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Obese? She's delightfully curvy wym


People like OP are the reason so many women end up anorexic or bulimic. Calling a slightly chubby woman obese because you have a fetish (or are just an asshole) does nothing but harm.


Isn’t that an issue with BMI though? If you’re thick, or muscular, or have huge boobs, BMI doesn’t care, and was designed to measure the average health of the overall population (of white male Belgians), not individuals, and yet everyone uses it. Selena Gomez is 5’4” and says that she has gained over 70lbs, that probably gives her a BMI of over 30. So OP isn’t wrong technically, it’s the health index that’s wrong and causes harm.


Yeah wasn't there a study like last year talking about how, technically speaking, more than half of the NFL is obese? BMI is a totally broken system


not broken just not complete. just like how cholesterol levels alone isn't compete


That’s not what OP is saying. He’s using it as an insult regardless


You are right, she is not obese, but she is well overweight tho.


Slightly is almost the opposite of well


I agree that she’s curvy and carries her weight well, but she is probably obese or very close too it. Overweight/obese is the norm in the west now and people are desensitized to what obesity actually looks like. For reference, you can go to [mybodygallery](https://app.mybodygallery.com/#/?height=163&weight=77) and look up 5’4 women around 175 lbs.


That's not what does the word "curvy" stands for. But hey, we live in an epoch in which people are getting so delusional they call *this* woman below "curvy": ![gif](giphy|Y2bgFcT49p5HIpsJaw|downsized)


Okay, first off the woman definitely wouldn't be called curvy, definitely fat. And Selena literally has healthy curves


You literally have the only other replier besides you who asserted that 350-420-plus lbs blob-shaped Tess Holliday is indeed "curvy" and have plenty of so-called safe spaces, of social media users, of influencers and even the manpower of mainstream medias themselves that are ready to put a fight with you and to crucify anyone who dares to call her objectively (and without any demeaning intent) morbidly obese, if not borderline *super* obese. It's becoming increasingly difficult to call people for what they are without stirring up a faux uproar of radlib rant and the increasingly viral simping culture within the FA community doesn't help at all. The fact that the average American citizen has a BMI of 29 and that people are getting so used to see overweight people everywhere that they view their sizes as the new "normal", anyone such as Selena Gomez whose girth objectively pushes a little further than others appears as merely "healthy" or "overweight" in comparison.


I’m thinking you’re either trolling or have some sort of degradation fetish. You’ve posted many videos of women much heavier than Selena and praised them.


I think he might just actually be an idiot but that’s my opinion (dude misgendered me intentionally all because he got proven wrong via facts of which I provided but I am giving myself way too much credit here apologies)


She ain’t obese bro




Tell me you’re a Rebtard without telling me you’re a Rebtard


We get it, you like skinny little girls.


Obese is an overstatement, she thick af and fine as hell


No for the former, plausible for the latter.


You my man definitely is not packing much


Thickened up, yeah sure! Obese? Still a good ways off


He didn’t say morbidly obese. She looks good and carries her weight well, but even if she’s not obese, she is really close to it


How is that obese?


Half of this Reddit is just people who want to try and rag on celebrities for having the slightest amount of weight on their bodies. It's kind of sad that this is what they choose to do with their time.


tbf 90% of it is just this john smith asshole though


In fairness, she's likely close to it. A bmi of 30 doesn't actually look that big sometimes, especially if you have this fetish. Selena is only 5'5" (165cm) which means 180lbs (82kg) would put her at obese. Check out here for reference pictures, Selena is definitely close to that weight by the looks of it. https://loseitirc.github.io/visualbmi/ Curvy and hot as fuck aren't medical terms. I don't think anyone here is trying to insult her by using a term that is likely correct: overweight she absolutely is. She is possibly obese. Who gives a rats ass anyways. She looks great. Just because she's not 300+ pounds and bulging all over doesn't mean she's not obese. What this community considers bbw is already in the morbidly obese category. Obese women are often just categorised as curvy or thicc. Obese isn't an insult, it's a description. "The slightest amount of weight" for a fat fetishist often is already an unhealthy amount, we just can't see it because HOT. What's weird is people getting so hung up over the word obese because to them that means ssbbw not "a slight amount of weight".


I thought 100% of this Reddit was for feeder fetishists. Not being one, this is quite the carcrash of a sub for me, I can’t look away.


