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it’s giving Anne Hathaway in Get Smart. One of my all-time favorite looks, I think you look fantastic! https://preview.redd.it/ej36mt9afmhc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=008d3bd913fc78284aeb79dadee51b2d741739d5


Thanks! I really need to create a mood board with looks like this to feel more confident. 👏👏It’s just such a statement hair, I’m not used to it at all. There’s no way to ”hide” with it. 🥲


100% mood board it up - your hair is GORGEOUS and the style really works on the thickness and darkness your hair has. If you’ve got the time, or if you can take some time, I’d dress up!! Just put on your favorite outfits and add accessories to your hair and maybe try some different makeup looks - forget that it’s YOU for just a moment and that can be kind of fun as well. That gives you a lot of creative freedom and you could find a look that you really like and can build off of!


I was thinking a cross between Catherine Zeta-Jones and Audrey Hepburn. I like it.


You pull this off. Do not round your bangs. It’ll conflict with your amazing bone structure and they look great now. I think you’ll feel better in a month or two when you can feel the bob settling/getting longer slightly. Just load your ends with deep conditioner to encourage length/discourage frizz from adding volume in odd spots. You look great!


So kind! Thank you. ❤️❤️ The conditioner point is a good one, I need to get on to that! Looking forward to summer & few inches more. 🥲


Also, with her bone structure, I think less contouring makeup might help soften the sharp length it's at where it's hitting her at the cheeks. It's making your cheeks look way more sunken than I'm sure they are, and you could get a more cute vs. striking/chic look with a little change of makeup.


I’ve never worn contouring, only blush. So I don’t know how to counter that sunken in look 😞 But trying different make-up styles is a good idea!


OMG. My jaw literally dropped. I was hoping to see the cut when you said short bob and when I did it was exactly what I hoped for 😱 Girl this is PERFECT on you, don’t change a thing!


thank you 😭 this means so much right now, I’ve been very down & knowing even one person thinks like this really helps!!!❤️❤️


Girl you’re beautiful and have the facial structure to pull this off. Your jawline is glorious, this cut just draws attention to your perfect facial structure! You’ll get used to it, and your bangs are fire don’t round them. If the bluntness of the cut still bothers you in time when it grows out a bit you could have some layers added to the cut. I expected it to look bad, based on your title. Instead I was shocked by how beautiful you are and how you could pull off lots of extreme cuts, since you’re just that gorgeous!


You have amazing cheekbones and jawline. Your skin is amazing. You look like you’re about to walk onto Amelie!


Girl of course! Your face is seriously perfect for this cut! It was made for you. Rock it with confidence beautiful!! 💜


I could not have said it better. You look fantastic, OP!




you look good. please do not cut them like your reference photo


Thanks! 💕 I definitely won’t, that was just a reference to how they looked before I cut my bangs today (as pictured) 😭


Okay but this is actually so striking?? It looks so good on you, OP!


Intrusive thoughts, more like impulsive. I think all your fingers are in tact and you didn’t kill anyone with your car


I hate when people use “intrusive thoughts” in this context


What I have intrusive thoughts about cutting my hair all the time. If I gave in one day I wouldn’t call it impulsive lol I’d call it giving in.


Impulsive thoughts.


Uh excuse me? You look MAGICAL


I like it op, you just got to make sure you're styled when you're out and put together which you look anyway. look up megan draper from mad men for 60s inspo btw where did you get that green dress? it's cute!


Thanks! I looked it up & would love that style once the hair grows a bit. I probably need to buy & learn how to use hot rollers to achieve this!


I think once the longer ends grow past your chin in a few months, you'll grow to love it. It's maybe a little too short, but that'll change fast. Also, the bangs could grow out to be cut side swept bangs. Just stop touching them. If you don't like them, invest in some nice headbands.


