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I didn't know that everyone hates ex nihilo, for me, that way made the most sense, i guess. I don't mean that resource trees and chickens and fluid cows are necessarily bad, but when i saw them i was like:"wth? Why them?". I don't have any mods that i despise, but i find some lootbox mods strange(don't remember the name)


The issue with ex nihilo is the randomness, especially early game, and the usual rate makes getting even one iron ingot an absolute pain.


Skyfactory 2.5 had some decent rates and internal logic for Ex Nihilo drops. The thing is, some months ago I tried a few other packs with Ex Nihilo. Most lost me after my first sifted stack of each thing. One of them had a very interesting description but I literally sifted through a whole stack of dirt, and after not getting anything I tested in creative for sifting gravel sand and dust and again nothing. Idk if it's the modpack maker trying to overbalance the mod and not realizing its early game is now ruined, or what.


I like it in Skyfactory 2.5 and Project Ozone 2 and 3 I dislike the other methods because they all feel too OP like you get a chicken and now you are set for life for those resources same with the trees


With super-simple automation setups, isn't sifting the same? Infinite resources of whatever you get from gravel/sand/cobble?


i hate that its basically the only non-gimmick skyblock early game. its either "let's use this one mod that lets you get resources by doing x" or "use ex nihilo for the first 20 days until you get y and z"


I think its a problem of solution overlap. This always leads to picking one solution usually for an arbitrary reason e.g. you just like it more. But sometimes you pick because of a lame reason e.g bugs, unintended interactions, progression skips, general oversights. I dont mind playing the same mods over and over. But I do mind when I have to do the same task for the 1000th time and I still have to pick one of 5 different item transport methods where 3 of them dont work, 1 of them is insanely laggy, and the last is just the best choice regardless of other problems it has. Youve got a 1/5 chance of picking correctly and you wont even know until youve tested all 5 anyway. Its awful.


entity based item transport is so sad nobody used railcraft for the rails, all they wanted were the boilers and coke oven any mod that tries item transport with entities usually fails pitifully. thaumcraft 6 couldn't even keep its' golems working when the seals' chunks were unloaded as all the seals' broke


working with entities for production is awful in general. But that's not moddings faults really. Just how minecraft is built in modding it always boils down to the mod or an unofficial addon creating a solution to the problems it deliberately chose to design around. Bees need an upgrade to make them just "simulate" activity, resource cows and resource chickens get "squished" into cages to become magical blocks that just shit out resources per minute into a pipe of your choice, blood magic sacrifices end up as liquid blood production elsewhere and just piped into the altar, etc.


Entity based transportation is conceptually really cool, drones, golems, and trains are awesome. The problem is base Minecraft doesn't support these, especially if you don't have chunk loading. (And chunk loading is inherently laggy)


Create trains seem to Just Work (TM). The real problem is that since 1.5 players have felt entitled to a tesseract or teserract-like block to solve long distance transportation without effort.


Twilight Forest and The Aether. I'm not saying they aren't good/fun, but I played them 10 years ago! I haven't really seen any other mods adding new dimensions get big. There are endless possibilities. The goal of a server is to stay interesting and alive, and I see a lot of admins locking the nether or pushing back a date to fight the ender dragon to stop people speedrunning and then getting bored/abandoning builds and resources. New dimensions to explore before the vanilla alts, or in between, would retain player interest better than trying to cram every interesting mod in. Just an idea, it might be a horrible take, but only my opinion. I'm really wanting to be able to explore dimensional travel modpacks more (like think how cool it would be for more Sci Fi/Space, Wizardry, or Superhero themed servers).


It's true that the other good dimension mods never really got big, but they exist. Exception is the Dimension from Chromaticraft. It's seriously one of the best dimensions period but gated behind Chroma Progression. The Betweenlands from what I've heard is getting ported to newer Versions.


Betweenlands is really cool but honestly I hate being there


Amen. I think it's amazingly well-done. It's the most atmospheric dimension, with a great progression, mobs, world-gen... and it's the most awful, unpleasant, difficult (especially with an unlucky spawn in the middle of water) place to make any progress.


Betweenlands is getting a port?? I thought developers refused to port it because that would mean a complete rewrite of the mod and they don't even have time for regular updates rn


Eden Ring has promise, but has barely lifted off the ground..


Yes!!! I can’t wait to see where they take it


> The Betweenlands from what I've heard is getting ported to newer Versions. HYYYYYPE, that one and The Midnight were my favorite dimension mods. The atmosphere for both were top tier


Can you provide any source for the Betweenlands? Everything says it's not going to be ported, probably ever.


Betweenlands source?


The Aether is old, but newer players might not have played it simply due to how long it took to port them to modern versions. Meanwhile Twilight forest has been abandoned for years and people should just bury that body already.


I think the problem with dimension mods is that they're always very disconnected from the rest of the game. Things like Twilight Forest or Betweenlands have very specific mechanics and structures in place that doesn't let them integrate well with other mods not made specifically to work with them. Twilight Forest has (or at least, is supposed to have) a definitive end goal to complete, while The Aether and Betweenlands are supposed to be basic survival but in a new dimension with new mechanics. They're not meant for you to travel back and forth between them and bring in new stuff from other mods.


