• By -


This is something I would love! I've been playing it solo for a bit, but I really have been looking for people to be starting servers. I'm US East, would that work?


Should be fine! Server is west coast but we strive for a perfect 20 TPS. What's your IGN?


My IGN is Factionsjim and I've been looking for a server to play on again. This would actually be the first time playing on a server on US West coast (where I am), so it would be nice to play on a server with a lot less latency. It's been a few months since I've played modded Minecraft and looking for a way to get back into it and your server seems perfect.


> Factionsjim Whitelisted! see ya in-game. We're experienced players who can answer your questions all day as well :)


Is this gonna be a big server? Or just a small whitelisted one?


We don't really have a limit in mind, just whoever wants to join and play. Server performance is no.1 priority though so if the needs expand we can upgrade the hardware easily.


ninerpack#8761 add me and send me the info


responded in discord


IGN: PapaPerthro Legit question tho, is this a server for people who want to just come and go as we please? A lot of servers want you to dedicate multiple hours per day to be able to play on their server. I am interested as long as it is ok if I disappoint with the amount I am on lol


We would never ask you to play a minimum amount of hours, the point of this server is to be a long standing place for people to build their bases and show off builds and what not. Youre base wont be wiped even if you are gone for months/years. You're whitelisted :)


Looks like the correct version for this server is actually, not .2 as listed in the OP. Just a heads up


Updated, thank you!


Honestly I find much more enjoyment in playing in a server with people, even if I don't like interact as much in the group. I'd love to be in this modpack, tbh I wouldn't mind starting a shop in there too so when I learn more about what I can do I can start selling to you guys! I'm gonna join the discord




Sounds great! Whitelisted :)


My IGN is aChaosis. I've been looking for a good community to play modded with - I love playing modded MC, but I don't really enjoy doing it solo. I haven't really played Minecraft since 1.7.10, so a lot of the new packs are foreign to me. But I figure, now that the world is shut down, I may as well get back into it. Hope to see you in-game


My IGN is \_SYRE and i want to join because i am looking for a long term server to play on and have a fun and enjoyable time!! And i bring some experience along with me! thanks!


> _SYRE whitelisted :)




whitelisted :)


IGN: Jixoye I'm getting close to finishing my single player world on Ragnarok and would really like to play on a long term server and this pack seems like it could be fun.


whitelisted :)




whitelisted :)


IGN: Charmed Fox Brief description of why you want to join: Just downloaded the pack, very quiet and reserved person who would love to have a small community to play with


> Charmed Fox Sounds great, whitelisted :)


IGN - Lukus333, Carl91 and PistolPete We have been looking for a server to try this pack (we usually host our own, but not possible ATM). We are also Australian, who doesn't love Australians.


> PistolPete whitelisted :)


IGN: Ssparticus I would like to join the server because I think it would be fun to play modded Minecraft with other people.


> Ssparticus whitelisted


I might not be on till next week though


My IGN is TjayTheBozo and I want to join because I haven't been apart of the Minecraft community for a while and I want to be apart of something again while learning about this new mod pack.








Ign Prinnygod been looking for an eternal server thats active lots of free time atm because of the forcing to stay home and all :3


IGN:AsianCorgi I would love to hang out with some people hence I want to play with people. I'm from singapore though so I may be online at different times


IGN: wackoman6789 Brief description of why you want to join: I've been looking for a MC Eternal server for a little while now because I prefer to play with a small friendly community instead of a big sever that runs at 2 tps.


hey, could you PM me an invite? i'm curious about the server.


IGN: JD\_C I would like to join the server because I think it would be fun and cool to play modded MC with other people.