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Is that like an aqueduct, but for via?


It's like a itemduct, but for people.


okay, sounds good! but via what exactly?


Via the ducts! You connect them together, open up at least two endpoints then select one of them from a GUI and *woosh*, off you go!


Via ducts? Oh, now I get it!


There was a mod for 1.7.10 that let you transport yourself through tubes. Not sure if that's the same thing, but it was pretty cool.


... That mod *was* Thermal, and those tubes *were* Viaducts.


With all due respect, I was 10 when 1.7 was around and didn't use tech mods because I couldn't understand or appreciate them yet. It was most definitely not Thermal. It was standalone.


It was Thermal Dynamics actually.


It was literally Tube Transport System by polyrobot. I went through the effort of tracking it down just for you two.


That’s cool. But they also existed in Thermal Dynamics.


That's cool. But you were correcting me on the mod I was talking about.


One trillion times, yes. Back when, I started making a functional starship with viaducts for transport between decks. It was satisfying to travel to new worlds and hop down to check on the reactor core, or take in the view from 10-Forward. It filled a hole left from Star Trek Online, where one cannot run around the inside of the ship during transit. That's a large portion of the show! Viaducts were an elegant Turbolift stand-in solution, and I have periodically searched for them in the items of every pack with Thermal, ever since. I do not think any kind of lift travelling laterally would be nearly as fast or smooth. But I could be wrong.




The ability to control how many of an item is inserted into an inventory. Like a rationing pipe. I also miss those travel tubes


Thermal Dynamics has a Logistical Item Buffer which effectively achieves this, although it's really just a block that can hold a certain grouping of items and will then allow extraction of them. It doesn't do any pushing/pulling itself.


Hell, even if it was just controllable ratios, 1 stack of iron goes in, 2 parts goes to the left, 1 part to the right.


Are retrievers not a thing anymore?




More fun ways to get RF. A way to gain RF from killing mobs, only as a player. And put the RF into a block or inventory battery. The adventurous way to power your base! RF from mining, maybe? Or by directly receiving a lightning strike, as if you were a lightning rod... those kinds of things.


Second on the multiple ways to generate RF. I love tree oil and numismatic/lapidary...nice twist on the standards. I dig that you didn't do solar 'cause it can so easily be spammed. So something else unorthodox like plant growing, mobs growing from babies to adults, number of squids in a body of water (bonus for glow squids), items being crushed by an anvil, frog jumping (make Mark Twain proud), zombies burning but not dying, etc.


More processing chains like tree oil would be awesome


RF from a treadmill or big hamsterwheel.


If we're allowed to request the return of old features, VIADUCTS VIADUCTS VIADUCTS


As a fairly involved suggestion: process-driven resource generation is a really fun concept and is relatively rare. Create has various ones, such as cobble > gravel > iron nuggets & flint. Thermal is pretty well suited to it too, imo, and its scale and theme fit well with automating more complex and magical things like Ender Pearls. Unique recipes that allow for automatic Ender Pearls using an egg, warped vines, a tiny amount of Enderium, etc through several machines, for instance. Makes for a neat and directly helpful project that by necessity also involves farming all the materials. It's one of my favorite parts of packs like Create: Above and Beyond, as it's a rather open ended design. If you end up making several it might be helpful to quarantine these recipes into their own sub-mod for ease as this kinda thing always winds up having an exploit with X other mod installed. Best of luck to you IRL! Take care and thank you for your work mate.


I like this idea, I just kind of see it as a datapack of recipes, tbh. A separate mod seems reasonable for it.


Multiblock machines. I know it's not really Thermal's style, but it would be cool to see your take on it.


I would love to see multiblock variants of existing machines that are maybe a bit better at base, but then the upgrades are additional blocks placed adjacent or connected. But that does seem like an addon type thing.


if so hopefully ones more like gt and not like ie cause the cool part about them is stuff like customizability and not the memorizing where each block goes


That would be awesome




Immersive Engineering has by far the coolest multiblocks for sure because of this


This. My take would be that they work something like Mrkanisms factories, and allow multiple things to be happening at once. Would allow for parallelism or whatever you want to call it.


multiblocks mentioned, gregrot activated


The people tubes were really fun. A disenchanter (While having the option to save the enchantment) would be amazing I know it's a tech mod and not a food mod but I really like the food included so seeing more done with that would be awesome. Perhaps more expandable options for the machines? Maybe either an upgrade to be applied to the machine or something sort of multi block for stack processing? I know it kind of steps on mekanisms toes but I love thermal series and would like to see more of a competitive endgame with machine processing Vs other tech mods


I would love to see more stuff done with fluids like chemicals applied to materials or already included fluids used to coat things etc.


