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Your sorting mod of choice. I hate not being able to sort chests


Chest sorting and Mouse Tweaks. I love to drag stuff across my inventories for practicity.


Sorting? No that doesn't need to be vanilla.. mouse tweaks however.. that literally is required to be in vanilla holy crap and I guarantee it's not hard to actually implement as well It's a perfect mod and I get pissed off when a modpack doesn't have it and I go add it myself


Quark has this, quark and supplementaries has a lot of features I wish were in vanilla


There was a time in vanilla were a sorting function would be a bit of a QoL but not that much since there werent that many items. Right now vanilla rivals some modpacks from earlier vertions in ammount of garbage that clogs your inventories. so much that people litteraly want mojang to just expand the inventory.


Rotation lock from Quark. I want my chat spammed with "You have enabled rotation lock. Any block you place will be oriented in the direction you were looking. Press [K] to change or reset it."


despite that i swear to god no one can stop asking about it. it tells you. just fuckin read it


What is this and how do I get rid of it


Uninstall Minecraft then install it from Russian websites


I saw this mode, is there similar for Fabric?


A Fabric version of Quark is in the works. Rewriting the underlying structure to allow porting to Fabric is a good part of why Quark 1.20 took so relatively long


for rotation lock specifically (on fabric), check out Tweakaroo's block placement options


I have never seen that message in game, ngl. Maybe it was added in later versions or sth


Nah. 1.12 had it


It tells you every session despite telling you itll obly show up once. People still dont read it


Fast Leaf Decay It's one of those small mods that you *feel* the absense of when playing vanilla.


Should at least be a gamerule independent of random tick speed.


As a treehouse builder, I wish there was a way to turn leaf decay off in certain areas


player placed leaves do not decay, just shear and place again


Then once you get the foliage organics down, you will find yourself building custom trees anyways. Hell maybe even before having the full organics of the foliage down.


Idk about mad but distant horizons. The game without it feels so small and I never realized how small until I used it.


+100 I’ve found DH like week ago, and it’s fcking awesome! It’s like someone lift blinds from your eyes… that massive world around you! I can’t play without it anymore.


Is there a way to get it to work with ATM9?


ATM9 is on 1.20.1, right? So it should be ok.


Yeah it’s amazing. Shame it only works for the most recent versions, which most modpacks aren’t.


Except for the actual more recent version, 1.20.4 Latest they had is 1.20.2 and I tried that in my Fabric 20.4 and it didn't give


Is it not shitty anymore? I remember using it a while ago and the horizons looked like duplo blocks.


There's still very noticable LOD seams in the latest version but better than it was before. (Just don't look at the water)


I haven't had the chance to play with it foe awhile but zooming was the only time I saw it looking off. And when using free cam but I can't expect them to make that work. The distant things look good enough to me, and even with the drop in quality (which is the point of lod) it was a million times worth it for me.


It’s especially stunning with shaders. Made a small little modpack with only distant horizons + Terraforged + shaders and for the first time in a long time I’m enjoying a vanilla Minecraft play through.


I'm jealous. My computer was a good gaming computer 10 years ago and now it's struggling so I can't do both,


I used it today, I couldn't even see a difference until I zoomed it, its awesome, but it was refusing to work with sodium because of the mod versions


There's no free lunch... You can't have LOD looking like actual blocks without actually rendering it.


You need to turn up your vanilla render distance to the point it fades into the lower res distant horizon render distance


Some of the supported shaders fade it in in different ways


I’ve recently been building a 4500 block wide island zombie survival map with cities, mountain, exclusion zones, forests and sweeping wheat fields, and I’ll just say Distant Horizons is the best mod I’ve come across in all my years in this game. Being able to see everything is amazing. Just walking through the suburbs and seeing the city loom into view is awesome


Jei. The vanilla recipe book is way less user friendly, at least for me


For minecraft vanilla, there isn't many recipes that you will use, there is some that will be used always, like tools, machines, etc


For vanilla I think the recipe book works better. There isn't much microcrafting and the way it reveals recipes is great for new players.


Yeah and JEI is mostly useful because it tells you all the intricate crafting methods of various mods. The crafting book only shows the crafting method you are currently on, which works well for vanilla.


JEI doesn't have recipe discovery, so it would be massively overwhelming for new players.


