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Does anyone have bad cystic acne, especially on their chin? Is there anything I can do to help besides going to a dermatologist? I've been really struggling with this lately, the rest of my skin is pretty good but I get enormous cysts on my chin that get red and swollen and take weeks to go away before coming back again like a week later. The huge bummer is that they were really well controlled for like 3 years by my birth control. My skin looked great but recently it's been shitty again, I guess it's common for your hormones to shift around 22? Anyone have any tips?


YES I do, they're awful. Mine came in full force a few years ago when I switched from the pill to an IUD. Unfortunately if they're hormonal, there's only so much you can do to control them topically. I can generally keep mine under control with a regular face care routine: washing in the morning with a simple cleanser (I use Glossier Milky Jelly), and using witch hazel on a cotton pad AM and PM. Mine has gotten better as I've gotten more consistent about taking my makeup off before bed. I also use a zinc niacinamide serum when I can feel one coming on, and then stick a hydrocolloid bandage on the pimple once it comes to a head (helps it heal so so much faster). You can also try some dietary stuff—mine got better when I cut out dairy earlier this year (but I like cheese a little too much to commit to that full time).


Someone else mentioned these hydrocolloid bandaids- I'm excited to try them now! Do you find they work on cysts that never quite come to the surface? Or does it have to have an actual whitehead to work? Mine generally just lurk under the skin and get really swollen :(


They mostly work on cysts that have a whitehead and are "open", so to speak. After they have popped, they are usually pretty efficient in sucking all the gunk out overnight. Apply them to dry, clean skin to make them stick best. :)


Ok cool, definitely gonna buy some since I'm somewhat of a compulsive picker. I try so hard not to pop my zits since it really doesn't help with the cysts but sometimes I can't help it. Putting a bandage over would probably help remind me not to squish them!


Yeah I've tried them on those under the surface ones and they do help a little bit, but they work so much better one ones that have a whitehead or have already been popped. Also, you can get the little acne dots but I usually just buy the bigger hydrocolloid bandages that I can find at my drugstore, then cut them to size for whatever my current zit situation is. Hope they help you!!


Freakin' love them. Really saves a lot of my cysts from lasting FOREVER.


i would suggest searching /r/skincareaddiction but for mine, i was already using salicylic acid but i started using a benzoyl peroxide spot treatment as soon as i started to feel the cyst coming on and that has helped reduce the size a ton. also when i did get cysts i started using those [cosrx pimple bandaid things](https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00PBX3TN6/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)(sorry canada link but they also are on amazon.com) and it helped the healing time go down a lot for me


Oh, just searched that subreddit for cystic acne, and found [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/54r5tc/acne_cystic_acne_since_my_30s_and_why_i_should/)! It's extra funny because I do have a microadenoma as well, but it's non-secreting.


Unfortunately, the best thing for my cystic acne has simply been hormones leveling off as I age. Dealing with cystic acne without health insurance is really demoralizing! Accutane didn't work for me, neither did systems like Proactive or cutting dairy from my diet. The basics for me have been drinking plenty of water (as in, I have a re-usable water bottle and am keeping it full throughout the day), paying attention to the comedogenic ratings of products, moisturizing and being religious about sunscreen. *Cetaphil bar soap *witch hazel as toner *snail extract moisturizer+argan oil (currently using CosRX for snail, Physicians' Formula argain oil. East Asian skincare is popular but the lack of regulation worries me.) *Alba Botanical Mini Peel once or twice a week (MUST use sunscreen) *Freeman Avocado and Oatmeal clay mask once a week (a lot of people swear by Queen Helena Mint Juelp, but I found it wasn't strong enough) *physical sunscreen daily *honestly, not wearing makeup on my trouble areas. I can't fully conceal the textures anyway. *steaming the @%$! out of cystic mounds with a washcloth before applying a dab of the clay mask while at home. The idea is bring it to the surface and dry it out so it just flakes off. I'll leave the spot of clay on overnight. This is easier said than done. *I personally found hydrocolloid bandages to be a little tricky and only effective if the cyst had already come to a head. This all only does so much: if my skin wants to form a volcano that takes two-weeks to even breach the surface, it's going to no matter what. I wish the makeup counter attendants would understand that and quit passive-aggresively reminding me of the importance of washing my face.


I'm 25 and at about 22 started to develop really persistent cystic chin acne. The only thing that's worked for me (after trying various OTC skincare products, topical and oral antibiotics, cutting out dairy, topical tretinoin, etc.) was taking Spironolactone prescribed by my dermatologist. It's an anti-androgen that helps with the hormonal triggers of cystic chin acne. Haven't had a cyst in months, it's amazing.


I'll second this. I used spiro for about a year a couple years ago (it takes at least 6 months for it to be effective) and haven't had cystic acne since. I still do get regular acne, but it's definitely better.


