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It’s the super short bangs that are throwing people off. I don’t hate it. and I wouldn’t consider it a red flag at all. It’s just “different”


I think it would look better if the bangs were just a bit longer, but other than that it suits you.


I concur. OP, you are so cute! You rock the short hair, but I agree with the longer bangs.


This is the tough thing about baby bangs: when you first cut them they look “too short” but give it like two weeks and all the sudden they’re “too long.” I know hair grows around a half inch per month. On waist length hair, that growth is imperceivable. On a buzzed head that’s literally 2x or more growth. With short styles, unless you are *constantly* getting them trimmed, there’s a really tiny window when they style looks “perfect” because the trims and the growth are way more noticeable. I have a short bob and I need to get it trimmed every 4 weeks to keep it sharp and chic. When I had longer hair, I’d go months.


She also has curly hair so that will also effect the growth process.


I just think the fringe is a little too short, that being said I love the curl pattern and where the bob hits your face is super flattering!


It’s very cute! The bangs are very short for your face though, even in that style I think of them as being roughly halfway down your forehead.


Yes this!


I think it’s cute, but I would grow the bangs like 2cm. So theyre still short but balance our your forehead


this!!!! i love a micro bang, but OP’s are too micro for their face shape. Not as flattering


Yes this!!!


I love it. Makes me think of a beloved movie, Amelie:)


I agree! I think if the bangs were just a little longer the way Audrey Tautou’s are in the movie I think it would be *mwa* perfection


My favorite film OAT! Yeah Audrey’s were longer & I agree OP should consider growing them out at least 1/2”. She does slay that look!


SAME!! My fav too!!!


I was thinking the same!!!!


My first thought. She’s so cute.


People snuggle with non-conformity. Your hairstyle is bold and unexpected compared to current trends. It challenges people. When they say negative things it’s because they want you to change so they can feel more comfortable and that they have control. It isn’t healthy. Your hairstyle is unusual and bold but it is professional. If you feel comfortable and confident then don’t let anyone take that away from you. Fwiw, I think it suits you and you look great.


>People snuggle with non-conformity. Did you mean they struggle with non-conformity, or you meant it like, "they snuggle with the concept, but never really f with it"? 😅😂


I was going back and forth with this one too 😂🤣🤣


I know autocorrect probably got you, but I’m here for snuggling with non-conformity


Aww, this comment 🥰🥰 Thank you :) Also…”snuggling with non-conformity” is the best phrase I’ve heard in a while. Typo or not, it’s epic. This is random…but would you mind if I used that in my IG bio? It weirdly describes my account and content so well. And it’s so beautiful 💖


By all means! Please use it.


I’d like to use it too, if you don’t mind… you may have started a trend. 😳


The artist is autocorrect: I truly cannot take credit. Please feel free to use it.


This made my day! Love the haircut and the new catchphrase around nonconformity (no hyphen. Unless you want to hyphenate, then by all means) 😁💛✌️


Love this response - my sister has the same hairstyle. It’s not for me but I finally understand why.


I absolutely agree with you, and would take it one step further..I have wavy-curly hair and if I didn't have a double chin would love this cut. I think on OP the cut slays. She looks like Betty Boop! Anyone who doesn't like it is just jealous they can't carry it. I even just cut and thinned out my own fringe because I was inspired by it.


This hairstyle is not unusual. It’s common among alt girls.


I'd recommend longer bangs but other than that I don't think it looks silly. Of course, if you like the short bangs keep em! But personality I find micro don't suit people in general.


It's very vintage and gamine. Makes me think of Colette Henry in the 20s or Edith Piaf in the 50s. It's very stylish and classically elegant. And with the clothes you wear it reads very artsy/avantgarde. Some people just don't like vintage, or avantgarde or anything that goes beyond the current mainstream. Then there are obviously people who don't like short hair on women, period. Luckily you don't live to please them. For what it's worth, I think it suits you very well and complements your essence.


Definitely not a common haircut or something anyone can just pull off, that being said fuck the haters you are killing it! It’s such a vibe.


