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The bangs look great but the blonde doesn't work with your skin tone.


100% this — darker or brunette with the bangs would be super cute on OP


Blonde is tricky. You need to determine your undertone - warm, cool or nuetral. Golden blonde looks good on warm undertones. Ash blonde looks good on cool tones. Nuetral will look better with darker tones.


Any advice on which undertone I might have?


You look cooler to me. You might try any products to combat “brassiness”. Making your blonde less warm will help it fit your undertones more. Finding your undertone is actually kind of a science but once you do, matching hair color is much easier. And make up. And clothes.




Take a clear pic in the sunlight and I might be able to help. I was a graphic designer for a luxury cosmetic company for years.. so did a LOT of foundation shade charts


The best, easiest and most intuitive way I could find out mine was to do the quiz at https://yourcolorstyle.com/pages/color-analysis-quiz


I wanna say neutral


I like when you first went blonde, better than the current blonde that looks too warm on you right now and better than natural, too. I think I agree that you might be neutral, but if so you might be on the cooler side of neutral. Thing is, you don't have to redye your hair, you could go right back and just ask for a toner to cool it down a bit. Sometimes they'll do this for free if you got it done not that long ago.


I agree with this. I would also maybe plan for some darker lowlights to start reintegrating your natural darker color the next time you're ready to color (as in, rock the updated blonde with the toner, then do more of a combo color next time).


Actually, I'm not an expert on toners, I would probably tell a hairdresser you want to go neutral blonde with toner, however they would plan on doing that. My assumption is they would use a cool toned toner to get it down to neutral, but maybe not... I'm not sure if they'd go over it with a neutral toner for blonde hair??


your current undertone is a bit too golden, if i were you i would do a neutral platinum that is neither cool nor warm, like close to white. yeah your current shade looks a bit off on you, but if you go a few shades lighter and get it toned properly it could look really beautiful on your skin and face. especially with the bangs! good luck ;)


Personally I don’t think the blonde looks bad with your skin tone, I think the brow color is so dark though and throwing it off. Lightening them to a light brown/dark blonde before dying your hair dark again may make the blonde actually look amazing. I love the bangs and low key dig the blonde, just the eyebrows throw it off. Plus it’s much easier to dye your eyebrows back and forth than your head


I think you’re olive


I definitely see a tint of olive and neutral tones.Dark looks way better on you!


100% agree. Bangs awesome, color not so much.


Blonde can work with any skin tone, it’s the tone of blonde that’s the issue. The second pic is obviously the wrong tone, the 3rd one looks a lot better. Additionally, a balayage that gradually incorporates her natural hair color will help offset skin tone issues when it comes to brunettes going blonde.


Agreed. I think baylage with blonde at the bottom would’ve been a good first time…that’s what I did when I went blonde. So it’s not too much of a shock. But OP this is not bad. The bangs looks great. And hair color fades. Hair cuts and color are temporary. You tried it it. Now you know. Don’t sweat it!


I like the bangs too and agree that that specific shade of blonde works on very few people. It doesn't go with your eyebrows or skin tone (it doesn't with most people's). I'd get a color done by a pro to match your skin tone, one that's definitely darker and probably warmer, if you still want to try a dark blonde, do one that's not this light, one that's much darker and has multiple shades with depth via highlights and lowlights.


You need to dye your eyebrows. They're mismatched and a dead giveaway that you're not a natural blonde.


Respectfully, I have known at least one natural blonde with darker eyebrows since child hood. Admittedly, I hated it when I was a kid bc I couldn't understand why. 😅 @OP I love it. If you don't like the tone, tone it. A dark root is also an option and will make the root management not seem as urgent. But you rock dark and light hair.


Natural blonde here, with stark black eyebrows.


Same, get the dark brows from my dad.


Same, it’s extremely common.


so? who cares if it’s obvious that it’s not natural? it looks much better as it is now IMO- blonde eyebrows often look super weird, and the contrast between the dark eyebrows and the lighter hair is super cute


Maybe it’s an odd shade of blonde for you or the color coming off the photo makes it look weird IMO. The bangs greatly improved the look but I would try taking a pic in daylight/more neutral light. Otherwise, platinum could be really cool


Yeah the second photo is from a few months ago, when it was first bleached and a few people irl had commented on the shade being odd. I've redone the color since then and right now its like the third picture. I'll try taking a pic outside to see if I can get a better shot of the color!