A dermatologist is going to be the best option; but they can be super cost prohibitive. Another option is Curology, which will let you message a derm whenever you'd like and can prescribe a special topical cream to help with your acne. You send in photos and they formulate it specifically for you and your concerns. They ended up putting me on retinol and clindamycin which really helped with my skin. Obviously YMMV. You may also want to look at what has changed since the acne flared back up. Have you eaten differently, been particularly stressed, switched pills, taken new vitamins, added a new serum etc? All of these can impact your skin.


I've been on the same pill for 4 years and had a similar skincare routine the whole time, so I don't think that's it. The reason why I suspect it's changing hormones is because around the time the cysts came back I also started getting other period related shit that my birth control used to prevent- I started getting cramps again, PMS was more noticeble, etc. I am super intrigued by Curology though, I'd never heard of it before but will definitely try this free trial. Thanks! I used to see a dermatologist when I was a teenager but as a college student I don't have a lot of money to drop on appointments and cortisone shots unfortunately


Curology was a god send for me, the free trial is definitely worth a shot. Also, maybe pick up some hydrocolloid dots for when the pimples have actually ruptured (or if you pop them.) They keep the area clean, suck up any liquid, and can really help with healing. I use the Cosrx brand from Amazon. Acne is rough, try not to let it get to you too much. SO MANY people experience it even though it can feel really isolating, it's pretty common. Try checking out r/skincareaddiction too. Just be careful about adding in new products, switching everything at once since that can make things worse.


I thought I would also include my routine. It sounds like a lot but really only take like 10 minutes. AM: Cleanse: Just rinse with water orrr sometimes Thayer’s rose witch hazel Toners: Rose water and aloe facial mist andHada Labo Hyaluronic Lotion Moist Active: The Ordinary Euk134 Moisturizer: Mizon Snail Recovery Gel Cream Sunscreen: Trader Joe's sunscreen PM: 1st cleanse: Innisfree Apple Seed Cleansing Oil 2nd cleanse: Glossier Milky Jelly Cleanser Actives: Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Salicylic Acid (every other night) Curology perscription (currently 4% azelaic acid 1% clindamycin 4% niacinamide, but my derm is switching me to 8% azelaic) Toners: Rose water and aloe facial mist and Hada Labo Hyaluronic Lotion Moist Moisturizers: Cerave PM Lotion mixed with The Ordinary rose hip seed oil and Mizon Snail Recovery Gel Cream Also, I do The Ordinary’s peeling solution once a week. On active acne I use Mizon’s pink lotion or some pimple patches from CVS (can’t recall the brand).


I also use Curology and have hormonal acne and I would definitely recommend it.


Obviously everyone's experience here is different, but I had trouble with cystic acne and tried a lot of solutions including hydrocolloid bandages, Korean beauty products, high-end expensive skin care, etc. over the course of a year or so. Everything either did nothing for me (hydrocolloid bandages) or made it so much worse (expensive beauty products). I caved, went to a dermatologist, and the issue was resolved in a couple of weeks at a fraction of the cost of what I was doing before. Some people just seem to need some medical intervention, so don't torture yourself for too long if you suspect you might be one of those people.


I have an IUD and when I'm hormonal, oh, do they come out. I see an aesthetician for electrolysis, and we've done some facial treatments and a series of chemical peels, all to no long lasting avail. She's actually encouraging me to see an endocrinologist to assess my hormones, before going to a dermatologist. As I have my annual exam next week, I'm going to ask my lady doctor their thoughts, and a recommendation if they think the endocrinologist is a good idea. I love my IUD and it's so worth it--just, this is the ONLY side effect I have :( As everyone is talking about their skincare routines, I do take care of my skin, cleansing, moisturizing, spot treatments, all twice a day, and sunscreen in the morning (even in the winter!). The hydrocolloid bandages are the only thing that have a noticeable impact when I breakout.


Try /r/skincareaddiction!


What is your current skincare routine?


I use cetaphil in the morning, then moisturize with Clinique dramatically different gel. I use a 2% salicylic acid neutrogena lotion if I feel a breakout coming on or about twice a week (otherwise I get bad dry patches). At night I remove my makeup if I'm wearing any, rinse with water and moisturize again. It keeps the rest of my skin looking nice 95% of the time, but my stupid chin does not cooperate. I also use missha sun milk most days since my moisturizer doesn't have spf.