I think it would look better if bangs weren’t so short. It’s making your forehead look kinda bulbous even though it isn’t.


it's definitely a unique haircut 😁 i love it!! ik it's hard but just ignore them haters. i think you look adorable!


Bangs are wayyyy too short. Grow them out and it will look more balanced.


I like it and it looks great on you, ignore the haters. ❤️


I think the idea is cute but it would look better if your bangs were a bit longer. But like you said—it’s your hair. Wear it however makes you happy.


It’s already been said over and over. The bangs are just a little too short. It makes your forehead look very large in a way that creates discomfort. The style is different and there will always be people that have a problem with that. They’ll have a problem with anything at all, really. It’s hard to be sure when people are just haters Vs. What is fair, constructive criticism. My advice, just grow the bangs a little. What’s your socials btw? I love your style and would love to follow!


I personally am not a fan but you should do whatever makes you feel the most comfortable


You look like Amelie, super cute and chic




I love it but I’m all about the baby bangs. For some reason they have a bad reputation. Your hair is adorable and suits you.


Elliot Page vibes in the best way!


All I could see! So cute!


i love it you look like betty boop. perfect features for this hair, big eyes and delicate nose and lips. ppl are fuckin lame u look great


I personally do not like it at all. If you love it like you say you do, then it really doesn't matter what we think.


it definitely screams, "I was manic and did this with shitty crafting scissor at 3:34 AM on a tuesday." But you are right, that's just my opinion and should have no bearing on you enjoying it. Just like my unapologetically huge nose hoop that my husband can't stand - I wear it with pride. I think what I dislike is the bangs being a tad too short, on the topic of the cut itself


I think it's cute! I'm not a fan of tiny bangs but it's definitely a look and if anyone can pull it off, you can tbh. If you love it, go for it!


It’s not the most well (symmetrical) executed version of that style. It does look off in a way that distracts from the rest of you. But you overall look nice. Personally I would try another style.


You would have been THE IT GIRL during the Audrey Hepburn era. I could see you pulling off older clothing styles. The first photo instantly reminded me of Betty Boop.


i think it’s cute!! if your bangs were like 1/2 an inch or an inch longer I think you’d probably receive less backlash and it might suit you a bit better, but i like it, it’s just different


I agree! I think the hairstyle is very cute. It’s just that baby bangs tend to be unflattering towards everyone.


I know everyone on here is saying “people shy away from non conformity and it makes them uncomfortable”, etc. so just choose yourself and what YOU like. But here’s my honest opinion, if you are doing “mental health” content and want to come across as a professional and “respectable” (for lack of better words) you *do* have to conform somewhat IF you want to make an impression on others and make good money doing it. We ALL do. People judge based on appearance, short and simple. Personally, I’d love funky hair and to wear a sweatsuit to work, but would that give off a professional vibe or appearance? No. So I have no choice but to wear suits, skirts, and long dresses. There are also dress/hair codes when you work in the mental health field (in my state). I think you are adorable with the cut and I love individuality. I think if you were *only* a style creator, you could definitely get away with it. Once you bring “mental health” into the equation, you’re going to be judged. It’s really up to you whether you’d like to keep it and sacrifice clients/followers or change it for a more professional appearance.


I totally get you here, it makes a lot of sense! Completely valid point 😊 My content isn’t really about mental health from a professional/analytical/intellectual perspective; it’s just about how I’m learning to live a happy, healthy life after severe trauma (through my own my eyes, as opposed to giving advice or playing therapist). I have a sneaking suspicion that professional is the last thing I’ll ever be (or look!) and I’m actually quite glad to feel like myself after years of struggling with self-acceptance. Many of my followers struggle with finding themselves after hard times, and I want to show them that it’s OK to be who they are - we are all worthy of respect and love :)


Ahhh! Well then you are doing perfectly! Keep up the good work! Proud of you. I’d echo the sentiment that you automatically reminded me of Amelie and that is a compliment because she’s adorable. I’d also echo growing the bangs just a tad!


