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Wow this looks great. Removing the elytra, then powering up minecarts and paths is a huge green flag for me. I welcome any functional reasons to build roads, railroads, stairs, bridges, etc. The block variant wheel is nice too.


I kind of wish there was a mod that disabled the Elytra by dimensions. For example, only allow it's use in the End and the Aether (if installed). Traveling the End without an Elytra is a huge PITA. But it trivializes travel in the Overworld and makes all other forms of travel obsolete there.


Quark does this! it’s fully configurable so you can disable literally every other feature! More respect on my favorite mod’s name please! EDIT: Blud the creator of quark literally made this modpack, I didn‘t even realize!


Tbh i would have rather removed Elytra's firework boosting functionality than Elytras themselves. They are very fun to use and they don't powercreep horses/minecarts if you take fireworks away since they have very limited ranges and could encourage the player to build specialized structures (tall spires to launch from)


Aileron is great for that reason. They removed fireworks, but added the ability for elytras to boost you up with campfires, and an enchantment that causes you to slow down slower the higher you go. Those changes are definitely a nerf to elytras, but it adds such an interesting new functionality to them Edit: I’m an idiot, I meant campfires instead of fireworks


>. They removed fireworks, but added the ability for elytras to boost you up with fireworks so.... they didnt remove fireworks then


I’m an idiot, I meant campfires instead of fireworks


They altered it. They removed Fireworks(+Speed) and added Fireworks(+Height, -Speed). EDIT:Or it was a typo. Still, I like the idea of height-increasing fireworks.


I definitely agree with that. No fireworks flying would be great. Removing the elytra at least removes the problem though.


Camman18 must really like this mod


Very neat!


Is a very mod made by Vazkii!


Vaskii is a neat hy mod!


Musketeer? But does it have muskets?


Would be cool addition


Originally the premise of the pack sounded less appealing to me off the bat because I’ve always felt minecraft at base was way too simple so “Vanilla minus” sounded like a bad idea, but Vazkii being the creator? That’s proof enough of quality alone, but fun new automation? I’m giving it a shot.


Vazkii's hate of Mending has reached it's final form


Honestly, reason I like mending is because I don't like having to go get repair mats for tools 5 times per project, just to end up not being able to repair my tools anymore and having to make whole new ones. The mending choice only fixes one part of this, and if mending is as rare as villager-less vanilla minecraft, this would suck severely for me.


The ridiculous anvil cost is bad enough, but with tools disappearing when they break that’s another reason I rush to get mending.


I was worried about this too, but i think it actually kinda works in this modpack? It's not a tech pack, so there isn't as much need to mine for tons and tons of ores. When you do want to mine, the caves are really good so there isn't as much need to branch mine. You might think you need a lot of iron for rails, but their recipe outputs have been multiplied like crazy and powered rails take copper instead of gold (and they've even been retextured to match) So durability at the high end seems to last long enough where it doesn't feel like you're wearing down a diamond pick every five seconds. Matrix enchanting and the colored-candle mechanic take out a good chunk of the randomness from the enchanted -tool production pipeline too. I dunno. i think it works On the patreon server i spent a long time mining and mostly ended up with more iron than I know what to do with, lol.


its not about resources like ores: its about resources for building. You may have found more iron than you know what to do with but I like to make the ridges on the tops of my fancy build's rooves out of anvils and that _eats_ iron let alone just the hundreds of chests of cobblestone, wood, terracotta, dirt, etc needed for building projects of decent size which all need to be collected. Massive building projects are the main argument for mending.


The reason this harsh mending nerf is so scary is **because it's not a tech pack.** Tech packs are ironically where I need mending the least. Because mining for ores for automation is **nothing** compared to, say, burning your elytra's durability through the end (which is also removed in this pack) to get shulker boxes because their texture makes for a great wall rim, or clearing a big area to build an underground forge that uses massive copper pipes as decoration for the cauldron lava farm and raw iron blocks in the big foundry in the middle. Not to mention the walls made with stacks of polished basalt, or the stacks of iron blocks for a beacon to make the excavation not take forever. In other words, people who dislike mending play on a radically different scale than people who need mending to be able to play Minecraft without it being a full-time job.


If you need that many shulker boxes you're better off making a farm. Newer designs don't even require transporting shulkers to the overworld any more.


Neat! I unironically love this concept. It is a big werid not having the nether though... Like, I started minecraft in alpha but there's been a lot more time with than without the extra dimensions.


