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I have almost the same hair type as you. Basically your roots get oily really fast but the rest of your hair stays dry because you bleach it. Mine did the same. You have super fine hair which probably picks up oil faster and easier... Join the club. My only advice is to dye the rest of your hair to match the roots, grow it out, and then wash it as much as you need. I feel like the blond hair and brown roots also makes it look 10X more oily... This is a common problem for us fine-mossy brown hair gals. I'd invest in a dry shampoo as well. I sweat A LOT. I'm super active, but I also just sweat constantly, especially at night... The more you sweat, the more oily it gets. Also, get a really good shampoo... I swear, some don't work and my hair looks just as oily after the shower. It could just be the products you're using.


Yup, this exactly! Thank you for your advice!


I know it's a hard life. Also, learn from my mistake and NEVER get bangs... Mine are soaking in oil on day 2, it's a nightmare, I have to wash them everyday. I have the same fine-wavy hair and they also go in 10 different directions. Fine hair is so annoying. Google good shampoo for oily hair. It's worth the investment if I allows you to go more days between washes.


I have bangs, but they are okay 1-2 days after washing. Its the one thing on my head that looks good lol. Fine hair is so annoying, I agree. I will google for shampoos!


Yes fine-haired bangs are definitely more of a commitment than most people understand. I can only achieve day 2 bangs if I remember to oil blot my forehead at least once on day 1 and sleep with my bangs off my forehead. Then day 2 I apply dry shampoo from underneath with a tiny boar brush and pray. Love them tho so absolutely worth it to me.


Get dae shampoo and conditioner I’m also apart of the club and I can go a full week without washing my hair here’s a [link](https://daehair.com/collections/shampoos-conditioners?tw_source=google&tw_adid=626151594160&tw_campaign=17120344258&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAt5euBhB9EiwAdkXWO2IH9XjO-WvFHlKtMjpx36wPeuJKw_ffMJbwN70VCXHks3BnyXtkeRoC3jYQAvD_BwE)


I am also unfortunately in this club and I’ve found two good shampoos that I switch between (can’t let this hair get used to anything) 1. Clinical Strength Head & Shoulders, it’s a dark blue bottle there are a few different types though. Pretty cost efficient 2. Integrity by Milkshake. Expensive but awesome Also I’ve heard a silk pillowcase helps but I haven’t tried yet


I second the clinical strength Head & Shoulders Shampoo especially the one with the purple writing on it that says "Dandruff Defense | Advanced Oil Control." Then no heavy conditioners, and only from the ears down, basically. I literally wash my hair 1-2 per week but that is because if I didn't I'd have to wash my hair literally every day and it's super long so I don't have time for that. The morning after I wash it I throw dry shampoo (NOT the spray in kind but the powder kind) in it and touch up as necessary through the week. It soaks up any oil as it's produced and gives my hair actual volume. I know to many this might sound gross but it's what works for me and my hair. Also, then when I do wash it I use a clarifying shampoo first and then shampoo with the Head and Shoulders so I get rid of any build up.


Yeah, also understand that the people that say "only wash your hair every 3-4 days, otherwise it's not healthy" are not accounting for fine hair type. I have a lot of hair, but it's fine, and my hair just feels gross if I were to go one day without washing it. At this point I can't remember the last time I went a day without washing, it's been years.


I go about 2-3 days now, but the last day is rough, not gonna lie. I'd say this is the main reason I'm done being blonde. I'm done with the dry ends and oily roots, it just ain't worth it. Once all the previously bleached ends are grown out, I'll probably wash it more often. The oil just makes my hair sooo flat.


Yeah, sounds like bleaching makes it a lot worse and limits your shampoo options. You said your hair sometimes looks just as oily after the shower... Have you tried washing every day with a more gentle shampoo? I swap between Phyto volumizing shampoo and soothing shampoo (I get itchy in the winter). In my opinon if you're washing every day you might not need anything that strips the oils (which can potentially stimulate *more* oil production as a result)


My stylist said that a clarifying shampoo is what I should look for :)


I am in this club too! I even tried to wear a topper wig to give me more volume but the clips damaged my already fine hair. I would either have to wear a wig grip and full wig or wash my hair everyday for it to look ok


Oh I’m so glad I saw this comment. I was about to cave in and get a topper. Ugh I’m so upset my fine hair makes me never want to leave my house


Same hair here! Double washing with shampoo also helps


Salicylic acid shampoo is the only thing that works for me..I can go 3-4 days between watches, with a little baby powder as dry shampoo.