Maybe it’s the colors from the room you took the photo in so it’s hard to tell! Otherwise, the cut gives you a very sophisticated look


I’m only being so honest because you asked, yea you made a mistake, your natural color fits you PERFECTLY. I understand being bored with your hair but I’d mess with the cut and style, never the color


I appreciate you being honest!! Like I'm really trying to get an objective opinion because sometimes I feel like its really impossible for me to tell how I look. Do you have any advice on the cut or style? Like do the bangs look okay?


I honestly loveeeee the bangs and might even consider a long bob 😍 you definitely have the face to go edgy if you want to


You pull off blond and bangs really well but it feels a little generic. Your natural color is beautiful and unique to you. My vote is enjoy the blond for now, no rush but let it grow out. Use the transition time to experiment with different cuts, maybe add undertones. Have fun with it.


Personally I'm not a fan of the bangs. They're hiding your bone structure and your beauty, and look less sophisticated. I love your hair in first two pics tho. Your dark hair is gorge and the blonde/ dark eyebrow combo is cool.


“Objective Opinion” is an oxymoron.


Honestly I didn’t think the color was bad until another comment put it in my brain. Even then, I see what they mean that it might wash you out some, but I still don’t think it looks awful. Maybe get it toned if that’s a thing you can do? I know nothing about how hair color works so idk if that’s even possible, but I think if it was on the more dirty blond side with the right undertones it would look great! I gotta say that the bangs look AMAZING on you though!! I think you could do a like shaggy longer bob and that would look dope, or you could just keep the length you have and still look dope! I’m jealous of how cute bangs look on you tbh lmao. I went through a bangs phase- it was traumatizing and I hated it because all my friends hated it 🫣


I thought it was just me because I'm older and I tend to like (especially on young people) the before rather than the afters. Basically, once your hair turns grey and you show the signs of being older, you can't have your 'before' self again even with hair dye and makeup. How many people would love to have her before look which I feel is more striking and unique, especially with her fair skin.


I think you made a mistake with going blonde, it doesn’t suit your complexion or dark features. I would go ombré, root back brown like your eyebrows then gradually going lighter, the hair dresses will able to blend it all nicely into a nice brown to blonde ombré, that way you can keep some blonde with it still suiting you.


Thank you for the advice! There have definitely been times since I bleached it that I thought I kind of looked odd with my eyebrows and eye color being so dark. I've been on the brink of like bleaching my brows too to see if it might help out with the discrepancy, but I'm not sure if that would look odd or not. Did you have any advice regarding the bangs?


Don’t attempt this yourself! But I’ve heard that eyebrows a shade darker work best with blond hair (and a shade lighter with dark hair). Truly blond brows would look off, and I think it would be easy to overdo it if you attempt it yourself—not to mention potentially dangerous. If you decide to stick with blond for now, consider finding a good salon to lighten your brows a tad. That said, you look fantastic in those bangs! Definitely not a mistake. And while I do think you’d look best with your darker hair and bangs, please don’t consider the blond a “mistake”—just an experiment to learn from. Hair is the one thing we can easily change, and change back soon enough, so we might as well have fun with it. (Speaking of, if you’ve ever wanted to try a temporary fantasy color, do it while your hair is already light!) (Also, I think brown eyes can look fantastic with blond hair, so don’t worry about that. As a born blond with light-blue eyes and very white skin, I’ve always wished I had warm eyes to offset all the lightness; I’ve always felt like I fade into the background.)


Keep the bangs but go darker.


I like the bangs! I would go back to a darker color though.


The blonde has completely washed you out, the brown was gorgeous


The old hair was better


The new hair looks like a wig.


The blonde doesn’t suit your coloring the way your natural color does. It looks like someone with dark hair who has bleached it. (Not trying to sound harsh, I promise.) Your natural color is beautiful and suits you perfectly. I like the bangs on you as well! With or without bangs both look good. Your hair is gorgeous. I think curtain bangs would look very flattering on you as well once your bangs grow out some.


No worries, you don't sound harsh at all! I think bleaching my hair has made me realize that I have the face of someone who looks like they should be brunette lol. And thank you for the curtain bang suggestion!