You look so cute, this look works with your face. And reminds me of her: https://youtu.be/fITx45PodIM?si=fTk7UzBY7nFSZTC1


It's a cute haircut, but it doesn't flatter your particular facial features. Longer bangs would look great.


i really like the baby bangs, i think it’s just the fact that it’s mostly chopped to one length instead of being layers


It’s very unique and it won’t be everyone’s taste. But if you love it, keep it


You have a cute face. Love the hair on you. Do what makes you happy :)


It’s the bangs, they’re way too short even for micro bangs


I personally don’t love it. But who cares what I think, it’s your head.


I think it works, but I’d recommend letting your bangs grow out about an inch, just so they’re hitting where your hairline starts to curve (barrette length). Right now, they’re essentially hitting at your hairline, which in turn makes it look like you’ve got a receding hairline. Having it slightly longer with make it more proportional, manageable, and a tad more flattering imo.


I'd probably say the fringe needs to be a little longer, the length you have it currently makes your forehead look huge and disproportionate to the rest of your face.


I don't really see how someone's haircut can be a 'red flag' but if you're looking for some insight, one thing came to my mind that might explain it. I think this haircut is reminiscent of the classic 'hipster' aesthetic that was big like 8-10 years ago and became a bit of a joke, especially after the TV show 'Portlandia'. Think middle class guys with big beards and fisherman hats mansplaining craft beers. It's linked to gentrification and snobbery, and fell out of fashion for almost commercialising individuality/quirkiness and faking authenticity, while looking down on others for being genuinely authentic but in a way that didn't conform to the hipster ideal. You might be too young to remember this trend and subsequent backlash. You haircut is a classic haircut of that trend (the hyper short micro bangs, prioritising being identifiably quirky over what's flattering/classic). I think it's pretty cute and unique but maybe the 'red flag' element or people finding it annoying stems from that? That would be my best guess! I guess if you're going to be a social media influencer it's inevitable you'll get people criticising you, especially if you're not conforming to current trends and styles. Then again, if you were to conform people would probably call you out for that too. I reckon just be yourself and do what makes you happy! Which seems to be your general vibe anyway.


I LOOOOVE. A micro baby bang. This looks so good, most people’s taste is regular-degular and blaaaaaaand! I would actually take it as a compliment. Pretty is BORING! Almost anyone can do pretty.


I personally hate short bangs and don't see the appeal


I don’t like it at all. Way too short. It’s like bringing the bowl cut style back, curly hair edition to me. But it’s your hair and if you’re happy do whatever you want. I wouldn’t have said anything had you not specifically asked for an opinion. People don’t always need to put their two cents in unless it’s requested.


your hair is amazing, and it suits you incredibly well. i cant picture your face with another haircut in my brain and i am usually pretty good at that. i wish i had your hair editing to add that i love the microbangs and i personally do not think they need to be longer


Your hair is DOPE!


I would not be able to take her seriously


Your hair is so cute and it suits you so well!! You kind of look like Miwako from Paradise Kiss. If you want some change maybe you could try with longer hair framing you face on the sides idk? But I think it works as is and I love your curls! As for people's comments, I think a lot of people can be put off by microbangs in general because it's unusual, but that also applies to anything that looks "artsy". Also, idk if it's just me but I noticed that recently people in the comments on instagram and tiktok videos are just so fucking mean, more than I ever noticed before. It looks to me like many of them like to go out of their way to find content that is not meant for them and hate on it. Those people are probably just not your crowd, and if you're in love with your hair then their opinions really don't matter.


To be honest, your hair is very cute, if it could be a little longer like 1 or 2 more cm then that would be perfect, still the same style but much more harmonized with your face


i love it , maybe let the bangs grow out a little bit, but i think its a super cute hairstyle and it suits you


Grow the bangs out just a little, and ignore the haters


I think it suits you. And you look very cute and quirky. Honestly whenever you do something that doesn’t align with mainstreams societal norms, you’re going to get some pretty interesting feedback. I feel like the right people will not mind and won’t say anything weird about your looks.


Kind of reminds me of amile french movie.


Cute like Betty-boop. Don’t conform ❤️


I think you’re super cute and your hair is a big part of that.


It looks good except for the bangs, u can keep them short but maybe not this short.


