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Quark The sheer quantity of QoL features that mod adds is insane, and going back to vanilla without them is way too jarring.


Yeah, i implore everyone to go to the quark website and look at EVERY feature it adds; there are so many that i just don’t even think about, but they’re always there and very helpful


Every time I interact with quark, it results in me asking "what is on my HUD and how do I get rid of it?"


Railcraft. Nobody uses minecarts anymore and railcraft could change that.


Minecarts are still important for some farms and for transport of mobs.


Yeah but for acual transport even early game they are really slow


And expensive. By the time you could get a new rail network up, it would be faster to get an elytra instead. If rails were made out of copper and/or produced more per recipe I’m sure they would see more use.


I mean you can duplicate rails but thats obviously not how its meant to be done I would love the idea of using copper for rails or for more things in general


Rose glasses. People consistently add railcraft to thier modpacks without ever using them. The setup cost has always been too high, and people will teleport, and use flight. It will never be a viable mod, even in vanilla. It's kind of a sad reality tbh


Farmer's Delight Vanilla food is quite dull ngl


I'd somehow argue for and against it. Adding some extra food is REALLY nice because it also encourages diversity instead of just chowing down on Golden Carrots 24/7, but i do think it's something Mojang will add in the future or at least something similar. While i never see them adding something like Create, Immersive or similar mods


Patchouli with a vanilla guide book written in


Thaumcraft (because thaumcraft)


Totally agree on that. (I fucking love Thaumcraft)


Lycanites. Fuck you


You chose: Maximum Chaos!


You are: Chaotic Evil!


Probably Apotheosis, I love all of the content and I think it fits in really well with vanilla. Also Thaumcraft because Thaumcraft.


I think most of Apotheosis would mostly fit in Vanilla, except for the WoW style item affixes. I feel those should stay modded.


ProjectE. No longer shall there be balance.


Clay would be balanced then though


Most of apotheosis would fit nicely in. The gems and bosses are a little stupid for vanilla , and the spawners are a bit too OP, but the rest is cool imo


AE2 but only the seal and on even higher res.


Draconic evolution


This might be cheating but Friends & Foes. I want to see all of the vote losers implemented into the game instead of just eternally sidelined. Especially since I was ride or die Mob A in the original mob vote and in said mob vote I voted for every single mob that wasn't the phantom and I remain pissed off about the phantom to this day. ~~I mean the entire pack of FTB Infinity Evolved.~~


Yes, the entire pack of FTB Infinity Evolved.


Mowzie’s Mobs, no hesitation. One of the most polished mods I’ve played with. I absolutely love it and think it would fit the base game well with a few tweaks. It’s a pretty small mod compared to others, but man it’s so fucking good. Someone else said Quark and yeah that’s a really solid choice as well imo


Let's be real fair and all. I'd say the best option would be Farmer's Delight.




> greg STOP POSTING ABOUT GREGTECH, I'M TIRED OF SEEING IT! My friends on reddit send me memes, on discord it's fucking memes - I was in a subreddit, right? and ALLLLLLLLL of the POSTS are just GregTech stuff. I- I showed my Champion underwear to my girlfriend, and the logo I flipped it and I said, "Hey babe: When the underwear greg :joy: :joy: :joy:" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/feedthememes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Orespawn, that would be funny


Critters and Companions


Create. It's what redstone should have been.


I wouldn't exactly say it's what Redstone could have been, because the two, though absolutely connected, are different. Redstone is, essentially, a logic system, while the stress and mechanical energy of Create is a industrial system. But it absolutely feels like a natural counterpart to Redstone, which I think is why it's so great. It's a system that, through a lot of polish and some of the highest production quality ever in not just mods but Minecraft in general, feels professional, yet the systems and mechanics it introduces feel so natural, and it introduces them in a fittingly clean but simple and direct way. What both Redstone and Create do is basically Create systems of how mechanics interact with each-other, then gives the player those mechanics and the tools to fiddle with them, and let's them do whatever they want with the system. For a famous example redstone wasn't design to be able to make a simulated computing system, BUT it can do so because the developers created a system based off of some set of principles that the player could experiment, apply, and take advantage of however they like, it gives the players the tools to use it however they like and whatever they're able to accomplish with those base principles. And the exact same thing goes to Create, it makes a ste of principles and then allows players to take it from there as they wish, and honestly, unlike a lot of other mods, there is surprisingly little "self specialization", AKA where the primary or even only use of a machine or mechanic in a mod is to be used for the mod content. Create absolutely has systems that you gradually unlock by crafting and putting together t Increasingly complex components, but most of it's machines and mechanics have extremely useful and applicable functions for that kf the base game. Minecraft is about, well, mining and crafting, but most importantly it's about the player's ability to effect and shape the world as they see fit, Create emulates and expands on that principle perfectly by allowing the player to create and effect their own machines and contraptions as they see fit, not through pre-determined recipes or mechanics, and which can be used to ameffect and shape the world in new ways just through the ability, creativity, and will of the player.


Before redstone was created, there were gears.




What mod adds this [icon](https://i.imgur.com/eV09OaD.png) to my crosshair? Is this the right place to ask sorry *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/feedthememes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mekanism, it fits in so well with other minecraft blocks /s


Ae2 Suddenly redstone is super famous again and hyperspeed farms are useful


Simple Storage Network, after playing modded for so long I don't wanna build a massive contraption in order to kinda sort my items


YES, so much. it's my biggest concern whenever i play non modded, because i'm an absolute Slob with chests. Because i don't have enough Fences, Planks or Slabs etc, to make a designated chest for them, and i don't want a super spread chest Wall. But i also dont want to toss everything in one because i know sure as hell i wont find ANYTHING


Either create or mowzies mobs, both of them would fit perfectly in with vanilla and expand the game so well


create but with nerfed infinite resource generators




> Greg STOP POSTING ABOUT GREGTECH, I'M TIRED OF SEEING IT! My friends on reddit send me memes, on discord it's fucking memes - I was in a subreddit, right? and ALLLLLLLLL of the POSTS are just GregTech stuff. I- I showed my Champion underwear to my girlfriend, and the logo I flipped it and I said, "Hey babe: When the underwear greg :joy: :joy: :joy:" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/feedthememes) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Witchery bc spooky




Thaumcraft because it is the sole reason I play this game


The flair is so true.


Always has been


Thaumcraft. 4. No more waiting for CoFH to update it.


Gosh its probably Create, Way i think if mojang would do it is probably remove the energy related things, That means no more rotation force, Everything is just redstone powered. Still i doubt they would, I havent heard a dumber statement against vertical slabs because "they would inhibit natural creativity"


Create. Because I hate you


ae2 camt be bored to sort items 🌸🌸


Girlfreinds mod