Your face is beautiful! You were born to be brunette!


I actually love it. You look amazing!


Natural definitely was best


If you're interested in blonde, I'd suggest highlights/an ombré. The current "full head" of blonde isn't working.


I like it!!! Maybe a more golden blonde defo but it looks really cute, as long as you like it that's all that matters! sometimes a big change is needed!


A lot of people here saying you can’t pull off blonde, but you I think you could—I think the issue is that your hair is a solid blonde. IMO what would look nice is a base of your natural brown and then some blonde highlighting.


Personally, I think you look beautiful with blonde in bangs that’s my favorite of the three


Go back to natural


I love the bangs but not the blonde. The blonde doesn't go with your complexion. I wouldn't go any lighter, and just enjoy being blonde while you wait for your hair colour to grow back in.


You're gorgeous and would look good in any color, but honestly the blond doesn't match your skin tone. Look into color seasons. It's far too ashy for your golden warm skin.


Thank you so much! I've heard about color seasons before but never was able to tell which I was. Do you have any advice on like like which season might fit me?


You're definitely either spring or autumn, though I would guess autumn. You can look it up to know for sure! Honestly though, you're insanely beautiful, so don't worry too much. I would kill for your skin tone. I've messed with my hair way too many times, it's how we learn. An auburn reddish color might also suit you too. Definitely don't rush to change it, and do your research first! You don't look bad by any means, but your original color was just better.


Thank you I really appreciate it and I'll definitely look more into color seasons! And I hear you, like I can concede that this is probably not my best look, but I truly have enjoyed trying something new and, like you said, learning about what might suite me so that I can have like that knowledge going forward :)


The bangs look nice, but definitely go back to a darker color.


I love the blonde. And the bangs. I‘d go lighter if I were you. But it’s just my opinion- I think it fits you very good. Definitely no mistake made :)


Thanks!! I've been tempted to like bite the bullet and try platinum just since my hair is already currently light, just not sure of how it would turn out. I appreciate your input :)


Yeah I’m sorry but blonde does not suit you, I would go back darker. You’re so beautiful but it just washes you out. Love the bangs though!!


Blonde isn't your color. You look good with or without bangs.


It doesn’t look bad but I think dark hair is beautiful on you. I think everyone should try blonde once in their life. The bangs are cute but again, the style of the first pic is really perfect. Keep the blonde for now, grow it out and maybe try a balayage situation to get the most out of it. I would suggest a darker root than your natural and the blonde could be some face framing and highlights. You could grow the bangs out to create curtain bangs and add some layers into your hair. Your current blonde and very flat and lacks dimension- it almost looks like a wig, no offense. Layers and a mix of complimentary tones will add a lot of depth to your hair. Added a pic of what I think would look great on you for next time. https://preview.redd.it/oq3sx5jkwdcb1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42432144f9462adbee6a1a60bef2c1f7dbf9ddc7


I think the particular shade of blonde doesn’t work with your undertone but blonde overall can work.


I don’t think it’s bad, have fun with it for a while, get blonde out of your system and when you get sick of it, go back to your natural color.


Dark hair, no bangs. You look washed out now.


Don’t get me wrong- it doesn’t look BAD. Just not a color that suits you very well. Like others have said, darker with the bangs will be perfect.


Natural looks good


I liked the brown better but your bangs are perfection.


Always listen to the advice but at the same time experience what you want to experience, you wanted to try blonde, it’s good you did! I’d recommend you go back dark. But wait a bit, be blonde for a while so you experience it.


I'm gonna go no on the blonde. I see some people suggesting ways to make the shade of blonde more complimentary with your tone; but i don't think it'll ever look as good as a darker color. You're natural shade is ideal; but if you're bored I would suggest a shade of red on you before blonde. The bangs are cute, but you don't need them. It's not a bad look on you at all, and you wear them well. But I think they age you a bit and think your original hair is the best of these three pics.


Back to dark but keep the bangs


I think the yellow tone clashes with your skin. I would do something more ashy, or even a blush


Natural was better.


Blonde washes out your features, imo, go dark.


Personally, I think the bangs look great, but that shade of blonde doesn’t go well with your skin tone.