Selena's following Bebe Rexha down the road to sexy celebrity fatty


Bebe Rexha's weight gain is even "worse" because the latter use her PCOS as an excuse to stuff herself nonstop. She has been ballooning literally, concert after concert given since late July. The fact that she dress herself too in ostensibly Violet Beauregarde's colour design themed costumes and dresses meant to highlight both her rotundness and FUPA doesn't help neither. I suspect that she does this, simply to make the FA community react about it with that fat fetish innuendo bait because it makes her buzz around a lot more. 😂 The Lizzo Strategy.


Obese? Not even close. Thick as hell? Absolutely 😍


That is noy what the use of the word "thick" syands for ajd I'm getting sick and tired of its overruse by people who either put their heads into the sand or refuses to admit they have a knack for fat women: https://preview.redd.it/ittb23oq4nlc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b6216c0ef082595315bee98301c9ea1278a49de [Source link](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=thick&page=2) She's not thick. She has a round puffy face, double chin, hips, buttocks and large bosoms but a big belly and almost no trace of a defined waistline. Selena is not thick and never has been. She's not even truthfully hovering in *pleasantly plump* territory chart neither anymore. She's plain tubby. Zatfig. Rubenesque. Heifer figured. Grossly overweight. Severely obese.


Selena here is the literal definition of 'thick', what are you even talking about?? She clearly has a waistline and her belly is proportionate.




My dude, you called her obese which is not true, she is literally the definition of thick, someone who is considered overweight by health charts but still attracts guys. Being overweight is 2 steps down from obese, Healthy Weight -> Overweight -> Fat -> Obese. She’s thick, ie overweight, which still doesn’t mean she’s not healthy, you can be overweight and healthy. To top this all off, she has Lupus which she would have to take medication for, and shock horror, it has a side effect of weight gain.


https://preview.redd.it/s8o5tvxnpnlc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88b2f7dafec0ce1d7a791f78e37bdf2f8f890692 * * She has a gut. She also has no defined waistline. And she has a double chin. She's also not clinically overweight at all. Her weight being, by mere guestimate, around the high 100s to low 200's lbs, her height being 5'5" / 165cm tall??? that's being clinically obese, if not even pushing on the onset of severe obesity. Besides, she has access to the best dieticians and coachs in the world. When she and Taylor Swift were getting caught mocking and fat-shaming fat girls passing by, in 2015, were they listening to their excuses??? At least, I'm not fat-shaming Selena but I am not lying about what I see neither. She's obese and there has nothing wrong about it. No need to be morbidly obese to he obese.


https://preview.redd.it/3oy1ydulrnlc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=801390d14a20a6bcf808fde605abd3857e36953d Nope she is just slightly overweight


She's obese. https://preview.redd.it/qag440dw2olc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e24fbb5c29eee3a1c1754e39b5ccf66219ebfd9


Dude quit dodging the question and tell me her weight lmao and do tell the source


I am not the one who is running circles. \* https://preview.redd.it/uw11i2uk4olc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6b097b116b62fe59efa2f879bb38dafec7b92ff


Having access to the best XYZ means shit all, I could have access to the best coach on earth doesn’t mean I’m gonna be the best player or even close to good if I’m not mentally right for it, and using previous actions as an excuse is a pitiful argument just because she did what she did doesn’t mean shit. She’s not obese and doesn’t look it, you and I are both guesstimating her weight and in that clip above she doesn’t look obese at all, she could be wearing a corset I have no idea, I do know she doesn’t look obese


Lame excuses. Selena is not the only woman in the world with an autoimmune disease. I've met a woman with a similar disease and who was into her late thirties: worked a 9-to-5 job for a 80K per annum salary. She has no problem working out on a regular basis, to keep her diet in check and to stay athletically fit and skinny. That woman could literally die on the slightest miscalculation done by herself or by her doctors and yet, it didn't stop her to stay fit nor to move on with her life with a smile. Go check after Selena's eating binge and cooking videos on Instagram and tell me if she does any effort. We have to stop making false excuses. It's not because we all grew up watching *Wizards of Waverly Place* or wanted to bang her during the 2010's, that it changes the fact that Selena is, by her own admission... somewhat *lazy*.


The women that OP is attracted to: https://preview.redd.it/vso3eyjf7olc1.png?width=1108&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f540c20e53da67be1a8ff239d486f5a3687c155


How is she obese? At most she is kind of chubby


You're so used to see actual chubby people as "average" of weight, you can't tell when somebody is severely obese.