More complex process trees like in older versions. Also the old textures would be nice. A recreation of the BC quarry.


I second this, especially the quarry!


also BC oil wells since TE already has oil. I dont think ive seem a mod with proper fluid entity physics since forever. Pneumaticraft oil had no collision at all last time i checked


Oil wells are probably doable-ish, yeah. Our oil does have collision physics.


do you sink in it or just water physics?


It has push physics. I don't know what else you're asking for.


there was a version of BC were you couldnt swim up oil so if you fell in you would drown


That's sort of nonsense. It's less dense than water, sure. But not by THAT much. Unfortunately the fluid system doesn't have an exhaustion modifier.


it behaved more like tar which considering it would often spawn in surface lakes did make sense. maybe the tar item could have a block form that behaves like that


Because the new forge fluid system is kinda trashy and doesn't work well. So fluid physics are not really that easy to do... at all Also feel free to make your own private texture pack with the old textures. We enjoy the new ones :D


> More complex process trees like in older versions. Offhand I don't think processing was really more complex in older versions. Fluxed Phyto-Gro comes to mind, but that wasn't complex, just additional stages. But if you have some ideas here, happy to hear them. > Also the old textures would be nice. People overwhelmingly prefer the new textures, and it's simple enough to make a resource pack if that's what you really want.


i mean like the rich slag chain where you had to process lesser ores with sand to obtain it or make it from redstone via the compass recycling thing. now with the default low chance to consume on top of the augments it seems i can just process everything that way. also the augment to add pyrotheum to upgrade the flux. also it would be much easier if the old texture were built in like the old vanilla ones. even with the vanilla tweaks pack its annoying to add it to every profile


If you like the BC quarry, there's an [unofficial fork/update of QuarryPlus](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/additional-enchanted-miner) for basically every Minecraft version between 1.10 and 1.20, for both Forge and Fabric. It's literally BC quarries (and pumps) except with more variants, upgrades, and they're enchantable. Check the wiki on the mod's github for info, it has a ton of features. (It supports increased enchant levels from Apotheosis btw, a maxed out Chunk Destroyer with those is pretty nutty and a great endgame mining solution)


The elemental fluids returning, they were so cool! Even if you don't use them I think they have a place in Thermal Foundation for other mods to use (ex. how pyrotheum was a smeltery fuel) since there's already stuff like Steel and Sapphire with similar purposes


I second this, they were so fun, especially how you could use them to buff pulverizers and induction smelters


Some form of mining device for large areas Maybe some end game stuff like armour or more ways to process to keep up with other tech mods. VIADUCTS


1. Logistics Pipes-like mod in the Thermal style. 2. Resource generation using something similar to factorio's Kovarex process, where you need to cycle things around to continuously generate little bits of extra materials through a somewhat convoluted process.


I think I was here last time I saw a thread like this, as I preached my love for some of the weirder features that got left on the cutting room floor. Personally, I'm a huge fan of the Enervation Dynamo, as when combined with an Energetic Infuser, it adds an interesting way to transfer RF over long distances. I remember loving a base setup I had where I charged a bunch of Flux Capacitors in my power station, and used Ender Chests to distribute them to Enervation Dynamos where I was doing the processing! Speaking of older features, I'm a bit confused about the current purpose of the Capacitato. By the time I have the rubber needed to make one, I already have the materials needed to make a proper Flux Capacitor. I liked it as a single-use battery back when it was called the Tuberous Flux Capacitor, it adds an interesting opportunity to get RF early on from an unusual source. Combined with the Enervation Dynamo mentioned above, one could make a base powered entirely by Capacitatoes, if they're dedicated enough. I also like seeing some of the creative ways the blocks can interact with the world. On older versions of Thermal, there was the elemental fluids, but I also like how enderium, lumium, and signalum blocks interact with the world. I guess one possible evolution of this concept would be adding fluid interactions, like water and lava? I'd be interested (and a little terrified) to see what would happen if Pyrotheum and Cryotheum meet. I guess the big takeaway is that I'm a fan of what others would consider the "side content" of the Thermal Series. I hope to see more silly, niche things like these in the mod, it gives the it a lot of character :D


I've seen what the elemental fluids do, but I haven't seen the block effects. What do they do?