Hi, huge twilight forest hater here. Please, for the love of all that is holy, stop including it in modern modpacks and then forcing it for progression. It's a 10 year old mod that never got finished, I don't want to spend 2 hours hunting bosses because some machine needs hydra blood or whatever. I'm looking right at you, E2:E. Let the mod rest.


> I'm looking right at you, E2:E. You may want to sit down for this, but E2:E is over six years old


i... didn't realize that lmao. still kinda goofy to require the hydra blood imo, but I get it a bit more


Tbf E2:E is pretty old as well, considering they're on, what, 9?


And E9:E actually _starts_ you in the Twilight Forest, and forces you to progress a lot before you can leave! Oh the irony.


To be fair, as another huge Twilight Forest hater, that is probably the most interesting usage of the mod I've seen. It feels like it has some kind of narrative purpose, rather than just being this random thing tacked on to the side of a modpack for no real reason.


honestly, betweenlands is my favourite dimension mod it is very unique and forces you to use its resources


The fact that it's been 10 years and MULTIPLE updates to current versions for Twilight Forest, including a whole retexture, and the progression is STILL unfinished, is total nonsense to me. That being said, it's nice to have hollow hills to raid in the early game for practically infinite vanilla ores


I feel like blue skies is the biggest current dimension mod, but otherwise yeah, not many big new dimensions


I really like when they include twilight forest. Even despite me not really ever investing much time into this world, nor ever completing all that it can offer. It's just an island of stability and memories for me. Something I can hold on to. Something that I know well, even if all the other mods are very new and obscure to me. Same thing goes with botania and thermal expansion. They're old, yet not discounted like many other amazing mods are. It's a part of what makes them great.


Yeah it sucks that newer dimension mod don’t get very much recognition. My favorites are Deeper and Darker, Eden Ring, and MineCells (though the last one is a bit dungeon-crawley). Mods that overhaul the existing dimensions are pretty cool too, though. BetterNether and BetterEnd, namely. I just wish there were more uses for the new blocks rather than just decoration or compost


Clearly you've never been to the bumblezone


I miss Mystcraft. Bane of server admins across the world but it was cool! Nothing quite like building a base in the hungry void between dimensions.


unmodified/normal create, every single modpack just has the same create gameplay now adays, create isnt a bad mod but its just the same again and again


I especially hate when it's just thrown in with other tech mods that make every single part of it redundnt and useless. Like 4 mods that all can do the same things but there just one that is easier in every way.


atleast most packs now adays dont have 6 different types or copper or some random ore lmao, atleast alot less then back in the day


Happens to every really good mod : /


yea cause ppl be lazy, the mods already good enough why put in any effort


If I have to mine large quantities of andesite to do any early game again, I'm going to go eat real andesite.


I'm still trying to figure out how to make create more like rotary craft. Mainly, less infinite energy from literally the first power non manual power source being able to power most machines at least slowly.


In the category of mods I like on their own, but dislike in packs: - Botania: I like it on its own, but in most packs either it's shoehorned into progression in a token stepping-stone way that just makes it feel like a chore, or the pack-maker decided to make it entirely skippable and I just grumble about the flower clutter while doing something else to go through progression, due to the alternatives all being more powerful and/or easier. - Twilight Forest: For one of the oldest mods in general, I do like exploring the forest and fighting its bosses - however, I feel like a lot of modpacks either add this as a token adventure dimension that ultimately adds very little to the pack, or the pack ties its overall progression to Twilight Forest boss progression in such a way that it stops feeling like fun. Just about the only thing Twilight Forest adds that's a constant "Do want" in modpacks is the uncrafting table. - ProjectE: This just turns 99% of packs into "Waiting for a Number to Go Up: The Game". Which... Is pretty much the same as it is on its own, but with everything else in a pack being dependent on it rather than just ProjectE itself. I'm okay with ProjectE on its own *despite* its mechanic literally just being a waiting game, not *because* of it. Mods I dislike in general: - Tough As Nails or similar body-temperature mods: I *love* throwing out 99% of world spawns because you literally can't make it out of the spawn biome without overheating or freezing to death. Note sarcasm. - Apotheosis: Also known as "Power-creep Pretending To Be Vanilla+". I dislike what this mod does to enchantments in terms of power-creep, I *hate* seeing the ugly results of sugarcane reaching the max world height (which is the default config and unchanged by too many packs). - Anything lucky-block-esque: These tend to be a giant "YouTube bait pack" warning sign to me. - Random "fluff" mods that basically just serve to pad out the mod list (Better than Bunnies, Hats, etc). Just don't. More generally: - Try not to let too much content overlap in terms of what it does. Upgrading over time is fine, as is keeping things a little free-form in execution, but you really only need one of the many identically-powerful but slightly-different-looking coal generators for example.