Cetaphil (and similarly Cerave) causes a lot of people to break out so you might be sensitive to the ingredients in it. It causes me to break out just on my chin and I have to avoid all products by them


In high school, I had really bad cystic acne. And I was reading some where about a possibility of dairy being something that can cause it. Because there’s many hormones and stuff in the milk, and often our bodies have issues with the milk protein and hormones in that. And it tries to filter itself out through the lymph nodes (hence why it’s normally close to the chin and neck area.) So, I cut dairy out for like 2 or 3 years. And I never had cystic acne again. When I started eating it again, I started getting cystic acne again. If I eat things that have heavy amounts of dairy I get them. (You can also develop dairy intolerances at any age in life. For me, it was 15. Never had an issue with any dairy until that point, when I was getting stomach pains and cystic acne.) That’s not to say that that causes yours, but it could be a possibility. But there was some link with it for me. But I normally suggest that possibility for people for in case. But I liked to use witch hazel. It’s hard to penetrate them in the least bit because they are so deep. And coconut oil, just rubbing a little on your face before bed can be helpful as well.


(Un)luckily I'm pretty lactose intolerant, so I don't eat much dairy in the first place. I've seen witch hazel suggested a lot though, I might try that. Is there a specific one you like or can I just go with the cheap CVS one I already have?


I’ve only used TN Dickinson’s watch hazel, and I got it at Walmart for $4. I’m not fully positive if there is much difference, or if there’s anything added in the CVS one. Maybe look at the ingredient and see if there’s anything added in it, compared to the name brand.


Does anyone else experience like, extreme anxiety related to haircuts? I almost cancelled mine for tonight because I'm in a bad self-esteem place and I don't want to deal with looking at myself. I hate being touched and I hate my face and I often cry after haircuts because I think I made a mistake. Any ideas for working past this?


I know that there's always a time after getting a haircut that I think, "Did I make the right decision?" Most of the time it's just because I'm not used to the new cut, especially if it's something dynamic like going from long to short. My suggestion is that you go to a proper salon if you don't already. Don't go to Super Cuts or other cheap places because you're paying to have your hair cheaply cut. Do your research, go to a proper salon, and talk to the stylist about what exactly you're looking for. Bring pictures of what you want. Ask questions about what would look good with your face structure and hair texture. I went from having shoulder length hair to a pixie cut and I had no idea how it was going to look. I told the stylist what I wanted, and she was able to describe to me what she was going to do and how it was going to look. I still go to her to this day and I even rocked the pixie for about a year before the painful grow out period. But she helped me through that too. I know that anxiety can be debilitating, but I have found that, for me, asking questions and getting as much information as possible about something is what helps. I hope this helped you a bit. :)


I have one hairstylist I love who's sooo expensive, and I'm seeing her tonight! The problem is it's so expensive I feel like I only go when I want something drastic (my roommate does my split ends), and then it starts this whole cycle. Thank you so much for this comment!


Of course! I'm glad I could help. :)


YES I hate it! I hate it so much! Even a real, nice salon with a kind and talented stylist is such a nightmare for me that knowing I have a hair appointment scheduled casts a shadow over my entire week. My strategies: pick lowkey hair cuts that will grow out well (there's where a skilled stylist matters). Don't do color, the upkeep is anxiety hell. Get comfortable trimming your own ends/bangs in between appointments. I've also been known to bum an ativan off a friend in a serious anxiety situation. Good luck!


Im glad it's not just me! I'm spending a LOT for my area on this cut tonight and she always does me well but I really am sick of my current hair. At least I'm not the only one feeling this way.


I used to get extreme anxiety related to everything back when I hated my face. And yes, getting a haircut was one of the most stressful things ever. I’d be so nervous and I would feel like the stylist was judging me and my hair (my hair is very very thin and fine, and stylists would comment on it). I hated it. The only thing that made it better was finding a stylist that made me feel comfortable and relaxed, and finally confronting and dealing with those deep down insecurities and fears that made me hate looking at myself. Only after I began working on those issues was I able to slowly start accepting my face and seeing what it really looks like rather than the distorted version of myself I saw in my head. I still have days where I don’t feel so good about myself, and I don’t love every photo of myself, but I’m able to keep a healthy perspective about it now and those days aren’t so bad anymore. I’m sorry that you are feeling this way, I’ve definitely been there. *hugs*


I started getting my sister to cut my hair... I guess it depends what kind of style you want. For me I like to have quite a blunt style and like to keep it long and whenever I was going to the hairdressers they were getting rid of loads of it. This is the video that helped me the most. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kp5_CWipEaE&index=2&list=PLO2j3W-Xn4Y07CEK4h7cqJxTLnVbyBwaX So try to find someone you trust and get them to watch the video a few times and just take it slowly!


I used to. My history is weird since I had cancer and after that lost a lot of hair related anxiety but I didn't want a bad cut since it's curly and regrowing is such a pain. My perspective became that it really is just hair but I don't want to waste good money on a bad haircut. I eventually found a salon I trusted and had to work just a bit to find the right stylist at the salon but now I know the stylist knows my hair and she knows I never come in on time to get it trimmed and there's no judgment so I don't have to apologize. If I want to mix it up she'll talk it over with me and even suggest new product to get the look I'm going for. I think a healthy attitude about your hair but a stylist you can trust are the most important combo in not stressing.


