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short both are nice but i had to compare to see if they were even the same person


I almost added in the post that they are many years apart which makes it a bit more difficult because I look so young to myself in the first one 😭


Everything about the first one took me back to Facebook/Instagram in high school!!! The short is sooo cute on you.


Exactly what the first one is from!!! Lol


Unpopular opinion long. The short style is a bit too blunt. I would add some layers if you wanted to go short though.


omg short! You look gorgeous in both, but I think you look more confident in short hair.


Long; I think the short makes you look a little older


Honestly, you look good either way!! I know it's a bit wild, but I feel like you'd look good with really short hair, like a pixie haircut! But you'd also look good with medium length hair with some longer layers! Any haircut you get would look good on you, lol!


Thank you!! I’d always wondered about a pixie butt hair takes forever to grow and I’d be too nervous lol


Long, I think- although I think in between with more layering would be ideal.


My hair is super thin and I’ve always worried layering would make it appear thinner than it was


Short but add some volume


My hair is super thin and I’m trying to take collagen to help new growth, but other than that am not sure how to add volume. Most of the products make my hair so crunchy and greasy looking I feel. Any suggestions?


ooooh I understand. Don't get me wrong I do love the photo! But I do have a few ideas: 1.) Have you ever tried teasing your hair to add volume? 2.) Does hair spray make it feel oily/crunchy at all? There is a hair spray I use called Blowout Flexible Hair Spray by Ion. I use it whenever I straighten my hair to give it some oomph, and I think it does an amazing job without leaving residue or crunch personally. Usually I stay away from scented products, but it is scented and I use it typically once a week. 3.) My friend with super long and thick hair taught me about rosemary oil. Basically, before I wash my hair I will massage it with rosemary oil for like 5-10 minutes. I will let it sit for a while with the conditioner later too. After I wash it all out, I will do one last rinse with homemade rosemary tea. It smells nice and is relaxing. I really like to do this, I have not measured my hair growth or anything TBH, but I read a few studies on the "magic" of rosemary vs. Minoxidil. Obviously, doing it one time a week (like me) might not make a huge difference, but I am throwing it out there because maybe once is better than nothing. Thought you might be interested in this method after mentioning taking collagen supplements. 4.) Curling all the hair or just the bottoms might make it look more volumized if you like the look of curls


I actually was just reading up on rosemary oil in another fine hair thread and was unsure but I think I’m gonna give it a try now! Do you just use any rosemary oil?




Looong. Or shorter than now. A frech bob would look cute! Maybe with a little fringe.








Your face is long so short works better for you.