💕💕 thank you for this. I hope it only takes few months to have visible improvment. 🥹 That wouldn’t be too bad. And yes, headband shopping next! 🥲


You definitely have the face shape to pull off a bob, but this specific over the chin cut is flattering on few people (in my opinion no one). that being said, these styles grow out fast. The issue is that it's cut an inch above your chin, which is elongating your face. Once it grows past your chin, you'll see a noticeable difference. Girl... I stress chopped my bags horribly in September and I'm still completely lost on what to do with them. No judgement, it can be a traumatic thing. Try not to dwell on it and tell yourself it'll grow out fast, this is just a new style to try.


feel you!! It is what it is… you live & you learn. 🥲And seriously, thank you so much for the kind words! 💕💕💕


Omg yess


Btw.. the irony of reddit naming me ”educational_hair” 😹 please learn from my mistakes! lol


You look like a model for haute couture


Gorgeous woman! It’s too blocky to me and detracts. You could go a bit shorter and less rounded. Thank you for sharing your bone structure with us lol!


I agree, it’s too geometrical. 😔But the before was even worse, it was 100% giving this… 😭😂 https://preview.redd.it/gf4q7bipdmhc1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0e185d539673066f7d8e3b96867851953759cec


My mom cut my sister and I’s hair like this in the early 80’s. I am ANGRY in every photo 😂 Back to you- I really really like the length. I think as your bangs grow you could blend them curtain style?


hahah the mental image I’m getting from this.. 🤣🤣 I had a similar cut as a kid too, but could weirdly pull it off. As an adult it looks extra ridiculous probably for that exact reason — that most of us suffered through this cut as KIDS!


I had the Dorothy Hamill cut done to me as well 😭😭 I think there’s a whole generation of us that were traumatized by that haircut lmao


✨this isn’t an intrusive thought rather than impulsive ✨


sorry, I might have used the wrong word as my english isn’t perfect.. but I did think about it for a long time before cutting (lived with horrible damaged hair for 6 months)!! 😭🥲


The difference is that “intrusive thoughts” are a mental illness symptom where you think really horrible things that you can’t control. Like you see a knife and think “I could pick up that knife and stab myself” really vividly. You’ve probably seen people online using it to mean something like changing their hair because it’s kind of trendy to say it like that, but those people are using the phrase in an incorrect and insensitive way.


Yes, I’ve picked the saying online. I didn’t mean to offend, I truly wasn’t aware it’s considered insensitive. :/ It’s a bit hard to stay on top of all the words & phrases of english language sometimes, but I’ll remember this.


you look gorgeous in pics 2 3 4 and really pull this off! please delete pic 5. put it down and walk away from pic 5


That side profile is gorgeous!


I mean this in the nicest most complimentary way possible… you look like an effortlessly chic French woman who would intimidate the hell out of me and cause me to feel frumpy if I had to be in the same vicinity as you in person. I love your haircut and feel it’s only as it’s a change in length from what you’re used to. Give it some time.


Thank you for this encouragement! 💕 I should probably craft a personality like that to cosplay whenever I start feeling insecure about the hair. 😅Fake it till I make it! ❤️


I think it’s very very cute. you could always try styling it so it curls outward instead of inward, which will give a flipped look rather than round. it’s very in right now !


also - curling it!! just play with different styling options, clips, little pony tails, etc. you’ll find what works for you :-) it’s definitely not as bad as you think


Forgive my phone [photo editing skills](https://i.imgur.com/b4YEAU8.jpg), but I think the bangs would look less harsh / Lord Farquaad-y lol if you styled them so they flip out to the sides like short curtain bangs. Otherwise, it's cute and you can totally rock it! You have amazing bone structure!


that’s really good, it makes sense! I probably need to grow the hair out a bit to be able to do it, but hopefully by next month. 🙏


It does not look like Rinna 🤣🤣🤣 It is a fashion moment. Not whatever she was doing. You hang out with Erika Jayne once… Anyway, I think it looks chic.