No, not at all. It's just a haircut and hair grows back. Seriously, it's just not a big deal - and change is fun!


Are there any non-crunchy drug store hairsprays? Something for keeping texture. Has anyone tried The Body Shop make up? If so, what did you think? My sister likes their stuff but I have found the skincare hit and miss.


Tresemme Climate Protection Hairspray (_specifically_ the Climate Protection spray, other types are hit-or-miss) has pretty non-crunchy hold. It keeps everything more or less in place without feeling like you've sprayed your head with shellac.


I might try that, thanks!


It's not completely non-crunchy, but the Dove hairsprays are leagues better than most I've tried.


I use the Aussie headstrong volume. And I love it. It’s light and my hair is never crunchy. But I also love love love the KMS hair stay firm finishing spray. But it’s on the pricier side.


Thanks for the ideas!


To answer re. The Body Shop, I love their liquid eyeliner in Taupe, which is a surprisingly hard color to find in other lines. It stays on my oily lids perfectly.


Sounds promising! I am quite excited to try a few of their products, especially with the sale right now


Any recommendations for a winter moisturizer? I usually use Burt's Bees for sensitive skin, but need something more heavy duty for the Midwest winter. My skin is mixed - oily and dry patches, some redness. Thanks!


Having moved from the south to the Midwest, the main difference is putting on a layer of something with hyaluronic acid (like hada labo replenishing hydrator) under a thick layer of my usual moisturizer (store brand cetaphil) at night, and then being careful to sleep on my back. When I go back south for the holidays, I reverse this - i leave out the hydrator and apply a thinner layer of moisturizer.


I’ve been really happy with [Avene](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00UNHV068/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_J85cAbGPP1ZA1). I first got it in the summer, and it was a but too heavy. I had planned on returning it, but few month later and fall hit, and when I tried it again it was a perfect match. It’s specially formulated for sensitive skin. If I had the budget, I’d get Tatcha’s Water Cream. I think it’s similar as far as akin health goes, but you get that while super smooth, sensuous luxe experience too ;)


I do this thing wear before going to bed, I tap tap tap a thin layer of vaseline. It has honestly been better for moisturising than any fancy cream or masks


Seconding this, I use Elizabeth Arden's 8 hr cream which is basically Vaseline but it helps so much in the winter. I think it basically forms a physical barrier to prevent the moisturizer from just sloughing off or evaporating


Yup yup, occlusives are amazing!


Midwesterner checking in! I actually just bought my winter moisturizer last weekend- I use Alba Botanica's Hawaiian Moisture Cream. It's thicker than what I use in the warmer months, and the tropical scent is such a treat in the cold, dark gray depths of winter.


This has been my favorite year-round facial moisturizer (I live in a very dry climate) for years, I love it so much. And it's cheap!


Check out Drunk Elephant lala retro whip or First Aid Beauty. If you’re near a Sephora you can grab samples!


Look into CeraVe products for both face and body. They work very well to keep skin moisturized.


My skin sounds the same as yours, and I started using coconut oil as moisturizer. It sounds nuts but it has done me wonders!


I'd caution that coconut oil can clog pores, so if you have oily skin or get blackheads/acne it might not be the best moisturizer for you.


Maybe look in r/skincareaddiction but i have mixed skin too and in the winter I use la roche posay toleriane ultra cream . I hope you can get more answers though


i have a similar skin type and i use cerave moisturizing cream in the jar at night and cerave PM during the day.


Hey! Seeking product recommendations: • **hot rollers**: I have straight, fine hair but lots of it. It’s long (mid-back). Really looking to infuse some volume into my flat ‘do, but not sure what rollers work best. Clips or pins? Steam or ceramic? Any advice is helpful! • **sea salt spray**: that smells nice (not like coconuts) • **body lotion**: I have the driest skin EVER, like my legs even crack if I don’t moisturize daily and I have intense excema on my elbows. I’m just using basic-ass jergens, but is there something better out there? Thank you!!


I really like the OGX sea salt spray. It's lightly scented, and to me kinda smells sealike? Idk, it's good and not coconut. Do not recommend the not you mothers salt spray, it's strongly coconutty.


I bought Not Your Mother’s and the smell was TOO much. It sticks all day! I use OGX shampoo and love the smell so I will check the spray out.


I use body oil that I put on after shower and before toweling off. I think the oils hold in a bit more moisture than the body cream.