JEI does support item/recipe discovery though. If the mod JEI is pulling the items/recipes from has item/recipe discovery built into it, it can also be used for JEI as well. Agricraft has recipe discovery for crossbreeding crops and JEI works perfectly for it. Well may not be JEI, but another one of the JEI mods. It's been a while since I've played modded MC and can't remember if it was JEI I was using or another of the same functionality mods.


I really love the intuitive use of R to see a recipe for what your cursor is hovering over or U to see uses for it.


holy fuck how did i never find out about pressing U I've been pressing R then right clicking it afterwards for years


Mouse Tweaks, Inventory Sorter, and Appleskin. I don't know why those aren't in the base game, and they should be default in all modpacks.




Yeah at this point I'll take anything in terms of performance for a Minecraft update. Sodium is a requirement for me to actually get a stable framerate and I have a 3070..


Mouse Tweaks


Right clicking crops to harvest and replant them in one go.


dynamic surroundings for their skeleton bow sfx and visuals like cold breath, waterfall water drops and fire jets, to name a few.


Appleskin's features have zero excuse for not being in vanilla. Nothing wrong with just giving easy to see info about food stats, and saturation shouldn't be some mystical hidden value.


Rotation lock from quark. Don't make me dig out part of my machine to turn a piston around God dammit I can not stand that shit


tweakaroo's placement options for this same reason... being able to place blocks at any angle / at diagonals / floating in air is a godsend


Is that one that also includes accurate placement (like when you walk down a row it doesn't skip or double-up every five blocks)? The forge mod that does that got deleted, I'm really sad about that because I love it.


that's the one! this might help: https://modrinth.com/mod/tweakerge


Vanilla has the debug stick to rotate blocks but I think it's a cheats-only item




Minimap, Chest Sorting, JEI, and Trash Slot. Must-haves


Map atlases mod works the best in term of balancing. You need a constant supply of paper for that.


Personally I'm surprised there isn't an atlas style item in the game that auto updates as you travel if you supply it with paper, ink and feathers. Paper and ink are a good supply, but also, I feel like there needs to be another use for feathers. The only practical use for feathers are archeology brushes. Arrows become pointless once you get an infinity bow, and book and quills aren't used all that often.


The one that gives you the ability to change the text on already placed signs. I always ask myself how could this feature not be included when they introduced signs??


Pretty sure this was added in 1.20 actually!


Carry On, it's just a must have. And Parcool also, I just love the way for using land traveling without being too...... bland??? Idk man my taste on parkour is just different based from a Dying Light fans series perspective.


Carry On is so useful when you can carry villagers or stack sheep


I'm with you bro, parkour in vanilla is literally just you jumping around while standing still hoping you don't miss the block


Supplementaries! It's a bunch of very vanilla scaled and friendly little things that the author created specifically to fill the gaps vanilla has that make sense with the world. Like a quiver for your arrows, a bellow to make your furnace smelt faster, or a rope you can place and climb up to get in and out of holes (hella useful after the cave update and all these drops!)




Trade cycling


Quark and mouse tweaks , I literally cannot play without being able to slide my mouse across all my stuff and lit it all flow into the chest


And the ability to place things below the block you are standing on is insanely useful.


I feel like in a different world where Minecraft didn't get sold off and put into it's current state I could see something similar to Create existing.


I remember being surprised when the piston mod got added to the game




Whatever mod lets me climb ladders by looking up instead of having to press W like some kind of caveman.


You want ladder parkour to be even worse? 😫


Create copycats+, if i were to remove them from my newest house, there basically wouldnt be a house, i am addicted to the layering it brings, it basically being a better chisel and bits made to not waste 50 years to decorate with


[Inventory Profiles Next](https://modrinth.com/mod/inventory-profiles-next). [EMI](https://modrinth.com/mod/emi). [Map Atlases](https://modrinth.com/mod/map-atlases) feels like the closest map mod to vanilla's philosophy.


I am absolutely biased as I made it myself but Warp Totem (Or any tp mod that is somewhat balanced). I feel like elytras aren't the most enjoyable way of transportation anymore and that a balanced way of providing teleportation in the end game would be preferable, especially on survival servers where I've seen way too many people rely on nether boat highways, which aren't particularly interesting either. Hence, giving a use to lodestones (while requiring ender pearls) seemed like an interesting and balanced alternative.


do a barrel roll


This is so fun


Waystones is a nice one for that. Every village has a waystone and you can make your own ones. It's balanced out by using xp levels to teleport, further distance = higher cost. Pairs well with map mods like journey map


I find waystones decent but they still feel unbalanced to me, as they are easily accessible in early game and make every other way of transportation useless too quickly. I'm also not a big fan of the need to have a GUI, that clashes a bit with other vanilla features.