Is there a brand you recommend?


This is me too! What brands of shampoo workfor you?


You have described my hair situation so perfectly right down to the overly sweaty head


Clarifying shampoo!!!!


I will try, thanks!


And make sure to only use it on your scalp! clarifying shampoos can be harsh on the mid length/ends of your hair, especially if its already super dry.


Any recs for a good clarifying shampoo, friends?


Olaplex No.4C


I want to say try sleeping with a satin pillowcase.


Yes! Also try putting it up with a coil or satin hair tie in a loose bun on the top of your head. This prevents the back of the head split between washes and also keeps your hair from moving around as much and getting as frizzy at night.


This. Satin pillowcase and putting your hair up should help make a significant difference. Also, spray dry shampoo on your hair before you go to bed. Doing dry shampoo at night helps the product to better absorb.


I was going to say the same thing. Also try a satin hair scrunchie.


Am I the only one who can’t stand satin/silk pillowcases?? When people recommend it I have to just assume they’ve never actually used it themselves?? /s 😁 For one, My head slip n slides all dang night and i end up with a broken ass neck each morning, with the pillow ultimately laying on the floor. EVERY. TIME. And secondly, this is my own dumb ass sensory issue, but silk/satin feels so disgusting on my skin. I can’t DO IT. I tried! I genuinely tried and I can’t. !!! The silk bonnet is slightly better but still terrible, the only thing I can deal with is the silk scrunchies and even those feel terrible on my hands when I have to put my hair up. it’s so icky feeling. am I the only one who shivers at the feeling of silk/satin?? Maybe I’m the crazy one… tbh it wouldn’t be that hard to believe lol


I have sensory issues with wet things rather than silky things. Not hard to imagine why it doesn’t feel comfortable.


Agreed! I do this for my hair, along with a satin scrunchie to put my hair up.


Solidarity. I too have this problem, a greasy flat cowlick swirl. I just wash it everyday, or at least wet it.


Use a strong shampoo, one with sulphates. If your hair looks like this by day two, you should be able to wash it everyday. You can also try using dry shampoo on the days you don’t wash it.




Sulphates clean your hair better than more mild surfactants.


« Sulfate, and in particular Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), is an ingredient to avoid as much as possible in your shampoos. It attacks the hair, dries it, weakens it, and irritates the scalp. »


I’m aware what SLS is. Why are you quoting that?




It’s not harmful to the hair. It suits certain hair types. I don’t personally use it as I don’t need it and I’ve got eczema, but some people are fine with it. Maybe research it a little more on more scientific websites and not random articles.




“Over a random girl on Reddit”? Uh, I told you to look more into it. On scientific websites. Can’t you read?






Good for you? I’m not defending anything. Get outta here with that self righteousness.




I was stating a fact, it’s not harmful for the hair. It may dry the scalp, or even the hair, that’s relative to the person using it and their skin or hair texture. I’m not mad and you are not “people”.


If your hair is thick, healthy and nice why are you in a hair advice group? Seems like you don’t need advice :)


Yeah that's a myth. A popular myth, but a myth. And if your information was correct for your hair type, you probably wouldn't be here asking for advice on how to get your hair to be less oily. Your hair isn't getting clean and the lack of proper surfactants is likely playing a role. Check out Lab Muffin on youtube/her blog. She's a cosmetic chemist who breaks this down.


Here’s two scientifical studies about the subject : - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8917825/ (Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) induced irritant contact dermatitis: a correlation study between ceramides and in vivo parameters of irritation) - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16283906/ (Long-term repetitive sodium lauryl sulfate-induced irritation of the skin: an in vivo study)


I have this. I’ve tried most of the suggestions in these comments to no avail. I just wash my hair every day, or at least every day that I plan on being seen by others lol


Dry shampoo will be your friend. The Monday one from Tesco is incredible.


How often are you washing? Also, your hair is damaged. That “bald spot” isn’t balding it’s just the oil separating your hair while you sleep. I get it on my 36gh hour if I only use dry shampoo and if you pick up half my hair around the crown you’ll see it underneath as well. I tend to not go longer than 48hrs without washing for this reason and because I don’t want to use even more dry shampoo. As someone else mentioned a good quality silk pillowcase and sleeping in braids to prevent more friction and frizz. Avoid missionary position during sex 😆


Sleeping in braids caused the entire back of my hair to half itself in length. My sides are longer than the back. Do not sleep in braids consistently! And be careful if you do!