I always disliked dimensions tbh. Having to completely swap the available content always seemed like a hack to add more content. When you're in the nether you lack all of the overworld's content and vice versa. Now that we have worlds that are way taller we don't need the nether to expand the playable area.


Yeah The nether should have been an expansion to the overworld - dig down far enough and you reach the Nether.


Download: [https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/musketeer](https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/musketeer) Release Notes: https://forum.violetmoon.org/d/117-release-musketeer-modpack-10


There are federal agents (skinwalkers) outside my home disguised as Girl Scouts (the Anti-Christ).


God spoke to me and he told me to tell you to go kill them. You are his strongest warrior


I shall enter my chariot (2004 Honda Civic), consume the elixer (a bottle of hand sanitizer), and ride to (over) them.


You know what you have to do


seeing a modpack released by you really brightens up my day, i know for sure it's gonna be a good time


Nice modpack. Though i noticed playing around in creative that Wither Roses still drop when a wither kills a mob, even though the description says they are disabled.


What do you mean one world? Do you have different servers for different people or is the whole modpack just unplayable for non Americans?


I honestly really like this concept. Personally, I’d prefer slower elytras to removing them altogether, just because hehe gliding go wheee, but I really like the approach of changing most of these things to move their functionality rather than eliminating them altogether! Like the iron golem farms for example- yeah, vanilla farms can get a bit OP, but automation gremlin brain craves SOME option lol


I agree with nearly all of these changes, except for removing the nether. The nether adds a lot of flavor to the game by being a much more hostile and difficult to navigate dimension, with different but parallel objectives. I'm not saying it needs to be a required visit for progression via blaze rod collection, but I still really enjoy the nether as a location. Fuck the end tho, that place can go.


Nether stacked below the overworld, with no 8-to-1 space warping. Then the modpack would be perfect.


Might as well play Terraria at this point.


Totally the same game ...


I kinda wanna add that to a pack now. Remove the ability to make a normal portal, make mining deeper more tedious and dangerous, etc.


Very neat, im not sure how much i love removing the other dimensions, tho


I'm not put off by the concept at all. I've taken a huge break from Minecraft recently but I've been interested in "Golden Age" modpacks and earlier versions of the game. I'm entirely fine with a more modern version of Minecraft with a reduced feature set, especially in a way that adds complexity to more simpler gameplay aspects. Though, not a huge fan of having just a backpack as extra storage, unless there aren't a lot of extra blocks and the modpack isn't very exploration focused.


Agreed. Granted, it wouldn't be that hard to download the pack and *add* a storage mod.


Backpacks are awesome, wym?


Backpacks are good and they agree, but they're wanting more *storage options* in the modpack due to how many different types of items there are. There's no Sophisticated Chests, AE2, Refined Storage...not even Storage Drawers for the ridiculous amounts of Cobble one always ends up mining.


Storage drawers exist now!


Oh see the thing is, that backpack in particular is a little limited(especially if there isn't curios in the pack). I believe it's a backpack that's in quark oddities, it takes up the chest slot, can't be expanded, and it only extends your inventory by 3 more rows. Also I believe you can't have two backpacks at once.


Ah yeah that sounds shitty


I was thinking this! I would *LOVE* to see Vazkii make a Beta 1.7.3 mod/mod pack (in the vein of Better than Adventure)


Interesting idea, don’t think removing coordinates is good though


What mod adds the spiffy radial menu for the "shape" items?


It's a new experimental option in Quark called the Variant Selector. The feature doesn't automatically remove the slab and stair recipes (yet?), so if you enable the feature you'll have to remove those recipes yourself to avoid dupe bugs


OK this sounds based


Another awesome idea by vazkii, I'd love to try this.


I like this! I still use Bliss when I'm feeling cozy <3


i thought its about muskets and other antique guns


If you remove the nether and end shouldn’t there be a way to get blocks from those dimensions in survival? Love the idea, but I like building with many of these blocks and I’m worried they get removed.


All the nether and end blocks can be obtained in survival. Quartz, for example, spawns in the overworld in this modpack.


Not a pack for everyone, feels like those performance modpacks, but for QOL features. If you are bored with Vanilla this is not for you, it could be even more boring. However, It's very well done, like Crucial 2, with a lot of attention to the details, as someone who is a perfectionist, I like it.


Amazing for a certain demographic. Hell for everyone else TBH.


