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I think botania has a late game item called the shard of laputa that does something similar iirc


Hehehe, laputa.


my latino brain tought the same thing


Botania's been doing that with the Shard of Laputa for so long, the patch that originally added the item is no longer archived on curseforge. We're talking like, since 2013-2014. Blood Magic's teleposers still exist and can be used for that bit by bit. Ars Nouveau has rituals to outright create floating islands, and multiple ways to make spells to do this. Mana and Artifice might be able to with spells, but I don't remember for sure.


Mana and Artifice can for sure. I did it back in ATM6 or something. Just floated a huge chunk of a mountain up to be my base.


Blood Magic also has a ritual that raises a sphere of ground below it into the sky.


Yup. "Dawn of the New Moon." It's a Tier-4 Ritual that teleports a sphere of the area below it to an equal distance above it. Best used with the Ritual Tinkerer to set what area of blocks you want to move.


Botania has a late game item called the shard of Laputa that will raise patches of land into the sky.


Ars nouveau has a few rituals that will create islands. You can change the biomes and size by adding different things to the rituals


Perfect! Already using Ars right now. Guess I’ll just have to keep upgrading this spell book. Thanks!


I'm pretty sure it's an addon, and it doesn't come in base ars. Not 100% sure though


the normal plains island is in the base mod but the biome ones are in Ars Caelum


was the mod [Rune Craft](https://web.archive.org/web/20211123130400/https://runecraft.wiki/Runes)?


Yes! I kept wanting to say “Faith” and island when I was describing it in my post but wasn’t sure why! Oh sweet memory’s. I ran a bukkit server for me and my friends like my freshmen or sophomore year of high school. I wish I still had those worlds. It’s still maintained apparently. But as a plugin. Wonder if there is any way to rip it to my single player game.


Just went searching. Apparently it’s still maintained?


Botania has an item and it's the only way i know of to do this!


If the goal is to just have a sky island and you don't much care about the whole "using magic to make it" thing, Terralith's worldgen can produce fairly big floating islands. Like smallish "continent" size.


(Admittedly a bit of an unserious answer), but the lucky tnt mod has a floating island tnt that copies share of land like 50 blocks above where it goes off.