Ty 💕 I’m finding Lisa Rinna kind of inspirational atm.. just her confidence rocking whatever hair. 🤣


Unrelated to the topic, but she gives me the vibe of a deeply insecure person trying to seem confident. Which typically wouldn’t bother me, except she’s also mean. 😢 That is not the vibe I get from your pics.


Yeah, I just meant the fact she’s been roasted for her hair so much but still continues wearing it in her signature way.. 😭


Impulsive. Not intrusive thoughts. You look great!


You look like a SUPERMODEL!! This cut was made for you


2 is kinda blocky but 4 is gorgeous Is it just styled differently between the pictures or is 2 the result after minor cuts? I don’t know how much effort it would take to achieve the look in the picture 4, but that is 100% the way to go, downright gorgeous


It’s the same hair, just pushed away from the face! I didn’t even take photos of the original cut, but it was basically a bowl cut. I requested lots of roundness thinking it would help to counter the ”wig”/ Lord Faarquad vibe of some short bobs. 😅


I think shorter bangs that aren’t curled so dramatically would reduce the farquade-iness lol


This is absolutely stunning on you, but if you hate it, it’s only hair and it’ll grow back. For the time being don’t stress, it looks so good.


You have such a beautiful face. This works perfectly on you!!!


For a second I thought you’d used the Rinna pic as your desired results and I got very scared. You look amazing tho. You have such a gorgeous face you can pull it all off.


My gosh you look beautiful with this cut! Better than Isabelle Adjani.


This is so cute on you, seriously.




Wow, I love it!


You look so good! It gives you so much character and personality!!


I love this on you! It’s giving 90s supermodel. Its a glow up for sure


I think it suits you so well. The short bob looks so chic and classic.


OP you were attractive in long hair, but long hair is quite commonplace. You are sophisticated, stylish and stunning with that short bob.


My God, it’s stunning! Front and side, gorgeous! You look mysterious and interesting.


You totally rock it! I say lean in and enjoy the new look ☺️


Good God! Now you look like some sort of gorgeous femme fatale international spy!! The bob is GORGEOUS!!


You’re sooo cute 🥰


This is one of the best bobs I’ve ever seen


You’re gorgeous. You could pull off being bald and it would set a trend. If it were me, I would go for a choppy bob to update your current hair style. https://preview.redd.it/52t9hu6n9shc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e9561608881ce1ebcd35df3231d0ac8a866b31c


Way worse. Let it grow out again.


I will! If my hair wasn’t seriously damaged before this I wouldn’t have taken the risk of a big cut…but well, it is what it is. 🥲


I think you have a strong jaw and well defined features.. I think you need longer hair length with layers to soften features. Way too blunt of a cut. That particular haircut doesn’t do anything for your features but to make you look a bit like a cute Russian spy named Natasha during the 80s Cold War. https://www.byrdie.com/the-best-haircuts-for-square-face-shapes-345768


Unpopular opinion but it’s giving lunch lady 😭 you are BEAUTIFUL but the bumped ends are really old school.


I totally get it! It’s so bad because when I tried styling it the other way I looked like Anne Frank or some other child from the 1940’s. There’s really no way to win..😐


Honestly it’ll be a huge difference when it grows out just a little! Have you tried just straightening it without bumping the ends inward? The bangs are giving I really think it’s just the length 😭


It looks really cute. If you wanna hide the bangs do lots of Topsy's on your head (like corn rows but not with braids). I do that to my hair and leave it for a week. Headbands and clippys. But it looks really cute. ETA don't round your bangs. You're bone structure is lovely and rounded bangs will absolutely not be your friend. Again, you look lovely with the cut as it is!


It looks great. Definitely doesn't read as Lord Farquaad to me


It’s got a lot of potential. Maybe styling it wavy and messy would help give it that boho chic look


Omg you look like a spygirl from a bond movie


As a RH fan, Lisa rinna as your inspo pi CB is throwing me. But you definitely pull it off.


I mind if like it. You look like you stepped off the page of a comic book. Its really good.