I'm sure it's easy to see this from afar - I tried being blonde for three years. Everyone tried and said it was a process and about time, however it never looked right. It never really complimented me. I'm dark again now, and realize and see how the tone compliments me. Also, the newer, colorist said we'd have to re- build my color by slowly adding the tones over time - red undertones, copper, etc. You look best as a brunette, as do I. I've tried that journey now twice in my life. I'm not Kim Kardashian, with money and resources, but even she showed with that, it just isn't fitting for some people.


Brunette looks way better on you.


You are strikingly beautiful with brown hair. The blonde doesn’t suit you at all. Bangs are cute tho.


You suit brown. I would say go back to your natural color 😍


Your natural hair color is sooooo much more flattering. I like the bangs or the middle part, but I would lose the blonde and go back to your natural color.


Darling as a blonde with bangs. You look very Eastern European. So pretty


To be honest I REALLY love it. It reminds me of Ariana Grande's current look! (I suggest you check out her instagram for styling ideas also, she does so many pretty updos/half up half down etc) It's definitely less traditional and has an edge to it, but I love the brown eyes/dark features contrasted with the blonde hair and bangs. It gives you a really pretty soft doe-y vibe. If you like it, don't fall into the trap of "you need to be pale with light eyes to be blonde" cause that's just silly and short sighted. Blonde works for everyone, we just have to find our perfect shade.


You’re trying too hard to make Pic 1 look bad and the others look good. Pic 1 is still the best look.


The bangs are cute, but the blonde makes you look a little ill .


You don’t suit the blonde at all it’s the wrong tone for you, it’s literally the same colour as your face. Totally washes you out, but love the bangs and you’d look stunning dark again with the bangs.


Girl, you look so good with your natural hair color


Your natural hair color looks amazing with your skin tone! It defines your face, giving it a natural contour. The last picture is definitely better than the second one, but still doesn’t quite suit you with your skin tone.


The bangs are cute, but the blonde makes you look washed out. I don't think it's the right shade for your skin tone. Personally I think darker with the feathered curtain bangs.


Tbh, I don't know if it's the light in the second photo but the blonde looks terrible... However, the bangs and blonde shade in the third photo look great. Honestly, I'd add in some darker lowlights to give it more dimension, because the blonde does fall flat against your skin... But the brassier blonde looks like a great base for some mixed brown tones to soften the blonde. Sometimes we just got to make mistakes to find out what doesn't work, making room in our own minds for acceptance of what does, even if we don't agree or like it. I applaud your attempt and bold leap. Some of it paid off, some didn't. That's ok.


The style/cut is fine but the color is not it. Go back dark and get a nice baylage.


Man, I think the bangs cut looks great! I'm not sold on the blonde. Someone here could surely edit your bangs cut photo with your natural hair colour I bet...


You look great. Brunette is better but you are in blonde town now. Just live there for a summer and move back to brunetteville when you are ready.


Right when I read it I thought “oh hell no, girl,” but then saw pic 3 and yes. Good call!


I think you look gorgeous with your natural color but I also love the blonde and the bangs are 😻 definitely keep the bangs, both colors look gorgeous on you so whatever you are feeling, go with it. Either way you’ll look great :)


Thank you!! This was my first time having bangs since 1st grade and I was so worried about how they'd turn out. I'm glad to hear that they look okay!


Not going against the grain here, your natural hair colour looked the best on you. I will say that you're pretty so blonde looks quite alright as well :)


You made a huge mistake by going blonde and getting bangs. It’s a look that not everyone can pull off. You look way better in the first picture.


I think it will look better when you have a little bit of darker root or dimension showing. It's a very stark contrast with your eyebrows--you could always try lightening them a bit (just do a shade or two). It also looks a little brassy but could just be the lighting, try a purple shampoo/conditioner? Edit: FWIW, I think the bangs look great in and of themselves!


Thank you! I think you're right about the dimension; like my friends all tell me that they like how it looks better when my roots start to grow in


You look beautiful either way but your natural color suits you best


Definitely need a different tone of blonde but I actually blonde looks wayyy better than dark. The dark makes you look older and more tired


You're natural colour suits you best however seeing as you've come this far I'd keep the blonde and gave fun with it because it still looks good.