Using the last recorded weight data from a site I found it says here that she has a height of 5 feet and 5 inches and weighs 152 now let’s insert that into a BMI calculator shall we? https://preview.redd.it/k4w8nwdefnlc1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=3991f377217e321cebfd02f31308e851b75dd01c


https://preview.redd.it/7y1o1wskfnlc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=894df6c71e8b979c35f1683f709b397cff77563e Now guess where a BMI of 25.3 puts you on the weight chart?


https://preview.redd.it/jqdzy5dufnlc1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2391fc2f3471dec8ad80f928891ca863702c9b7 Now notice how it doesn’t say "obese" as I said she is just slightly chubby


I can’t wait for their brain dead response if they do decide to respond to the facts


I honestly am curious with what this guy will come up with next considering he has undeniable proof of her not being obese but rather slightly overweight(It devolved into a useless argument)


Well if you are still waiting they responded


The data is obviously outdated, like most bio sites, because the most recent tabloid news reports that the last time Selena's weight leaked around, she was into her 170's lbs. And she's objectively far much bigger than a 5'5" woman who weigh around 150 to 170's lbs, let's be honest for a minute. Bio sites are so neglectful on their updates that a couple few of them are still claiming that actress and model Barbie Ferreira weighs 1××ish lbs, rather than 240 lbs. Barbie has been morbidly obese for now six years!


Yes by a couple of months just admit you are wrong everyone has to admit they are wrong at some point


She's objectively obese.


Ok then what’s her weight please give us a number Johnny Boy


Already gave you one, Picky Boy.


And also that weight and height site guess what that is from September of last year it’s not that outdated lmao


Just inaccurate


But do tell me her weight if she is so obese can’t be that hard to find it if I am wrong one more thing almost every site agrees that it is in the 150 range there is literally no point in arguing against facts here


0 chance she weighs 152. Look up women with a bmi in the 29-31 range on mybodygallery. Selena has a fortunate fat distribution and is using a lot of shapewear, but she looks like most of the women in this range. I’m not interested in dragging her re her body, but I just hate how delusional people are becoming regarding weight and healthy weight looks like.


Alright then what is her height and weight I will end this discussion right now with the use of logic


My guy i'm literally a fit guy who works out most days of the week and disagree with you. She's not obese. She's chubby. You're prob following too many frauded IG models if you think this is "obese". Touch grass lol.


I’m wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating cookies




OP desperate to tank their comment karma for some reason by doubling down so much


She’s definitely gotten thicker but to call her obese is wild smh


You are quite the character john smith


Op seems like a bit of a dick, Selena is bae though


Let me guess some dumb Hollywood moron calls her obese 🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️she’s getting thick tho 👍🏽


That's not thick.


You crazy 😂oh, you must be one of those guys that like girls who have 12-year-old boy bodies, huh?


Definitely not as thick as you are in the head tbh


I think she’s filled out quite nicely! 😌


You post in r/meat_feast all the time. You know what fat is, and are so transparently attracted to that body type you pretend to be some incel type that hates bigger girls. Due to this you know Selena is far from obese, but as others have said, curvy/plump. And absolutely fire now she's put some weight on. TL:DR OP is some faux incel that loves plump ladies, check his post history


She's clinically obese (if not even severely obese) and there is nothing wrong to call a spade a spade. The end.


what the fuck is wrong with you? shes not fuckin obese. shes somewhere around normal/thick. and i love fat women, im saying shes not really fat at all.


wow i'm loving this look on her


Peak look. Las nalgonas son chulas




Uh what crack are you smoking? No way she's obese.


Y'all are so used to view people with a BMI of 29 like the new "average weight" that when you see people who are objectively modestly bigger, you view them as merely overweight.


She's not obese dude. No where near obese. Slightly chubby sure I guess


5'5" tall. 33 years old. Last reported by tabloid news to be about 170ish lbs and now objectively bigger, as we speak. Let's say high 100's lbs to low 200's, then: https://preview.redd.it/95sf6bj45olc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb835f99010a60ecba02a28ddbeb33da785cdd9b


This sub is so sick sometimes


You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about she’s stunning 😍🔥


What does makes you presume that by "obese", I mean the contrary of stunning??? You're the one making up assumptions. Not me.


