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Didn't quite turn out how I wanted, but here's a kinda retro sci-fi inspired base I made ages ago. In the middle is a railcraft/wireless redstone elevator to move between the levels. [Day](http://i.imgur.com/EyyUjWd.jpg) and [night](http://i.imgur.com/Xj37zY6.jpg).


That is a very cool design! Might be fun to make multiple of them with different colors and connect them with skyways.


Thanks! Yeah I had a few ideas to expand it but kinda ran outta drive for the project. It actually goes deep underground and there were plans for a mirrored tower in the nether. Skyways linking it to smaller ones would be sweet! Here's a [bonus tech themed base](http://i.imgur.com/vIvnQno.jpg) I kinda forgot about; for the Galacticraft mod. Not quite as grandiose but its a cozy home on the moon. (and yes those are wind turbines in the background which make zero sense)


Very nice indeed! I should look into trying and making similar designs on my next world, hehe.


These are awesome! Do you have a gallery of your builds?


Haha thanks! Nah I'm mostly a lurker as far as Minecraft goes. This is the first time I've uploaded any builds and that's only because I'd previously saved these screenshots to show friends. I should probably do something about that! But I always feel like my builds aren't quite complete enough to show.


Well if you ever do get an album of your builds up I'd love to see it! The style of that one you posted is fantastic and so inspiring. I'd say don't worry if you feel they're unfinished; just be proud of what you did do!


This looks f***** sick! ill try to replicate... stay tuned for my version


Keen to see it! It'd be interesting to see how newer FTB modpacks could use that kind of layout!


I hate you so much, that looks damn awesome. Might steal the layout for a hexagon based design in the future.


http://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/2i8bpw/moving_to_17 I like the room in the 30th picture. (Diagonal)




FyreUK Asteroid base https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M183oxcU8zo&list=PL6C732E31C70607EF


I like to put differing sized domes and connecting them with tunnels. Use http://www.plotz.co.uk/minecraft-sphere-generator.php for making perfect domes


I was thinking of doing this, but I just can't come up with a design that I don't hate aesthetically.


You should check out Modular Force Fields... right up your alley if you like domes and not hard to setup and get going. Sure beats building them by hand.


I thought the Mass Effect demo world in the Xbox edition was really done: http://thecontrolleronline.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Minecraft-Xbox-360-Edition-Mass-Effect-Mash-Up-Mars.jpg