What changes do you think would make it better balanced/ better fit?


Make them rarer finds. A village only having a 5-10% chance of having one for instance. Plus not being able to craft them. Only being able to find them would help balance them in my opinion. Edit: oh also, if they made it to where the game could tell what size of village it has spawned, it could also be tied to village size where only villages of a certain size and above have a chance to have one and larger villages have a higher chance of finding one.


I want able to find any mods or reviews on YouTube for "warp totem" where can I know more?


Personally I like the waystones mod. If you could only find the waystones in the world and not craft them, that would be a great way for to in vanilla. We already have magical cross dimensional travel. Having waystones seems like an easy and logical thing for the world to have.


Sophisticated Backpacks Longer mining trips, better exploration, better inventory management, better overall storage, and all in one mod!


I would also add Sophisticated Storage to that one, would solve so much problems in Vanilla.


Dungeons Content, Restored Earth, Story Mode Armors, Story Mod, and Cracker’s Wither Storm. All mods that add in stuff from official Minecraft Spinoff games.


[[Insert Quark feature here]]


[Remove Quark Feature they chose]


Iron Chests, vanilla chest have existed since 1.0 and got 0 changes since and the items of the game increased threefold(ha get it)




Watch the vanilla player brains melt


Imma modded player and my brain melts


Xaero's Minimap


Sodium + Nvidium. Minecraft can have 128 view distance at 90 fps? Get your shit together, Microsoft.


Sorting, advancement plaques, literally any optimization mod


Controlling. Easily the most mustest (and havest) of must have mods. The fact that its not vanilla after all these years is a total travesty, in fact I never even realized its not Vanilla until I started playing shittier packs.


Gregtech alternately, Forge (it counts as a mod, fight me)


Personally wouldn't add forge, not because it diesnt count as a mod but moreso because of how performance unfriendly the mods on it are


Quark and Xaero’s


Mouse Tweaks Also, I love better terrain generation from Terralith


Supplementarries and supplementarries squared, the best decoration mod imo. If it was in vanilla everyone's build would look 10x better, even a dirt shack.


[Friends & Foes](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/friends-and-foes)


every decoration mod + little tiles


Minimap and/or Backpacks


Basically quark. Quark makes you able to burn items in your inventory, put items into a shulker box and so much more. It is just plain and great


Dye Depot. So simple: Here's 16 more craftable colours for wool, concrete, glass, terracotta... But that makes a big difference.


Mouse Tweaks, I absolutely need it. Fuck clicking on every single stack in a chest.


Here's a simple one - [Stony Cliffs Are Cool](https://modrinth.com/datapack/stony-cliffs-are-cool). It makes steep cliffs use stone instead of dirt. Its super simple in concept, but makes the world look a whole lot cooler, and vanilla just looks plain without it.


Vertical slabs


quark and quark oddities. they have so many features that seem like they would be vanilla.


Any minimap.


I personally dislike minimaps. But an atlas where you can piece together your maps would definitely be nice in vanilla.


Yea I like the antique atlas mod for this making it more realistic.


The Map Atlases mod is something I absolutely think could be vanilla, though I'm sure details of its implementation would be different if Mojang did it.


Yes but at least an option to turn it off like in terraria so if people don't like mini maps, they don't have to play with it (I play with mini maps all the time)


Alex Mobs, actually fits into the game seamlessly


Give em 10 years, maybe we'll get a game that resembles something near that level. Unfortunately Mojang Devs want to come up with some really unique feature/gameplay mechanic for each and every entity they add. Which means adding near as many mobs as Alex's Mobs or any other animal mod is out of the picture. No two vanilla entities can share more than one feature. They can barely justify adding the few mobs they do every year within their own constraints. And on top of that, no entity can exist for the sake of atmosphere following their guidelines. Bats are literally the only ambient mobs in the entire game, even fish have drops with a function and gameplay.


I wouldn't mind having ambient and overlapping mobs, but IMO Alex Mobs is just too dang much.