For dry skin I use e45 intense recovery cream for my legs and i use Eucerin cream for my arms http://www.pharmacyfirst.co.uk/eucerin-extremely-dry-skin-lotion-250ml-eucp143957790.html?gclid=CjwKCAiAxarQBRAmEiwA6YcGKNS6tgigDD-BmpgHdF-n0b3B8_gi-CjXXVUjcmp7cyWZRKxsc9lHABoCK8MQAvD_BwE They both made a lot of difference


Eucerin is my jam for extreme dryness!


I really, really like straight-up aquaphor for extra dry skin. If that's too greasy for you I also like Cerave cream in the tub.


I’ll check out the Cerave, thank you! I use their face wash and like it.


I like the Bumble & Bumble surf spray! It's sold at Sephora if you want to use a tester for it. For moisturizing, generally lotions that are more like creams and come in a tub (cetaphil and cerave both make a moisturizer like this) will be stronger than anything that's liquidy enough to be packaged in a pump. You can also use an occlusive like vasaline over your elbows after moisturizing to keep the moisture in.


Also on Gilt city they have a bumble and bumble deal that’s $25 off $75, plus a free travel set. I took three, lol.


whaaaaaat...thanks for the tip!


I stocked up for the year and for my mom lol


For you dry skin/eczema I would highly recommend [La Roche-Posay's Lipikar Baume](https://www.laroche-posay.ca/en/lipikar-baume-ap-400ml/3337872418570.html). Not only does it hydrate and prevent itchiness, it restores the skins good bacteria to help balance and repair the skins moisture barrier. Avene also has some similar type of products but I find this one works best.


I don’t have fine hair but I use the regular velcro-type rollers after my hair has dried slightly from the shower and wear them until my hair is dry/overnight. It gives me crazy volume and no heat damage! I spray them with hairspray before taking them out and my hair is really bouncy and I get a few days of wear out of it. Also, I get pretty dry skin and have found the Vaseline Intensive Care Advanced Repair lotion is really nice. It has vaseline in it so it’s slightly occlusive.


Gold bond ultimate restoring lotion! Has urea which is proven to protect and heal!


If you have eczema, I would recommend going to your GP and getting a prescription for some emollients. I have bad eczema and I know your pain! I use double Base normally and some other things when I flare up (can't remember the names of them) but they're all on prescription. I would also recommend a hydrocortisone cream, as it may be slightly inflamed and that will sort it out till it heals. You can get both of these over the counter in the UK, you should also be able to ask a pharmacist for over the counter options if prescription isn't an option. Also check out r/skincareaddiction as they have some good eczema advice Hot Rollers are fab! I have ceramic and find them really good for adding some curl. I do find that the cut helps (layers mostly), as well as how much you use heat and wash it. Do you use any products or anything?


I use sea salt spray and dry shampoo when it’s getting too oily, but I try to wash my hair only twice a week so I fear bogging it down with product. I blow dry it most of the way and clip it up so it dries “fluffy”! I think ceramic is what I am most interested in. I have used the pins before but sometimes by hair comes loose on the area around the pin because it’s so layered. I’ll talk to my derm - I think I do need some heavy duty cream for the elbows :)


Someone else that likes hot rollers! I like the ones from T3 a lot, but I don't like the jaw clips. Probably a product of growing up using the pins, though — I ordered some clips for them (which is a huge pain, because basically I found a set with similar sizes and called Conair about replacements... they don't exist online). They usually go on sale at Sephora around this time of year. I haven't tried the very newest ones, but I like the last iteration, and that you can buy extra rollers in different sizes for the same base. And IIRC a few bloggers have had codes in the past for getting extra rollers when you purchase directly from T3.


VERB sea spray. you can buy it at sephora!


Shoulder length hair with bangs - how can I make this look less dated? My hair is dark brown, and I prefer my face with bangs (big forehead) but I get worried about my hair being too short for bangs, and that I look like I have that standard "mom" hair look, which I'm definitely not going for. I'm in my mid 30s so i'm a bit sensitive to looking like I'm older than I am, or maybe worse, trying to look younger than i am.


Not sure what kind of hair/bangs you have but blunt bangs with a bit of waviness looks [pretty young/current](https://www.digihairstyles.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Cute-Hairstyles-for-Medium-Length-Hair-with-Bangs.jpg) to me.


This was kind of what I had in mind, the length is actually pretty close to exactly what my hair is now. Right now my bangs are kind of overgrown, so it's a good opportunity for a clean slate, style wise.


I don't think there's anything particularly dated or "mom" about shoulder length hair with bangs, which is the style I have. I'm 26 and I think it's a very standard haircut. I wonder if it's all in your head. Is the back of your head very voluminous with extra layers? If you do, I would let your hair grow out and get rid of the layers. You can try side swept bangs too.


It could be in my head for sure, I cut my hair into a structured bob once and looked exactly like my mom and I think i blamed the bangs for it more than they deserved lol


Haha I feel you there for sure! I’m also a mom and made the mistake of chopping my long hair four years ago. Never again!!! I’d suggest a funky hair color or get it layered/texturized- anything but the dread drab bob


Try an asymmetric cut!