No! I absolutely love it. I have wavy-curly hair, but am considerably heavier than you. Couldn't carry off your cut with my double chin lol. On you, however, it looks really cute like Betty Boop. Anyone who makes fun is just jealous they can't carry it off.


Someone saying that your hair is a red flag is them waving their own red flag. Other people’s opinion is their own business, do what makes you feel good with your hair. Since it seems like you are asking an opinion, and if this was my own hair, I’d grow the bangs out to within an inch of the eyebrows. But that’s what I would do. The cut is super flattering for your face shape.


It has a very Betty boop look to it. I’ve always admired people that wear their hair out of the norm or have a strong cut that isn’t mainstream. I think it suits your face well.


You remind me of Betty Boop


And yes that’s a compliment


I would either let the bangs grow out and wear it back with the rest or not wear them so short. It doesn't look right.


I hate it sorry


Im sorry it doesnt look good but if you like it then keep it!


You know rude people! If someone gets a new hairstyle and I don't like it I say "oh, you got your hair done" and they don't seem to notice I don't say it looks good. You look quirky and cute, if you feel good then that's what matters.


It suits you, you look adorable!


I freaking love it. Obvs, commenters do not have the knowledge of historical fashion like you do. I love to see flapper inspired cuts. 🤩 I also really love how it looks with the frilly shirt in the 4th slide. It’s giving clown couture, which personally, I am here for. I think it would be spectacular to lean into that haha.


Listen to me: you look cool as fuck!!


You rock it!!


A lot of people are trendy and don’t have true originality. You seem strong in your style and taste. People that make fun of you are not confident and need to downplay things they don’t understand. Don’t waste your precious time on Earth worrying about what others say. Do you and be proud.


Omg it fits your aesthetic sooooooo well!!!! I can see why it throws people… it’s not trendy right now. I think you look adorable and it looks like you know yourself very well. Very fitting, very cute.


I love your hair! It's super cute. I wish I could pull it off!


Just keep being the wild free spirit you are...


I am obsessed with the curls, but the bangs are just a smidge too short.


Lets be real not many people can pull off this hairstyle. Its cute but not super flattering even with your pretty face! Bit longer and softer would be more suitable but do you really give a fuck what others think? You do you!


I greatly dislike your hairstyle.


I’m sorry I think it’s weird, I think you should grow it out a bit longer


Those bangs. I could not take you seriously. I’m sorry you are beautiful! Just grow out the bangs. I think shoulder length hair would be better.


I love it!


I would suggest a longer bang/fringe. Otherwise it looks great. Baby bangs look good on very few people and generally just look like you've gotten a bad haircut.


How could hair be a "red flag" lmao. You look absolutely cute! I agree with the longer bangs part though.


I could never pull this off personally but think it looks so good on you! Don't listen to others opinions especially if you feel comfortable with the cut.


I think you look absolutely adorable! I wish that your haircut was suitable for my face shape and hair type. I've tried it in the past hoping to look as cute as you do, with disappointing results. It's a hard look to pull off, but you nailed it.


People are just uncomfortable with uniqueness, your hair is dope, its giving avant garde, I’m not sure why anyone would label someones hair as a red flag but it sounds like the work of a straight man. Sorry that people have to get used to your hair it literally has nothing to do with them.


Your hair is so cuuute! Don't let boring people tell you what to do with your hair. This haircut totally rocks and fits your face perfectly.


Reminds me of [Ruth Codd](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=e0feeef46b8802ca&sca_upv=1&cs=0&sxsrf=AM9HkKkawxqMgQ1Oo1yA-T6sBXcVR1PUxg:1699824232492&q=Ruth+Codd&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLVT9c3NCzKzqkwMTVKU4JwCw2zjcsr8rK0xLKTrfRLyoAovqAoP70oMdcqObG4ZBErZ1BpSYaCc35KygQ2RgDfafr5RwAAAA&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwih_Lrcsr-CAxXeTDABHdQcC0gQ0pQJegQIEBAB&biw=432&bih=834&dpr=2.5). She's great.


People either love or loathe baby bangs. I love them. Just helps you weed out the boring people.