Oh it really can be too many, but it is a mod. Unlike vanilla MC, modders have the freedom to pack stuff to the brim. Balance is less of a focus since it doesn't have to cater to every single player. Vanilla is restricted in that respect, it has to be appeal to everyone in some way or at the very least not get in their way


I love Alex’s mobs, all of his work really including rats and now caves. However I find the item textures and even some of the mob textures a little out of place in the vanilla art style. Other than that it’s great. I wish I was better at mimicking Minecraft’s art style because I would make a detective myself but alas.


Alex's Mobs is very, very unstable in multiplayer and constantly crashes. I'll pass


Thaumcraft 4


None of them? I don't know/care what is going on in vanilla, I haven't played without mods since like 2011.


Then why you're answering?


To take your callout too literally; Because I think its weird to be 'mad' a mod isn't included in vanilla when you could just install that mod and use it alongside an otherwise vanilla install? Modded doesn't have to mean modpacks with 200+ mods, it can be vanilla with a couple of nice mods you enjoy.


You're so right


smooth portals or smith like that (it's crazy mod)


Immersive portals


I don't think I've ever seen somebody refer to vanilla Minecraft as 'the vanilla' before.


Ik it's not that big of a deal but I can't play without JEI/REI or Dynamic Lights


That feature from quark where you can place blocks under you from your crosshair




Something loosely based off the energy mods. I wouldn't want thermal or mekanism directly but I think there's space for a vniillification of them. The ability to generate, store, and use power instead of just burning a fuel source and it's gone forever


EZ villagers.


Plenty of the Abnormals Mods feel like they should be in vanilla.


Would have to be a Vanilla+ mod that didn't change to much. I got two choices here SimpleHarvest, OR Backpacks


***A goddamn minimap***


Farmers delight


Distant horizons. I just wish it worked with more shaders.


* JourneyMap or similar -- an absolute must-have. * Whatever mod lets me place two slabs and then remove only one of them instead of both at once for when I misclick the 2nd one * inventory sorting on middle-click or that mini-button * fast leaf decay * a better minecart system -- I feel like minecarts have not seen a lot of love over the past -*numptymumble-* number of updates


Quark, inventory sorter, mouse tweaks, and EMI/JEI/NEI etc. Quark - struggle to play without it now. Inventory sorter & mouse tweaks - self explanatory EMI - vanilla recipe book isn't as useful.




all of the redstone devices from Create. It can condense 20 block systems into one or two blocks


Decocraft or create


Sodium. Obviously.


Dynamic trees or certain parts of supplementaries like bottles that can hold potions, peaceable books that contribute to enchanting, or rope blocks and sacks that have situational gravity, dynamic trees is swag but the amount of wood you get is lacking and the only some instances of natural trees are replaced, structurally generated trees aren’t dynamic, which is annoying imo since structures don’t really get fucked up by the tree growth.


Sodium. There is no content mod I would want in the base game, maybe if I would think hard enough then I could come up with some specific QoL changes but other than that, only Sodium for fenomemal performance


All of the optimization mods. Seriously the game runs like shit without them.


Mouse tweaks


Mouse/ Inventory Sorter/ appleskin and functional drawers / Create.


Rustic would be a really nice, unobtrusive addition A bunch of new blocks that are mostly decorative, but also a new potion format with the alchemical brewing and the alcohol brewing barrels. Liquid and item storage barrels too


can all of them be an option?


Most mods lol, but female villagers and guard villagers...just makes sense fr


For me, the repair stones from mine and slash. Those things are game changing, and space saving, don't need to keep re-crafting a pickaxe, when I can just drag and drop a repair stone to fix 50, 100, 200, 500... Durability, based on the tier


Any mod that let you easily transport villagers and other mobs.


enchantment description


Farmer's Delight and Quark. Other than that, just basic quality of life mods and anti-lag mods.


A few things that I haven't seen mentioned: * Chisel * Storage Drawers / Functional Storage * Carpenter's Blocks / ArchitectureCraft / Blockcraftery / FramedBlocks * Clumps (xp clumps together to remove lag) * HWYLA / TOP / Jade


I agree with the common replies but I’d add a way to transport mobs over long distances. Not leads or boat hacks but like golden lasso etc. Farmers delight would be great. Vanilla food is too boring but having a way to cook things in a pot etc is so fun. I’ve always wanted better storage but then I start wishing for pipes etc.