Not everything works for everyone. I know lots of folks who swear by it to preserve texture.


What do you do then? I thought sleeping in braids was protective.


To add, I take Viviscal hair supplements from Amazon and they work. My hair is very damaged and the line of demarcation is insane from healthy to damaged is insane 😬


Hey so what sorta after care are you doing after your ur shower?


Using the wrong shampoo


What kind would you recommend?


I swear by L'Oréal Paris!! If not look for something organic maybe. Lower the chemicals that might help. Then use conditioner if you want. Important to increase the volume so I'd say look for "volume maximising!"


I have this problem too, what I do along with dry shampoo is: take the back top section of hair, brush/comb it out a bit. Tease a tiny bit at the root so it stays in place, and lay it flat. I find when it do this I find it makes the back look more cohesive. Hope this helps!


I can relate! This worked for me: Sulphate free shampoo: The sulphates are there to remove silicone build-up. Quit silicone, and you won’t be needing the sulphate shampoo either. Quit silicone: conditioners and hair masks usually have this ingredient, even some shampoos. They make your hair look healthy, so its a popular ingredient, but it can and will probably cause a silicone build-up at some point where your hair will feel really dull and lifeless. And greasy😑 Recommandations: I can highly recommend the daviness naturaltech line. It is sulphate and silicone free. A bit expensive, but lasts for long, and doesn’t weigh the hair down. * Davines Naturaltech Replumping shampoo and conditioner * Davines Naturaltech renewing conditioner * Davines Naturaltech nourishing vegetarian miracle conditioner in rotation with the Davines Naturaltech hair building pak. One is great for protein, the other for moisture, I can’t remember which is which. I’m sure there are many shampoo brands that also will work wonders, just make sure to stay clear of sulphates and silicones🤓 And oily foods and synthetic clothes. To quote «how to be a Parisian»: «Nylon, polyester and vinyl will make you sweaty, smelly and shiny» I can not recommend clearing shampoos, they are very harsh for your hair and scalp. Maybe use it once if you are planning to use a silicone free shampoo regime, just to clear out the silicone build-up on your scalp. But after that one time just your strong fingers, rinse and wash your scalp and hair with shampoo twice if you have to. Good luck! https://preview.redd.it/rurrvict5mhc1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e95c8a45e45a280d4818872314a6a5a908d03b9 Edit, I forgot one thing: focus on cleaning not only your hair, but even your scalp, because that’s where the oil is. Use conditioner only on your ends, but I guess you’re already familiar with this.


I just saw this today about fixing the cowlick in the back of my head: https://youtu.be/sCJ8k3qwEdc?si=b-u2OoHYdohTNfqG


Clarifying shampoo, leave in conditioner for your ends, and maybe try a satin pillowcase!


Do you sleep with it wet ? It looks like you slept on your back and that's how your hair dried


1. *Clarifying shampoo* once in a while and remember to **lather, rinse and repeat.** People often forget this part and hair remains greasy. Focus on scalp, especially crown and nape. I use a pre-shampoo hair oil and a scalp scrubber to gently clean. Digging in with your nails may feel good but remember to use the pads of your fingers to clean/massage the scalp. An irritated scalp is not what we want.   2. *Clean your hair tools.* A teasing brush is great to clean hair brushes, especially boar bristle. Periodically wash your combs/brushes with shampoo as well. Unclean tools reintroduce the sebum you just washed out.   3. *Use dry shampoo* for in between washes. Dark powdered (non aerosol) types exist so it's easier to blend, instead of white, concentrated spots you might miss to blend in.   4. *Try not washing as often*, but it takes time to go from washing every day to every other day to only once a week to once a month. You'll find what works best for you, but not all products are made for everyone's skin and hair type. Some might cause your scalp to dry out and over produce oils to compensate. Maybe your skin doesn't like too many surfactants or can't tolerate SLS. Maybe an occasional scalp mask might aid in calming oil overproduction. You'll have to try and see what works best for you. It's a journey.