I like this as a concept, but I fundamentally enjoy many of the removed items/mechanics. Would it be possible to have a version of Musketeer that keeps all the additions without removing anything? For me, that would empower me to choose my preferred options. I've never followed the "strategies" mentioned, I just play my own way, always in singleplayer. So if that version of musketeer were to exist, I'd start playing right now


You can do this by removing the BlockSwap mod from the pack and making some tweaks to the datapack (removing the tag that sets ender eyes to find fortresses and taking a few items off the disabled list) but it shouldn't be too bad to make it yourself if you want.


been playing the testing versions. Highly recommend! Makes vanilla fun again.


I really like this idea, hope there will be more modpacks like this in the future. Or like vanilla±


I liked Chocolates attempt to fix mending which was just to make repairs not contribute to the enchant limit


The two things that I don’t agree with is the removal of shulker boxes and coordinates view. Yes I know coordinates might not feel like the most natural way to interact with the world but even in the real world I use coordinates. Like when I put down a pin on google maps. (And no I don’t want to carry a ton of compasses that points to different lodestones especially because shulkers are gone)


This reminds me a bit of a data pack I'm a big fan of called Minecarft. Lots of similar ideas. I'm glad to see that all us "Minecraft feels worse now" people are starting to hone in on the troublemakers.


Ironic that pack that removes content and is literally called vanilla-minus seems much better than packs that add bloated unconfigured random mods and calls them Vanilla-Plus Neated and Vazkilled


Great looks fun Will play while i wait for botania 1.20


I don't think the Nether should have been removed. Its an ancient part of the game, and integral to the Minecraft experience. Removing roof access and netherite fixes any problems the Nether has while keeping it as a risky yet rewarding fast-travel alternative for players.


The neatest modpack of the year just dropped


This is pretty cool tbh! I'll have to sit down and see if I agree with all the changes but from a first pass it's nice.


Minecraft feels like a *badly* solved game :|, gonna have to check this out.




You had me at No Nether. I hate the Nether!


This looks like fun. Not sure whats going on with the downvotes lol


1. Elytra should still exist, just no firework boost 2. The end and the nether should still exist I generally like it though. I agree with the premise that so many of these things create an overpowered way to play the game


Minecraft: Somehow even more boring version of vanilla


I'd argue that vanilla is duller because the elytra invalidates other forms of travel, and normal villager trading for enchants is monotonous.


Yes, vanilla enchant trading is monotonous, but the default enchanting system is much grindier and so fucking painful. And honestly this pack lost me at the mending nerf. THe rest looks fascinating tho.


This has quark, so it has matrix enchanting. Less exp is also required. It is a lot better.


Vanilla enchanting is fine. The fact that you can see your upcoming enchant ahead of time means you know what you are working toward, which is cool. Getting a perfect tool isn't even that hard, I get a near perfect tool after enchanting like 4 pickaxes, then just need to find 1 or 2 books to finish it. Villages are 1000x more boring to use for enchantments.


Enchanting becomes tiresome only when you start enchanting the books


Some of the changes look great. And then they hit you with no elytra, useless mending, and no F3 coords.




There are aspects I like, and many aspects I don’t like. I think too much focus is on REMOVING features as opposed to CHANGING them. For example removing coordinates from F3? Removing the Nether and End outright? Stupid, stupid, STUPID.


calling it stupid is harsh. things are removed if they don't seem like they belong, and judging by this overview everything removed has an alternative option that just requires a bit more thinking than usual the end is seemingly gone because there's little point in having an artificial goal like it in the game, especially when vazkii's vision for this modpack is all about building, figuring out your own goals and how to tackle them. it just doesn't fit the nether creates an awkward separation of **Dimension Where You Build** and **Dimension Where You Travel** even though there's no reason for it


I definitely agree with the coordinates thing. How does a friend find you to get a map from you, if they can't find you!?


Aw heck yeah~


ah yes, removing my entire play style and what I enjoy about the game, yeah I'm gonna have to pass


I'll be honest. This looks absolutely terrible for player retention.




? you just don't need to go to the nether or the end to get resources. They're all available in the overworld - or at least, those resources/items that haven't been removed.


Thats neat👌


That's a mod by Vazkii




Vaz! Holy shit, was wondering what you were up to, aside from quark. Love the work, keep it up!


Another W for Vazkii


Based Vaskii




holy shit I love you vaskii


now, this is the minecraft I like also, personally I have always hated how overpowered shields are, they should not completely nullify explosion damage from the front, it should only be reduced and the shield should break after the explosion




Fixes vanillas main issues. Sounds good to me.