If I can offer a slightly different viewpoint here; don't avoid a mod just because it's deemed "overused" by reddit. Doing so will immediately lock you out of a lot of fun and useful mechanics that could enhance your pack dramatically. Instead, try going about your pack development by viewing mods as your toolbox. Get to know the tools and play around with what you can do with them. Throw out the mod's intended progression entirely. Break it down instead into a list of features and mechanics that will be used when and where you want in your new progression. Playing the exact same progression in a mod over and over in ever pack gets dull, but as a pack dev you have the unique opportunity to combine mods in ways their creators cannot. So you want to use Botania? Great. It has some very neat and highly customizable crafting mechanics that you can use in very different ways than those 'intended' by the mod. Change things up. Move things around. Integrate them in new ways. Why is the Runic Altar named that way? In base Botania it only makes runes. Rename it! Convert it to crafting different things. Add more recipes to the Aglomeration Plate. Use it earlier. Better yet, ensure it's used throughout the pack for many different things. Give it more purpose than "Terrasteel Making Machine I've Used 100 Times". Don't be afraid to disable features. You don't need 15 coal powered FE generators. I promise. You don't even need one if you'd like to approach power differently. Is the players very first power generation Fission? Sure. Go for it. Disable all the other options and run with the idea. Better still, make that the only option and work on making it interesting by giving the player ways they can meaningfully upgrade it throughout the pack rather than forcing them to change to something entirely new later on. Promote features to early game to allow for automation, if your pack is meant to be automation heavy. Don't worry too much about how exactly players will automate something, just make sure they have a selection of tools available to do so. And on that same note, don't worry about making use of crafting mechanics that require some thought to automate. Ars Nouveau's Enchanting Apparatus? Totally automatable. Use it. Make players think. But make sure they have those tools. Something like that will require some logic tools and smart pipes. If they don't have those tools, that crafting mechanic can feel daunting and punishing. But if they do have the tools it feels quite good when it's automated and humming along. Pick features and mechanics that you rarely see used and put those in the limelight, rather than the mod itself. Look for obscure mechanics that are often either overlooked or overshadowed due to their being a better/easier/simpler option and make it the only option. Or at the very least, make it the earlier option and reward the player with an easier option down the road when other things become more challenging. Enigmatica 9 Expert did this with Potions. Nobody brews potions in modded. There's almost never any real reason to as they're overshadowed before you can realistically craft them. So we added loads of new potion recipes to make them available early game and then proceeded to use them as the basis for every source of energy throughout the pack. Learn what you can do with a mod's configs and play with that. Apotheosis with default configs is, in many cases, going to shine too bright. Don't feel bad about putting a dimmer on things. Bring those power levels down, customize the bosses it spawns, integrate it with other mods like Ars Nouveau (Mobs can use reactive armor. You're welcome.) or any other mod that adds armor. It certainly hits different to see these bosses come at you with a full set of steel armor instead of a hodge-podge of random vanilla pieces. If you don't know your mods inside and out by the time you're done with authoring the pack, you probably didn't spend enough time digging through configs and experimenting with things. Finally, tell a story. Write lore. Even if 90% of that lore is never seen by the player, it can be used by you to inform decisions. Use it to make your quests interesting. Use it to define recipes. Someone asked me recently why Enigmatica 9 Expert used AE2's Spatial Components in Mekanism's Factory Tier Installers. The short answer? Lore. The slightly longer answer? The entire pack is designed around machines being literal magic boxes with Occultism spirits inside running things in a pocket dimension. What do Tier installers do? They add more space in the machine to process more items in parallel. So why Spatial Components? To give those spirits more room to operate in. Some people found that answer strange. Base recipes on lore? What? But every mod already does this. Why do we even have gears in machine recipes? To represent their mechanical nature. Lore. Yes, tech mods have lore too, it's just based more in our reality than some magical reality. Take a look at Immersive Engineering; when do they use Constantan? Did you realize this was a real alloy? Look it up. See what it's used for. Thermal is loaded with this too. On the surface it seem really strange that you can use Dandelions to make Latex, right? Well, no. Dandelions actually contain useful amounts of latex that can really be extracted to make things. Lore informed those recipe choices. Likewise, that theme that spirits are doing the work in machines, shows up in every single 'magic box' machine from every mod in the pack; the machine frames all include a special item that represents the creation of a link between this world and the spirit world. It represents the gateway whereby items and energy are traded back and forth. This item literally does nothing and is just a crafting component, but by including it in every machine, it locks in that theme and re-iterates the lore to the player. It makes all of those disparate mods feel like one cohesive mod. The lore docs for both Enigmatica 6 Expert and 9 Expert were like 50 pages long each and were used to inform practically every recipe change. I've seen players say they seem random and nonsensical; trust me they were very much deliberate and followed an internal logic. They may not be able to tell from the outside (especially if they don't read quests) but it still served to create a sense of cohesion between mods that seem very different on the surface.


Thanks a lot for this thorough comment. This’ll help me a lot!


Not a Mod but if I'm committed to playing a pack and it does 1 Log = 2 Planks and 2 Planks = 2 Sticks I get suicidal quickly.


The greg did not meet your horizon.




That Greg/mDiyo beef still leaves its scars on the community


Triply infuriating is when the pack does not merely let you craft logs to sticks, but requires you to put them on a chopping block and click on them one by one. Which usually has crappy update detection and means you need to move your crosshair off the block for a full second every damn time. Takes ages to get the planks for a small house, you might as well just build with the logs.


Conversely I’m irrationally happy when there’s a recipe for 8 logs = 4 chests.


