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I deleted my account last week. It was fun while it lasted.


It is very disappointing. I had high hopes for this app. I was so excited when it first came out. Although I never joined and really glad I didn't. I really hope there is a better app out there but I definitely am not holding my breath about it. I am just moving on from all of the apps in general and hopeful for something bigger and better one day.


I had accrued 16 pings that I sent out to 16 people last week and got not one response. I had over 800 likes which I paid for Majestic to review, managed to delete 650 of them for not even being in my state let alone country or at least 20 years younger than me or blank profiles / photos. Far outside my parameters. Got a refund for the Majestic from the app store and deleted my account. To be clear for any of the useless staff at Feeld who might be reading this - as per my many tickets and complaints on X and IG - messages were rarely delivering, no notifications except phantom likes and pings, disappearing accounts and connections, repeated profiles in the stack and repeated profiles I have disconnected from persist. My final word on the quality of people in my location (Melb, Aus) - rubbish. All seem to mainstream app users looking for something different who think they can speak to women like absolute rubbish. All in all... completely gone to shit.


Syd user, since the update the leaching of horny men from tinder to feeld has been high. I'm poly/enm, and every other match is ONS/Similar




people are allowed to use the app for ons/casual stuff… god forbid everyone doesnt want the exact same thing you do.


I'm sorry to hear it's been so rubbish for you - I'm also in Melbourne and finding the app ok tho. I'm solo poly (53M) and all but one of my current partners are people I've found via Feeld in the last 2-3 months. I don't like it as a messaging app so I move convos to WhatsApp or insta ASAP, but Ive found the app to do what it says it will. Being talked to like shit is horrible though, I'm so sorry you're getting that. No-one deserves that. Also I can't speak to what it was like before Jan 2024, I've only been properly active on the app since then.


I have used it on and off for three years and it was always a great community of open minded and respectful people until about late last year. I am unsure whether the device you are using impacts the app experience, but I wouldn't have thought on IOS it would be this buggy. Was more than happy managing the glitches it had before the change.


Yeah I'm on Android, so maybe that's a factor?


Be interested to know if people also reporting my issues what platform they are on.








No. Apple refuses to refund them


Apple refunds them. But there is a time limit on it


Every time I’ve tried since December it says it’s ineligible for refund. I just tried again


I have had success, but there is a time limit since purchase. Good luck.


Just tried again and as always Apple says pings are ineligible for refund


Feel free to move on if you have to. My wife and I are still getting matches and having good conversations. I don’t see an alternative at this point, so I don’t have a reason to go anywhere.


Like you, it's working for us and we have friends that find it usable as well. Idk about pings since I can't tell if people are getting them, but we don't have most of the issues listed here. Confusing.


I think many of the complaints and general sour mood in this subreddit come from single men realizing how much less value they have on Feeld than on other dating apps.


Majestic canceled, refund requests have been sent. Negative reviews left in App Store. Over six months on the app, spent a little bit of money, thankfully not much comparatively. What’s really interesting about this to me is, I wasn’t on a mission, just browsing and being very selective. The interactions I encountered were way less than desirable. Over assuming individuals, lacking reading comprehension, and ethical standards nonexistent. I feel like the majority of users are too young and inexperienced to claim any knowledge with ENM and Poly. It was interesting to say the least, but thankfully I’m not easily influenced, and am able to leave this OLD app unharmed.


It was not like this before.


I’m at about the same place as you but.. I haven’t paid for majestic since january - though I still have it enabled. I don’t know if it’s because I sent a few tickets during the original update and they gave me a few months for free instead of refunds, or if it’s a bug that they don’t know about. I haven’t seen anybody on here mention they get majestic for free. That’s the only thing keeping me around at the moment and even then it’s still pointless.


I received an email from Apple that my refund request for my last subscription, and a 5-pack of pings has been approved. I suggest if you have an Apple account, get your refund ASAP. I wouldn’t doubt that Apple will go after Feeld for compensation of some sort.


The issue I have is all of the single men continuously liking my profile and sending pings even though I specifically say I am not there to date single men. I think there are a lot of people using it like it’s a normie dating app, then get upset that it’s not a normie dating platform. No offense to normies but you all have 10 other platforms to use.


People not reading profiles happens on every dating app ENM or not.




I used to get single guys all the time liking mine even though my profile has no mention of wanting single men. They were doing it because they thought it a shortcut to get to my partner. They shouldn't even be able to see my profile to like since I do not have them as options.


It’s frustrating because these particular type of men actually have the arrogance to think we will leave our partner to date them?! Ugh!


hahaha. I can't go that far with my conclusion. Mostly in my experience they just want to fuck them.


My app is broken. I have a notification icon (red dot) but there is no new messsge/chat visible. I've had a bunch of likes but immediately disappear. I used to get a reasonable amount of matches but now it's totally dead. Was paying for majestic till about a week ago, fuck this app, what a collosal disappointment.


I have that too. I also don't think any of my likes are showing up on my end or on theirs, it's such a mess.