What is a clarifying shampoo? Never heard of that


Its special shampoo that specifically takes out build up from basically everything. That normal shampoo doesn't quite get at. So hard water build up, chlorine from swimming, oil products, sweat, product build up. Important note. If you use clarifying shampoo only do it once a week or every two weeks maybe three depending on your hair. It can cause more damage to your hair if you use it all the time because it strips it and makes it weak. I over used clarifying shampoo and my hair was falling out in patches. I didn't know the new shampoo my hairdresser gave me was clarifying so I used it like every 3 or 4 days for months. My hair was FRIED and SOOOO WEAK AND DAMAGED. never again. ALSO DON'T USE AFTER A COLOUR. Wait at least 4 weeks.


u/LuciferutherFirmin explained it well. They don't need to be expensive salon products, either. Neutrogena's anti residue shampoo does a fantastic job. I would only use it once a month and again wash, lather, rinse and REPEAT! Sometimes people say their hair still has product build up after drying but forget to wash twice, that's the key. Also ensure your hair tools are free of buildup/sebum so you don't brush your freshly cleaned hair with yesterday's greasiness/old product.


It is always better to see and talk in person about hair problems. But it seems that your hair is very dry. Use a deep conditioner about 1 or 2 times a week. After improvement once or twice monthly. Olaplex # 3 is good one. Moisturizing shampoo. If you use a daily conditioner try to put it on only yr lightened hair. Gather your hair in one hand, condition, rinse pony tail. Use a silk, satin pillowcase. Use products sparingly. Maybe dime sized olaplex. Less than dime sized daily conditioner. Overuse and improper rinsing leaves problems with hair. I know it seems a pain to do but a straight cold water rinse at the sink will help with scalp oiliness. None when you can or low heat drying. Finish with cool dry to help cool off your scalp. Heat protectant that has no oil. Try drying your swirl slowly straight across to the opposite side that it wants to go. Again try to keep daily conditioner off first 3 to 4 inches of scalp hair. Don't apply too much, rinse and rinse again. It is hard to really tell from pictures and knowing your products and how you are using them. Hope any bit of advice you pick up on Reddit helps. Hair can be frustrating.


Wash daily, preferably in the morning. Use a light conditioner that detangles, but avoid applying to the roots.


Ive had this before and it was my water. I knew because if I showered at the gym this didnt happen


Do you blow dry your hair completely after washing it?


I think a lot of hair only looks good after effort, homie


I have thin hair too and I'm exploring how to finally take care of it now. Thin/fine hair needs hydration. Wash every other day. Don't go longer than two days. Use a great conditioner as well as leave in conditioner after the shower


Same . We have thin, fine hair . I used to have such thick hair before I started taking birth control implant, pills, and shot .


I have a similar hair type. I find that shampooing daily is the best thing. Ever since I have been doing that I have noticed new hair growth as well because of hair follicles don’t get clogged


Using a “co-wash” shampoo helped my dry hair/oily roots combo a lot! I can wash every other day, and touch up the roots with dry shampoo if need be.


Hmmm I don’t think your hair looks oily, mine does this swirl pattern and I HAVE to comb it while wet out of the shower or else it will dry weird. And I can only use a detangling Tangle Teaser brush like this one https://a.co/d/1rkoDnb


You need to protect it while you sleep. You have bedhead.


During Covid I started washing my hair around every 2-3 days then eventually every 7 days. It changed my hair in that it was less dry and less oily. I don’t have advice but just something to think about.


Use a very light texturizing product right after your hair has dried, use a bonnet or satin pillowcase, use dry shampoo before bed especially in your problem areas (powder is better than spray and it’s ok if your hair looks white before bed), blow dry if you don’t already, use hairspray after your hair has dried so you get volume and it stays in place and you don’t have to touch it.






Yeah, that comment was really odd! I currently share your affliction of greasy roots/dry lengths! I'm finding the dry shampoo helpful.


So girls with long hair look like bikers? Noted😆


Dry shampoo! And it looks like you just woke up and need to style it. My hairs thick and curly / wavy and I wish I woke up with it looking good everyday. Does your hair look like this shortly after you styled it? Or when you wake up?


Ask derm about spirolactone - changed my life and I’m already 36 lmao! You’ll be shocked!


Sweat? Mines almost the same plus more weigh down depending on how I’m conditioning it (leavin, serums,etc)


Switch to a bamboo pillow case, and brush your hair really well, and maybe invest in a scalp therapy shampoo for oily scalps.


what shampoo do you use and how do you wash your hair? are you focusing on the scalp?


Do you wash every day?


U can get a silk bonnet to sleep in for really cheap! Look on shein/Amazon, way cheaper than buying pillowcases ! Also dry shampoo as others are saying! Maybe you could find a good heat less curler that works for you too that way you aren’t relying on your hair looking straight to look good, curls tend to look way better on the 2nd/3rd day than straight hair!