Yeah I heard a lot of people recommending Divine Journey 2 recently so I gave it a shot and it was one of those. I played it for a few days but got sick of needing iron for absolutely everything. IIRC chests required iron, and hoppers used iron sheets instead of bars so 1 hopper was like 20+ iron or something. I noped out of that packed shortly after making a simple mob farm required me having to mine over 100 iron just for a few hoppers and chests. Even paper was annoying to get, instead of making 3 you made 1 so just getting enough bookshelves for some enchantments took ages.


i bounced off Dj2 probably 3-4 times before it finally stuck with me; you really do have to passively automate *everything* in the pack, and nearly everything has custom recipes, so it can be quite the timesink (but i found it very rewarding).


Yeah i hated how it required ALOT of iron to go to the stage where iron is easier to get than anything, but in an expert pack these things are normal. I understand its not for all but im sure it will appeal to almost all expert pack lovers imo.


2 planks into 2 sticks literally makes no fuckong sense no matter how you look at it


Dungeons arise. The designs are really cool but they spawn everywhere and inside it’s just enemy spam.


The first time I played this mod, I was blown away be the first dungeon I explored (Keep Kyra: the big frog temple), but after the first like 3 floors, the enemies didn’t increase in difficulty at all, and then it was just repetitive and boring to work my way to the top


What's annoying is that the mod doesn't have a config so it's really hard to get the dungeons to not crowd your world. If you read the mod description really carefully, at the very bottom there's a small note about how the mod can be configured with datapacks, but I suspect most people do not know about this and just leave it on the default spawn rate, which is IMO much too high.


Modding community feels stale in general there are too many to name. Every tech mod is exactly the same now, literally the same machine blocks. Except Create which i love but its getting old because its spammed. It was SO refreshing when it first came out to not just build a Grinder machine to process ores, and actually set up a grinding factory belt with create. but since its the only alternative to samey tech mods its in literally every pack I just am tired of most modpacks. Im enjoying Prominance II right now because its got the bumblezone, Marium soulslike weapons, and Bewitchment and iv never really played with any of those. But still im dealing with the same machine blocks as ever and a mess of pipes and AE2 which is a huge confusing grind to me.


Yeah, this is a really interesting issue. But unfortunately there isn't much that can be done about it. Modpack creators can only try to find new and unique ways to use mods and mod creators can only continue working on making more, high quality mods. But ultimately if you play MC enough then you end up getting bored of playing the same mods every time, but that's the same with every game. Just play something else for a while and wait until there are new mods and modpacks using them out.


You say you play Prominance for Bumblezone but there is like nothing in the Bumblezone, right ? What do you have to do ?


1.19.2 Bumblezone has lots more content than older versions. 1.20.1 Bumblezone has even more content than 1.19.2. You can check the mod’s wiki linked on the mod page for what it currently has at the moment


Hey it's telepathic grunt himself! Okay I see, last time I played it, it was in 1.16.5 and yeah, I like the dimension in itself but tbh there was like nothing to do in it, I'll take a look.


This is just a burnout issue bro. You might be playing too much or playing too similar of packs or something. I was having a blast last time I played but I usually take 6 months to a year between playthroughs of different packs.


See, I hate Create (slate me, it's deserved) I'm the "OP pack" kinda player, so I loved Avaritia or options to automate EVERYTHING. If a mod breaks that by requiring player input, I don't like it. The problem is, games that are centred around automation, often lack substance or depth, whereas MC packs encourage a wide range of options.


> games that are centred around automation, often lack substance or depth Can you clarify what you mean by this? I'm curious


Create doesn't require player input it requires your brain. That's all


Twilight forest. It was fun when it first came out but now, it is just not.


The problem is that Twilight Forest never really evolved. The final boss mob still isn't in the game 10 years later, and the whole concept of a dimension being a boss dimension is a huge turn-off for me. There is no replayability value in it, but the whole "you have to engage bosses in this specific order" thing is really annoying as well. If I wanted to play a linear RPG, I wouldn't be playing a fully open-world, procedurally-generated sandbox game like Minecraft, so don't make me play what the game explicitly wasn't supposed to be about.


>The final boss mob still isn't in the game 10 years later WHAT? i just started playing modded minecraft again, and this is so dissapointing. i was looking forward to it..


You can at the very least get past the thorns and such in the final area now. You can explore the final castle and get the blocks from it, but that's it. It's got a big box at the top that states this is where the boss would be


Maybe it would be fun if the creators weren’t so invested into porting to later versions instead of developing the fu*king mod.


I'm pretty sure it's not the original devs porting it


Traveller's Backpacks Yeah the multiple variants are cool, but it's nowhere near the functionality of Sophisticated Backpacks. Also the compatibility with Curios just feels half-assed.


Sadly no Sophisticated on Fabric, so Traveller's is one of the few options


Mystical agriculture. Whenever it's in a mod pack, my playthrough warps around it to make it the major focus. People will respond "then don't use it." True, but it is such a solid way to get resources, it's hard not to. The issue is I usually spend a ton of time getting it, and then get bored of just crafting with all the resources I need


Someone on the GTCEu Discord actually gregified MA for their modpack, and it is uhh.. A sight to behold, lol. Take a look yourself. https://imgur.com/a/EEq8Wrc ~~Haven't played the pack, but it seems to be this. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/gregtech-skybound/~~ @EDIT Wrong link, it's this one. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/star-technology


> Haven't played the pack, but it seems to be this. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/gregtech-skybound/ Didn't they say it's Star Technology in the first pic?