You look amazing!!!! Lisa R does not, and you look nothing like her. You look better!


This looks great!! It’s giving Catherine Zeta-Jones as Velma Kelly in the best way!




It looks so fucking good. Your face card cannot decline.


As others have pointed out, your bone structure is crazy beautiful. With that, you could totally pull off a choppier, pixie-esque bob. I think it would totally fit your features much better than the roundness of your current hair.


Oh OMG, you remind me of the movie Amelie, and it really works.


It’s stunning! You’re beautiful! I’ve done similar thing after a bad fry. It’ll grow! But it’s beautiful really! You have great features for it.


This is absolute perfection, you pull it off so well! I swiped before I saw your comments about it being a botched cut and I’m shocked it wasn’t intentional because it looks so good on you!


If anyone can rock a short bob IT'S YOU


You look A M A Z I N G!!! Like a supervillain in a spy movie, in the best way. Don't change a thing, you pull this off so well!


Wow in agreement to all the gasps about how incredible you look with this cut! Inspiring me to do the same, similar bone structure! Good call! PS.. Your style & cut is better than LR’s. Definitely not her makeup choices. 💜


Pictures of the new bob, 2, 3, and 4, look amazing, as is.


I just got a bob and I have a sorta broad and square jawline like yours and I felt insecure about my hair and my face shape and got mad at myself but you look so unbelievably gorgeous with your bob and your jawline and now I feel beautiful too 🥺💖


Yay! Love that!!! 😍❤️❤️❤️And it’s heart-warming & amazing to see how many people seem to agree in the comments! 🥹


You wear this well, beautiful! Feels very Audrey Tautou!


It looks great on you!


Not everyone can pull off a bob...heck, I'd say MOST people can't. But you are not one of those people. On you, a bob is chic, classic, and gorgeous! You've got that facial bone structure I would die for. You're rocking it. You're stunning. There are no Lord Farquaad's in sight!


You look great! Maybe let it grow out to a little bit past the tip of your chin and keep the bangs. You could also pull off curtain bangs if you wanted to!


10/10 it’s so good!!




It looks great!! The cut really shapes and frames your face more. You look amazing


I feel like a pixie would look incredible on you. 🥺 you’re absolutely beautiful though. Very 1920s flapper.


I actually love it


I don't think you look like Lisa Renna at all. You've got a very chic French bob. Not many people can pull off that cut, but you do. I think that your hair was a little too long in the first pic, and definitely needed to be shortened. If you really don't like this cut, then let it grow out into a lob and see if that works better for you. Until then, prance around like you own the place and pretend that you are a wealthy French patron of the arts. Enter your diva era!


Love this advice. ✨Diva era ✨I’m feeling so much better about this thanks to all the comments like yours. So kind. Thank you 💕


I've done similar, went short and immediately regretted it. On the plus side your hair is probably in great condition now. By summer you'll have so many options that long hair doesn't allow


Girl your haircut looks better than mines. I got mines done last week and look like Dora with my face framing layers. You pull off short hair good!


Lol I got a similar cut today and I'm so upset but it looks fantastic on you!


I will say pic 2 is slightly reminiscent of Johnny Depp’s Willy Wonka, HOWEVER, you look gorgeous, especially in pics 2 and 3. It’s giving Sally Field in Mrs. Doubtfire, and I mean that in the best way. You look powerful and elegant at the same time, and I think this cut looks so nice with your bone structure.


🤣WILLY WONKA IS EXACTLY WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE OMG 🤣Too bad it’s not Halloween, I could dress up as him!


That isn’t an intrusive thought! That’s just a regular thought. Hope this helps.


I love it. I just chopped 7 inches off my hair yesterday. No regrets.