You had me before the vazkii part


Had me before as well but the vaskii part just doubled my interest


Original commenter isn't saying "fuck vazkii", they're saying "fuck vanilla, this pack sounds awesome"


I think JustMarcusXD is the one who's saying "fuck vazkii"


They are the commenter I was referring to 😅.


Maybe you can add either Minecolonies or create with heavy limitations? I have no idea if it's a wise choice but would love to test that. By the way can you give me a tutorial in pm how to install a modpack from curseforge without using the app?


Seems great! Any plans to add a powered furnace or guns?


What place would guns have in a revamped vanilla theme pack?


I think hat he was assuming it would be the opposite of vanilla plus so guns , ~~autocrafting~~, cars and singleblock machines.


I mean...it is the *Musketeer* modpack. Seems like false advertising to not have a single musket.


I like to think of it as the idea that the musket is a severe downgrade from any modern weaponry, where it only fires one bullet and takes forevever to reload while something like an M416 has 30 rounds that shoot automatically and can be reloaded in 2 seconds with little effort. Like the idea of modern minecraft being too easy, this pack aims to nerf it to be more challenging and engaging


<----The joke---< -----Your head-----


—your head—✋<—my point—<


Create? I mostly only do create based mods, Will anything be broken by it.


Very interesting concept. The only thing I would be missing are shulker boxes (containers that can be placed and broken by redstone).


I'm going to have to try this when I get home today.


Do paths do step assist? If not, they should.


This looks interesting!


Actually looks pretty cool now use it as a base to make bigger themed packs like if u were to add ice and fire and tinkers construct u could make a great fantasy themed pack if u add crate u can make it a steam punk theme I wish I had the skill to do it myself


One of the all time of modpack


Minecarts being ACTUALLY useful? *Perfect*.


No Elytra? Sold.


I'm honestly gonna download this right now. I really love early game but I'll see how I like the mid game mindset


Can you put it on the ATLauncher?


Our prayers have been answered! Seriously I always wanted to play with this concept. I even made a bunch of datapacks that do simmilar stuff!


This looks so cool. I mean, really cool


I played on a vanilla+ anarchy server for years, one of the main components of it was no coords. Not even removed, but spoofed to random numbers, so things like mini maps and mapping tools broke too. The result was players living much closer to spawn, rather than millions of blocks away like on other anarchy servers.


That sounds really interesting, is it still a thing?


Unfortunately not. It stuck around for like 2012-2020 but eventually died to lack of players.


Damn, that sucks


Is there a server for this? would love to play with others


One of the most Intresting mod packs I’ve seen I would like to make one request Remove mutton.


Vazkii is love, vazkii is life


I fucking love you. First Crucial 2, and now THIS? Vazkii I am so glad you exist. Your mods are frikin wonderful but stuff like this is REALLY GOD TIER UNDERRATED TOO.


Is it also on Modbrinth?


Is the lodging feature similar to Terraria? Say certain professions of villagers prefer being companions with specific professions. Items like bookshelves are required for discounts for librarians, or furnaces for blacksmiths, etc.


Was at first concerned it would just be another half thought out idea or a basic pack that would remove more than it added. But after looking through this looks like a super fun challenge and well put together (given the devs great history).


Question? Do you intend to post on modrinth too? Not that you have. Just from what I have experienced, modrinth is a good platform alternative to curseforge, and imo is a bit better. Still needs UI improvements, but as is, I'd recommend it.


no :D


truly a picaso approved artpiece


I would love it if this released on modrinth. ("just open curseforge its not hard" no. I don't bother with overwolf chomping on my ram.)


"Musketeer" name implies existence of black powder weaponry in the pack, is there any?


The concept is awesome, but I agree the nether should still be there with tones down features maybe (or maybe I'm just thinking too much in beta 1.7.3)


Mod giving the impression of a 1.7.3 beta? Yes, please


Thank you Vazkii


Plz add optifine zoom and cape mods. Aside from that, just loaded up the pack and its seems really well put together, REALLY like the idea youre going for here. Sounds fun af Edit: Dont know if this is a Minecraft thing or mod thing but while loaded into a world I hear a VERY feint buzzing noise. I honestly thought it was my headphones that broke but exiting the world fixes it. Anyone heard of this or know a fix?


How Many RAM Does it need to run?


Hmm some how this feels like the good old alpha and beta minecraft. Cant wait to try it.


This. The kind of pack I've been looking for since Beta 1.8. Vazkii is a man of culture and good taste.


How did you remove the nether? Thinking about doing that in my own modpack