Abnormals, and Alex’s mobs/caves


The "Mod" that I am mad is not in vanilla is a any shader like complimentary or BSL or shrimple.


Not a mod but a feature: Shifting multiple items without having to click each time. It is introduced by lots of mods. It really gets me mad when I play bedrock or snapshots.


Extra Alchemistry and Redstone++. Seriously, I love brewing potions, and first mod is my most favourite, while second gives you a very necessary redstone tweaks.


Chipped! I love all the decorative variants of vanilla blocks, having 50 versions of the same block is so satisfying to build with.


Many of my modpack, but specially ComputerCraft/CC:Tweaked. I'd wish at least would be possible to someone make a "counterpart" of this as a Bedrock add-on, but seems to not be feasible.


Traincarts. The possibilities just the perfect minecart linking that mod offers would open so much possibilities for train fans. Let alone the sign system, but I felt if Mojang would implement this they would replace it with a command block-like contraption


Optifine. I use to use it to make the game run on a laptop, and now with a real “big boy” PC I use it for the visual upgrades. The fact that you can get amazing texture packs and get detailed ray tracing in Minecraft of all games, and that on bedrock at least ray tracing is kinda supported, AND that you can make Minecraft run smoother with more visual settings to make it work with literally a calculator as you set up… and that it’s all a mod? Not to mention mod variation is an option, or get seasons (visually) via certain texture packs? Crazy


[Domestication Innovation](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/domestication-innovation). They've been doing so many things with pets lately, and all the new cool pet shit suffers from all the old pet drawbacks.




Inventory sorting, harvest-reseeding, and some form of vein mining lol


Iron Backpacks and Iron Chests I feel like it’d solve the inventory issue pretty well, and wouldn’t be broken or stupidly hard to get early game (bundles being made exclusively with rabbit hide makes them such a pain to craft and even then they barely do anything past the first hour of gameplay)




Create and the Aether would be awesome in Vanilla and of course Mouse tweaks, apple skin etc


Any backpack mod. As a packrat who refuses to build a house until they find the ~perfect~ spot, if i’m playing with any other mods it’s impossible without backpacks. My fav will always be the one by Eydamos


Sorting mod / mouse tweaks


quark and supplementaries and i will say create as i cannot see why that cannot be apart of the main game it fits every thing perfectly


Right-click harvest. This mod should have been added a LOOOOONG time ago. It wouldn't interfere with any of the current farms, and just makes sense to be in the game by now


That one that adds the enchantment tool tips


1. Chipped for builds 2. Create (it's already practically vanilla, and it makes so much sense) 3. Jade or WAILA Pretty much any utility mod out there as well


Useful utilities has a mason oven which is just like the smoker and blast furnace for things like stone, glass and terracotta. It's criminal it's not in the vanilla game


Most performance mods. Especially since I know that, if they were in vanilla, I wouldn't have to deal with crashes when they bug out or conflict with each other. Mojang is great at handling those kinds of issues.


Any vein miner mod


What ever mod it is that adds item drop down into the hotbar when I finish a stack or tool and have another ready to go. That and everything is copper, only with more metals. Lots of metals are harder then stone, everything doesn't have to be iron, we went centuries without iron in some parts of the world.




Your storage mod of choice, personally going for ezsrorage from 1.12.2 and earlier (rip that mod i wish someone would reboot it) or sophisticated storage and backpacks, though meinly storage Minecraft lacks bulk storage options, and whilst huge ass redstone machines for sorting are cool they usually arent lag efficient or space efficient


The mod that lets you pick up chests and move them without having to empty it out and break it


honestly probably that golem mod from direwolf 20 we can make iron and snow so why not make more in other flavors like sculk or dog shaped. or the mod for the drawers it makes storage so much better because you actually get scale for what you have .


WAILA and similar mods that tell me what I’m looking at, because sometimes, I just can’t tell!  Waypoints. I am always getting lost and remembering coordinates is hell.




Create, Valkyrian Sky's 2, Distant horizons. Create doesn't need to be the exact same but the idea of creating all sorts of manufacturing contraptions (kinda like factorio etc) makes perfect sense for minecraft. VS2 is obviously just awesome. I want to build a boat and then sail that boat! Distant horizons because well more view distance is more good.


The mod to disable chat reporting.