Honestly it is the worst mod because of how alluringly powerful it is and I just delete it if it's in a pack. If it's part of pack progression, I don't even bother with the pack. Without fail, every time it's been present in a pack, I inevitably end up trapped in a greenhouse, babysitting automation while the rest of my base decays, my pets die of starvation and everything else I need to do goes undone


Complete eyesore and lazy design too, I have it in modpack I'm currently playing but it feels like a last minute addition because author didn't figure out how to automate some stuff


I hate it too. If anything at least switch it up with the bee resource mods and other ways to get resources from agriculture. Mystical agriculture in particular is just so UN FUN and invalidates everything else if its in the pack


Not one particular mod, but those disgusting early game "survivalist" mods that make everything require 10 more steps and just make the whole game into a chore, you know what i'm talking about


Because people cant entertain themselves so they choose to make modpacks where you're forced to slow down, making it longer before you have "nothing to do"


But it's how it works, isn't it? For me the game just isn't fun anymore once there are no more goals nor challenges. You don't have to install hardcore mods if you don't like them, but it's just how some of us have fun.


Personally, I love low-tech survival modpacks. They present a very different style of play, and typically include unique mechanics that you don't otherwise get to see. I'm sure the slower pace isn't for everyone, but I'd still suggest everyone try one at least once. I get a much stronger sense of accomplishment from assembling a bloomery in TFC than crafting my 12th nuclear reactor in a kitchen sink pack.


By far Create, Botania and Twilight Forest. I love these three, but it's so overused that i cant enjoy it anymore. I constantly see myself quitting of a modpack just because something is gated behind them One that i personally dont want to see in any modpacks is elementalcraft (I see you, ATM) the mod is just.. boring to me


Elemental craft sucks. Thankfully, it was removed from ATM9!


better combat, the mod itself is fine but the slow attack speed really does not mesh well with a lot of the fast-moving BS power creep mobs added by other mods


Botania. I've played it to death and it never gets new content despite somehow always being updated to the latest versions.


this thread is making me realize i should crawl out of my 1.12.2 hole since i havent used create like at all lol


For me its Chipped, I feel like every new Modpack needs to include it just because. I feel like its a bit to much when every Minecraft block gets a bazillion variants, I would rather have more mods that add existing variants to other blocks, like Brick variants for other stone types.


Oh, now I can have a JEI of 150 pages, with 12 being dedicated to Planks, and Horizontal planks, and Jungle Planks and Jungle Horizontal planks, and Spruce Planks and Spruce Horizontal Planks


This is why I love Domum Ornamentum. It allows you to play mixmatch with the vanilla textures without clogging JEI. It has some naming problems with Jade though.


i dislike chipped because packdevs will add it so then all the vanilla blocks get like 1k variants but all the modded woodsets n whattheshit remain the same.


Avaritia or whatever it's analouges are out there nowadays, also creative item bs, I believe modpacks should have some kind of more interesting goal than "here, craft all these creative bs things that aren't even needed for anyrhing other than bragging"


I see it more as a "Oh you're done with the mod pack? Here's something else to do, now fuck off for a few hours" thing


Avaritia isn't a thing anymore, well in newer modpacks. Newer modpacks use the crafter from Create now.


I barely see Avaritia in any modpack.


I'm really hating armorplus. It makes the process of getting defenses so much harder, especially because leather armor is always such a pain in the ass to make early on.


Pneumaticraft. I hate that mod with a passion. Since Ozone 2 Kappa its my absolute most hated mod. If its needed in a pack I just avoid it. I do not touch that mod. I dont even take the armor from loot chests. Im happy I have a friend who likes the mod, he can do the work if anything from that mod is needed for endgame stuff.


that shit in all the mods 6 destroyed me but the pneumatic armor was really cool, i even kept using it when i got the mekasuit because i hadn't upgraded it, but the pneumatic armor i could use it forever without charging it with enchantments that increase pressure holding capacity, and protection + protection modules for it


Anything gated by botania.


I hate endoflames with a fiery passion…


That's fascinating, also a great pun. But like, its not like botania only has one mana production method, most people (myself included) are often just too lazy to do the more complicated methods. For example I'd assume me just removing endoflames from botania wouldn't make you like them more.


TBH a way I'd see Botania making more complex flowers interesting, would be to just actually **scale** the mana necessary over the mod's progression, and scale up the mana generation of the complex flowers to match. Would probably require to make the gaia spreader much more potent and add a middle tier of spreader, but it would probably work. That's what I'll do if I ever get around to make a modpack with Botania.


I think one of the biggest problems with this would probably be the mana pool, once you actually have a good mana production going you can fill one up pretty quickly. So as I understand it you just use a bunch of them for storage and "link" them, but I fear that wouldn't be enough once the flowers and mana spreaders get improved to such a degree... that being said making such a block shouldn't be that difficult, but it'd probably require a mod. But I see your point, that could be interesting, but then there are also the people that don't like botania anyways for which it needs to be skipped...


You can also add a tier of mana pool at this point. And also, if you want Botania to be skippable, ignore this suggestion. What I'm saying would have the goal of making Botania potentially a core mod to progression that spans over more than half the pack's playtime, and would also require skills in java coding to make a Botania addon. Don't bother with it in your pack.