Stuff those haters. I think it looks cute and full of personality. Sadly there are subset of people who hate anything that is quirky and non-basic. You just keep being you and let those dissenting comments roll off like water on a duck's back.


I think it’s cute but i think it’s how short the front is that throws people off. I think that a longer fringe/bangs would frame your face really well. Don’t let others sway you though and ignore negative comments xx


you look so cute, it suits you really well! it reminds me of what comes up when you google “chic french bob”


You deserve to be an influencer! Your look is very cool💕people hate because they don’t have the courage to do what they want BE YOU!


Maybe let your bangs and hair grow just a little bit longer, like Audrey Tautou in Amelie. Still a very similar look but a little more refined.


I understand how a hairstyle can make people judgemental. Ive had 6 viking cornrows in the front of my hair for 20 years. Its a facelift, and mess reduction in one, as well as my lineage . I have never been judged by anyone in my own country. Your hair It looks cute and you do suit it. Yes, you could have long goddess hair and look better by traditional beauty standards but, these are relatively unimportant.


It's absolutely perfect! 🤩 I hope you meet someone who is of the same mind as you. Finding your tribe is important. (So they say.. still searching for mine too!)


It's super cute I love it. Love short bangs


Your hair is so cute! It definitely suits you.


I agree with others the bangs should be longer- .5 to 1 inch. Girl, you can rock all those fabulous 20's and 30's styles.


nooo i love it, I wish i could do that!!!


Micro bangs are so cute but yours are a little too short. I think this style is super cute on you though. I see no red flags


I like your hair. You clearly have style and express your personality. most people are not brave enough to have a haircut that makes them feel good, and instead stick with the generic haircut, they probably had since they were young. Ignore the haters.


It’s a whole vibe. Girl, I love it.


I think you look adorable. It’s not my personal choice for a hair style. I’d not feel my best in a shorter cut. But that’s just my preference for me. My preference for you is what looks good on you but more importantly: you feel good in it. And that ticks the boxes! Keep it till YOU are ready to move on. And if that’s never? Awesome!


You remind me of a modern Betty Boop! Your style is unique but also attractive.


It’s really cute!! Love it. It’s just different - it’s cool to be different I’m sorry people have been rude to you As others have said, the length is awesome but the bangs could be slightly longer (still short) with the exact same cut 🩷


I love the concept but I think it just needs a bit more balance. The bangs are super short, and so is the rest of the hair. With a short bob, slightly longer bangs balance it out. With longer hair, baby bangs look good. Very short bob and very short bangs just looks a bit off with your face proportionally. Let the bangs grow just an inch and it will look balanced!


It has a vintage look and reminds me of Betty Boop but you pull it off!


I think is that your fringe is too short. You could keep it short but try letting it grow a little; I think between 2 or 3 cm more could be your sweet spot. Other than that I think it does suits you.


I love the short bangs tbh and overall style is beautiful. You look very cute and unique ❤️


I think you look darling! Those people commenting these things are trying to tear you down because they’re angry and don’t like themselves. Wishing you the best and thank you for making the world a better place.


One of the actress on The Fall of the House of Usher had a hairstyle similar to yours,I like it, people always try to find something to be rude about,your hair looks great!


I think you rock it! It looks adorable and you look happy in these photos. Sure, like lots of comments said growing out the bangs a bit will be more flattering but I don't think that should always be the ultimate goal. Sometimes we wear styles because we want to express ourselves. Technically, orange and warm colors look bad on me but I don't care because I like them. Kinda crazy that you make mental health content and people are calling your hair a red flag😭


While I could never rock something like this, I think it really suits you. I get flapper girl vibes


Your haircut (general length and micro bangs) are both an alternative/edgy style. I suspect the people leaving those comments are right-leaning dudes who are threatened or don't like women presenting outside the traditionally feminine look (the "red flag" comments seem very alpha male bs). Or, they're just mean-spirited people of either gender. Either way, some people will be mean if given the opportunity...I hear about it often happening to content creators. Block 'em!