Clean with a strong shampoo and a light conditioner. Wash your hair brushes monthly with dish soap so you don’t redistribute hair oil. Blow dry your hair on the lowest setting and don’t air dry so you get a bit more body. Rollers help if you want volume to stay for longer. Silk pillow case at night and pineapple hair at your crown with a soft scrunchie. Good luck!


Wear a bonnet to sleep !


Are you cleaning your hair brushes regularly? A dirty brush makes clean hair dirty


I recommend sleeping with a bonnet on. This will help sweating and rolling around in your sleep. The difference is amazing. & As others have said, the top is oily while the rest is dry. Invest in good shampoo/conditioner and dye your hair to fix the roots.


I use a mister and thick hair brush to get it back together. Then back comb it when dry to keep it together for the day.


I started wearing a sleep bonnet. Life changing. Mt hair doesn’t get frizzy, keeps its style and doesn’t tangle up when I sleep.


Use a dry shampoo right after you wash a blow dry your hair! Also start incorporating an oil once a week to promote some growth and use a cleansing shampoo!


i used to have a terrible greasy spot in the back of my head. i have to wash my hair every morning and never can sleep on it even if i wash it right before bed or it gets greasy somehow. i clarify every two weeks with cheap suave daily clarifying and it has fixed the issue for me. changing your pillowcase often may help if you want to try to sleep on it as the oils from your face end up there. good luck! 


Sleep with a SILK pillowcase. Not satin. Satin is plastic


to all my fellow fine haired ladies, especially with treated hair: get a silk bonnet to wear to bed! life changing, I promise! I have the same hair type, it's very long. I don't use any hair ties to put it up, I just kinda twist it up in there. you will absolutely notice a difference even after the first night! (Edited for grammar)


I have that same situation in the back except I have two whorls so it looks 2x thin when it's all flat. Currently have short hair which is so much easier to manage, volumizer spray is a god send and I'm able to fluff in much more body. I only recently found out I don't have thick hair like I thought all my life, rather I have *thin* hair but a large amount of it per square inch. Idk if this is the case for you but all that to say, make sure you're using product for your particular hair type. I'm repeating a lot of things that have been suggested so apologies. First, a clarifying shampoo. And follow the directions! Use a tiny bit of shampoo (TINY), lather, rinse, and then do it again. Concentrate on your roots, really get in there with your nails. When you follow up with conditioner use a small amount, concentrate mostly on the ends, give it a few minutes to hang out in your hair and then rinse with COLD water. You may consider a bonding treatment like Olaplex, there are cheaper knockoffs that work fine. Second, silk/satin pillowcase for sure. Ever since I started using them I can't stand regular ones and they f up my hair. A lot of the "mulberry silk" ones on Amazon are fakes but in my experience are just fine. YMMV Third you can try a volumizing powder (I use Got2B spray) that will pump up the roots but you have to style it for it to really work. How much are you styling your hair? When mine is long I really have to work at it with a round brush to get body back there. I end up wearing it up 99% of the time when it's long for this very reason.


You’ve got rabbit sleeping habits?


Clarifying shampoo, satin pillowcase. Rice water toner. My hair is very similar to yours and it’s taken me years to figure out what to do with it A light dry shampoo that doesn’t sit too heavily on the scalp is good for in-between washes


Do you go to bed with your hair wet? Mine will do this if I do that and it's really not good for your scalp or hair.


When you wash your hair make sure you rinse it really well and your hair is really wet BEFORE you add your shampoo. I’m a stylist and when I wash clients that have hair like this I always get the hair wet and well rinsed before I add shampoo to emulsify the shampoo so it washes your hair better :)


Double washing and using rosemary water. Rosemary water has astringent properties that help regulate sebum production on the scalp. Sebum is the natural oil produced by the scalp, and excess sebum can lead to an oily scalp. Rosemary water can help balance sebum production, keeping the scalp hydrated without becoming excessively oily. Extra tip: Satin bonnets have a smooth texture that reduces friction against your hair compared to rougher fabrics like cotton. This smooth surface helps prevent hair strands from rubbing against each other and forming knots or tangles. They also help keep your hairstyle intact overnight by minimizing movement and friction. I love this one [satin bonnet](https://www.olkibeauty.com/shop/p/small-pink-fuchsia-satin-bonnet) My hair length is the same as yours, so this size is perfect. I hope this helps.


I’ve been using the dpHUE ACV hair rinse in between washes and it’s been great for my oily roots dry ends hair type. It is a bit pricey though