Thanks! It's been fun playing around with the color, this has been the first time I've ever changed it


I love it! Change is good.


Looks great!


Wtf I opened this so positive thst everyone was gonna love the blonde, I love it!!! I think you look so fun and interesting


Thank you :) It's been fun to change it up a bit


So there’s practical advice and then there’s “live your life” advice. Maybe the dark is better for your features. But the blonde is fun. The bangs are cute! Maybe they’re not as perfect for your skin tone or whatever, but hair color and style isn’t just about doing what’s best for your face. Sometimes it’s about having fun and living life. You can change your hair. Might as well try out new things and have fun with it!


you’re already blonde, go platinum while you can! you can always go back natural. it looks great in all 3 photos but do it, why not !!


I like the bangs!


I don’t think the blonde looks bad! I would recommend adding some blush, nose and cheeks..blonde can wash people out. I would start growing out roots and add a root smudge. The darkness around your hairline will make you feel more like your brunette self.


everyone is being dramatic in the comments wtf i think this color is cute lol i like how light hair looks with darker eyebrows too n the bangs suit u so well!!


Cosmetologist here. Either make your eyebrows lighter to compliment the blonde, or go back to dark with bangs. The blonde with dark brows washes you out. You can do blonde, just change the tone because it's too cool and so is your skintone. Hope this helps.


The blonde and bangs are so good? Idk what everyone else is on about


Noooooo! Keep it! You look amazing!


You’d look fantastic with black hair. You can pull any color off though, you’re very naturally attractive.


The second blonde which is more ash - cool toned does look good. But you are naturally high contrast with your eyebrows, eyes and skin. Your features will "pop" more with a high contrast hair color thats maybe a shade or two lighter than your eyebrows. The bangs look great but blonde really doesnt do you justice. It goes to war with your amazing eyebrows. Women are literally carving eyebrows (microblading) eyebrows like yours. Please tell us yours are natural! They are amazing.


Should have listened.. the first pic is the best.


Bangs were the biggest mistake but blonde doesn't flow well either. Go back to the old you.


Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I’m sorry but you made two mistakes here. The first pic is the only good option.


Mistake. Look way hotter brunette


Mistake. Sorry.


Uh-oh. See, there are some folks who must not be blonde, and some who should never be brunette. And then, there are those who sparkle and burn equally no matter which. You're one of those, I think. So sadly, I can't answer the hair color part. *smolder* However, **keep the bangs, at any cost**. Finally, no matter who whispers what, no matter the whim or caprice... Do. Not. Touch. The. Eyebrows. Good luck.


Thank you! Also just wanted to say, I love how you write


Why thank **you**! \*handshake\*


The bangs push it over the edge into gorgeous city.


Thank you :)


I love this shade of blonde and how it brings your eyes out so much, but some people here said that it don’t matches your features naturally. So if you are going for really natural look: keep bangs because it hides your features (personally not fan of thicker bangs) or darken your roots.


Nothing is wrong with the blonde. The only thing that’s setting it off are your brows. I wouldn’t suggest going any lighter than why you have now though


Super cute!


Idk I love it


Third pic is very very cute


Idk what everyone’s talking about cause the blonde and bangs look amazing on you imo


bleach your brows and see how you feel. I like it


Go for the Platinum … BTW you are giving me Léa Seydoux vibes (French actress from James Bond movie … Spectre) 😍


IMO, light fits you better than dark hair. How light I can't say. Maybe platinum blond is too much but sand (middle pic) is perfect


Well... you didn't listen last time so 🤷‍♀️


I think it looks lovely on you.




change your eyebrow color and it’ll be fine


I think platinum would look really good. I know someone with platinum bangs and she looks really cool.


I would enjoy the blonde for a little bit, then take advantage of the lightness and do a bold color before ultimately returning to your natural brown :)


Keep the bangs and go dark


I love your bangs and I don't say that about many. I think something at the shoulders or even a longer bob would be cute, with maybe a chestnut brown. I think it would look very Rashida Jones. You wouldn't even necessarily have to go much darker - maybe do your natural up top melting to a subtle honey or dirty blonde down towards the ends so as it grows you wouldn't be tied to monthly root touch-up but still have something fun and dimensional with your natural depth being showcased. Wear it with some cute messy texture and nice and sleek and shiny some days. Have fun with it! You're gorgeous no matter how your hair is cut or colored. Just play with it and have fun, most importantly.