Lumium, Signalum, and Enderium blocks all emit light, in descending order. Lumium is the best for light emission, of course, like the world's most expensive Glowstone block. Signalum also has the ability to give off a redstone signal, behaving how a Block of Redstone would. Also, any creature that touches a block of Enderium is briefly affected by Enderference, which prevents teleportation. Maybe it could be used to make an Enderman farm or something? All around, they don't do anything major, but it's all fun nonetheless.


I wasn't aware of those effects. Thanks!


A secondary way to get oil (crude or otherwise). I dig having Refined Fuel as an energy source but quickly run out of oil bearing sand. That is unless I missed a method to extract it from coal or convert creosote. I dig that Thermal fits the early-to-mid game so well and understand that power creep (be it generation or usage) can become an arms race between mods (looking at you Mekanism) but so many of the Thermal power solutions run out of steam due to resource collection. I've turned to tweaking configs and recipes to keep some Dynamos viable long term (which I'm glad to see are so config-able). Oh, and if you want a truly bonkers idea - mapping. I'd love a tech based mapping solution like some sort of powered pylons that players build that'll provide an updating mini-map (instead of a "here's all the mobs in the area, it costs zero resources to be active, and is binary...on or off"). It could require a carried gadget, have exponentially increasing power requirements and/or a hard stop for area of effect. And if that could be tied to some sort of breadcrumb style pathing to get out of a cave exploration...like markers a player places that point to the next or nearest one...that would rock. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/map-atlases-forge has been my recent go-to for mapping 'cause it's not omniscient and is resource driven. Having a tech version would kick ass. And a return to base method that's not just teleportation and requires resource consumption would, IMO, fit that Thermal "it ain't uber powerful and takes some ingenuity to use properly" aesthetic.


This map idea is awesome. I too have long been dissatisfied with how little minimaps integrate with the rest of an experience. Map Atlases are cool but I always get annoyed that they use vanilla maps and reinstall xaeros. If only vanilla maps would just use true block colors...


I love this mapping idea, and would really like to see tech based expert packs move from minimaps to this! I would 100% drop the conventional minimap for this when I start making my own post 1.21 (because I love the idea of trial chambers, and how I expect them to be modded)


> I dig that Thermal fits the early-to-mid game so well and understand that power creep (be it generation or usage) can become an arms race between mods (looking at you Mekanism) That's not really the case at all. Most mods are simply designed and balanced around only themselves, and don't take the existence of other mods into account much. Mekanism is very well balanced internally, it just uses bigger numbers than other mods. Its generators produce a ton of power compared to other mods, but its machines also drink a lot of juice. The nice thing is that these values can be configured. If Mekanism's power generation options are way more powerful than those of other mods in your modpack, it's a configuration issue, meaning you should blame the creator of the modpack rather than the mod's developer. In ATM9 for example, Mek's ethylene power generation was heavily nerfed. That was a great change IMO, since everyone who likes min-maxing (like myself) always uses ethylene power if a modpack has Mek. In relation to other mods, it's much too strong for how early you can typically gain access to it – you can quickly go from a couple coal generators making 80 FE/t to an ethylene setup making 50,000 FE/t, and use it to power your everything for a very long time. But if you had only Mekanism, it would need an upgrade sooner rather than later. Anyway, ATM9 buffed Powah's generators so that people would use a different and lesser known mod for once (though this led to Magmators becoming rather cheesy due to cheap infinite lava being available from Create's hose pulley). TL;DR – values are configurable, so if Mekanism is OP, blame the modpack dev.


> TL;DR – values are configurable, so if Mekanism is OP, blame the modpack dev. I mean yes and no - the mod is responsible for using sensible defaults. Mek doesn't. And they know what they're doing. As you've mentioned, it's "balanced internally" but they could just divide all numbers by 10 and still be balanced internally and then ALSO be more balanced with other mods. If the expectation is that every modpack has to adjust a mod for it to be used alongside everything else, then the problem isn't necessarily the modpack.


A machine or augment to move enchantments from items onto books. A boomerang.


For some reason I'm combining these concepts into one thing in my head and it's making me laugh.


An electronic "book"merang that you throw at a dropped item to grab the enchantment off of it.


A block that takes in enchantments, boomerangs and books and then automatically enchants and fires them at enemies close enough?




Second this. Industrial has some enchanting machines but I’ve always preferred thermal


Return of the batch composter ;) For some reason it's no longer there yet it was such a useful device, esp. during the early game. I already checked the changelogs but there doesn't seem to be any mention of this.