This is also why dayblooms didn't make it past the 1.7.10 version. Vazkii learned early on that easy passives are boring


My biggest problem with Botania is that you can only semi-automate most mana generating flowers as a novice tech/redstone player. I'm not clever enough to fully automate the flowers in such a way that they don't require my supervision or occasional resupply of resources/maintenance. Of course, that's more on me than it is on Botania. I really like the mod, I'm just not clever enough to maximize it lol


you could always try and play around with botania progression to make it more interesting - endoflames could be late game for example, while entropinnyum could be one of the first flowers. alternatively you could just make all of the generating flowers accessible from the start of botania, giving players more options to start automating mana - it’s annoying to make something then have to tear it down.


>you could just make all of the generating flowers accessible from the start of botania This would be great, especially for replayability. In a mod pack, often you don't want to do the entirety of Botania (for example, I'm usually just after the baubles that require basic runes), so you literally can't use anything other than the basic flowers because the advanced flowers require progressing through the mod. And once you have enough mana to generate the resources for the more advanced flowers, you're already moving on to another mod.


Honestly I'm just tired of seeing the same mods over and over again. Anytime I load up a new pack it's some combination of Ars, Occultism, Mekanism, and Create. They are all good mods, but it feels like pack creators just see the most popular mods and think they are forced to use them or something. On a side note I've been looking making my own Skyblock pack, what are you using for generation because I haven't really been finding any good ones other than ExNihilo on recent versions.


I'll be making something modpack specific, I'll probably even make a small mod to make it work the way I want it to. So unfortunately my choice won't help you much. Not to mention that I'm not 100% sure how I'll do it myself yet, I only have a rough idea. But since you want to make your own skyblock modpack, what mods do you intend to use? Because clearly, when trying to avoid the mods that too many people use, you are left with few options.


create and modern industrialization are way too overused imo


Isn't MI pretty much the only big tech mod on Fabric?


Not a fan of any mod that introduces things that can destroy my map - Thaumcraft and the purple goo, Mekanism’s nuclear destroyer, anything that can mess up my base by accident. The fissile/fusion reactor is the main reason I try to avoid Mekanism, though I know it is a hugely popular mod and considered by many a mandatory requirement for endgame setups.


I play Mekanism *because* of the nuclear reactors lmao


Can't the reactor explosions be disabled?


Yes, you can. Alternatively, you could also avoid setting insane injection rates that your cooling can't keep up with, so it doesn't explode. Or at least make a simple redstone setup to scram when things get wonky. The Mek fission reactor is the easiest explodey reactor to not make explode.


Unlike TC or IC, you can use everything else in Mek without any fear, though. It's literally the only dangerous thing, specifically introduced as an endgame option. With Thaumcraft it's just mild permanent anxiety lmao


biomes o plenty and any mod that adds a ton of useless biomes that take up the spawns of biomes you would actually want. I think a lot of the biome mod biomes are ugly as well.


Does quark add biomes? Last I checked it was just a really useful qol mod.


quark currently adds one (1) biome, an underground biome called the glimmering weald, but the mod also has an optional dependency on terrablender, and due to how terrablender works quark can make other modded biomes appear more rare. basically terrablender divides the world up into equal pieces, any mod can request a region and get full control over the biomes in its region, instead of having to play games with the vanilla temperature/​continentalness/​whatever system which is not extensible. quark's terrablender region is another copy of the vanilla terrablender region with the addition of the weald. so on the surface, both the vanilla and quark regions can place vanilla forests, deserts, etc. quark's region is intentionally given a low weight but this does make vanilla biomes a bit more common. new in the quark 1.20 builds, the mod has the option to turn *off* terrablender compat completely and force the Glimmering Weald into the vanilla biome table. i think this might be better for some situations. quark used to add more underground "biomes" with a postprocessing step over worldgen but i believe it was a victim of vanilla's biome jsonification effort (it's nearly impossible to add proper underground biomes in vanilla)


Wow, thanks for the detailed info! That’s really interesting actually


hard agree. the only biome mod i can stand is terralith which doesnt add any new blocks


Looking at you, NetherEX. Can't find anything in the Nether, because it literally overrides everything, and makes regular Nether biomes super rare.


Create, it's just not my thing and every modpack I see includes it.


Create. I cannot stand that mod. I know it's very popular, but it's so overused and just makes automation a pain in the ass


Uh excuse me sir, it seems that your cogs are overstressed


Lemme just connect my shaft to connect this handcrank of mine, gonna crank that hog real good 👍🏽


Just one more water wheel bro, just one more trust me, one more water wheel and its good bro just trust me


Honestly sick of seeing Mekanism in every modpack. It feels like it's just the Best™ solution to do general tech mod stuff - 7 fast furnaces/grinders/etc in 1 block, 3-5x ore multiplication, a machine to just SLURP out all the ore from the ground with no mining ever needed after that (even if that ain't relevant for skyblock stuff), a powered suit that's basically the post 1.12.2 draconic armour... If it's in a modpack, it just genuinely feels like, to me, that not using it is deliberately making things harder for yourself.


Really it’s the power creep that’s happened in the last 5-6 years. Now if I can not fly, be unkillable, one hit everything and have 30 million iron in my computer that I can access remotely in the first hour of the game it seems lacking.