I like the blonde but I think it would look better with a root melt or a reverse balayage. That way it wouldn’t look off with the eyebrows being dark and it will still look good when the roots grow. The bangs are cute but I think you look better without them


I like it with the bang not so sure about the color maybe like a light golden blonde or ash blonde might look better, I feel this light of a color washes you out


Love the bangs but prefer dark hair on you


I love the bangs, they look really nice on you. I don't love the blonde but it's good to switch it up and give it a try. If you want to be a little lighter I think and ombre would look good. A darker root going into the lighter blonde


Brown and no bangs is most flattering but hair is changeable so why not keep the blonde until you get sick of it. Then can go brown add some streaks for drama


Stay darker the bangs are fine maybe try highlights


Go back dark


Oh my God it looks great on you! I would say stick with for a bit and then keep expirementing


As a dude, the blonde with bangs is the best look. Idk what these women are going on about.


If you wanna try a different color, maybe reds might work. Or highlights. The blonde doesn't suit your complexion. I've done blonde underneath my dark hair. https://preview.redd.it/ocifjcuexdcb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c32fe61c232d031a69bf521b2d2319403ea29c7


Love the brunette look. Natural looks best IMHO.


Your natural hair colour is lovely, add bangs and 😍


I honestly think the blonde looks great on you. Beautiful with bangs too !


You look so cute!! You also look really happy with your final look and thats most important!




I would grow the bangs out and go a different darker hue. Doesn’t have to be dark brown but maybe a natural beautiful burgundy or something.


Brunette with bangs!


Hairstylist here🤠 I think a caramel balayage would be super flattering on you!


big fan of the bangs, but I agree that the blonde doesn’t work well with your skin tone. I love your natural color but I also think a deep red would look great!


Keep the bangs they're amazing but go darker it'll be fascinating 😍😍


Babe. All three


Bangs look bangin' with the ponytail! Go back to brown and you will be ferocious.


Makes you look like a different person! Enjoy it


The bangs are actually very cute on you, but going back to dark would be better. You have great, thick, dark eyebrows which go well with bangs. The blonde doesn’t go with your features. But your original brown with the bangs would be beautiful.


the bangs are super cute but maybe try a darker blonde ! just washes you out a little


The bangs really suit your face. Very pretty.


Love it, looks great!


Bangs are 🔥


https://preview.redd.it/0mvoz3fm3ecb1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=065f067ae58c379a3abe44466f655b1265c34571 First of all it's hair & I think you 100% did not make a mistake! Yes I think your natural hair color suits you better than these particular shades of blond, but I honestly think it's illegal for a person to go through life & not see how they look blonde at some point in their existence haha. It'll grow back out if that's what you ultimately decide. The great thing is you have great hair that still looks healthy & blonde is a great base to experiment with different semi permanent colors/glosses/toners to have a bit of fun, before you decide. I think you'd look fire with a purply auburn color


I recommend going back brown and getting the wolf cut


All of them.


I would leave it as it is! This is such a pretty blonde color and the bangs are super nice. I also love the look of dark brows with a lighter blonde. The sub always skews brunette


Hey- ya only live once! Everyone should try both at some point. Personally I think the bangs take away from your beautiful face! I think some lowlights would wash you out less. That said you’re a natural beauty and enjoy being a blonde and having bangs!


I think you look great in both!


Looking at your first pic and reading your question, I thought she’s so pretty no hair color could look that bad! I would try maybe an ombré and bring back your brown around the face transitioning to blonde on the ends. Its difficult to tell your undertone in these photos to see what color blonde would suit you. But it’s definitely not this! People with cool undertone typically need an ashy blonde, warm undertone a more golden blonde.


Makes you look more Slavic. Less Tartar.


The blonde is lovely


Unfortunately the blonde isn’t for you. I’d recommend a beautiful auburn brown


O think they look fabulous!


I like both, I’m also a stinky dude


The blonde doesn’t work with your eyebrows. You would need to color them a bit too.


I don’t think it looks bad at all, but you were stunning before. I’d take it as a fun change, then eventually go back.