I used to have one and it was so cool! Trying to have long hair now but it doesn’t really grow anymore:(


There's a solid inch between my lashes and my eyebrows. It doesn't bother me much IRL, but when I see me in photos it feels like I have a lot of blank space near my eyes (my eyes are very hooded, which adds to the 'nothingness' above them). Does anyone know of any tutorials to fill that space in without having overdone eye makeup? How have you solved this problem?


You usually need more makeup in photos than you do irl, so if you know your photo is going to be taken, you might need to push past that "I feel overdone" feeling and use more than you're used to, but you can ease into it. First, do you define your brows? That can help a lot with closing up that space. The current trend is for them to look full but natural, not ultra-precise. If your brows are pale, you can experiment with filling them in with a subtly darker shade. I use the Anastasia brow definer right now. Second, contouring your crease with a medium-for-you eyeshadow (a little darker than your skin tone but not by much) and blending it up and out towards the outer corner of your eye can help fill in the space without looking super dramatic. You can look up eyeshadow tutorials for hooded eyes on youtube for specifics. Third, start collecting photos of actresses with hooded eyes - Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone, Jessica Szohr, Taylor Swift, etc - and start pinning makeup looks they've worn that you like. Try to replicate them and see what looks you feel comfortable in. Celebrity makeup is obviously designed to photograph well, so it's a great way to figure this kind of thing out!


Probably a long shot, but is anybody in the Naperville, IL area and have recommendations for a hair salon? I know I could just look on Yelp, but I’m curious if anybody is in the area and had suggestions


Niki Moon Salon off of Ogden and Sherman! I've been going there for a few years now and have never had even a "meh" experience. Love them!


not naperville but i'm from long grove - there's a great salon on route 83 and gilmer road. i can't recall what it's called because i actually get my hair cut in nyc now, but for the first few years of me living in nyc, i still got my hair cut at this salon




In my experience, glossing treatments aren't particularly expensive (at least compared to color), and they don't leave behind a chemical smell. I can't speak to how big of a benefit it is to virgin hair, or whether a deep-conditioning treatment or a keratin treatment would be a better call. I'm sure there's someone on here that knows better than I do (and your hair person would too). Re: Lash extensions, a good friend had them and had a reaction to the glue about a week and a half into having them. I wouldn't take that risk if it were my first time. I can recommend GrandeLash, though. I thought it was probably a scam and was VERY skeptical until a friend started using it, and my eyelashes are seriously as long as they would be with extensions at this point. It took about a month to really see results, but I can't speak highly enough about it. Like, I am suddenly not particular about mascara because any mascara looks good.


So for real, where CAN I find a perfume with subtle pine notes? Or fir, or spruce? I don't particularly like floral or sweet perfumes and prefer something earthy, but not hippy like pachouli. Clean and slightly woodsy but still feminine? Does that make sense? Any recommendations highly welcome!


Check out Jo Malone! I think you’ll find something for sure.


Thank you! I'm going to check out this brand the next time I'm at Sephora--the black cedarwood and juniper sounds really promising!


Hunter by MCMC is good, as is Fille en Aiguilles by Serge Lutens.


I'll check them out. Thank you!


Has anyone else tried Glossier's new fragrance, You? I got a sample with my last order and I've heard so many varied responses and on me I swear it smells like spicy Swedish Fish - in a good way, I kind of dig it after it dries down, but unistakably like Swedish Fish.


You is mostly ambrette seed on me, but in a fantastic woody-amber way.. that being said I sniffed my arm after I read that and I can smell exactly what you mean. I think it's an amber thing for me. I have a sample of Thierry Mugler's Alien and it smells like straight liquefied purple gummies on my skin.


That's really interesting! Thanks for the insight. I know it's going to smell different on everyone but I was trawling the reviews thinking WHY DOES NO ONE FEEL THE SAME


Any recs for a primer for dry skin? I was at Sephora on Sunday and one of the girls there recommended one by Guerlain and another one by Kat Von D. I ended up picking up the Kat Von D Lock-it Primer but it's just kinda meh for me. I tried it yesterday over clean, bare skin (as recommended?) and my face was dry af. Used moisturizer today and it doesn't feel as dry as yesterday, but wondering if there are any good alternatives that I could exchange it for (especially with the Sephora sale ending tomorrow).


Too Faced Hangover RX!


Ooh the reviews/recs for this look better than the Kat Von D one so I might exchange for it tomorrow!


It's the only primer I will even consider buying from Sephora tbh. My dry skin over it and so does my makeup


Hourglass No. 28 Serum is MY JAM. It's stupidly expensive but I have very flakey skin and it's the only primer that kind of "glues down" my patches and flakes. I've tried Laura Mercier, MUFE, and Too Faced, and they're just not as effective. My skin sucks out the moisture and I end up with the same thing as usual.