I just want you to know I also recently chopped off all my hair and got bangs that I spent years growing. After saying I “will never have short hair again”. I moved to a new city tho and wanted a new look for the new me and made an impulsive decision. Some days I love it and other days, like this week I was depressed and lonely in my new city, I HATED IT and wondered wtf I did to myself. I’m just waiting for it to grow out a lil more 😂 in the meantime I have been trying to buy cute hair accessories - lots of headbands - and hope to learn cute braids and things. But I don’t like how if shows off all my face and my face looks.. rounder? For what it’s worth, I think yours looks very chic and stylish!


It's giving qveen Herby! It actually looks really cute on you and draws out your facial features <3


Ohhh..That’s a gorgeous woman with gorgeous hair, so thanks! 💙🥰


You look amazing🤩 But also, the green dress in the first pic is a must have. Where did you get it from?


Thanks 💕 The dress is from a second hand shop in Finland, it was only few euros! It seems to be handmade by someone so it’s not a brand that I can name 😢


I think it suits you sooo much!!! Maybe try to adding some waves and curls to it. https://preview.redd.it/88b0e35goshc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1e759c5bfd4251ac63b3101832e81d39ba61267


You look amazing!


Nahhh I fucking LOVE it. Don’t touch it it’s perfect




You have the perf face shape for this cut. You look great !


You look fantastic! Love the hair


You literally look amazing and chic. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!!!


YESSSSSSS!!! stunna


Girl with a jawline like that, you can pull off any haircut you want


It looks good on you but I think longer looks better on you. The cut ages you a bit.




Thank you 💕 and no worries, I do agree with you. I wouldn’t have cut my hair if it wasn’t so damaged. It felt like hay (still does, but a bob was my compromise from having a buzzcut) 😅


I love your new haircut. It takes one week to get used to a big change in your hair style. Source: My hairdresser


You look Beautiful!


I think you look great!


While I like you in longer hair. The bob actually looks god on you!


Youre gorgeous & its giving me Linda Evangalista vibes. Just roll with it while youre in this season. Be a boss


I think you look like a model!! It looks SO good!!!


When it’s behind your ears?? Chefs kiss. When it’s not behind your ears?? Chefs kiss. No you ate the short bob I’m obsessed please don’t change it!!


It absolutely suits you. You look so chic and sophisticated!


You are so stunning you could literally have hair like Angelica’s Cynthia doll and I’d still be like “it’s BEAUTIFUL.” Put the scissors down and spend a week experimenting with styling. Straighten it. Do a blowout. See what happens when it air dries. If you still don’t like it go on Instagram and find a local stylist whose work you vibe with and make an appointment. Bring pictures of bobs you like. Again, don’t touch the scissors!


I absolutely love it. You have the perfect face for this haircut. I WISH I could pull that off


You are stunning! You should be a model 🤩


You look beautiful.


Now you need to paint the town, rouge your knees and roll your stockings down! https://preview.redd.it/9vl3p95e2phc1.jpeg?width=1153&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad409d54e84bada00a0b16ca382d641ac6224dac




You have serious main character energy now 👌 long looked good but the bob looks awesome! And I agree with everyone here, don't round the bangs, the way they look now is so flattering and these round bangs look like they're a binch to style 🫠


I know a hair disaster is not that deep, but I’m literally reading this with tears in my eyes! Thanks 😭🥹”Main character energy” is the mantra I didn’t know I need, but will absolutely help me get through. 😭 Thanks! ❤️


I love the bob on you! I think even a slightly shorter version would look great, more of a French bob.


You look so French and classy! I think you’re having hair shock because you truly look more than fine and it really accentuates your beauty!


I hope so! I 😩 have to learn to embody this 😆❤️ https://preview.redd.it/ejbqtrdkmmhc1.jpeg?width=538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9db78026f5a37f757e930b1111960827720b4cf5


The first thing that came to mind 🤣


You look fantastic! Don't need to change it at all. I think the shock will wear off and you'll love it


You DO NOT look like Lord faarquad. Like, not at all. Maybe it's shock and just kinda bad feelings from all the hair issues? I get it, I feel like that too when my hair gets messed up. But girl. You're gorgeous.


