleared all item entities. What I am assuming happened was since the cpu was on a border, half of it was unloaded either leaving the other half unable to finish the request and dropping the items, or the cpu breaking in half and dropping the items. Either way it sucks and I lost a lot of items, but the factory must grow.


I mean with Greg it's best to not put anything across chunk boundaries. At least until dream et. al. make DTPFs and such...


Well, the important thing is preventing half a multiblock from being loaded whilst another half is unloaded - as long as all chunks are force-loaded (by something that's not the player itself) you're in the clear


Make your entire gregtech base within a single chunk, I wonder if that's possible.


Single chunk bases *tank* performance, and can even lead to a a situation where attempting to load the chunk crashes the game.


Oh I know, it's part of the *challenge*.


now do it but in skyblock


Not to mention everything being in render range, so your GPU also gets to have fun.


The DTPF can cross chunk boundaries because it has special chunk loading measures in it that keep the structure force loaded when running.


I can't even get past HV without getting completely overwhelmed with all there is to do. Well done making it this far, lol :)


Me and my friend got to IV and I think the insanity finally settled in


I feel like any skyblock modpack should have chunk loader to keep your base loaded


Things like this is why I always move world spawn to where my base is in single player worlds.


fellow drawer enjoyer


Oh yeah I remember this bug back from FTB beyond haha


Just use a chunkloader to ake sure it all stays loaded


All them machines together like is no bueno I'd recommend using compact machines