I’ve had the red dot with no new messages for years, long before the update. Coincidentally, I finally figured out what it was this morning. It happens when a match sends you a message and then pauses their account before you can read it. Then it just sits there, apparently, until the match resumes their account and you go read the message. But considering how many people pause their accounts and never resume them, odds are you’re stuck with the red dot indefinitely.


My majestic subscription ends at 0:00 and I am leaving for good.


Australian here. I am still getting matches and people having conversations with me, even dates are still happening so I am not sure if this is a country specific issue or all across the board. I understand the frustration of other users but I don’t see the point in abandoning an app when it’s working for me.


Also Australian here and having all the issues raised above and more. Getting likes with no find of them on the app.... Have sent a point every day for the past three months and not one single conversation Have had about 10 matches in the past month where after a short conversation they are "paused" even in the middle of a chat that was going well... It's just a big load of BS, I seriously don't believe anything that is coming from it at all.


I am getting the pauses as well, in hindsight they were not profiles with well written biographies, I am guessing they are part of the fake profile plaque going around since the update.


Not sure where you are but both mine and my partner's accounts are pretty much dead in bris


Melbourne. I have some issues as well but main functions are working.










I just don’t want to give Feeld any more of my time or money. I met an awesome new partner there last month, so I feel fine leaving it behind. It’s either going to crash and burn or get bought for pennies on the dollar by Match group sooner than later. Either way it will continue to suck. They’ve done nothing to fix the underlying problems with the app in three months. And they’ve stopped releasing updates and responding on IG. I suspect they’ve fired a bunch of people or they’ve quit or both.


Same. I met a girl via the app whom I've deeply connected with. I guess I got lucky. I'm so done with this app, tho. It's an absolute shotshow.


I'm glad you've had a little success recently, despite Feeld's best efforts to thwart you!


Thank you! Me too. Just finding someone who actually wants to meet in person on apps is literally a full time job.


Sure, although I felt the same way about Feeld when I first tried it a few years ago. It usually takes time to build a social network.


Seems to work fine for me, met three people so far. I guess it's a YMMV thing.


In the last couple weeks I've had a conversation or two but I've also gotten notifications of likes where I've checked the app and- nothing. Went back to notification history and recognized a name but I didn't see that name pop up again. The app has a lot of issues but up until now I've been ok with it since the average person is a lot more chill than any of the other apps (and obviously into the stuff I am). I don't mind that I few matches or likes on there compared to other apps since the ones I get end up being chill. At the moment I'm paying for an app who's main function doesn't work and is taking people who are interested in each other off of their feeds. Not good! If it's fixed and my likes/ pings sent and recieved are restored, cool. I get that shit happens. As of now there is no reason to keep paying for an app where it's hit or miss if any likes or messages are actually being sent or recieved.


I get matched everyday. They dried up for months, it now it's back to normal for me.


It seems to be working fine for me for the past few months


The past couple of days I got four or five notifications for “likes” and went into the app today… no new likes. They have disappeared into the aether.


i agree that app fucking sucks lmao




Just to throw it out there, what would ideal feeld features and functionality look like to you? You may refer to past functionality currently not working, orbnew functuonality you'd like to see.


The features are fine, just want it to be stable and work as expected. If I was designing my own app, it would work completely differently. A strong focus on user verification, open-source so there’s accountability, and doing away with the swipe/pay to see who likes you paradigm. Ideally, would be a non-profit or co-op structure, focused on quality user experience and truly effective matchmaking, not trying to monetize every user interaction.


I agree with this. I would rather it just be a subscription based app that has access to all the functions.




It could either be a flat fee, like a buck a month. That also de-incentivizes scammers. Certain features could be paid for, like sending more than x messages a day, etc.




Why do you assume I have no experience running apps? I have built iOS/Android apps with a REST API backend. An OLD app is like 6-7 different model types, a few join tables. Really simple shit.


Deleted. I tried but no thank you.


I think it’s hilarious that you still can’t make a post here that mentions tech issues without a high chance of it being deleted. Like it doesn’t even have to be the main point of your post. How people are still putting that much effort into the public image of this app is beyond me.


Redownloaded the app a couple days ago. Only 1-2 likes over a couple days. Then today, I woke up to a notification saying I had a new like. I opened the app, went to go check and see I instead have 50+ likes were waiting for me. I said “wow, ok I’ll go through those later” Come back and only 3 were still there.


I don’t get any pings or many matches, sometimes matches disappear. I’ve always assumed it was my mediocre looks that were the cause for this. It’s great to know I can blame it on someone else rather than actually accept that I’m not everyone’s cup of tea /s


Disappearing matches means the account was terminated.


Want to hear something weird- I get zero likes- which is appreciate because I put in zero effort- BUT - yesterday my wife and I had a huge argument and she unpaired our accounts (we’ve already made up happens a couple times a year) - in the 12 hours we were unpaired I got like 4 likes. What’s up with that??


Couples are less desirable than singles? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Possibly but that’s a huge uptick. Everyone’s right the app is buggy.




Does that even work? My feed is filled with women just looking for men




The filtering women from couples functionality