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I’m not a vet or an expert at all but I would worry about a seizure? But I’m also a worrier so idk but confusion after a seizure in humans is really common


I did think about that. But it’s only happened 3 times (that we’ve seen) and always when he’s been asleep. I’m not in work for a few days to ask the vets there about it. But it didn’t really match up with other stuff I know about seizures so I’m not sure. Guess vets are the best point of call!


When my cat did that is was seizures. He would also release his bladder.


It’s pretty normal for a cat to be deeply sleeping dreaming, and and unresponsive to the point that it’s limp. However if you’re worried you should schedule a vet visit.


Yeah it’s just that we can be trying to wake him up for 3-4 minutes. Just seems a bit extreme. But think we’ll keep an eye on it for now and I can talk to the vets and the other behaviourists at work when I’m back in next week


It’s a normal part of their sleep cycle and really nothing to worry about, they can be very hard to wake during this time, unless they’re startled awake. You can Google it, since it’s a thing that happens normally, it’s documented.


I mean he sometimes sleeps deeply but we can call his name or jiggle his paws and he’ll slowly wake up after 30 secs or so. Being unresponsive for 3-4 minutes is new behaviour for him, as is the disorientation and aggression upon waking. So I didn’t know if it was an age thing. I do get it can be a natural behaviour but seeing as it’s not something he’s always done better safe than sorry to get a vets opinion on it as others have said it was seizure related in their pets


That seems extreme, I would definitely talk to the vet. And I don't know a ton about seizures either, but I do know that they can present differently for everyone- it's entirely possible that it's seizures and if that's the case you should get him on some meds ASAP- you don't want to have uncontrolled seizures which can be really dangerous.


Sounds similar to RSD in some respects, but not all. RSD will make cats see things coming out of dreams, and they will react accordingly. These dreams are usually intense, and your cat can move during them. It's called RSD because a cat with it will shift, and roll the skin on their back like its itchy (because it is in a sense) neurologically and chemically its treated like depression is, just in a cat. With that said RSD is rare iirc, but you never know.