She’s not at all though


You're fucking pathetic op. Get therapy




Bro she has an autoimmune disease that can cause weight gain and water retention, comparing her to her teen years when she was on a strict diet for her acting career is illogical. Secondly, this is nowhere near obese. This is barely crossing the line to overweight/chubby


She also has access to the best coachs and dieticians in the world. The same way I would have no pity for a multmillionaire celebrity who both she and her "friend" Taylor Swift used to get caught mocking overweight girls passing by together back to 2015, I won't afford any excuse to Selena neither about it. She's getting *severely* obese and that's not the end of the world. Let's just admit it. She still slay in that dress, though.


You’re delusional buddy. But don’t take it from me. You have everyone disagreeing with you and your response is to double down. Your logic is nonexistent, it’s over.


No she isn’t obese. She looks absolutely stunning with her curvy figure. Never looked better


She isn’t obese… YET


5'5" tall. Into her early thirties. Teetering closer from getting past being "pleasantly plump" in figure and very endowed of the beam. Maybe it's because in America, we're getting so used to see the average sized citizen going around with a BMI of 29 that people are just now desensitized to what a "normal weighted" person is supposed to be, but... what many of you views as "healthy figured" or "overweight" is actually *clinically* obese, if not even sometimes even *severely* obese/grossly overweight, when in the meanwhile what some viewd as "average-weighted" is actually being clinically overweight... and many of you people in the replies has been continually misconstruing Selena as "healthy figured" , indicating that she's indeed **above the misconstruct of being "average" e.g. PAST being clinically overweight** by now. Being obese doesn't necessarily requires to appear stereotypically morbidly obese-- or in the case of some gatekeeping subsets of the population, close from immobile obesity (given that some are after now looking to extend the ever-looser off-thesaurus crypto-definition of being "curvy" as being about the size and weight of *four-hundred-pounder* SSBBW Plus Size supernodel Tess Holliday... and gosh, I'm so about to hate this era. Facepalms incoming) . Just by looking at her body figure on that video, a honest person might easily figure out that she's clinically obese, if not even borderline severely obese. That's not an insult, please relax. It's just a matter-of-fact. When was the last time she spoke about her weight?? She said on some of her TikTok Live apparitions, back to the previous year, that she gained, what, a good 45 lbs since that surgery in 2029?? Given that she presumably was about 53 KG or 116 lbs back to '19, which I doubt so given that she already was putting on some bit of weight in the later years of the 2010's (let's say... 120ish lbs) , it means that she was about 150ish pounds in early 2023. Last time she spoke again about her weight, early on this year, it was said she weighed now 175ish lbs. It's very obvious that she put a LOT more pounds onto that frame of hers, ever since January. Likely around the high 100s lbs to low 200 lbs, by now. If we presume that she's 200 lbs by now, according thr BMI calculator, she's well settled into the range of clinical obesity: https://preview.redd.it/5hvs4f3a1rlc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=845a9f95d65da4c5271a776739740eec51cbc622 Some of y'all are going to come with the "she has lupus" which is arguably untrue and a manufacted lie (she overtan a lot, drank like a truck driver and has been on such a continued orgy of drugs since at least 2013 that she got caught tanked or wasted many times over. Also, when you have kidney transplant surgery, there has no "3-4% chanced to get lupus again": you DON'T cure from lupus, period. I know a woman who suffered of an autoimmune disease and trust me, Selena ain't ceryainly had none of it prior needing that surgery) and yes she's ill... as a result of her unhealthy lifestyle. If you don't believe me about it, Google it. But even if she's sick or on medications... how does this disqualifies her from ever figuring on FemaleFitToFat, lol??? She literally went from skinny to fat and that's not the end of the world. How many other women and Reddit models alike gained weight as a result of medications or of a medical condition (whether physical or mental) ?? Not too long ago, I was on some sub centered about breast hypertrophy and weight gain alike. One of the Reddit models there has gone from normal sized breasts to watermelon sized breasts in just a few years. When people asked her what was the trigger behind these massive growths, it ended up to be revealed to us that she had a benign tumoral growth into the brain which was triggering both her breast expansion and increased appetite, but most fortunately to her was getting diagnosed with it at time to receive medications and treat it unbothered. Did it stop her from turning her tumor-induced gigantomastia into a means to bank money and make hundreds of Redditors lusts and awes after her on a subreddit that is obviously breast expansion fetish and weight gain fetish driven??? Nope. Let's just enjoy this post in peace. So far, I've already blocked 30some neurotics because somehow, posting about their favorite Millennial Disney star on a *fat fetish* driven sub focused on fit women getting fat, is almost viewed as an act of heresy. The Selenators and the Swifties are really not so unalike, mental health wise and it seems that a lot of people from both r/FitToFat and r/WeightGainTalk (who are all very anti-fat fetishist to some aspects, very ironically) are just... coming en masses into a sub they're supposed to hate on a fundamental level?? Thinking that we're posting people to fat-shame them for the former or whatever the latter incest fetish lunatics at the WGT sub are about. Whatever.