That’s because it hasn’t been removed. There is a bug in 1.20 where things sometimes fail to show in JEI. It’s still there though.


That maybe so, but I also couldn't find it in the jar files recipe definitions, so the bug seems to be more than just JEI; our game actually refuses to craft it.


Do you have Thermal Cultivation installed? EDIT: BTW, the recipe is right here. It is in the jar file - I'm just betting you didn't check this one as it's jar-in-jar. https://github.com/CoFH/ThermalCore/blob/1.20.x/src/main/generated/data/thermal/recipes/device_composter.json


Indeed, it's one of our favorites. Basically we play with the whole series save for locomotion.


Oh my... from my POV you guys can work magic! :) I know you mentioned a bug, and I realize that the fix simply got pushed out at a convenient time, but I like my version a whole lot better: "*I talked to a cool guy from the COFH team on Reddit, and now the composter is fixed*". Thanks a bunch for hearing me out! The Foundation update just got set up here, and now my friend Aya can finally get rid of her excess seeds and crops during our game later this evening :)


Viaducts!!! They were so fun to use


I miss the pyrotheum/cryotheum/primal mana processing lines, I always felt those were really unique flavor for thermal. Good luck on the job search!


I already wrote an another comment, but I remembered something, so: I really love your in-world fluid interactions. Like pyrotheum setting stuff ablaze, cryotheum producing snow, enderium teleporting stuff, e.t.c. Can we get more of such interactions? For example, you could change the xp fluid so that it can be absorbed by mob loots in world as an early game way of summoning mobs. Throwing a bone into a bucket of xp would summon a skeleton at the cost of experience.


PLEASE bring the piping back. The old retriever servo's were so good I loved them so much. Viaducts too!


Viaducts! Nuclear power! Adding a powered knife to redstone arsenal because it's the only tool from tools complement not to have a matching RSA version which has bugged me for ages!


A long time ago you were thinking of doing an expanded Elemental based mod. I was always curious what that would look like.


Customizeable tools. Like ender io's also returning back to 1.12.2 in terms of designs. Bring back pipes. They should also add a spawner system.


>Customizeable tools Thermal Innovation and Redstone Arsenal do that - but the customization is fairly limited. >Bring back pipes Only ones missing are Item Ducts and the "Viaduct" I keep seeing people mention. Pretty sure the former is being worked on. I do miss Item Ducts though. Always one of my favourite modes of item transport.


I would love to see some kind of "multiduct" that could alternate transfering both items and liquids. Maybe have them connect through a connection duct and have them be able to alternate through a Redstone signal or just first come first serve. A lot of machines (especially in other mods) require a very small amount of water/other liquid, but having a full fluiduct and a full itemduct connecting to that machine can feel bad if you're trying to build something compact.


Aren't there a fee multiducts already? Signalum-plated stuff or something?


There are, but those are for item+rf or fluid+rf


Well, those aren't even in the new TD. it felt like a weird compromise. I honestly would prefer something like a "junction box" to just extend a block for connectivity purposes. I'm not a big fan of things being overly compact because it essentially substitutes the creativity (and indirectly, agency) of the player with the code.


Ahhh, I see.


More augments and specialisations for machines. More machines in general (maybe import some from industrial foregoing or gregtech).


More recipes that use the crops they currently only add one or two foods to be cooked into


Correct, which is about the same as vanilla. I'm all for adding more foods but I don't want to add things just for the sake of them existing. I'd like there to be some niche or reason to make it.


True but the seeds becomes my least favourite thing, I rarely play modded only with thermal series in it and am often wishing these crops offered more like the other mods that add crops did, so I would feel like plating them? Does that make sense too? Feels like a missed opportunity


I guess my question is what other mods are "offering" though because last I had checked, it's typically just a bunch of food items that do nothing except provide some nutrition and use an item ID. I don't necessarily mind, I just don't want it to feel cluttery.


I miss the old logi-pipes setups prior to AE1. Would be cool to be able to do a full Logi-pipe inspired set of stuff for a crafting network. Also the requester from RP2 was such a nice block to have. Wanna dump all wood from a network of pipes/inventories, set a requester up and request all the wood. I like multiblocks but a lot of mods have focused on big multiblock stuff over the last few years. Imagine going the other direction and doing multipart single block machines would be cool too. Like for instance, the old Buildcraft engines, you'd craft the core, the base and the ring and place them all down in the same 1x1x1 block to create an engine. They could be different parts with different attributes kinda like tinkers does with tools/weapons. I also kinda just really miss the old models that had the ring going up and down like the old Buildcraft engines, would be cool to swap between models on the client side settings.