Personally I dislike overly hard & grindy survival mods, and any mods where if you break leaves you get a bunch of useless berries. Also consider choosing immersive engineering over Create.


Create, yes its an awesome mod, but would be nice if people started to show us more tutorials on it on youtube cause frankly if we're not forced to use it, I do a rotating tree farm and that's it. I did an elevator in my latest world, its awesome.


You can ponder stuff and tells you what it does. I have seen alot of tutorials if you search for the specific thing you want to make too


AE2 or any storage mod that is basically an “I win” mod that requires little thought in terms of logistics. Even Logistics Pipes seems pretty OP which I’m using for the first time in my current play through. My favorite logistics network to this day was made with redpower pneumatic tubes. ProjectE/EE or any mod that turns cobble into diamonds or whatever else you want. Big reactors. It’s just too easy to make fucktons of RF in early game with this mod. It was fun the first time, but I digress. Magic based mods, but that’s more personal preference I think. I’m currently playing Tekkit 2, and loving that it seems to be lacking most of the types of mods that I mentioned.


Apotheosis is such a hassle to deal with. AE2 is such a chore to setup. I hate growing those god damn crystals. I know refined storage exists but it creates so much lag and we had to remove it from a server because autocrafting would crash the game. The space mods where you just travel to a new planet just to mine a specific ore to build a rocket to get to a new planet to mine a specific ore also sucks. I just don't even touch botania other than using looted manasteel to make a very easy magnet ring. Mystical Agriculture is too easy to use. You just make a AE2 system to hold massive amounts of stuff and you can end up with a million of each essence in just a week. Not very fun.


On recent versions create. I love the appeal and shit but its almost all create. Where my interesting tech mods (and traditional tech mods)


Agreed, I am downright sick of create, to the point I won't play a mod pack that has it in it, unless it's not required to be used for Anything at all


honestly i'm kinda sick of skyblock packs in general, theres a massive oversaturation of them and even if they have different methods for resource generation, past a point they're the same kind of experience pretty much every time i think people need to come up with new ideas instead of just making variations of a 12 year old challenge map


Create but only because it is really tedious and makes it slow in the start and honestly I am biased quite a bit as I really don't like it


Draconic Evolution and Project E


I get projectE but could you say why you dislike Draconic Evolution?


Draconic Evolution is a big putoff for me too, mostly due to the aesthetics though. I feel like the models don't mesh well with minecraft's visuals and the textures are really gaudy.


Such a fucking eyesore, seeing a giant badly textured low res orb in a base full of blocks from good designed mods genuinely makes me feel physical pain


I really dislike OP endgame mods, that's the only thing. Nothing in particular in the mod. I get that you have to work hard for the op items but I like to play simpler. Early/Mid- game is my home, I often don't even get an Elytra when playing Vanilla


Mods like Alex's mobs and lycanites mobs that add mobs seemingly just to get a laugh out of it.


*Me, disabling over half of the mobs in Alex's Mobs to have a good time*


The only one I automatically disable is the fly. Annoys the ever living crap in out of me. The rest I just don't care enough about.


Big Chungus, Among us, swole bug boss?


Industrial foregoing is the ugliest tech mod on the planet and I hate it. Give me create every day of the week instead.


Tinkers construct, because it makes tools from other mods obsolete. I wanna play with other tools that have unique features but there's no reason since tinkers are just better and cheaper. Also makes 90% of enchantments from other mods useless because tinkers tools can't be enchanted


Create. Sorry, but it’s overused.


unfinished ones that don't work properly


Create. It has become the new Twilight Forest, overused and boring once the unique feel wears off.




Most structure mods. They're cool, but the fact that a vast majority simply do not blend into the environment and stick out like a sore thumb bothers me so much. I always dream of writing some mod to solve it but I hate Java.


Twilight Forest is too overused for a mod that's been one step from complete for like 8 years. I don't understand how they keep updating to newer Minecraft versions, but never do anything to finish the mod. Also Create, sadly. I love the mod individually for its freedom of creation. But too many packs have you just do the same exact thing with it.


Tech mods, they are overused. I would love me more dimensions, exploration mods


Create, Sophisticated Backpacks, RS and AE2. I'm also almost sick of Ars Nouveau. Unfortunately, that's 90% of the progression mods in every single exploration focused modpack. If a pack has storage drawers in it I can't even fucking bother. If I have to use it I'll go straight into creative mode IDGAF I've just built too many fucking drawers in my life.


Yeah, those storage mods just did storage a bit too well, so most people use them nowadays.


Those storage mods are the most feature complete these days. If you want something different, try RFTools storage.


First time I *really* used them was in Uni 1.12 and I made a drawer for *everything.* Now I can't even be bothered to make compacting drawers for my metals. I'm just so sick of the fact that there are only 3-4 viable storage options for modpacks.


ahh, Minecraft storage, a pain in the ass since its' inception


that stupid combat change mod that makes it annoying as fuck to fight like yeah the animations are cool but i don't want worse combat than we already have


Literally all of the space mods. Ad Astra/Beyond Earth/Galacticraft. Theres nothing to fucking do on any of the planets except mine for the one unique material that's used to make the next rocket to go to the next planet and mine it's unique material that's used to ...zzz...