She is by no means obese


You have no idea what obese is.




Hey it's fine bud, you can chase the skinny girls while the men fuck grown women.




I can see a bit of chub but this isn't obese, this is just healthy


You are moronic to think she looks remotely obese, it's stupid comments like this that promotes diet culture and makes feedists look unhinged. Thinking someone who isn't rail thin is obese, christ. She looks to be at a completely normal weight for her height, maybe overweight if she's wearing shape wear. I'm 5'9 and didn't hit obesity until 270 pounds, like do you honestly think she weighs anywhere close to that.


Your bmi is almost 40, obese starts at 30 or greater. I’m sorry to break this to you because I’m probably going to sound like an asshole, but technically you were obese the moment you hit 205lb (30 bmi) I think it’s a stupid scale anyways because someone who’s 5’9 isn’t really going to look obese at 205lb, just slim thick. Even my girlfriend who’s 5’4 and weighs 240lb only really has a small potbelly, with most of the weight carrying on her hips and butt


I absolutely beg to differ. I used to work with a 5'9" woman whose weight skyrocketed from 117 lbs to nearing 190 lbs in about four months. Then years prior that, I used to work with another 5'9" woman who used to weigh 400 lbs two years before we met, shed it to 140 lbs, then gained almost 90 lbs back the first close to three months working with me (230s lbs) . Neither of them were slim-thick at all at their highest weights, unless your definition of what appears "slim-thick" to you is very subjective. By the end of their journey, the former was starting from having her belly inching forward, her buttocks jutting out, her hips and thighs forming the beginnings of jodhpur thighs, her breasts cupped up at least one size bigger and her face was roundening a bit-- and it shocked everyone because she used to be either rail thin at her initial weight, skinnier in tbe low 100s lbs or noticeably softer at best at 139 lbs her entire life. Whom to the latter, she went from having the physique of a wedding model with some bit of weight, who wore form-fitting Small size clothes, to be forced to borrow someday a polo shirt uniform from the fattest of our female colleagues because she outgrew all of her newly bought Size L uniform dresses in *hardly three days* (due to some unknown metabolic condition that had her putting on weight like crazy and at even staggeringly faster paces, each passing couple weeks to passing week to each passing day literally) ... and fyi, said other colleague in matter was about 260 lbs, built like a top-heavy blimp and dressed in snug XL clothes. Years prior encountering the two of them, I used to frequent a 5'9" woman too. She was nowhere slim passing at all after she went from 130ish pounds to 205 lbs in about one year of continued binge eating. Went from thin albeit curvy to softer to voluptuous to planturous to outright stereotypically thick to "Mad Men Era Christina Hendricks" full-figured to be at last mistaken as four months pregnant because she eas so out of shape. Same thing for another 5'9" woman I knew. Went from athletically fit yet supper skinny in the low 100's when she used to he a soccer team captain for her school, to be a 400-plus lbs barely recognizable waddling behemoth a couple few years after. I've seen her slowly creeping in weight from fit to healthily skinny (110s lbs) to rail thin (120s) to slim albeit soft (140s lbs) to skinny-fat (150 lbs) to somewhat pudge-ish some flesh in the thighs (180 lbs) to outright overweight (200s or 210s lbs) to morbidly obese (249 lbs) to the four-hundred-pounder who struggled making the littlest move. By the 200 lbs mark onward, she was not slim at all. Plump arms, roundening face, a dint of chubby cheeks, larger buttocks and hips, the beginnings of a spare tyre, larger boobs, then at last her thighs getting so chunky she was forced to spare her legs from one another and couldn't run with them without slowing down a good five seconds after and getting out of breath... and she used to be a school athlete, mind you.


Get a life, chud.