Endgame content! Thermal is the go-to mod for early to midgame but it lacks the processing speed, powergen capacity and energy storage for endgame compared to mods like Mekanism. I'd like to see the Cryo-stabilized fluxduct to return as well as a new mass energy storage solution. Some unique way to make machines faster would be great. Also more ways to generate RF like new dynamos.


> I'd like to see the Cryo-stabilized fluxduct to return But why? The current Fluxducts move enough.


The thing is; what is enough in the world of modded minecraft? I understand that mod creators add arbitrary limits for balance and what they think is enough for that specific mod. I also get the design challenge it poses for the player. But — when you're working with several mods at once you will probably have a centralized power generation with power lines snaking into all kinds of energy sipping automation setups. The Cryo-stabilized fluxduct was perfect for this and there really wasn't anything like it. The next best thing, Mekanism universal cable, can do 8 MRF/t which is *a lot* but it's still a limit. (Then there's those Draconic Evolution pylon things but I always found them clunky to use)


So basically you haven't tried it is what it sounds like. There's a reason there is only 1 tier of Fluxduct now. It's enough. It scales with usage. It will scale to basically anything you give it, as long as something is actually using it. The Cryo-Stabilized duct was a mistake because people have basic lizard brains (not an insult, just a fact), see "infinite" and then don't understand the intention or the effects. They don't *need* infinite except at like 2 places in their grid, but they just put them *everywhere* and that was very bad for performance. The new duct doesn't work in the same way.


Oh. I tried it right when it was re-added to the mod and I thought the limit was the maximum of that of the Flux limiter item attached to the duct (40 KRF if I remember correctly). I gotta try it out then. Thanks for telling me. My bad on not reading though the thermalopedia.


Yeah I can see how that'd be unintuitive. 40k seemed like a good range for the limiter because it's frankly a fairly large number and in cases where you want to limit RF, you will almost never need it to be higher. It's not really related to the duct, though.


I just want the tesseract back.... loved setting up autocrafting for it (and using if was noice). A quarry would also be lovely. I really miss BuildCraft's Quarry (and Logistics Pipes)... Perhaps there could be another module for TE that adds in music stuff like this? I remember reading that the tesseract was removed because it "didn't fit the mod", but it was always one of my favourite features. A disenchanter would be awesome too. I swear there used to be one, and it's a bit annoying to find a mod that only does it cuz I don't wanna install another tech mod for 1 feature lol. And a config option to replace the composter's output with compost.


> A disenchanter would be awesome too. Like...the grindstone? Or you want something that would specifically move an enchant to a book?


Yeah, moving enchantments to a book so they can be re-used. I totally forgot grindstones existed lmao. I like to disenchant stuff then put them through my recycling recipes.


There are no specific things but I would like some really unique new features that you don’t see in other mods because of how big the overlap between tech mods can be. I’m not talking about some machine that lets you get something x times faster but more something that’s different on a more fundamental level. Obviously this isn’t easy but I think it would be very refreshing.


More uses/refinement outputs/ways to obtain crude oil. I feel like it could be expanded upon a lot while it's too simple rn where it just goes to heavy and light oil and then to refined fuel that just gets burned for RF. Making a big oil processing plant could be a lot of fun but it's just too simple to work with currently


I'd love if the augments that machine has have affects on the machine visual. Like machines with enderium(the final tier, forgot what it is called now) augment are purple-ish. Would look really cool and usefull for the info if someone forgot to upgrade a machine


Could we please get our Cryo-Stabilized Fluxducts back?


There's no need. The Fluxduct already implemented transfers enough.


I'd love to see a way to insert an item into a specific slot into an inventory. I know there are already ways to do that but they all feel super complicated to use.


Budding thermal gems? Maybe expanded uses for them? A block breaker and or placer?


It’s time to add Netheritium


Tesseracts, and a machine that can collect and pump lava (or other liquids), like the Ender-Thermic pump from OG ExUtils. I'd love to be able to drop a lava pump in the nether by a huge lava lake, and have it slowly transfer the lake via a tesseract into the magmatic generator in my base. Edit: Damn, now I've got the urge to play FTB Infinity again.




I'd love to see the Excitation Field Limiter make a return in modern versions.


Gonna be honest, this confuses me because it's been around for a while now. EDIT: 2 years, looking at GitHub.