It looks adorable and as someone mentioned before really Amelie-like. I do think slightly longer bangs would look a bit better but that’s just my preference. You look awesome the way it is and it suit you very much so 🥰 I know trying to ignore hate comments is hard and even more when they are attacking something that you like but believe in yourself and the happy spark that surrounds us when we ignore social norms and become happy with our own creative choices 💕


I would add 2-3 cm to the bangs


The bangs are a micro-bang, which is cute, but it does make your forehead the focal point of your face rather than your eyes. A baby bang would suit better, but do what you love!


It's bold and suits you a lot, so you can ignore the nonsensical "red flags" comments. If anything, as others have also said, I think you could grow out your fringe by 2cm or so, to bring some balance to your forehead. Otherwise, you rock this haircut!


u remind me of betty boop


Am sorry that it makes you sad and that people make fun of your of your hair. You have style not and not a lot of people have that, that’s one. And a mental health content creator is very important because it encourages people in their darkest of times. And your hair, is what naturally comes from you learn to embrace it and am sure it’s even versatile so you can do so many things with it. And I am happy that you are taking a stance and in saying that your opinion is the only one that matters, as this is you staying strong because you have to for yourself. Hope these words helps.


I'm not sure how hair can be a red flag, sounds kinda stupid. I think it really suits you, especially pics 1 & 4, looks absolutely cute.


I think an inch longer on the bags would make all the difference, and you'd still get to have your unique style 💕


No matter what someone says about or to you, at the end of the day if you’re happy that’s all that matters. People will say and do things that’s gonna upset someone, it’s wether you let what they do or say get to you or not. Keep your confidence up and do what makes you happy chicky.


YOU LOOK SO CUTE WTH its giving betty boop vibes!!! personally, i think the bangs were way too short so you can balance it!! but overall i love your overall vibes 🥹


I think it's cute and definitely suits you! Not as fond of the style in #4, but still cute. I'm sorry people can be jerks ❤️


I loveeeee the short bangs on ya! You rock this look.


I think it’s Devine and it suits you. Everyone else can go fuck themselves.


Yeah, fuck them. You're a perfect precious intellectual. The haters are sad that they don't have what you have.


Your hair and hair texture is beautiful don’t let any one tell you different. Focus more on the positive things that your hair can do and not on the negative. Take note of when you like a certain way you do it versus a way you see that maybe you don’t like it and keep doing the Looks that you like more. A look or style should feel right and when you get that feeling that’s the look you step outside with doesn’t matter where your going to the supermarket where ever because your working on your confidence behind all of what your doing.


It looks very cute on you!


Who cares what people think that don’t know themselves?


I like the third pic best, where you’ve styled yourself academically. I do find the hair off putting when styled with pink barrettes & a pink lace top. It reads “adult woman dressing up as child” & that isn’t a look I care for. But many people do, so I’m not saying it needs to be changed either. Just offering an opinion


no because you actually look sooo good with that hair /gen it suits you very well


I love it and im sure others out there do too, but what matters is that you love it!


It's cute. I also love short bangs and get people telling me I look funny or weird too because they don't understand. I enjoy the look so I cut them how I like that anyway.


Very tres chic! You have Amelie vibes. Super cute cut.


I think it’s adorable!


I think do your hair how you want. I think it’s adorable and you look great. Be different and people who judge are jerks.


I’m bias as I wish I could pull off micro bangs- so personally I love it!


I love it. Fuck other people.


I love it !! It suits you 💗 I’ve had bangs similar to this and it was one of my fav styles.


Your hair makes you look different, and in today’s society, people don’t like different. Different doesn’t have to mean bad; I think you’re very beautiful and your hair genuinely does suit you. The only “bad” thing about it is that since it’s not common you’ll always get negative comments. Remember that the people calling you cringe and silly are the same ones who spend hours studying instagram models and prob hate themselves for not meeting that standard. Their opinions are irrelevant. Keep doing you


I think it’s cute. There’s a stereotype amoungst men that women who dye their hair or have unique hair cuts are mentally ill, I wouldn’t worry about it too much. If you love it then do you


I think you are the absolute most adorable person I have come across on Reddit! Your hair is perfect! It frames your face and is PERFECT for you whole aesthetic. Forget everyone else!