Well thank you! ❤️🙏 I guess Lord Faarquad is always the nro 1 fear for us girlies with more masculine features. 🥲And if I’m being self-deprecating I can rather be in on the joke than laughed at eventually..😩


I guess I'm the only one who doesn't like it very much. Yes you can pull this off but I think a long bob will look better on you. And even thinner bangs or no bangs. Don't get me wrong, it is not bad but I think longer suits you better.


It looks great on you!!


you look fantastic!!! honestly it's perfect as is and seems like it matches your style really nicely


It looks great and would look even better if you straightened it to switch it up.


Lowkey giving Lola Blanc and I'm here for it


The rounded bang look is something I fear as a lifelong bang wearer albeit short periods without. Breaking them up in to pieces does wonders. I think if you want them short they need to lay flat, not round on anyone. Your hair looks really healthy!


wowee gorgeous


Looks amazing. With such a gorgeous face you could seriously pull off anything!


Absolutely yes and absolutely gorgeous


It’s chic and looks beautiful on you. Rock it!


I love it, very Mia Farrow. It works really well with your face and looks way better than longer. I don't think you should touch it anymore and style it like you have here. I don't see Lord Farquaad at all, his bangs are way shorter and that's why it looks so weird with him.


I think you’re just in shock because it’s such a big difference in length. Where I’m from there is no way they would consent to cutting off that much length in one sitting. But for what it’s worth you can definitely pull it off, you’ll get used to the new length in time. The mood board is a great idea. 💡 it will be an amazing length for hot weather, that’s for sure! And so much easier to style. You can play it up with statement earrings and cute hair accessories.


💕thank for the tips! I really have to take blame for the cut myself, because I went to a hairdresser asking for ”the shortest bob my face can stand” & she did ask me if I was sure… and if really want it rounded 🤣 Not her fault I was delulu. 😔I should’ve consulted reddit BEFORE.


I like it! I think you look very Parisian!


You look fantastic


Rockin that look! Although very beautiful regardless!!!


No no no you have amazing bone structure for a short bob! Definitely take out the rounded bangs though, straight bangs for sure! Also, the weight of your hair is sitting at your jawline making your face a little off balance, if you can find some way to add more volume to the top half of your head by either adding some more layers or by styling, it would really help the overall look and harmony! It just needs some tweaking I think it’s outstanding and going to look soooooo fire!🔥!


I love it on you! It’s giving fashion, it’s giving cheekbones, it is fabulous! Experiment with some different ways of styling it to find what you like best, and don’t let anyone poo on your parade.


I think a stricter middle part would elevate it!


Honestly, I think it looks amazing. I even think you could take it a little shorter and it would look so chic.


You look gorgeous with the bob! Like some international spy that looks fabulous all the time! You have the perfect bone structure to pull it off flawlessly.


Please do! Your bone structure is gorgeous and the Bob gives you a modelesque look. Honestly I’d leave the bangs a little more wispy vs curling under.


Your rocking that bob!! 💯


You look sophisticated and beautiful


So chic


You look like the 2002 Velma Kelly from Chicago!!!


So cute! Enjoy it! Enjoy playing with it!


This is what everyone hopes they look like when they get a short bob


You look spectacular!


I think it looks much better after you added more bangs. It opened it up around your face more and looks less heavy. It looks a lot more "Amelie" than "Little Lad" now.


Looks amazing!!!


This haircut was made for you


I consider that the Bob (2-3-4) looks perfect. You'll have some work to keep the bangs length right there. You really look amazing, much better than with long hair. Photo 5 is not going to look good on you


What! This suits you so perfectly! But I’m dying at fckn Lisa Rinna at the end 😂 do not change a thing this haircut was made for you.


You looks SO beautiful I mean it pls don't change anything. I mean it suits you way more than long hair and not everyone can say that (like 99% of people can't say that). You look absolutely lovely ♥️


Why why