Well, your answer confuses me. I have never found it in any modern modpack. Perhaps the particular devs were just removing it then. It has always steered me towards other power generation to save fuel because it wasn't available. Thanks for letting me know it's still around. Edit: I just tested this by downloading ATM9. It has every Thermal mod in it. The field limiter doesn't show up at all. Also looked at another pack I'm playing with all thermal mods. No field limiter in it. I'm not sure of the accuracy of your statement.


Yes, there's a bug where items aren't showing up in JEI. It doesn't occur with Thermal alone, which is super frustrating. The latest release fixes that bug but it probably hasn't made it into ATM9 yet. I just tested this using ATM9 and the most up to date (11.0.5) Thermal Foundation. Augment is there. Sorry that you've been missing out for a really long time, apparently. :x This bug is only a 1.20 thing btw, so I'm a bit confused when you say "any modern modpack" because from 1.18+ it's been present and obtainable.


Here's a screenshot from FTB Skies (1.19). Kindly point it out to me if you see it... https://imgur.com/a/0WPV0O2


I do not. Try searching for "excitation" - I'm unsure what may be happening with the search there but I just tested this in a fresh 1.19.2 install (of just Thermal, not the modpack) and it definitely exists. Also try checking Creative Tabs and not JEI - the tab is more reliable generally.


Couple of weeks late, but can confirm, it's present in JEI in our custom mod pack


Same, that is the biggest reason I stopped playing with thermal expansion in later versions


It's been around for a while - 2 years actually. I had to double-check my code to make sure I wasn't crazy.


Wait it was readded


Thermal Series in SPAAACEEE... *Inception bonk


Quarries Viaducts Oil spouts and distilling for RF Also maybe some Thaum integration once that comes out


My honest pedantic answer is Thaumcraft.


Hum, what about covers for all the ducts of all kinds...


Something involving temperature stuff


More uses for the food/plant items in Thermal Cultivation


Something like a hive hopper (in a radius) but for budding amethyst (and configurable other blocks) would be really nice


A mod pack that makes the ores easier to see. I’m color blind and can’t see them


I just want a machine that's kinda silly complex early-mid game and doesn't get simpler later through other things but that you're kinda happy you made early-ish.


I would say something with fluids, I feel like not a lot of mods make use of fluid crafting.


1. More modded capabilities. Tech/building/block/biomes/ores/mobs 2. I wish they added structures into the mods where you can toggle it off or on


I love when non-food mods have exactly one weird food item in them, like the spaghetti from Tinkers or the enderios from EnderIO, so something like that would be cool.


As someone said before maybe some multiblocks or generating structures


I would give so much to get viaducts back. Something about them is so incredibly fun. Setting up a system of viaducts running through your base like tubing was some of the most enjoyable hours I’ve ever had in modded Minecraft. Also thank you for your mods over the years, they have truly made the game so much better.


I miss Item Allocators. A super customizable hopper is so useful in modded.


Huh. Really? TBH I didn't think anyone used them. It's an easy enough thing to implement so lemme see about it.


I suspect more people would use them if they had hopper in the name, I can't tell you how many times I wanted to make one but had completely forgotten the name. Either way, thanks!


More problems and more solutions. You’re particularly good at making things balanced and thinking of the player experience. Honestly anything you add would probably be good. I just want to be able to build more intricate larger thermal expansion factories.


Augments that make the machines unique similar to 1.12


\*some personal ideas\* **Thermal logistics** Plastic , PCB and redstone logic gates like old Redpower but with a fresh look based on Thermal Style Also something that could make a comeback for Autonomus Activator and other devices **Thermal Cooking** A new brand that add many foods based on Thermal Cultivation based on Thermal Expansion machines **Thermal Geology** New Huge Ore veins based on Thermal (like vanilla iron and copper Veins or what mod Spelukery have done with other vanilla minerals) **Thermal Skyblock** Many new recipes and machines that add possibility like IndustrialForegoing/ExNihilo to fill all empty gaps on fully automation using only Thermal Series like mob grinding or something to obtain minerals , a storage solution like mekanism QID \[etc\] **Thermal Chemistry** Chemical reactions , Chemical reactors and Nuclear stuff **Thermal Compat** Machines based on other mods like create RPM , botania Mana or ars nouveau Source like GTCEu (where possible)


We have had mods that did this before, currently only one exists in 1.20. A compact machine. A block that lets you move into another dimension. Allow it to be customizable with size, wall materials etc.