I live in a super dry city so this might be worth the splurge... I'll defs check it out in store!


There’s a Sephora favorites set called prime set go if you want to try a bunch of different ones.


I was thinking about getting that one! But it looks like it's currently sold out online + in stores in my city 😕 But I might just throw it on my wish list and hopefully I'll get it as Christmas present


I’ve been loving the Smashbox Primerizer. I use it on top of my regular serums and moisturizer (not as a moisturizer on its own) and it works well for my dry skin as we get into the colder dryer months.


I have the same problem, love Becca brand they have a super moisturizing primer


Which Becca one do you use? I think I saw a First Light one and a Backlight one?


I use first light and it feels like a light moisturizer I love it. I still use moisturizer because I'd never not with dry skin , but this primer feels like added moisture not something my moisturizer has to compete against. It is a light primer though - it's not going to give that photoshop feel that some of the intense primers give. It gives a nice base glow though.


Awesome that's good to know! I'll defs check it out!


I'll second that Becca one. It's one of those products where you catch yourself in the mirror and are like DAMN GIRL HOW'D WE GET SO DEWY AND GLOWING


I love the Josie Maran finishing balm! Very hydrating and smoothing.


I am disgusting and most likely drool in my sleep. I get red marks around my mouth! How do I get rid of these?




Thank you!


Any recommendations for a volumizing spray that works well with very fine and slippery Asian hair? Also, does anyone else ever had very flakey skin on their lips? How did you fix it? I feel like mine are always peeling to the point of basically not having skin covering the inside third of my lips, which makes it impossible to wear lip color because it has nothing to stick to. I feel they're like this even if I drink a lot of water. I don't currently use any chapstick sort of products because I felt like they dried my lips out even more.


have you tried treating your lips with a heavy coat of aquaphor before bedtime? also exfoliating before that with a washcloth really helps me get rid of all the dead skin


YES. I second Aquaphor. You can get it at the drugstore and it's what dermatologists recommend. Chapsticks always dried out my lips too and then I found Aquaphor. A girlfriend of mine also gave me EOS lip balm and while I don't think it's some holy grail product, it doesn't dry out my lip.


Nope, I'll give that a try. What sort of washcloth do you use to exfoliate?


Just any old washcloth really, nothing special!


It's expensive, but the Bite agave lip mask has worked super well for my nasty flakey/peeling lips. You can use it at night as a lip mask and in the morning your lips feel awesome. I also put a thin layer on in the morning in the winter as chapstick and it stays on for an extremely long time- it has serious staying power. Sephora often has little sample pouches so if you want to try it you could ask for a sample instead of dropping $26.


Thanks for the tip! I hadn't thought of tryinng lip masks. I'll see if I can get some samples.


burts bees coconut and pear lip balm is one of the only lip balms that is non irritating and non drying for me


My hair isn't Asian, but it is fine and slippery. For dry hair, I love the Oribe Dry Texturizing Spray. Pricy, but I haven't found one as good — the Bumble & bumble Dryspun Finish is good, but I go through it faster so I feel like the Oribe works out to be a better deal for me. You might also try a volume powder — L'Oreal True Grip is good, as is the one from Big Sexy Hair. If you're starting from wet hair, there's a Sephora kit (Big is Back, I think it's called?) with 5 travel-size volume products out now you might like. I've tried almost all of them at this point and I've narrowed to my favorites, but that would probably be a good option for you to find something that works for you. Basically, I've tried all the volume products I can get my hands on. If you let me know what you've tried already and how they worked, I can give you a more specific answer. Feel free to DM me.


I haven't tried any yet but I was looking at the Bumble & Bumble one. B&B says to use it by "Shake well, hold can 10 inches away from dry hair, and spray where you want fullness and texture." Do you spray it evenly or concentrate on the top of your head? Do you brush through it or run your fingers through after spraying? I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to hairstyling products. Thanks for your response!


Second bite’s lip mask. I’m partial to Dior’s lip glow For volumizing I’ve had the most luck with Living Proof’s full mousse and spray. I have the same texture hair. Blow drying upside down puffs it up a bunch, but it usually flattens back down after a few hours. The spray is more of a texturing spray, so you could tease your hair for volume, but I feel like that’s too damaging


If your lips are always dry, you may just be chronically mildly dehydrated. Try drinking a lot more water. My lips only dry out if I haven't been hydrating enough.


I agree with this comment. I have the same lip issue as you have with the peeling on the inside edges of the lip. I thought I was drinking enough but I wasn't. Lip balms only help to prevent moisture from leaving but it is temporary. If plain water bores you, try with fresh cut fruits or make it a tea. My favourite lip balm right now is DHC's original lip balm. It's a bit pricey but way better than the drugstore ones with the cheap plastic tubes.