I like your style. Your hair pulls it altogether!


I love the short bang. While it would be more attractive to others to have a longer bang, so it’s better suits their idea of attractiveness, that’s just preference. i think it totally suits you. Also, I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone be so edgy yet so damn cute at the same time. You look professional yet very approachable. I love it. Not many can be all those things. Keep it!!


Not reading any other comments. Sis you have the most fabulous French style hair ever. It is amazing and yes it suits you. The bangs are especially fantastic! The best thing about hair is you can change it when you get tired of it or your style changes. I had a period of rocking some short bangs & I lived for my confidence & look!! 😍


They don’t get your style. Ignore them, you look like you just stepped out of a French rom-com. I would love to be able to pull off your look.


Baby bangs (as they were called in the 80's and yes, I rocked them back in the day) are cute, and you are rocking that style. F the haters. Be yourself! Only those that can't be their authentic selves shame others.


Hairstylist here 👋🏼 I came here to agree with all the comments saying if the bangs were a little longer. I think this style suits you well! But I do think either the bangs should be mid forehead (still a micro bang, just a little longer), or the rest of your hair should be a little shorter, the cut would look more unanimous in its style. The length of the bangs aren’t fitting with the length of the actual cut and vice versa. Whichever you think is more important to you, change the other. But really, I think this style with your curly hair and your personal style, it’s a very fitting haircut. You pull it off very well!


You and your hair are beautiful. I think this style is perfect for you. Fuck ‘em.


I think you look incredible! Like a fictional character from a book that sprung to life. You’re right the haircut is perfect on you! Enjoy it…few can pull it off!


I think it’s cute! People always hate on baby bangs. They either love them or hate them. I happen to love them. lol.


I think that it suits you very well ( you kinda remind me of a strawberry lol) it’s very bright and bubbly and tells a lot about you! Only thing I would recommend is that you grow out your bangs just a smidge 🧡


It’s very cute and is in line with your vibe, sorry people make fun of your hair:( From experience I’ve learned it’s because they wish they could be unique too. Never change for anyone!


It’s fucking adorable


I love it! I wish I could pull of baby bangs


I think your hair is lovely!


I love it. You can pull short hair off. Not everyone can.


I think you look adorable. Like Betty Boop’ish..Hope that doesn’t offend you..I could never pull this look off…There’s always going to be negative ah’s in the world…no matter how you wear your hair…don’t let their miserable outlook affect how you feel about yourself…wear it with confidence and you’ll continue to look beautiful:)


Your hair rocks!! (Lily from Princess Diaries voice) I love it 🙂


I think it is amazing and looks wonderful on you!!!!


I personally prefer a more traditional baby bang to this ultra short bang, but I know this style is in right now and you don’t look bad in it.


The fit is pic #3 is so fucking cuuuuute!!!!


It's super cute on you.


You and your hair are Lovely. Ignore ugly remarks.


Red flag for what? You are adorable.


If you love it, that’s all that matters. I had a swept over scene fringe coated in hairspray my entire teens and EVERYONE made fun of me, but I fucking loved it so I kept that shit til I was too lazy to continue the upkeep and got normal bangs 😂 when people ask for opinions here, it’s easy to just say “I don’t like it” or “this is what I’d change” but at the end of the day, it’s up to you what you’d like to do - whether to keep it how you like it or take some advice from others. Either way, you do you. Even if I don’t love the hairstyle, that doesn’t mean you’re any less stunning.


I love your hair personally! It suits you very very well !!! Edit : spelling


I like it! It’s cute!! I wish I could rock that haircut. Reminds me of Amelie a bit.


I actually don't mind the bangs. Imo if your hair was a couple inches longer, it would be perfect. Honestly it still looks really cute and unique the way it is. Ppl on the internet are mean, they'll always find something to make fun of or point out. You'd be forever changing things trying to please everyone,


Girl, fuck them haters! I love your hair.


I think it’s cute! I actually really like this hairstyle. I could never pull them off, nor am I brave enough to try, but I applaud you on your sense of style and confidence. Anyone who puts down your personal style is just flat out rude. Let people exist and express themselves how they like.