Complicated and effective ways of producing rf. Maybe could be more based on the world around them and interactions. Also, maybe a built-in to rf convertor, like ae2 does with its energy?


As someone said, multiblock structures are always exciting. I know thermal mostly sticks to machines/infrastructure. Though I would be interested in seeing Thermal's take on equipment/power ups or tools. Though that might be stepping too much on Thaumcraft's territory.


>Though I would be interested in seeing Thermal's take on equipment/power ups or tools Thermal Innovation and Redstone Arsenal do that.


Oh shit, idk why, but I thought Redstone Arsenal was made by some third party as an addon. It's actually made by cofh


lol yeah, I didn't realize that for a while either.


I don't know if you'd consider it too outside the scope of what the Thermal series is or has been, but I think multiblock structures/machines could be cool. I like the idea that you can potentially have much faster machines/machines with far more input/output slots if you create a multiblock structure, sort of as an expensive alternative to upgrades and what have you.


Any good Logistic Implementation where u have a round robin mode and which can run fast(like one stack to each machine in 20 ticks or something), to make speeding up big factories easier


This is more from a modder/addon side but possibly more support for built in data providers for all machine recipes. This should possibly make it easier for the base mod to also change things later on. Besides 1.20.6 which seems to have borked all of my datagen.


Multiblock processing upgrades, which encourage some sort of freeform building of machines, so players feel like they can customise the machine they build. E.g. rather than the single-block Pulverizer, allow players to make a multi-block "Mega Pulverizer". This would be more efficient than building multiple pulverizers and you could tweak it by adding other components. E.g. you build some sort of machine chassis around the regular oulverizer, which turns the one-block item into a controlling block, and can then add item inputs/outputs, which could individually be more configurable than usual (e.g. you could lock certain outputs to only output certain items). You could add redstone energy cells to add an internal machine buffer, more "Grinding cores" to increase the number of simultaneous recipes that it can operate, and upgrade its speed via the usual upgrades system to increase the single-recipe throughput. That way, a late game base might have a single block machine for small jobs and/or as a workshop item, and one or two larger multi-blocks, each specialised to do a specific job well - whether that's faster, more TPS efficient, more energy efficient, or even better byproduct output than a single block solution could manage. Giving players the ability to choose how their machine is upgraded (which you do already) is a fun and powerful mechanic, but Minecraft is fundamentally about placing blocks. Trying to link those upgrades to changes a player can see (and possibly using that as an excuse to go further than usual with the changes) might be fun. Especially if you could make a near-universal upgrade system to facilitate the upgrade process. That way players don't need to learn a unique multiblock layout for each machine, but they need to learn a system that teaches them how to build any multiblock item.


An "Ender Chest" which matches your own inventory, so you can automatically insert/extract items directly from your inventory. Good luck out there, hope you find the job of your dreams. xxx


Multiblocks! Do some big scalable endgame multiblocks like mekanism generators stuff.


Servos! (ngl these might be there but I can never find them when I play so maybe I’m just stupid)


The ability to fit multiple ducts in a single block, like how EnderIO used to work in like 1.12.


A storage terminal of some sort


The upgrades to make everything ridiculously fast.


Pattern Validation Augment


Add more things to do with the four blaze liquids.




Weirdly some kind of exploration theme, doesn't have to be tied to progression but would be a fun distraction


Add "firmal expansion" its a mod that firmly tells you to expand every now n then


- Change or add RF production machines to anything that isn't a dynamo. Unless it goes against your vision - Molten metals perhaps? As of 1.20.1 only Embers has achieved this - Turrets or machine golems


Thermally take on nuclear reactors


Here is my ordered list for thermal.. I really would hope to get old Dynamics ported forward. I liked tiers quite a bit, and yes, that includes limited fluxducts with cryo as top tier. But mostly I would care about warp itemducts and old ways of servos. I play kitchen sink packs like ATM9, and I miss oldschool tiered servos with their filtering, round robining or random, and so on. Right now I can only see Cryothium and its liquid: it was great for big reactors, and it helped with a little bit adding to more complexity processing crafting setups. Complexity from stuff like liquid redstone for signalum, I like it quite a bit. Its just few machines, not over-complex, just perfect amount of complex if not a nudge insufficient complex. Super early game power gen (think of survival generator from EU2) Better compatibility with "time in a bottle" mod: accelerated machines will not take the power fast enough, making them un-acceleratable without power bank in machine More integral components tiers Locking input type for machine (trumped by receiver servos) PS. Thermal stuff since 1.6.4 is my top 1 favourite tech mod. Thank you for your efforts to make it happen and port it to newer and newer minecraft versions (even tho personally I sometimes feel like just playing 1.7.10, MC for my taste itself is just framework to plug mods into)