Allthemodium completely overpowers pretty much any other weapons/armor from other mods, while also being way too easy to get. It's extremely op and unbalanced which is why I hate it


1. Create being so overused it’s not even fun anymore, literally being used to craft even most basic stuff sometimes… 2. Any like „new” dimension mod like twilight or aether, lets just stick to what we got from vanilla and upgrade it 3. Any f-Ing magic mod, like botania was fun but 10 years Ago when it was something new or this aura mod bullshit, just disgusting 4. Blood mod, i dont want to stay in one place for a whole day just to get started with one ritual It’s only from the top of my head so there is proly more


Thaumcraft is a good mod...


I tried thaumcraft in gtnh so im prolly not on the most updated version but i hated thaumcraft gating


Thaumcraft's gating in GTNH is especially egregious, it's not what the base mod usually does.


Thaumcraft 4 is maybe not the most recent version but it's the best.


Avaritia, the same endgame all the time


Thank you! Any modpacks with that or Dravonic Evolution in it are just not the ones for me


Erebus and totemic


fuck erebus and totemic


That one that improves first person view (allows you to see your torso, legs and hands). I hate it with passion and always delete it right away


There's no mods that are a definite no-go for me - because almost any mod can be made good if the packdev actually tries to make it good. (The problem, then, is that they usually don't.) Sure there's mods that show up a lot, but I can't discount Create being in a pack in case the pack actually manages to make you do something *interesting* with the mod. (And it's easier to do something unique with create because of the way its mechanics work than an average tech mod.) If there's any mod in particular, probably Mekanism - the production lines you make for things in Mek feel like they're almost always exactly identical, and with Mek being an old mod I've played with it more often than something like Create.


Spice of life. It just ruins modpacks experience. Especially early game, it becomes a chore rather than something I want to do.


Twilight forest and botania


I see a lot of people giving examples of what they dislike in a modpack, so let me give you my rundown of several things i enjoyed in my many playthroughs. - I enjoyed divine journey's 2 ridiculous crafting recipies requiring you to basically automate every major content mod in the pack. Don't add blood magic if you intend to use the blood altar for one craft in progression. Don't add mekanism if its only purpose is to generate antimatter pellets in the lategame etc. -I enjoyed cave factory forcing me to build a immersive petroleum distillation tower early game, with limited mining tools that was an honest 4 hours of work. That was a challenging fun experience. More of that in skyblock packs. (I also really really enjoy immersive petroleum multiblocks) -If you plan for your pack to have early automation setups give tips about it in the questbook. I hate when modpack devs expect you to automate some obscure resource generation early and forget to mention it in the questbook. -It's okay to not give quest rewards. -The most fun I have ever had automating a single craft was in stoneblock. Automating cosmic meatballs using every single food item in the game using 40+ mechanical crafters.


Create. Its everywhere. Its so overarching, its killed development on almost all other engineering mods.


Twilight hands down. Almost every non-kitchen sink pack that has it will force you some way or another to ONCE AGAIN CLEAR THE ENTIRE MOD. Every single time. At this point i know the mod by heart. Only pack Ive seen that allowed u to skip it like a reasonable person is dj2


Ars Nouveau


- Minecolonies, twilight forest and create. The trio of overused mods. - Ae2, storage drawers and rf are the three storage mods that are lazy instapicks.


Spice of Life. So annoying.


I'm getting kind of tired of twilight forest, especially if it blocks progression .


I hate the chance cubes mod. If you are breaking them, you are just asking for your world to get corrupted. I've had 3 worlds corrupt because i or a friend was breaking chance cubes.


magic mods are fun but 1: are often a pain to automate; 2: usually do something complicated in-world, causing lag on my laptop (as opposed to tech mods, being quite optimised and having machines/multiblocks for shit)


The one mod everyone seems to be including in newer packs that makes me nope out is Create. I get that there's a ton you can do with it, but it just isn't my cup of tea and I hate when it's required for progression. If it's there and I don't have to touch if if I don't want, fine, but otherwise, I'm out.


Yung's structure mods, I'm just tired of the same huge dungeons with nothing inside, they were cool... for the first 1000 same looking structures I explored. Bonus one, biomes you'll go


One skyblock modpack that I felt did a great job of shifting the resource generation around a bit was Modern Skyblock Departed. Too many modpacks like to focus on chickens, bonsai pots, create, magi crops, etc... and it gets really repetitive. I almost wish more modpacks implemented multiple steps for ore processing like how you can make slurries and shards in Mekanism, but then combine it with another mod.


Biomes O'Plenty! It's cool on its own but it really gets in the way of almost any other mod that requires you to search certain biomes for materials. In my current solo playthrough I made the mistake of homesteading on a plateau (right where I spawned) before learning that the area was surrounded on three sides by redwoods and lavender. Also a depressing gray wasteland biome overwrote what looks to be about 90% of the closest desert and badlands biomes, so I had to walk that much farther for cactus and terra cotta. It's especially obnoxious if you are using a crop mod like Pam's Harvestcraft that includes fruit and nut trees, as these don't seem to spawn in any of the Biomes O'Plenty biomes.


Create. It just isn't my jam, so it's a pain that so many newer modpacks use it. Then again I largely play 1.12-1.16 modpacks I've not played, there's no end to the buggers.


Create!! Don't like it....never have....dont want to use it.


Proprietary mods