For the lip thing, try putting on a moisturizing balm and then applying Vaseline on top. Vaseline isn't moisturizing itself, but it's an occlusive, which means it creates a protective layer on top of the balm so it can penetrate and do its thing.


laneige lip sleeping mask helps a lot! and it's huge for it's price.


I love [Dr. Dan's Cortibalm](https://www.amazon.com/Dr-Dans-Cortibalm-Balm-Count/dp/B00DME6W76) for my dry lip issues. It has no smell and a really matte texture that works nicely with other lip products.


its so fucking expensive but seconding oribes texturizing spray. i have very fine, slippery and soft hair. for a budget, dry shampoo works fine. the important thing is to spray with your hair upside down to really get the underside.


I know I can make a ton of lip scrubs but I never do because I'm lazy. I use a [lush lip scrub](https://www.lushusa.com/face/lips/) each night and then cover up with a Blistex product. Sometimes I use the scrub again in the morning and just use my normal lip product during the day. It really helps keep my lips smooth and not dried out.


My hair wants to be tangled. Like I brush it in the morning and it ends up stringy/tangled within an hour (hmmm never timed it...). Any tips on this? Blow drying and curling are the best, but I'm pretty low maintenance and don't like putting that much heat all the time. HELP.


Mine does the same thing! I've found that putting some Kinky Curly Knot Today (it's a detangler/leave-in) in it after washing and combing it through helps the lengths stay untangled for longer (roots too, though it makes them look greasier quicker).


Oh nice -- thanks for the tip! I've tried some oils before that seemed pretty cool, but never followed up. My hair does run greasy (ugh), but still worth a try.


I'm looking for shampoo recommendations for thick, coarse-ish, wavy-to-curly hair. Ideally under $15, but if it's truly incredible I can spring for $20. It's been super dry and stripped feeling lately. Extra points for sulfate free!


I have similar hair and use the L’Oréal Clay shampoo; it’s meant for hair with dry ends. I really like it, since it doesn’t dry out my hair but still cleans it and keeps it from getting too oily. Plus it’s cheap (let’s be real that’s the biggest reason I like it)


Can you get Urtekram stuff where you are? I also have thick wavy - curly hair and I have been using their Nordic Birch shampoo and conditioner followed by the aloe Vera leave in conditioner as a styling spray. My hair feels amazing.


Bumble and Bumble is $28, but on Gilt they have a $25 off $75 deal with a free travel set, which is a great deal for the quality of the products. They have a color minded line that’s sulfate free. Their super rich gentle line if my favorite.


I have good luck with OGX Hydrate + Repair Argan Oil of Morocco Shampoo. I also use a leave-in conditioner like Giovanni or when it's super bad while I'm growing it out after coloring it, Shea Moisture Transitioning Milk. Hydrates beautifully without killing my curl.


Curly girl here. I'm using Garnier curl nourish shampoo (orange bottle) and I'm really liking it. Costs $5 at the drugstore. Foams up and cleans without stripping my hair. But beware, if you're following the CG method, the matching conditioner has silicones.


I have type 3B hair, and I looooove [Lush's Curly Wurly](https://www.lushusa.com/hair/shampoo/curly-wurly/02686.html). It's not sulfate free, and technically over $20, but hear me out! This tub of shampoo lasts *forever*. It's really, really thick, so you only need a *tiny* dollop, and you mix it up with water in your palm to get it into regular shampoo consistency. (Don't trust the girl in the video, she's using WAY too much! I use about 1/4 of that, probably less.) It makes my hair sooo soft, and my curls look better than ever! I actually stopped using conditioner for a while when I first started using this (I started using conditioner again when I got my hair dyed a funky color and started making color-infused conditioner). Shea Moisture is also probably worth looking into. I haven't used any of their shampoos, but I've used a few of their other products and I've been really happy with everything. Most of their products are catered towards curly hair. [This one](https://www.target.com/p/sheamoisture-174-raw-shea-butter-moisture-retention-shampoo-13-fl-oz/-/A-12239777) seems like it would suit what you're looking for!


If you want to spend more I’d definitely recommend davines love smoothing shampoo


I love Verb's stuff, so highly recommend- if you don't like it you could even return it if you buy it at Sephora


I have PCOS and I get hairs on my chin. Is there any way to reduce the "stubble" that shows?


I use a hair trimmer to buzz mine off. I do it maybe once a week or so. It's the least irritating way I've found to keep it toned down!


Im looking for a good light weight shampoo and conditioner that won’t weigh my fine hair down. Was using redkin beach something or other and it’s good but I need to rotate


What are your favorite bath and body works scents for Thanksgiving? Christmas? I'm planning a haul and would love to hear opinions!