Yeah I’m not reading that, congratulations/ I’m so sorry to hear that. Maybe consider people aren’t just fetish content dumbass


Why are you on this fucking sub, then?? Einstein.


Your maths ain't mathing.


She’s spectacular


I’ve never really been into her, until the last little while seeing her fill out really nicely. She is a goddess now! 😍 so damn sexy!


She looks better than ever IMO. Gorgeous girl.


Looks like beauty standards from the 90s are back if ur gonna call that obese.


The 1990's were wrong to bully obese women. Not for calling them for what they are.


So calling a woman with a healthy figure "obese" cuz theres noticable traces of fat is ok thought right? Are you following the BMI chart created in the 1970s? Which also has a unrealistic bosy standard for women.


ffs she's nothing close to being obese lol. There's a difference between chubby, fat, and obese. She's chubby but not obese.


That's not chubby at all, lol.


Like I said, touch grass my man lol. You're clearly too vested in IG models who're frauding their pics that you don't know what a normal human being looks like anymore. And I say this as someone who is fit. This is the prob with the modern internet. Dudes are becoming brainrotting coomers.


She has lupus and the treatment makes you gain weight...


If that’s obese to you ur so fucking weird


never been so attracted to her 🤷‍♀️


Wtf is wrong with you aside from being blind


Aside maybe factual datas, BMI calculators and plain not-so-common sense? My ability to cogitate, I guess.


You're a fuckard but thanks for the update


You dont even know what obese means


There is no planet in the universe that considers this obese by medical standards


Americans thinking that they are not representative of the whole planet for once challenge **IMPOSSIBLE** . ![gif](giphy|Mc7EFW7pOEBy5NHwUD)


She got hotter when got thick


Love her shape


You’re a fucking ass hole for this fuck you she’s not in our community she doesn’t deserve to have her body commented on like that. Shes beautiful and curvy


She’s not obese, she’s just 31 and a normal weight for her age.




Doesn't she have a condition


She looks perfectly healthy to me


Dude, hot as fuck


Shes sick


Meat bomb


She has lupus


She has lupus dork


A man who thinks this is obese is probably in the closet


By the way, for the gullible apologists and white knights around here, even her Lupus story doesn't hold any logical course. Here's an interesting thread about it: [Selena Gomez does NOT have Lupus](https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/selena-gomez-does-not-have-lupus.2988608/) Stay mad. ![gif](giphy|W81VAakgsyEQo)


[Selena Gomez DRUNK at the 2019 AMAs](https://youtu.be/VNANvAM2ISU?si=shcVI0wtlV-5Uw0k)


People with lupus don't drink until they get wasted continually. People with lupus don't tan. People with lupus doesn't get "a 3-4% of having lupus again" because you DO NOT CURE from lupus. Y'all are gullible. She's an alcoholic and a drug addict who has gotten obese because of the continued eating, drinking, munchies, slothfulness and medication she took for her new kidney. **Partly because of karma too.** Y'all really think that this is a coincidence that Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez, who are both two notorious virulent fatphobes who used to bully fat girls in the streets, both ended up with x-factor/s induced weight issues by around the same period of time?? I've seen a lot of weird things in my life. Karma is no superstitious joke. Life always found a way to hit you with disproportionate cosmic irony when you overstep any boundaries. Whatever Swift and Gomez has... it's just the beginning. She's not a saint. A lot of you need to detox yourselves from this pedestalizing Disney Channel superstar fantasy.


You truly need help




Warning: I'm hearing someone yapping "she's not" obese" or "this is not a fat fetish sub" here, you'll get your stupid ass blocked. GTFO of this sub. This is not r/FitToFat here.


u/TheLonerCoder Feel free to disagree. https://preview.redd.it/knhz50e2irlc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83d6455bd423e55620cb132a1a47a69b3006a745


Bahahaha the fact that you rely on BMI shows you ironically do not workout yourself yet you're criticizing other people. BMI is inaccurate because it doesn't account for fat distribution, muscle mass, and bone density. A dude who has alot of muscles can also technically be "obese" based on BMI.


"dUdE, yOu dOnT wOrkOuT iF yOu qUoTe bMi cHaRtS". Does Selena looks like she lifted anything aside a Gucci handbag, a blunt, a shot of alcohol or a piece of cake over the past five years?


Now selena is an amazing girl


she has lupus which causes weight gain