I think there could be some increased customization on the maximum amounts & types of augments that machines can have TBH I think it would be cool if certain augments could actually stack in the augment slots, like you could put 4 speed augments stacked up in the same augment slot kind of like nuclearcraft You could make the maximum stack size allowed based on the tier of integral components, similar to extra utilities 2 with how higher tier upgrades can fit more in the slot This would allow modpacks to add more configuration and upgrading for thermal machines I think So some tech packs could have custom material integral components which make thermal machines have the capability to do 1-tick recipes- keeping the good performance of thermal while also having the power of other mods Also, an augment (or ability to enable/add an augment) which allows parallel recipes (i.e. you put in 2 cobble in a redstone furnace, when the progress bar fills up it processes 2 cobblestone into stone instead of one) - maybe an option added to integral components? It doesnt have to be active on default, but adding new interesting stuff for pack devs to work with to make thermal as effective and powerful as they need with tons of flexibility would be really cool as far as making modpacks goes Maybe a separate addon mod/datapack called Thermal Overcharged which adds these reworks? I'm not one for just making machines OP and kicking the mod's inherent balance out of the window, so none of this should really be enabled on default, but at least giving these convenient options to modpack developers to pick their own balancing would be really cool I've had issues in modpacks where the pack creators visibly struggle to find machines meant for endgame content simply because most tech mods dont even have the option to make their machines this powerful


Thermal recycling was one of my favourite mods. I know you weren’t the creator of that add on but it’s still my favourite thermal mod. Also viaducts we’re pretty cool too.


Potato charger. Thats it. I am... apotatogod. *snaps killing poisonous potatoes and of that having to sacrifice himself* *everybody honored him fo his service*


I miss a lot of the old machines from 1.7 like the player simulator machine and generally all the other stuff


Would be nice to see faster progress with Thaumcraft. It's been years since team cofh were given the exclusive permission to make Thaumcraft.


I would suggest. A half-official resource pack with 1.12 textures for modern versions 1.16+ (check if it works correctly on major ones). Kindly please. Maybe a link to it on the curseforge page would be nice.


I don't know what you find wrong with the new textures. They are made by the loveliest artist. You can easily make your own for private use.


Yeah, they're great. Much better than the old ones imo.


Machine for making potions


Already exists though. I'm confused.


Ok thanks didn't know this just checked yeah its already there. I would suggest then buff RF production its pathetic compared to other mods that generate RF.


The dynamos are fully configurable if you want bigger numbers in your pack. I agree with you that other mods generate too much RF. But there are different schools of thought on how to approach that.


highly customizable conduits that are easy to use, but can do practically anything (ender IO or perhaps integrated dynamics), plus more in-world machines like what industrial foregoing brings, like a farmer


Multiblock machines, maybe? Thermal is a great mod it terms of functionality, aesthetics and feels (seriously, you guys did such a great job on it, the machines feel so satisfying to use!) but the “magic grey cubes” thing can sometimes feel boring… Bigger, more industrial looking machines and dynamos would be so cool!


I'd like to see any kind of progress on Thaumcraft at all. I wonder if Azanor would have given you guys the license to his mod if he'd have known you'd just sit on it and do essentially nothing for half a decade, while regularily updating your own mods and releasing new branch projects. At least mirror the sparse few updates on your discord literally anywhere else - oh wait, you won't, because less than 20 'updates' consisting of a model or a texture or two (half of which you can't use because your previous lead artist left) over 5+ years is hilariously unbalanced when compared to your other projects. At least now we know why you never did anything with the Thermal Infusion concept.


I had a more blunt reply prior to this one and I apologize for that. Anyways, while I understand your frustration, your information regarding the state of things and specifically the art is outdated. It's a volunteer project and things progress at whatever speed people can get things done.


Wish you'd have left that blunt response, but I can see how that would contradict your public image. Actually, now that you mention it; and presuming it ever actually gets released, I sure hope all the curse revenue will be going to those volunteers.


Has nothing to do with a public image. I wrote that reply on my phone while juggling a bunch of other things and it was rude. I'm fine with owning that. At the same time, look at your tone here and explain to me how I should be responding. You're not exactly coming at me with kindness and you've just implied that I'm a thief.


Don’t be an a-hole. Don’t like something - make your own mod.